be more attractive: How to Start a Farm

dimanche 20 décembre 2015

How to Start a Farm

Starting a farm is no easy task.  It involves many variables involving where you want to farm, how you want to farm, what you want to farm, and how big you want your farm to be.  There are many things to consider, and even though this is a how-to guide to get you started on starting a farm, the rest is up to you.


  1. Plan. Have a business plan or an operational plan down before you buy or start a farm.  Make sure you have reviewed and written down your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, (also called a SWOT analysis). Also note where you are, and where you want to be, and how you want to get there. Additional personal and business goals and objectives, and financial and market goals and objectives are also important to note. 
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    • Before you go ahead and start farming, look at the farm you are looking to buy or inherit by looking at the lay of the land and the farm's weaknesses, strengths and areas of possible improvements.  Draw out a map of the whole farm and where things are currently. If you wish, draw out another map of that same farm and draw in the layout of the farm of where you want it to be in the next 10 years of your farming business.
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  2. The land and climate.  The land is the foundation of how, where, and what you farm. 
    • Look at the topographical features, the contours and terrain of the land. 
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    • Study the soil, or have a soil sample tested to see what kind of soil you have that is either best for growing crops or for growing livestock. 
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    • Look at the native plants that grow around the farm, especially grasses if you plan on using the farm as a livestock enterprise. 
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    • Also talk to other farmers as well as the owner that is selling his land (if you are buying a farm rather than inheriting one from your parents or grandparents) for information on the kinds of crops that he grew on there (if he grew any), when he seeded, when he sprayed and when he harvested. If the land is only used for pasture, have a forage analysis done along with the soil test. 
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    • Go to the county extension office and see the different reports on the different climatic conditions that happened over the years for your area you will be farming in. 
      • Only do this if you are not familiar with the location and before or after you have talked to the seller and some of the neighbors.
  3. Capital. If the farm you are buying doesn't have the proper buildings on there already, planning and building may be required to make the farm you are taking over into one you have in mind. But sometimes many buildings may just need to be repaired if they are in need of it, and others may have to be taken down because they are decrepit and too old to be of any use to you.
    • If you are doing crop farming, make sure you have all the necessary machinery that is built to seed, care for and harvest the crops you are willing to sow and grow.  Things like tractors are very important. 
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    • On the other hand, if you are buying a farm that raises livestock and you continue to raise livestock on there, buildings may also need to be looked at, as well as fences, handling facilities, water sources and facilities, and feeding facilities.  Chances are you may want to change the layout of the current fencing areas, put in new fences, renovate pastures and/or create more wildlife habitat that has been degraded over the years due to mismanagement.
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  4. The end of the beginning. Know what crops are best for you to sow, and what fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides to use on that crop.  Be prepared to be flexible and to learn as you go.  As for livestock, now is a good time to purchase your animals.  Make sure you start with good animals and not someone's crappy culls. Carry through with what you've been planning for and built up to now, as this will most likely what will make your business click. 
    • Be responsible in choosing the animals you purchase. If you are getting a breeding herd, only one intact male per several females is optimum. For instance, a bull is able to easily service up to 50 cows or heifers at one time. A boar can be used to service 20 sows, and one ram or buck for 20 to 25 females. If you are starting with only a handful of cows, do not purchase one bull per cow! This also goes for all other breeding livestock. It is best to choose to AI the only 2 or 3 cows you buy or to lease a bull to service them. This also goes for pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, horses, etc.
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    • But be prepared for the unexpected. Always review your business plan and make changes as needed as new ideas, new thoughts and new issues come up.


  • Know your markets, no matter if it's for livestock or grain.  Know when to buy and to sell, and who to buy and sell to.
  • START SMALL AND START SLOW.  If you want to avoid debt and bankruptcy, don't do everything you want to do in first few years of starting up.  Make it carry over 5 years, or even 10. If you have a lot of land to look after, you may want to rent some of it out for the first 5 years or so until you have the other part of your land in the way you want it.
  • If you need help, or need any advice, don't be afraid to ask someone about it.
  • Be very aware of Murphy's Law: Anything bad that can happen, will.
  • Don't buy the newest most expensive types of machinery out there.  This is a sure way to get you into debt. There are lots of machinery that can be found at auction sales that often go for cheaper than they're worth, depending on who's bidding and how many are bidding.
  • Always be prepared for the unexpected.  You never know what's going to come around the corner as you start your farming operation.
  • Make a budget before you start and think about using a loan for starting your farm.
  • Don't take things for granted.  Always be aware of your surroundings, what you are doing and what you are feeling at the moment.


  • Keeping a budget is a good way to prevent going over-board with all your initial costs.
  • Your initial costs will be greater than your profits for the first few years of your farming business. Keep the costs down as much as possible, and you won't get too far in the red.
  • Don't get in over your head with too many things. This can cause you to up and quit or even find yourself in a lot of trouble with the bank and even your own carelessness.

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