be more attractive: How to Make Bronzer

mardi 18 novembre 2014

How to Make Bronzer

Buying bronzer from a store can be expensive and not guaranteed to work with your skin tone. Luckily, making homemade bronzer allows you to customize the results until you get the skin tone you desire. It sounds difficult, but making homemade bronzer is actually very simple! Read on to find out how to do it.



  1. Adjust the levels of the ingredients to match your skin tone. There's no "one size fits all" solution for making bronzer, so feel free to experiment a bit to find the perfect combination for you. When combining the ingredients, consider what each ingredient does, and then mix them how you want.

    • Cinnamon makes skin glow more.

    • Cocoa powder gives skin more depth, as well as darkening it.

    • Nutmeg causes more brown skin, as well as making it look slightly sunkissed.

    • Cornstarch lightens the solution, as well as helping to spread out all the ingredients.

    • Essential oils thicken the solution, which helps to keep everything together.

  2. Mix the ingredients together in a small bowl. Make sure that everything is combined thoroughly. Break up clumps in the solution, and make sure it is nice and smooth.

  3. Place the powder in a compact. Ensure that the compact is clean of any other substance, then pack your bronzer in firmly. After this step, many people won't even be able to tell the difference between it and store-bought bronzer!

  4. Apply the bronzer! It may not turn out perfectly the first time you do this, but you can learn from what goes wrong in the first attempt and change the recipe to fit your skin.

  5. Finished.


  • Experiment! There's no right or wrong way to make bronzer.

  • All of these ingredients are optional. If you don't want a certain component in your bronzer, you can simply leave it out! For example, if you prefer a very powdery bronzer, you can leave out the essential oils.

  • Arrowroot powder can be used in place of cornstarch. Try both and see which one works best for you.

  • Consider lavender or rosemary essential oils. Any kind will do, but these two have very sweet smells. Again, experiment and see which you prefer.

  • Don't use more ingredients than necessary! You typically only need a tablespoon or less of each ingredient. However, feel free to try adding more and seeing what happens if your specific skin tone calls for it.

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Sources and Citations

source How to of the Day

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