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lundi 31 juillet 2017

How to Bequeath Property

You can bequeath property by writing a will. In the will, you’ll name the beneficiary for your property, which is the person who will receive it when you die. Drafting a will is easy, and you can do it yourself. If you change your mind at some point in the future, you can change the beneficiary by drafting a codicil, which is an amendment to your will. However, some property isn't passed through a will, so you should leave it to your beneficiaries in an appropriate manner.


EditDetermining Your Bequests and Beneficiaries

  1. Identify your beneficiaries. You can give specific pieces of property to specific people. For example, you might want to give your son your favorite antique car. You can bequeath the property by writing, “I leave to my brother, Karl, my 1966 Ford Mustang.”
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  2. Name alternate beneficiaries. Your first pick might die before you, so you can name someone to inherit the property in their place. For example, you can leave your car to your brother but, if he dies before you, then your nephew will get the car.[1]
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    • Write in your will, “I leave to my brother, Karl, my 1966 Ford Mustang. If he does not survive me, I leave my 1966 Ford Mustang to my nephew, Isaac Jones.”
  3. Bequeath property to groups. You can give property to more than one person. For example, you might want to give property to all of your children or all of your grandchildren. You can write in your will, “I leave my 1966 Ford Mustang to my grandchildren who survive me, in equal shares.”
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  4. Make bequests of money. You can give a bequest from a specific account. For example, you might give $5,000 to your sister from your checking account. However, if there’s no money in the account when you die, the money will come from your estate’s general assets.[2]
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    • To make the bequest in your will, you can write, “I bequeath $5,000 to my sister, Ella, to be paid out of the proceeds from the sale of my stock in Amazon, Inc.”
  5. Make a general bequest of money. With a general bequest, you don’t have to identify the specific account you pay from. For example, you can write in your will, “I leave $5,000 to my sister, Ella.” The personal representative might sell assets to come up with the money.
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  6. Choose someone to receive the rest of your estate. You don’t have to name a beneficiary for every single thing you own. Instead, you can name a beneficiary for your “residuary estate.” This is everything you own that you haven’t given to a specific beneficiary. Your beneficiary will get what is left after your debts have been paid.[3]
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    • You can write something like the following in your will: “I give the rest of my estate (the ‘residuary’) to my sister, Eileen Jones. If she does not survive me, I give my residuary estate to my nieces and nephews who survive me, in equal shares.”[4]

EditDrafting Your Will

  1. Find will templates. You can find sample wills in books or online. Look for a will drafted specifically for your country or state. You’ll need something to use as a guide when you draft your own.[5]
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    • You might also use will writing software or online programs. These programs make writing a will easy.
  2. Pick a personal representative. This person will be responsible for guiding your estate through probate after you die. The personal representative (also called an executor) will need to collect all of your property, pay your debts, and distribute property to your beneficiaries. Choose someone you trust and who is responsible.
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    • Laws sometimes restrict who can serve as a personal representative. For example, many states prohibit someone with a felony conviction from serving. Generally, your personal representative must be at least 18 and be of sound mind.[6]
  3. Check if you can give the property away. Not all property can be left in a will, so find this out ahead of time. For example, you might live in a community property state: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, or Wisconsin.
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    • If you acquired the property during your marriage, you can only give away half. The other half belongs to your spouse. However, you can give away all of your separate property, which you acquired before marriage or received as a gift or inheritance.[7]

EditFinalizing Your Will

  1. Sign your will in front of witnesses. The laws in your jurisdiction will determine how many people need to witness you sign. In most U.S. states, you’ll need at least two witnesses, though some states require three.[8] Choose witnesses who don’t receive anything in your will.
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  2. Add a self-proving affidavit. You might not die for decades. At that point, your witnesses might no longer be around to testify that the will is yours. Get around this problem by drafting a “self-proving affidavit” and having your witnesses sign it in front of a notary public.[9]
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    • Do some research online to find a self-proving affidavit that works for your state. In Florida, for example, the legislature has created an affidavit you can add to your will.[10]
  3. Ask a lawyer to review your will. Every country or state law is a little different, so you want an attorney to review your will to make sure you have drafted it properly. Find a lawyer by contacting your nearest bar association and asking for a referral.[11]
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    • Talk to your lawyer about alternative ways to leave property to your heirs. For example, if you have a disabled heir, you don’t want to leave property through a will. Instead, you’ll want a special needs trust.[12] Discuss your situation with the lawyer.
  4. Store your will safely. Put it somewhere that is safe but easy to find. You should also give a copy to your personal representative, who will be responsible for filing the will in probate court after you die.
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    • It’s up to you whether to tell your beneficiaries what they are receiving. You might not want any surprises, in which case you should tell them.

EditAmending Your Will

  1. Avoid writing on the will. Don’t change your will by crossing out words, tearing out pages, or writing all over the will. Instead, change your will by writing a “codicil,” which is an amendment.
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    • You can also rewrite the entire will, which is a good option if you used will writing software or an online program. Just include a paragraph stating that you are revoking your prior will.[13]
  2. Identify what you want to change. You might want to change the beneficiary who receives a piece of property. Take out your will and find the provision you want to change. You can also write a codicil if you’ve acquired new property you want to leave to someone.
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  3. Format your codicil. You can easily change your will by attaching a codicil. Format the document in the same way you formatted your will. Include the following information:
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    • Title. Mention the name and date of your will. For example, your title might read, “Codicil to Last Will and Testament of Jill R. Jones dated March 1, 1978.”
    • Opening paragraph. Write something like, “I, Jill R. Jones, of DuPage County, Illinois, being of sound mind, declare that this Codicil to the Last Will and Testament of Jill R. Jones is effective as of this date, and amends my Last Will and Testament dated March 1, 1978 as follows….”[14]
  4. State what you are changing. Find the paragraph you want to change. You’ll need to mention it in the codicil. For example, if you want to change the beneficiary of your stamp collection, find the paragraph in your will that includes that bequest.[15]
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    • Write something like the following: “Paragraph Seven of my Last Will and Testament is hereby amended to read as follows: Paragraph Seven. I leave my stamp collection to Evan Westlake.”
    • If you’re adding a paragraph, you can write in your codicil, “My Last Will and Testament is hereby amended to add the following as Paragraph Nine: Paragraph Nine. I hereby leave my diamond bracelet to my daughter, Karen Little.”
  5. Republish your will. When you’ve made all of your changes, remember to state that you are republishing your will. Also state that your codicil will pre-empt your will if there’s any contradictions between the two documents.[16]
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    • For example, you can write in your codicil, “Should this Codicil contradict the terms of my Last Will and Testament dated March 1, 1978, the terms of this Codicil shall control. In all other respects, I reaffirm and republish my Last Will and Testament dated March 1, 1978.”
  6. Sign your codicil. Remember to follow the same formalities you followed when drafting your original will. For example, have the same number of people sign as witnesses. Also make sure the witnesses don’t receive anything under the codicil or will.[17]
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    • You should also draft a self-proving affidavit for the codicil.
    • Attach the codicil to your will. Also give your personal representative a copy of the codicil.

EditLeaving Property Outside Your Will

  1. Designate a beneficiary on life insurance policies. You don’t name a life insurance beneficiary in your will. Instead, you name the beneficiary on the policy. If you want to change the beneficiary, contact your life insurance company and ask how.[18]
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  2. Name a beneficiary to your retirement account. As with life insurance, you name beneficiaries on your retirement account or pension, not through your will. Contact the companies you have your accounts with to change the beneficiary.[19]
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  3. Create a joint tenancy in your home. You can leave your home to your spouse using a joint tenancy with right of survivorship. On the deed, you’ll need to use the language "as joint tenants with right of survivorship.”[20]
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    • Both spouses own equal shares in the home while alive. However, when one dies, the survivor will take the entire house.[21]
  4. Sign a revocable transfer on death deed. Some states allow you to bypass probate if you sign this type of deed.[22] The beneficiary has no rights in your property until you die, and you can change your mind at any time before you die.[23]
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    • If you use this type of deed, make sure your will doesn’t bequeath the property to someone else. A title insurance company might not issue title insurance if the deed and will disagree.
    • If you change your mind, you need to revoke the deed with an instrument of revocation. You can’t revoke the deed with your will.
  5. Consider creating a life estate. You can also give your home to someone while you are living. You'll create a life estate deed, which allows you to occupy and use the home during your lifetime. At your death, full ownership passes to the person you named as the remainderman on the deed.[24]
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    • A life estate deed can be revocable, which means you can change your mind during your life. Alternately, you can make it irrevocable, which means you'll need the remainderman's permission to sell the house.
    • Consult with an attorney if you are interested in creating a life estate. A qualified attorney can advise you and draft the appropriate documents.

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

source How to of the Day

How to Practice Self Care As a Parent

Making time for yourself can be difficult as a parent, and it’s easy to go days without giving yourself proper care. Yet, giving to yourself helps you give to others. First, set aside some time for yourself and stick to it. Do activities that prioritize your emotional and physical health. If you have problems being consistent, get an accountability partner or schedule a regular babysitter. And remember-- it’s important to have moments to relax!


EditSetting Aside Time

  1. Make time for self-care. Make yourself a priority, even if it’s just a few moments each day. Your kids do need you, but you’ll be better able to respond if you’re feeling refreshed and capable. If you have a hard time prioritizing self-care, add it to your to-do list or find small windows of time to practice.[1]
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    • Determine to make self-care a priority by first seeing yourself and your peace of mind as a priority.
    • Find a way to keep a consistent schedule to help you stick to it. For example, attend a weekly yoga or meditation class that you can anticipate and set aside time to attend.
  2. Share tasks with your partner, if you have one. You may have a partner that takes part in childcare. If so, make sure each of you is doing their fair share of the work. Take responsibility for certain childcare duties and delegate others to your partner. That way, you’ll both get more down time.
  3. Wake up early (or stay up late). Those precious hours while your kids sleep are prime time to practice self-care. Decide a good time for your self-care and commit to keeping this a regular time just for you. Many people choose the early mornings because they wake up feeling motivated, while others choose to practice at night after a long day and relaxation is much needed. Whatever you choose, capitalize on those quiet moments.
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    • Choose self-care activities that are easily done at home.
  4. Create a ritual. Spend time each day with a calming ritual that is only yours. When you perform a ritual, you can look forward to it and become comfortable over time. For example, sip a cup of warm coffee or tea and journal or listen to calm music.
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    • Choose an activity you enjoy doing daily. You might take a daily walk, pet your dog, or meditate.
    • Have an activity that signals the beginning or end of each day that encourages you to be calm and relaxed.

EditTaking Care of Your Emotional Health

  1. Do things that make you feel good. Choose self-care activities that are fun and that you look forward to. Your activities should contribute to your quality of life and help you feel good. These practices should be soothing and leave you in a relaxed state. [2]
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    • For some people, it might be jogging or knitting. For others, it might be taking a bath or cleaning.
  2. Spend time with supportive people. Have a supportive network of friends and family who you can rely on to support you. Choose people who are good listeners and can help to lower your stress level, not add to it. Accept help when you need it and don't be afraid to ask for it.[3]
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    • Try to make friends with other parents. They’ll understand many of the challenges you face, plus you can take turns watching each other’s kids. As a bonus, your kids will get extra playdates!
    • If you don’t have supportive friends and family near you, consider joining (or starting) a parent self-care support group.
  3. Practice relaxation. Find a healthy outlet for stress, such as a relaxation practice. Doing relaxing activities for 30 minutes each day can help stabilize moods and fight depression.[4] Relaxing activities should help your body and your mind to slow down.
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    • Some common forms of relaxation include meditating, listening to peaceful music, or reading a book.
  4. See a therapist. Seeing a therapist is an excellent first step to carving out time for yourself. They can help you acknowledge that it’s okay to make time for yourself or help you discover what’s getting in the way of prioritizing yourself. If you’re not sure how to care for yourself, a therapist can help you find meaningful ways to bring calm and healthy living into your life.[5]
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    • Find a therapist by calling your insurance provider or your local mental health clinic. You can also contact your physician or get a recommendation from a friend or family member.

EditCaring for Your Physical Health

  1. Exercise. Regular exercise is good for your body and your emotional health.[6] If you don’t have time to go to a gym, don’t worry. There are lots of at-home ways to exercise that require few items, like a mat or a set of free weights, and often it’s as easy as turning on your television. If your day is getting away from you and you want some exercise, try turning on some music and dancing with your kids, jumping on a trampoline, riding bikes, or taking a family walk around the park.[7]
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    • Incorporate exercise into your commute or daily errands. For example, park farther away from the store to get in some extra walking. When you need to get to the third floor of a building, take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    • Aim to get 30 minutes of exercise each day.
  2. Eat healthy foods. Take care of your body by nourishing it with nutritious foods. What you eat can affect how you feel, your mood, and your overall sense of wellbeing. Make a point to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and find good sources of protein and whole grains.[8]
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    • Get your whole family eating nutritiously by cooking and serving nutritious foods. Find some go-to dinners and make them frequently.
  3. Get enough sleep. There may be nights when getting enough sleep isn’t possible (like when you have a sick kid), but on the whole, prioritize your rest. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day and create a sleep routine.[9] Do this alongside your kids’ routine bedtime and waking time.
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    • If your child takes a nap, take a nap at the same time.
    • If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try avoiding phones, tablets, and televisions 1-2 hours before you go to sleep, as the light can be disruptive. Keep the room dark as you sleep and avoid big meals right before bedtime.
  4. Respond to your body’s needs. Be aware of what your body needs and respond. For example, if you’re sick, take a day off from work or school and rest. Stay on top of your care by getting regular checkups with your physician and taking preventative medical care.[10] If you’re hungry, get a snack or make a meal instead of putting it off.
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    • Taking care of your body allows the rest of your health to thrive. When you don’t take good care of your health, your mental and emotional states may suffer.
  5. Spend time outdoors. Go somewhere that allows you to appreciate nature. This might be a local park, hiking trail, or garden. Being in nature can increase positive feelings and make you feel revitalized.[11]
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    • Whether you choose to be in nature alone or bring your family along, it can help lift your mood and make you feel more connected.

EditStaying Consistent

  1. Be accountable. Have someone who can tell you to take time for yourself. Check in with each other about what you need.[12] They might notice that you’re feeling frazzled or that you’ve met a lot of your kids’ needs without meeting your own. Keep an eye out for each other and remind the other when they need a break,
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    • Your accountability partner may be a spouse, friend, sibling, or parent.
  2. Ignore interruptions. You might be tempted to keep your cell phone nearby or keep yourself accessible to your kids. As much as you can, ignore any distractions when you’re taking time for yourself. Silence your cell phone and turn off notifications.Close the door, put on headphones, and get as much privacy as you can.[13]
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    • This should be time just for you. Allow your focus to be on yourself without outside distractions like television or cell phones.
    • If you’re at home and your older kids are there, let them know that you’re taking time out and do not want them to interrupt you unless it’s an emergency. If you have young kids, relax during their nap or while they are at school.
  3. Employ a babysitter. If you have a hard time making time for yourself with your kids around, have a babysitter come regularly. If you can’t afford regular care, ask a friend or family member to watch your kids for an hour each week. This will allow you to take some time for yourself without worrying about the kids.
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    • Having a sibling or grandparent babysit has double benefits: down time for you, and family bonding for them!
  4. Model self-care for your children. If your children ask about your self-care or demand your attention when you’re trying to take a time-out, let them know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. This will help them respect your practices. It can also help them recognize that it’s okay to take care of themselves and how that might look.[14]
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    • Talk about why it’s important to do self-care and allow them to start a practice of their own.

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

source How to of the Day

How to Grow a Hipster Beard

A hipster beard is a statement look that is unique to your facial structure. Shave your face first so your beard can start at an even length. Let it grow out to the length you desire. Your beard will appear wild at first, but can be controlled by trimming and styling. After you’ve made the perfect beard, maintain it with routine trimming, weekly washing with shampoo and conditioner, and applying beard oil.


EditGrowing the Beard

  1. Cut your beard to an even length. Start with your facial hair at an even length. You can begin by completely shaving your face. If you already have a beard, use trimmers to make the beard an even length on all sides.[1]
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  2. Let the beard grow. On a cleanly-shaven face, a beard will take about six weeks to grow back. Aim for a beard half an inch (1.3 cm) long. Feel free to continue to grow your beard beyond this point. Your hipster beard can be as long as you want it to be.
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    • You may trim loose hairs during this time, but any mistake will make the beard uneven. It’s better to allow your beard to grow out naturally first.
  3. Shape the beard to your face. The best beard for you is the one that compliments your face. Look in a mirror and note your face structure. You want the beard to make your face look oval-shaped. Trim the parts of the beard that stick out by using scissors or a beard trimmer.[2]
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    • If your face looks square or circular, cut the sides of the beard short. If your face looks long (oblong or rectangular), keep the bottom of the beard short and grow out the sides.
  4. Maintain the beard’s length with monthly trimming. Your beard will continue to grow. Use your scissors or beard trimmer to keep your beard at the length you desire. Start by one ear and work around to the other ear. Take care of any loose or overgrown hairs. You’ll have to do this once or twice a month.[3]
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  5. Shave your neck. Your beard will creep down your neck, giving you the dreaded neckbeard look. To figure out where to end your beard, hold your head up and keep it level. Put a finger under each ear. Drag your fingers downwards in a U-shape to your Adam’s Apple. Shave off everything below that U-shape.[4]
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EditTaking Care of Your Beard

  1. Shampoo and condition your beard every few days. Specialty beard products work, but you can also use the same product you use on your hair. Treat your beard while you’re in the shower. It can help relieve the itch from a growing beard. It’ll also keep your beard soft and remove debris that can get stuck in it.[5]
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    • You can wash your beard every day, but you’ll be removing body oils too. This can lead to a dry beard. Try washing it two or three times a week and rinsing it on the other days.[6]
  2. Use beard oil daily. Make a routine of applying beard oil. Various oils, such as jojoba, argan, and coconut oil can be used. They are also ingredients in commercial beard oils. Place some of the oil on your beard. Use your hands or a comb to spread it throughout your beard. It’ll keep the hair soft and healthy.[7]
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  3. Comb the beard in the direction you want it to fall. Use a beard comb or brush. Comb out your beard to straighten it and make it easier to manage. This is useful when attempting to trim your beard or style it. Do this at least twice a month or whenever your beard looks out of control.[8]
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EditStyling Your Beard

  1. Let the beard look scruffy. Hipster beards are notable for looking full and slightly rough. Don’t go overboard when trimming and styling yours. Your beard shouldn’t look short and neat, but it also shouldn’t look unruly. Keep up with consistent washing and trimming to maintain the beard at a happy medium length.
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  2. Use wax to shape your mustache and beard. Wax helps hold your facial hair into unique shapes and styles. Dip your fingers into the wax and rub it on the ends of hair. You can keep the ends of your mustache pointed outward or shaped downward into a design such as a Fu Manchu. Treat parts of your beard the same way to create points or curls.[9]
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    • Wax products are made of different substances, such as petroleum or beeswax, and come in different hardnesses. Softer waxes work best on shorter hair and firmer waxes hold up better in heat.
  3. Keep your hair neater than your beard. Shorter, tidier hairstyles match better with hipster beards. Your hair shouldn’t appear shaggy. An undercut is one option, where the sides are cut short and you can use pomade to slick back the top. Use wax and your fingers to tousle hair for a windswept look. You can also tie longer hair into a man bun.[10]
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  • Go to a stylist regularly to for professional help in maintaining your beard.
  • Supplements may help you grow a fuller beard. Try eating healthy food and taking vitamins, too.


  • Some people may not be able to grow enough facial hair for a good-looking beard.
  • A trimming mistake can ruin your hipster beard. However, you can always shave it off and regrow it.

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

source How to of the Day

How to Introvert or Extrovert Quiz

Personality. You’ve got one; your friends have one—everyone has one! But what does it say about you and your social tendencies? In the earl...