be more attractive: décembre 2018

lundi 31 décembre 2018

How to Start the New Year Fresh

After you celebrate New Years Eve, it’s time to get to work on those New Year's resolutions! If you are looking for a way to start the new year fresh, consider changing your look, tidying up your life, and setting goals and intentions. You can do things like get a haircut, donate unworn clothing, start a workout routine, or perform more random acts of kindness. Whatever approach you prefer, it’s great to start the new year feeling refreshed and focused, so you are ready to take on the year ahead.


EditPolishing Your Look

  1. Get a haircut to freshen up your face. Schedule an appointment with your stylist early into the new year. You can get a trim for a subtle upgrade or go for a bold new hairstyle for a totally different look. This way, you’ll feel fresh for the year ahead.
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    • For instance, if you have long, straight hair, consider chopping it to shoulder-length and adding some layers.
    • If you have a short hairstyle, consider cutting the sides even shorter for a subtle change. For example, if you have a pixie cut, you can take it even shorter.
  2. Experiment with your look by trying something new appearance-wise. Doing something new with your appearance can help you feel confident as you enter the new year. You can do things like rock a bold lip color, get a new facial piercing, or upgrade your current glasses style. Find what works for your style and budget, and go for something new![1]
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    • You can also dye your hair a bright color, go on a shopping spree for new clothing, or invest in a new pair of shoes.
  3. Start a fitness routine. Think about your current health and your overall fitness goals, and make a plan to improve your health based on where you are. For instance, you can start taking a 20-minute walk after work every day, or you can train to run a marathon in the fall. Start simply and gradually so you can stick with your goals.[2]
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    • If you are new to exercise, you can find a gym in your area and start going 3 times a week. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes each time to get started.
    • If you are a fitness enthusiast, make a goal to improve your BMI or get a six-pack by the end of the year, for instance.

EditUpdating Your Attitude

  1. Practice gratitude every day to fill your life with kindness. Practicing gratitude can boost your mood overall and improve your outlook on life. Each day before you go to sleep, write down 3 things you are grateful for. In addition, express your gratitude for the people in your life by telling them you appreciate them.[3]
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    • For example, you can write things like, “I am grateful for my cat,” or “I am grateful for the sunshine today.”
  2. Include a positive affirmation in your daily routine. Positive affirmations refer to a simple, short sentence that you can use as a reminder throughout your day. Using positive affirmations can boost your self-esteem over time, which is helpful when starting off a new year. To work with positive affirmations, find a phrase that works for you, like “I am worthy,” or “I am capable of challenges.” Tell yourself this first thing in the morning and throughout your day as you start to doubt.[4]
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    • Tailor your affirmation to your particular life and circumstance. For example, if you are working on being a more supportive friend, your affirmation can be “I am fun and loyal.”
  3. Do random acts of kindness as often as possible. Random acts of kindness are small, deliberate actions performed to bring happiness to other people’s day. Do these actions without expecting to get anything in return, but rather to brighten someone’s day. This is a great way to start off the new year on a positive, compassionate note.[5]
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    • You can do things like giving generous compliments, smiling at strangers, and volunteer for charities.
    • Pick up trash on the side of the road, help an elderly citizen cross the road, or give food to the homeless.
    • You can also pay for the next person’s coffee or give your server a large tip.

EditTidying up Your Environment

  1. Start your spring cleaning early to tidy up your space. Shortly into the new year, clean up your room, kitchen, bathroom, and/or basement. Tidy up any cluttered areas, throw away garbage, and put away items that are out of place. This way, you’ll enter the new year feeling neat and organized.[6]
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    • It is also helpful to clean out your car. Get rid of any trash, and sort through your center console and glove box, for instance.
  2. Sort through your clothes and get rid of those you don’t wear often. The new year is a great time to take inventory of your wardrobe and get rid of items that no longer fit or suit your style. Take out the clothing in each of your drawers, and create 1 pile for clothing to keep and 1 pile for clothing to rehome. Then, fold your clothes neatly and return them to your dresser or closet. This helps you declutter your space and freshen up your style.[7]
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    • After you create a “rehome” pile, consider giving your items to your friends or family members, or donating them to a thrift store or consignment shop.
  3. Add a fresh coat of paint to your walls to freshen up your room. Consider repainting the walls of your home early into the year. Cover the floor and your furniture with a drop cloth, and use a paint roller to apply indoor house paint to your walls. You can pick a new color for a change of pace, for instance.
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  4. Purchase a few new decorations to revamp your space. Visit a local thrift or home supply store, and pick out a couple new items to redecorate with. For example, you can get 2-3 decorative throw pillows, a rug, a lamp, or a new bookshelf. Adding a few new items can make your home feel fresh and new.
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    • You can also get small items like paperweights, vases, and magnets.

EditSetting Goals and Intentions

  1. Aim to try 1 new thing every month. In addition to your personal resolutions, it is helpful to strive to get out of your comfort zone at least 1 time each month. You can schedule 1 new thing each month, or you can pick a few things and choose when the time comes. Regardless, choose to do something you’ve never done before or learn about something brand-new to expand your horizons and grow as a person.[8]
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    • Trying a new thing can be as simple as eating a cuisine you’ve never tried before.
    • You can do active things like going kayaking, horseback riding, or skydiving.
    • Other ideas include taking a language class, joining a yoga studio, or planning a camping trip.
  2. Make a bucket list of 20-50 things to try in the upcoming year. Shortly into the beginning of the year, sit down with a notebook and write out several things you want to do throughout the year. Choose simple, easy things such as “eat more vegetables” or specific, realistic goals like “Go back to college.” Add as many items to your list as you feel compelled, and check them off as you complete them throughout the year. The list provides a visual reference, helpful when trying to set goals.[9]
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    • You can use this list to help get ideas of new things to try each month.
    • Ideas for your bucket list could include visiting New York City, picking your own pumpkin, adopting a dog, taking a cooking class, and traveling to the beach.
  3. Update your resume so you’re ready for new opportunities. Shortly into the new year, open up your resume, read it over, and look for ways to improve it. For instance, if you started a new job at the end of the year, add it under your “Employment” section. You can also update the dates to reflect the new year. This way, if you want to apply for a job, you are ready when the time comes.[10]
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    • You can also update your contact information or address.
  4. Strive to improve your sleep habits. When the new year rolls in, getting more meaningful and restful sleep is a great goal to add to your resolution list. You can aim to relax more before you go to sleep, such as taking a bath, drinking chamomile tea, and reading a book. You can also go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day to get into a natural rhythm. Improving your sleep will, in turn, help you feel focused and energized throughout the year.[11]
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    • You can also use white noise or nature sounds to help you fall asleep.
    • Consider taking a melatonin supplement if you have trouble sleeping. Melatonin is a hormone produced in your brain that helps regulate sleep cycles. By adding 1-3 mg a day, you may get more restful sleep over time.


  • Ask a friend to do some of these things with you. This is a great way to make new year’s resolutions fun and engaging.


  • Avoid setting too many goals. Sometimes, trying to do too many things at once gets overwhelming rather than inspiring. Keep your ideas realistic to your life, and start simple so you can get stuff done!

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How to Acquire New Skills

A large part of achieving both personal and professional success is learning new skills. All skills take time to learn, but you can simplify the process by setting goals and breaking the skill up into smaller steps. Practice every day and hold yourself accountable so you’ll be able to add that new skill to your repertoire in no time.


EditSelecting Your Skill

  1. Think about skills that would benefit you. You may feel more motivated to learn a new skill if you pick something you think will benefit you in your work or daily life. Ask yourself if there are any skills that would help you get ahead at work, help you at school, or give you an advantage in your everyday life.[1]
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    • Skills that many people find useful for their education and career include learning a new language, programming, photography, writing, public speaking, data analysis, and cooking.
  2. List skills you would enjoy learning. Make a list of 5-10 skills that you think you’d enjoy learning. These don’t have to benefit your job or schoolwork directly, although they can. Just think about things you’ve found interesting or that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do.[2]
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    • For example, have you always wanted to make your own scarf? If you have, then knitting or crocheting may be an enjoyable activity. Or, perhaps you want to learn how to play a new sport or take up a hobby like doing card tricks.
  3. Calculate how much time you can devote to learning. Think about how much time you can devote on a daily or weekly basis to learning your new skill. If you don’t have a lot of extra time, a lower-commitment skill like learning to drive a manual car might be a good skill. If you have more time, a skill that takes a lot of practice, such as learning how to play an instrument, might be right for you.[3]
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    • Pick a skill that you actually have time for right now. Picking a difficult skill and hoping you can learn it when you don’t have much time to practice is more likely to lead to you abandoning the skill.
  4. Focus on a single skill at a time. Pay attention to learning one skill at a time rather than trying to master multiple skills at once. If you divide your attention, it will take longer for you to master your desired skill.[4]
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    • This doesn’t mean you can’t learn lots of new skills. Just take the time to thoroughly learn the basics of one new skill before you move onto the next one.

EditGetting Started

  1. Set a realistic goal. Your goal doesn’t need to represent your endpoint with the skill. It should, however, encourage you to grow and push yourself as you learn your new skill. If, for example, you want to learn web design, your goal may be to build yourself an online portfolio that you design from scratch.[5]
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    • Don’t make your goal too lofty to start. If you want to learn to cook, don’t start with the initial goal of a 3-course meal. Instead, focus on learning how to make 1 dish really well. After you learn basic skills, you can learn more recipes and build up toward that meal.
  2. Break your goal down into steps. Even reasonable goals can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. Start by breaking your goal down into small steps. The exact number of steps you’ll need will depend on your goal.[6]
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    • Think about your steps like lessons. Each step should be small enough that you can achieve it in 1-2 lessons, but not so small that it’s not enough for a lesson unto itself. Remember, each step builds toward your goal. They may feel small now, but they’ll accumulate.
    • For example, if you’re learning photography, a good step would be learning how to adjust the settings on your camera. This can usually be learned easily, but it’s a bigger task than just learning to turn the flash on and off, which can usually be done in just a few seconds. Then, you can learn how to use light in photography, take still photos, take action photos, and edit photographs, for instance.
  3. Choose a platform that fits your learning style. There are online tutorials, in-person classes, books, articles, and videos that can teach you all kinds of skills. Think about what learning platforms best enable you to absorb and apply new information.[7]
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    • If you’re a visual learner, for example, try video tutorials instead of reading a text-only book or listening to a podcast on the subject.
    • Think about what is most conducive to your new skill, too. Learning a new language using only books, for example, may not be the best choice because the text alone doesn’t give you a good idea of word pronunciation and accents in everyday speech.
  4. Find a mentor who is an expert in your skill to guide you through the process. The best tool in your journey to build a new skill is to find an expert to tutor you and help guide your progress. Reach out to an expert in your skill and set up a face-to-face meeting to talk to them about possible mentor opportunities.[8]
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    • In some fields, mentoring is a formal process, while in other fields, it’s more organic. Do some research online to see how others learning your desired skill found a mentor.
    • For example, if you want to learn to use Microsoft Excel, ask a friend or family member who is familiar with the program to help you learn how to use it. If you want to learn to windsurf, you can hire an instructor with a lot of experience to teach you how to do it.
  5. Set deadlines for yourself. Deadlines will help keep you accountable and help you stay on track. If you set a deadline without an external commitment, make sure you invest something in your deadline to keep you moving forward.[9]
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    • If, for example, you say you’re going to be able to conjugate 10 verbs in Spanish by next week, reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. For instance, treat yourself to lunch or spend 1 hour doing something you love without feeling guilty.
    • If you want to make an external commitment for your deadline, you could try something like signing up for an open mic night to hold you to your goal of learning to play a song on the guitar.

EditBuilding Your Skill

  1. Learn about the fundamentals of your skill. The first thing to do is understand the basics of the skill you want to learn. For instance, if you want to master tai chi, read about the history and development of this martial art. If you want to learn to change your own oil, spend some time learning about the function of oil in an engine and check out a diagram of your specific vehicle’s engine bay.[10]
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  2. Take courses and tutorials in your skill. Classes, workshops, and tutorials are great ways to help you build your skill and network with others learning the same skill. If you want consistent formal instruction, look for classes at your local community college, community center, or professional organization.[11]
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    • You can also check with professional organizations, hobby groups, local businesses, and other organizations to see if they offer workshops or tutorials in your skill. These are usually 1-2 day events that help you focus on building a single aspect of your skill.
    • For example, if you are learning to cook, a local specialty food store may have a workshop on learning to cook make-ahead meals or cooking for college freshmen.
  3. Start with the first step and move on as you master each portion. The only way to learn is by doing, so start trying out your new skill. Use the resources available to you, whether that may be reading a tutorial or having an expert walk you through the steps. Complete each step and ensure you understand it fully before moving on.
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    • For instance, if your goal is to learn to type, begin by learning the home keys. Once you’ve mastered those, move on to the keys you type with your right hand, then the keys you type with your left hand.
  4. Ask your mentor for help if you get stuck. Learning a new skill can be frustrating, but don’t give up when you hit a roadblock. Instead, seek help from an expert. Your mentor can explain what’s going wrong and help you correct the process so that you continue to make progress.[12]
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  5. Practice a little every day. Building any new skill takes time, so you must dedicate yourself to this endeavor. After you’ve learned a portion of your new skill, take time every day to practice what you’ve learned. This should be separate from the time you take to learn a new portion of your skill.[13]
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    • For example, if you’re learning to play the piano, set aside an hour a day to practice: 30 minutes to review chords you’ve already learned and an additional 30 minutes to learn new chords.
    • The exact amount of time you’ll need to practice each day will depend on the skill your learning, as well as your personal learning style.



  • The best way to learn is to do. Regardless of how unprepared you feel, make sure you are continually physically engaged.

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How to Say Happy New Year

People all over the world ring in the New Year with gusto and a hope for a fresh start. To commemorate the occasion, it is important to spread the joy and positive vibes by wishing people “Happy New Year.” Sometimes, this phrase is said so reflexively that you may not notice just how much the expression can positively affect someone. While there is no fixed way to wish someone well in the coming year, there are different ways you can bring emotion and meaning back into the commonplace greeting.


EditWishing Family and Friends Happy New Year

  1. Say the greeting aloud to someone at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Be bold and shout it at the top of your lungs, or simply wish people a happy New Year individually. Say it to family members, friends, or to people you interact with while out in public. [1]
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    • Show affection to your loved ones as you greet them. Giving a hug, or even a kiss on both cheeks, can show that you genuinely wish them well at the start of the new year.[2]
    • Also take interest in what your loved ones have to say or what is going on in their lives. Follow up your greeting by asking if they have any set plans or goals for the start of the new year. Maybe you have a New Year’s resolution and want to share that with them as well.
  2. Send the New Year’s greeting as a text message to friends and family. Compose and send the message at midnight on New Year’s Eve if you know the person will be awake or wait to send the message out over the next week. Sending a text message is a good substitute when you can’t greet someone in person.[3]
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    • Be expressive with your message. Use exclamation marks, and smiling or excited emojis galore. Sometimes text messages can seem flat, so make sure to dress the message up to adequately portray your excitement.
    • Apps like SnapChat or Bitmoji will even have personalized filters or graphics for you to send along with your written message.
  3. Post about your past year on social media and finish it with New Year’s wishes. Highlight some positive experiences you had like recalling a fun vacation or include some of the struggles you overcame like conquering a tough semester at college. Maybe even select a fun picture or a favorite quote related to New Year’s and post it to your social media accounts. This will give an all-encompassing wish to your family and friends without having to message each person individually.[4]
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    • Give an insightful quote like one said by T.S. Eliot, “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.”
    • Pick quote from popular celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right,” or even Brad Paisley, “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.”
    • Post a quote that is uplifting or inspiring, like one from Henry David Thoreau, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
  4. Mail out handwritten cards to loved ones a week before New Year’s Day. Send a festive card for the occasion, and write a personal message to each person you send it to. People love to get cards in the mail, so make the new year a little brighter and mail out a card.[5]
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    • Write out a message that not only wishes the person a happy New Year, but one that also gives insight to your hopes for the new year. Maybe you haven’t seen that relative or friend in a while, and in your card, you express that.
    • Include a festive photo with the card. The photograph can be you wearing a celebratory sweater for New Year’s, or it can be something as simple as you lounging outside with your pet. Pictures can easily be sent over social media, but sending a printed photo adds a personalized touch.

EditSaying Happy New Year in Different Languages

  1. Shout “Bonne année” (bon a-nay) while celebrating in France. Practice placing your tongue towards the roof of your mouth to pronounce the nasal “nay” for the second syllable of “année.” It makes the same long “a” sound as in the word “hay.”[6]
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    • Gather family and friends on December 31st to celebrate the saint’s feast day of “La Saint-Sylvestre” (la sin seal-vay-str). When the clock strikes midnight, yell, “Bonne année!” (bon a-nay) to wish everyone a happy New Year.
  2. Say “Feliz año nuevo” (feh-liz an-yoh n-way-vo) while in Spain. Memorize the phrase easily by directly translating it to English as “Happy Year New.” You may have already heard the word “feliz” used in other Spanish phrases like “Feliz Navidad,” as used in the popular Spanish-English Christmas song by José Feliciano. Then, remember that “nuevo” looks like the word “new.”[7]
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    • After learning the phrase, partake in the tradition of eating 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight, and then shout, “Feliz año nuevo!”[8]
  3. Learn the Portuguese phrase “Feliz ano novo” (feh-liz an-oh noh-voh). Round your lips around the “oh” syllables to make the pronunciation easier. The sound is similar to the one you would make by simply sighing, “Oh.”[9]
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    • Notice that the phrase looks very similar to the Spanish phrase. Picking out these similarities between languages will make learning them easier.
  4. Practice the German saying “Frohes neues jahr” (frohes neu-yis yar). Enunciate the heavy “y” sounds in this phrase. Listen to the way different regions in Germany pronounce the same phrase. Sometimes, “neues” can also be pronounced as “neu-yiz.”[10]
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    • Once you have mastered that phrase, practice saying the alternative phrase, “Gutes neues jahr” (gutes neu-yis yar). In this case, “gutes” translates to “good.”
  5. Learn the Russian phrase “S novym godom” (s nò-vym gò-dam). Annunciate on the multiple long “o” sounds within this phrase. Practice saying the syllables quickly, so that it almost flows as a single word.[11]
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    • Practice saying an alternate version, “S novym schastem,” (s nò-vym sh-a-stym) which translates to, “Happy new happiness.”
  6. Learn the formal Japanese phrase “Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu.” Break down this phrase into phonetic syllables to make it easier to learn. Start by breaking up “akemashite” as “a-kay-mash-tay.” Then move onto the second word “omedetou” as “o-meh-deh-tò.” Lastly, sound out “gozaimasu” as “gò-zye-mas.” Practice saying the phrase together for a formal greeting.[12]
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    • Say the informal version of the phrase, “Akemashite omedetou,” to close family and friends. The words in this phrase are pronounced the same as in the formal version.
    • Enjoy saying this phrase for the first 2 weeks of January while in Japan, as it is custom to celebrate the New Year for an extended time beyond January 1st.
  7. Celebrate the Chinese New Year by saying “Xīn nián kuài lè,” in Mandarin. Pronounce this formal greeting as “shin nee-an kwai le,” which translates to “New Year happiness.” Say this phrase to strangers or to acquaintances.
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    • Then, practice an informal version to say to family and friends, “Xīn nián hao” (shin nee-an how).[13]


  • Wish colleagues a happy New Year. Some people may feel reluctant to return to work so soon after the holiday season. Your greeting could be just the pick-me-up they need to remind them that people are work care about them, too.[14]
  • Don’t be overzealous and wish every single person you see. Give people a chance to wish you a happy New Year as well, and always reciprocate with “Thank you” or “You too.”[15]
  • Greet people at the end of December and the beginning of January. This applies to countries who follow the Gregorian calendar. New Year’s tends to be a fleeting and quick holiday, so make sure not to miss your chance to wish people well.[16]
  • Be mindful if you are visiting a different country around New Year’s Eve or Day as that country might not celebrate it in a way that is similar to yours. For example, people in China will celebrate New Year’s at the end of January or early February. People of Islamic or Jewish cultures also have varying New Year’s dates.[17]

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dimanche 30 décembre 2018

How to Make Mochi Ice Cream

Mochi ice cream is the perfect, compact dessert to grab and eat on a hot summer day. The traditional Japanese treat involves wrapping your favorite flavor of ice cream with mochi, which is a sweet rice flour dough. You do not have to go all the way to Japan to experience this glorious round dessert. Instead, make it yourself. Grab an ice cream flavor of your choice, rice flour, and a cupcake tin to get started.


  • Ice cream flavor of your choice—at least 2 cups (300 g)
  • ¾ cup (90 g) of shiratamako or glutinous rice flour
  • of water
  • ¼ cup (50 g) of superfine sugar
  • ½ cup (80 g) of cornstarch or potato starch


EditPreparing the Ice Cream

  1. Choose an ice cream with a thick consistency to use for the mochi balls. Thick ice cream will harden nicely inside of the mochi balls and won’t melt as quickly. The flavor, brand, or type of ice cream you use is entirely up to you and your preferences. Use a single flavor of ice cream, or use a different flavor for each mochi ball.[1]

    • You will need at least 2-3 cups (300-450 g) of ice cream to make 10 mochi balls, so purchase a standard ½ gallon (1,200 g) container of ice cream.
    • Pick traditional vanilla or chocolate ice cream for a simple taste.
    • Experiment with more complicated flavors like mint chocolate chip, rocky road, or cookie dough.
    • Use strawberry, matcha, or black sesame ice cream for a savory taste that is more traditional to mochi ice cream sold in Japan.
  2. Use plastic wrap to individually line 10 cups in the cupcake tin. The plastic wrap will keep the ice cream from sticking to the tin. This will work best if your cupcake tin has rounded cups instead of the flat, oval-shaped ones.[2]

    • Instead of a cupcake tin, you can use the bottom portion of an egg carton or an ice cube tray that has large, round cups.
  3. Put 1/4 cup (33 g) of ice cream into each of the 10 cupcake tin cups. Get a full, round scoop of the ice cream to make handling it later easier. Use an additional spoon to help properly fill the ice cream scoop and empty it into the cups if needed.[3]

    • If your ice cream is particularly hard, it will be difficult to get full scoops. Allow the ice cream to soften at room temperature for 2-5 minutes.[4]
  4. Cover the tin with plastic wrap and put it in the freezer. Gently, form the plastic wrap around each scoop of ice cream to prevent it from developing ice crystals. Let the ice cream sit in the freezer for at least 2 hours or until the scoops are firm to touch.[5]

EditMixing the Mochi

  1. Mix ¾ cup (90 g) rice flour and ¼ cup (50 g) of sugar in a microwave-safe bowl. Add the shiratamako or glutinous rice flour into the bowl first, and then stir in the superfine sugar. Continue to stir the ingredients until they are blended and free of lumps.

    • Once you get more comfortable with making the mochi ice cream, you can experiment by adding additional ingredients to the mochi batter. Some people prefer to add a pinch of salt to the batter, or even 1 tsp (2 g) of matcha (green tea powder) or a strawberry puree.[6]
    • The bottom of microwave-safe bowls will either directly say, “Microwave Safe” or will have a symbol resembling a microwave with wavy lines across it.[7]
  2. Whisk of water into the bowl. Slowly add the water to the dry ingredients. Continue whisking the mixture together until it becomes a smooth batter.[8]

    • If the batter is too thin or watery, add 1/2 tbsp (4.25 g) of rice flour to thicken it. For batter that seems dry, add of water to moisten it. Increase the increments of flour or water as need until your batter is smooth.[9]
  3. Rest a lid on the bowl and microwave for 2 minutes. Crack the lid on the bowl so that the contents can ventilate and do not build up air pressure. The microwave will thicken and cook the mochi so it becomes a sticky dough for you to cover your ice cream balls with.[10]

  4. Stir the mochi and microwave it with a cracked lid for another 1 ½ minutes. Use a rubber spatula to stir and aerate the mochi. Scrape the sides and the bottom of the bowl so the mochi doesn’t start to burn or dry out. After microwaving the batter, it should be cooked and resemble a sticky dough.[11]

    • The bowl will be hot when you take it out of the microwave, so handle it with care and use potholders.
  5. Sprinkle your clean counter with corn or potato starch. The starch, whether corn or potato, will keep the mochi from sticking to your counter when you roll it out. Don’t worry about wiping the starch off your hands. Having some on your hands will actually be beneficial and keep the dough from sticking to your skin as you handle it.[12]

    • Have ½ cup (80 g) of cornstarch or potato starch set off to the side of your workspace. Use as much or a little of the starch as you want. Don’t be afraid sprinkle the counter with more if needed.
  6. Form the mochi into a ball and place it on the counter. Sprinkle it with more starch so it won’t stick to your rolling pin when you go to roll it out. Be careful when first handling the mochi. It will most likely be hot. Remove the lid and allow it to cool off enough for you to be able to touch it without burning yourself.[13]

  7. Use a rolling pin to spread out the mochi into a thin sheet. Make the sheet of mochi about thick. Work from the center of the dough outwards to keep the edges of the sheet from getting too thin. The center of the dough should roughly be the same thickness as the edges of the dough. The sheet can be a rough circle or rectangle shape, as either will work well when cutting the mochi.[14]

    • If you are worried the mochi will stick to your rolling pin, rub some of the starch onto the rolling pin as well.
  8. Cut out 10 circles using a round cookie cutter. Prevent the mochi from sticking to the cookie cutter by rubbing starch on it. Start at one side of the mochi sheet and work your way over to the other side. If you have to, gather the mochi scraps and roll it back out again so you can cut out more circles.[15]

    • If you do not have a round cookie cutter, you can coat the rim of a glass and use that instead.[16]
  9. Put the mochi discs onto a baking sheet and chill them in the refrigerator. Cover the baking sheet with plastic wrap to keep the mochi from drying out in the refrigerator. Check on the mochi discs after 30 minutes to see if they are cold to touch. If the mochi discs are still warm, allow them to continue chilling in the refrigerator.[17]

    • Once the mochi discs are fully chilled, you are ready to begin assembling the mochi ice cream balls.

EditCovering the Ice Cream

  1. Line your counter with a small piece of plastic wrap. Cut the piece of plastic wrap so it is at least twice the size of the mochi ball. The plastic wrap will be used to individually package the finished mochi balls.[18]

    • You can reuse one of the plastic wrap pieces you used to cover the ice balls. But if the piece of plastic wrap is damaged or if it does not look big enough to cover the entire ball, get a new piece to line the counter.
  2. Place an ice cream ball on a mochi circle and rest it on the plastic wrap. Use a spoon or your fingers to quickly place the ice cream in the center of the mochi sheet. Either hold the mochi sheet in the palm of your hand or have the sheet already resting on the plastic wrap to do this. Pick which method is easiest for you.[19]

    • Handle the ice cream as little as possible to keep it from melting before you wap it in the mochi. Leave the cupcake tin with the rest of the balls in the freezer to keep those from melting while you work.[20]
  3. Lift the edges of the mochi circle to cover the ice cream ball. Stretch the mochi sheet with your fingers as needed to cover the entire ice cream ball. The chilled dough may be tough to stretch at first so be patient.[21]

  4. Pinch the dough edges closed at the top of the ice cream ball. The covered ice cream ball will roughly resemble a cinched coin purse. Smooth out the puckered edges along the top with your finger. Be careful not to tear the mochi dough while doing this.

    • If there is a lot of extra dough pinched at the top of the ice cream ball, use scissors to cut away the extra dough. Save the excess dough in case you need to patch a hole or cover a thin spot while making the rest of the mochi balls.[22]
  5. Package the mochi ball with the plastic wrap to keep the dough fresh. Cover the entire mochi ball with the plastic wrap, so that none of the dough is exposed. The plastic wrap will keep the dough from drying out in the freezer, and will also help the ball maintain its shape until the ice cream and dough firm up.[23]

  6. Rest the packaged mochi ball in the cupcake tin in the freezer. Place any obvious seams in the plastic wrap casing down into the cup. This will keep the plastic wrap from peeling off the mochi ball as it freezes.[24]

    • Repeat this process until the remaining 9 ice cream balls are all covered with mochi and packaged in plastic wrap.
  7. Allow the mochi balls to finish firming in the freezer for 2 hours. This will give the handled ice cream a chance to harden. When you are ready to eat a mochi ice cream ball, let the ball sit at room temperature for 5-10 minutes to allow the mochi dough to soften so you do not hurt your teeth when you bite into it.[25]


  • Have fun experimenting with the ratio of mochi to ice cream. Larger ice cream balls are easier to wrap than smaller ones since smaller ice cream portions will soften quicker.[26]
  • Consider using 2 thick discs of the mochi to make ice cream sandwiches instead of wrapping the entire ice cream ball with a single disc of mochi.[27]

EditThings You’ll Need

  • Ice cream scoop
  • Cupcake/muffin tin, an ice cube tray, or the bottom portion of an egg carton
  • Plastic wrap
  • Microwave-safe bowl with a lid
  • Rubber spatula
  • Potholders
  • Rolling pin
  • Round cookie cutter or glass—about in diameter
  • Baking sheet

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

EditQuick Summary

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source How to of the Day

How to Keep Your Pancreas Healthy

While it’s often overlooked, the pancreas is an important, hardworking organ. It makes enzymes that help digest food and regulate blood sugar levels. The most important steps to keeping your pancreas healthy are to eat healthy, cut alcohol consumption, and avoid tobacco. If you’re managing a pancreatic disorder, such as pancreatitis, follow your doctor’s dietary guidelines, and take any medication as directed.


EditDietary Tips

EditFollowing a Healthy Diet

  1. Limit your fat consumption, and choose healthy fats and oils. Include healthy sources of fat in your diet, such as vegetable oils, nuts, fish, and avocados. Go for low-fat or fat-free dairy products instead of full-fat options. Steer clear of fried foods, red meat, processed meats (such as bacon or deli meat), butter, and margarine.[1]
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    • As a rule of thumb, about 25% of your daily calories should come from fat. Fat contains 9 calories per gram; to find your target daily value in grams, calculate 25% of your daily calories, then divide by 9. For example, 25% of 2500 is 625, and 625 ÷ 9 = 69.4, or about 70 g.
    • If you’re managing a pancreatic condition, you should consume a fat-free diet if possible. Talk to your doctor about the best way to minimize or eliminate fat in your diet while also getting the nutrients you need.[2]
  2. Avoid greasy fast food. Many people experience pancreatic symptoms when they eat a lot of greasy junk food, such as fast food burgers and fries. Limit eating out as much as possible, and stick to home-cooked meals that are baked, boiled, or prepared in healthy oils (such as olive oil or canola oil).
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    • When you do eat out, look for healthy items that are low in oil and grease, such as salads, steamed vegetables, or baked chicken or fish. When in doubt, ask your server how the food is prepared.
    • In some restaurants, you may be able to ask for a healthier alternative. For example, ask if foods normally cooked in partially hydrogenated soybean oil can be prepared with olive oil instead.
  3. Eat lean proteins, such as white meat poultry and fish. Other lean protein sources include eggs, nuts, beans, and lentils. Your exact daily needs depend on your age, sex, and activity level. In general, women need of protein per day, and men need per day.[3]
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    • Eggs and nuts should be eaten in moderation. Try to eat no more than 3 eggs a week, and just a small palmful of nuts daily.
    • If you have a low-protein diet, you will have a harder time digesting and metabolizing harmful substances, such as fat, alcohol, and tobacco.[4]
    • Learn more about your specific nutritional needs at
  4. Go for low-glycemic foods, such as whole grains. Healthy choices include bran cereals, whole grain breads and pastas, brown rice, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Choose these options instead of high-glycemic foods (i.e., foods containing refined sugars and simple carbohydrates), such as white bread, white rice, sugary cereals, and candy.[5]
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    • Carbohydrates are important for pancreatic health, but some types aren’t good for you. The simple carbohydrates in high-glycemic foods break down into sugar very quickly and easily in your body, causing spikes in your blood sugar. This can overwork your pancreas.
    • About 45% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. Carbs contain 4 calories per gram. Find 45% of your total calories, then divide by 4 to calculate your target amount in grams. Suppose you eat 2,000 calories per day; 45% of 2,000 is 900, and 900 ÷ 4 is 225 g.[6]
    • If you’re not sure how to calculate your carbohydrate intake from each meal, try using an online nutrition calculator.
  5. Avoid consuming added sugars. Foods that naturally contain sugar, such as fruits and veggies, are good to eat. However, go easy on items that contain added sugars, such as sweetened breakfast cereals, desserts, and soft drinks. Eat candy and pastries sparingly, read nutritional labels (especially for cereals, sauces, condiments, and juices), and try sweetening coffee and tea with Stevia extract instead of sugar.[7]
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    • Read labels, but note that sugar contents listed under nutrition facts may not include all the added sweeteners. Check the ingredients, which are listed by weight. If you see sugar or words like “sucrose,” “glucose,” “dextrose,” or “high-fructose corn syrup” high up on the list, that product contains a lot of sugar.
    • Added sugars make the pancreas do more work, and they don’t provide any nutritional value. Recommended limits for added sugars for adults are 100 to 150 calories, or 24 to 36 grams per day.[8]
  6. Drink at least of fluids per day. Water is the best choice; don’t go overboard on sugary sports drinks and fruit juices. If you’re managing a pancreatic condition, keep a bottle of water handy at all times to avoid dehydration. In hot weather and when you exercise, drink of water every 20 minutes to replace the fluids lost due to sweating.[9]
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    • Check your urine to see if you’re dehydrated. If it’s pale yellow, you’re drinking enough water. If it’s dark, infrequent, or comes out in small amounts, you may be dehydrated.
    • Dehydration can overwork the pancreas, and can aggravate or cause pancreatic disorders.
  7. Eat small, frequent meals if you have a pancreatic disorder. Smaller meals are easier on your pancreas, and lots of calories all at once can make it work too hard. For instance, instead of having an chicken breast in a single meal, eat a portion over greens for lunch, and save the rest for dinner.[10]
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    • If you have pancreatitis, stick to clear liquids for 1 to 2 days during a flare-up to give your pancreas a break. Clear liquids include water, apple juice, and broth. Stay on the safe side and check with your doctor before fasting during a flare-up.[11]
    • During a pancreatic flare-up, you may experience symptoms such as sharp abdominal pain and tenderness (especially after eating), nausea and vomiting, a rapid pulse, and fever or chills.[12]

EditMaking Beneficial Lifestyle Choices

  1. Get about 30 minutes of exercise per day. Stay active to manage your weight, reduce stress levels, and improve your overall health. Brisk walks, bike rides, and swimming are great forms of exercise, especially if you’re not used to physical activity.[13]
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    • If you’re just starting to exercise, start by walking for 5 to 10 minutes 2 or 3 times per day. Increase the length of time gradually, and slowly add new activities to your routine.
    • Ask your doctor for advice about starting a new exercise routine, especially if you have any medical conditions.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol. If you’re managing a pancreatic disorder, avoid alcohol altogether. Otherwise, stick to 1 to 2 drinks per day if you’re a man, and 1 drink per day if you’re a woman. Keep in mind abstaining or drinking alcohol sparingly is the best choice, even if you’re in good health.[14]
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    • Heavy drinking is a common cause of acute pancreatitis. Continuing to drink, even in moderation, after developing acute pancreatitis can lead to serious complications.
    • To cut down or quit, set limits and stick to them. If necessary, avoid situations that trigger the urge to drink alcohol. In social settings, drink club soda with lemon or lime so you don’t feel out of place. Remind yourself that maintaining your health is more important than drinking.[15]
  3. Quit smoking or stop using any other tobacco products. Among other harmful effects, smoking and chewing tobacco dramatically increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. If you use tobacco, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about products that can help you quit.[16]
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    • Patches, gum, and medication can help you quit smoking or chewing tobacco. To manage cravings, try to keep yourself busy or take up a new hobby. If you’re used to smoking after a meal, go for a walk instead. If you used to smoke a cigarette with your morning coffee, switch to tea.[17]
  4. Manage stress by doing yoga and meditating. Look for guided yoga and meditation videos online, or join a local class. When you feel stressed, do deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply and fill your belly with air as you count to 4, hold your breath for a 7 count, then exhale slowly as you count to 8.[18]
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    • Stress can aggravate pancreatic disorders and slow down the healing process.[19]
  5. Try to lose weight if you’re overweight or obese. Stick to a healthy diet, keep track of your calorie consumption, and do your best to exercise regularly. Try to lose about per week, since drastic changes in weight aren’t good for the pancreas.[20]
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    • If you’re overweight, losing 5% to 7% of your starting weight can benefit your pancreas, lower your risk of developing diabetes, or help you manage diabetes if you’ve already been diagnosed.
    • Ask your doctor for advice about losing weight and to recommend healthy weight loss goals.
    • People who are underweight or at a healthy weight can also get pancreatitis. Talk to your doctor if you have any weight concerns or want to find out how your weight might be connected to the health of your pancreas.

EditManaging Pancreatic Disorders

  1. See your doctor if you have symptoms of a pancreatic disorder. The main symptom of pancreatitis is pain in the upper left quadrant of your abdomen, above your belly button. Pain may be worse after eating or drinking, increase gradually over a few days, become worse when you lie on your back, or spread to your back or under your left shoulder blade.[21]
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    • Other symptoms of pancreatitis may include bloating, hiccups, indigestion, greasy or yellowish stools, or diarrhea. In the later stages of the disease, you may develop yellowing of the eyes and skin.
    • The symptoms of pancreatitis can mimic those of other conditions, like cirrhosis of the liver. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.
    • Diabetes and prediabetes are pancreatic disorders, and are usually diagnosed at routine check-ups. While there are often no obvious signs of diabetes, symptoms may include increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision.
  2. Take supplemental enzymes or insulin if necessary. Your pancreas may not produce enough of the enzymes needed to digest food if you have a pancreatic condition. If your doctor advises it, take capsules of supplemental enzymes with every meal. If you’re diabetic, your doctor will prescribe medication or insulin injections to regulate your blood sugar.[22]
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    • Take any medication according to your doctor’s instructions. Don’t stop taking any medication without consulting your doctor.
    • Pancreatic disorders can lead to malnutrition, so your doctor might also recommend vitamin supplements. Many people with pancreatitis become underweight, so weigh yourself every few days to make sure you are maintaining a healthy body weight.
  3. Manage pain due to pancreatitis with over-the-counter medications. Take a pain reliever, such as ibuprofen, according to the label’s instructions. If over-the-counter medication isn’t effective, your doctor may give you a prescription-strength pain reliever.[23]
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    • Pancreatitis flare-ups can cause severe pain. Rest and relax during a flare-up, and do your best to distract yourself with music, a movie, or a good book. You can also apply a warm compress to the area for about 20 minutes every 1 to 2 hours.
    • If you experience severe symptoms, don’t try to manage them at home. Seek medical attention immediately if your pain becomes so severe that you can’t stay still or find any position that relieves your discomfort.[24]
  4. Undergo surgery if you have damaged tissue or pancreatic cancer. Part of the pancreas must be removed if there’s tissue damage due to pancreatitis or a cancerous tumor. In rare, serious cases, such as advanced pancreatic cancer, the entire pancreas, gallbladder, and part of the stomach, is removed.[25]
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    • Recovery depends on the scope of the surgery. After surgery, you may stay in the hospital 1 to 3 weeks. In general, stick to a bland diet just after surgery, and add foods according to your doctor’s instructions. Eat small meals every 3 hours, and take supplemental enzymes and any other medications as directed.[26]


  • Pancreatitis and cirrhosis of the liver often present with identical symptoms. If you experience symptoms such as sharp pain in the upper left quadrant of your abdomen (just above your belly button) along with yellowing of the eyes and skin, see your doctor right away to get a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

EditSources and Citations

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source How to of the Day

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