be more attractive: juillet 2019

mercredi 31 juillet 2019

How to Salt Speckle Paper

  1. REDIRECT Salt‐Speckle Paper

source How to of the Day

How to Plan a Healthy Diet

Congratulations on setting the goal to eat a healthier diet! To make the job simpler and more likely to succeed, take the time to do some planning. Work with a registered dietitian and doctor to evaluate your current diet and craft your new one. Then, plan out your meals a week at a time, emphasizing healthy choices like fruits and vegetables. Finally, shop for groceries and prepare your meals according to your plan—and stick to it!


EditEvaluating Your Goals and Current Diet

  1. Work with a registered dietitian to set the best dietary plan for you. While everyone can benefit from eating a healthier diet, different people have different dietary needs and goals. Your dietitian can help you devise the ideal dietary plan for you, based on factors like your current weight and fitness level and any medical conditions you have.[1]
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    • If your goal is to lose weight, for instance, you might say, "I want to shed some pounds—how much should I aim for, and what's the best way for me to get there?"
    • Ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian.
  2. Set clear dietary goals for yourself. It’s a great start that you’re determined to “eat healthy,” but you need to be more specific about what exactly you want to accomplish. After consulting with your doctor, write down a list of clear, achievable goals that you intend to meet.[2]
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    • You may want to start by writing down what you’d like to change about your current diet. You might write things like: “I need to eat more vegetables,” or, “I need to snack less.”
    • Then, write down the dietary goals you intend to achieve. For example: “I will fill half my plate with vegetables at every meal,” or, “I will only snack on healthy foods that I’ve prepared myself.”
  3. Set your goals in stages if you’re making a major overhaul. It will probably be very difficult for you to completely change your entire diet all of a sudden, and you’ll end up more likely to fall back into your old eating patterns. If you need to make major dietary changes, start by setting 2 or 3 goals, then set 2 or 3 more once you’ve achieved the first batch.[3]
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    • You might, for instance, set a goal to reduce the number of times you buy sodas or snacks from the vending machines at work, then move on to eliminating them completely.
    • Or, you might start with a positive goal, like eating fresh fruit for breakfast every morning, then move on to eliminating bacon from your breakfast menu.
  4. Start a food diary to track your progress. Write down your current goals in the journal, then keep track of everything that you eat and drink at each meal. Recording your diet will give you tangible evidence of your progress, or tangible motivation to get back on track.
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    • Before you even begin your new diet, consider keeping track of your current eating habits for a few days or even weeks. This gives you clear evidence of your starting point, and it can be useful to bring it to your dietitian when establishing your new diet.
    • You can keep an old-fashioned food diary, or use one of many smartphone apps. You may find the apps more convenient, and they also usually offer detailed nutritional information for the foods you’re eating.

EditPlanning Meals with Healthy Food Choices

  1. Make fruits and veggies the centerpieces of your diet. No matter your particular dietary needs or goals, fruits and vegetables should have starring roles in your plan. Generally speaking, the average adult should aim to eat 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies per day. Another way to look at this is to fill half of your plate at every meal with vegetables and fruits.
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    • In terms of measurements, aim for about 2.5-3 cups (565-675 grams) of vegetables per day—your needs may be slightly more or less based on your age, gender, and other factors.[4]
    • Likewise, aim for about 1.5-2 cups (340-450 grams) of fruits per day.[5]
  2. Complement your fruits and veggies with lean proteins. Lean proteins include poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and beans, among other options. Aim for about 3-5 servings per day, with 1 serving being about the size of a deck of cards.[6]
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    • Other proteins, like beef, are higher in calories and fat and should be eaten sparingly.
  3. Choose whole grain breads, cereals, rice, and pasta. Whole grain options include whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, farro, and millet, among others. Aim for about 5-6 servings of whole grains per day if you're a woman or 6-7 servings per day if you're a man, with 1 slice of whole grain bread equivalent to a single serving.[7]
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    • Processed grains, like white bread, white rice, and traditional pasta, are stripped of many of their health benefits—but not their calories!
  4. Include healthy fats in your diet. Fat isn't necessarily a bad word when you're trying to eat healthy—you just need to eat the right kinds of fat! You can get healthy fats from foods like avocados, olive oil, nuts, flax seeds, and fatty fish like salmon.[8]
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    • Because all fats, even healthy ones, are high in calories, keep your daily intake fairly limited in comparison to other healthy foods.
  5. Make unhealthy food choices 20% or less of your daily diet. Instead of trying to eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet all at once, incrementally cut back and replace them with healthier options. Your end goal should be for at least 80% of your daily diet to be healthy foods, but it’s okay to indulge with that other 20%![9]
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    • Unhealthy foods to cut back on include: processed foods, packaged foods, and fast food; foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and/or saturated or trans fats; and alcohol, especially if you consume more than 1-2 drinks per day.
    • Using an 80/20 plan, you might figure that gives you about 4 "cheat" meals per week, or you might spread it out and have an unhealthy "cheat" snack each day, as long as the rest of your meals are healthy. If you're eating a "cheat" snack daily, you may want to cut back on the amount over time.
  6. Create a weekly meal plan that’s built around healthy food choices. A meal plan lays out all your meals and snacks for the week ahead. Meal planning helps you to stay on track and organized as you develop your new dietary routines.[10]
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    • Look for online guides and apps that can provide advice and menu ideas for your healthy meal planning. Even better, work with a registered dietitian who can guide you through the process of creating meal plans each week.
    • Meal planning can help you eat healthier, and it can also save you money and time. You’ll know exactly what groceries you need to buy each week, and you can factor in “leftovers nights” to make full use of extra food from previous meals.

EditBuying and Preparing Your Meals

  1. Make a grocery list based on your meal plan, and stick to it. With your meal plan as your guide, you can draw up a shopping list that has everything you need and nothing you don’t for the week ahead. So make sure you buy what’s on the list and nothing more![11]
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    • Especially when you’re new to meal planning, use recipes to guide the amounts of different foods you need to buy. Over time, you’ll be able to accurately estimate how much you’ll need each week.
    • Focus on your list while you shop, and check off items as you pick them up. Fight the temptation to buy foods (especially unhealthy ones) that aren’t on the list!
    • You may find it easier to stick to your list if you don’t grocery shop when you’re hungry.
  2. Look for healthy shortcuts to cut back on your meal prep time. For the most part, you’ll want to avoid processed and packaged foods when planning your meals and buying your groceries. However, there are some ways to cut back on your prep time without sacrificing nutritional value.
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    • Fresh-frozen fruits and vegetables have the same nutrients as fresh ones, as do, for the most part, canned fruits and veggies. However, watch for added sodium in canned vegetables and added sugar in canned fruits.[12]
    • You can also buy pre-cut, washed, and bagged salads and veggies, diced melons and pineapples, and other similar options.
    • Additionally, you might consider getting pre-grilled and frozen chicken breast strips that you only need to heat and serve. Such conveniences will increase your grocery bill, however.
  3. Assemble your meals in batches to streamline meal prep. Since you’ve planned your meals for the week ahead and have all the ingredients you’ll need, consider setting aside an afternoon to prep (and, in many cases, cook) all your meals for the week. Use your refrigerator and freezer to keep the meals ready to go until the appropriate mealtime.[13]
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    • Once you get the hand of batch cooking, you may want to start taking a whole day or weekend to prepare all your meals for the month ahead. You may need to invest in a larger freezer, though!
    • Consider starting a batch-cooking club with friends or neighbors. That way, you can trade some of your dishes for some of theirs, thereby cutting back on the number of different dishes you need to make.
  4. Limit how often you eat out, and eat healthy when you do. You may want to add in a few eat-out or take-in meals per week to your meal plan, but keep them as limited as you can. It’s more difficult to eat healthy this way, as opposed to when you prepare your meals yourself. When you are eating out, try the following:[14]
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    • Study the menu beforehand, ideally even before going to the restaurant.
    • Ask for advice on healthy menu options from the restaurant staff.
    • Eat a healthy snack beforehand, and order small portion sizes.
    • Drink water with your meal instead of sugary beverages or alcohol.


  • Don't skip meals. If you currently skip meals, make sure to schedule a meal or a healthy snack for yourself at least every four hours. Skipping meals is more likely to lead to binge eating later, which contributes to weight gain.[15]

EditRelated wikiHows


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source How to of the Day

How to Find the Right Pixie Cut

With the help of a trusted hair stylist and a dash of confidence, anyone can sport any type of pixie cut! Certain styles will help you highlight or conceal different facial features, and different styles work better with different hair types. Once you know your face shape, you can determine which features you want to play up and which you want to balance out. For better or worse, your pixie cut won’t stay the same forever. You can choose to maintain your cute crop, or allow your tresses to grow out. Whichever style you choose, have fun and be bold!


EditDetermining Your Face Shape

  1. Draw an outline around your hairline, cheeks, and chin. Look in a mirror to get a straight-on view of your face. Use an eyeliner pencil to mark a dotted line around the outside edges of your face. Start at your forehead, drawing the dotted line across at your hairline, and then extend it down to trace the outside edges of your cheeks and jaws. Continue the line around the base of your chin.[1]
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    • You can snap a photo of your face, print it out, and trace around your face on the print-out, if you prefer.[2]
    • Consider having someone else take your photo from a few steps away, instead of using a selfie which distorts your facial proportions.
  2. Compare the widths of each part of your face to determine your face shape. You can make the comparisons visually, or use a tape measure to get the exact proportions. First, determine which part of your face is the widest (forehead, cheekbones, or jaw). Then look at the shape of your chin and jawline (rounded, square, or pointed). Lastly, check whether your face is longer than it is wide, or wider than it is long.
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    • This will help you determine which of the face shapes you have: round, oval, square, rectangular, heart, or diamond.
  3. Identify a round or oval face by wide cheekbones and a rounded chin. You have a round face if your cheekbones are the widest part of your face, your chin features soft curves in a rounded shape, and your face is wider than it is long.[3]
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    • If your face is longer than it is wide, you have an oval face.
  4. Look for a broad, strong jaw and chin as evidence of a square or rectangular face. Your face is square-shaped if your jaw is the widest part of your face. You have a strong, square jawline and your face is wider than it is long.[4]
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    • However, if your face is longer than it is wide, you have a rectangular-shaped face.
  5. Note a narrow tapered chin as the hallmark of a heart-shaped or diamond face. Your face is likely heart-shaped if your forehead or cheekbones are wider than your jaw. The signature feature of a heart-shaped face is a chin that tapers down to a point. Usually, your face will be wider than it is long if it’s heart-shaped. [5]
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    • If your face is longer than it is wide, and your forehead is narrower than your cheekbones, you have a diamond-shaped face.
  6. Decide if you want your pixie cut to show off or balance out your face shape. As long as you have confidence, you can pull off any haircut! But you might not love just any haircut if it doesn’t deliver the effect you intended. Then think about whether you want to use your hair to highlight your features or soften them.
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    • For example, if you have a short and wide round face, you might want to elongate it with sweeping bangs. Or, you might want super-short fringe that emphasizes your cute, compact features.[6]
    • Search online for photos of celebrities with your face shape to see how different haircuts transform their faces.

EditChoosing a Cut Based on Face Shape

  1. Emphasize oval or heart-shaped facial features with crown volume. If you want to enhance the elfin beauty of your heart-shaped face, get a cut with plenty of volume up top. Try short baby bangs to make your chin seem smaller and your eyes lower-set on your face.[7] To draw attention to the length and elegance of your oval face, keep your hair short on the sides and add volume at the top.[8]
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    • Oval and heart-shaped faces naturally lend themselves to a variety of pixie cuts, so feel free to experiment![9]
    • The narrow chin of a heart-shaped face and the long proportions of an oval face, especially if paired with sculpted cheekbones, can balance out lots of volume up top but can also feel balanced under buzz-cut style pixies.[10]
  2. Try a boyish cut to highlight the sculpted features of rectangular or square faces. A tousled schoolboy-style haircut cut will play up your sculpted cheekbones and jawline. Keep it voluminous and use a gel or pomade product to hold your choppy locks in place. [11]
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    • This kind of boyish look can be especially fun when contrasted with feminine style choices.
  3. Keep plenty of volume and texture at the top to lengthen short faces. By adding length and volume at your crown and roots, you’ll lengthen out your overall face shape. This is especially effective on square and round faces. You can keep the hair off of your forehead to add even more length.
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    • Consider a pixie with choppy texture framing your face and adding volume all over. This kind of style will break up the soft round curves of a round face and will emphasize the angular contours of a square face.[12]
    • A sleek, long side bang tucked behind your ear will mirror the roundness and shortness of your face. You can avoid this style if you’d rather balance out your proportions, but it can be a chic way to emphasize your facial structure.[13]
  4. Add choppy texture at the top and sides to balance out long faces. Oval, diamond, and rectangular faces tend to be longer and leaner than other face shapes. If you’d rather make your long face appear shorter, add a sweeping side bang and maintain some layers and volume at the sides of your face to widen it out.
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    • Since diamond-shaped faces are narrower at the forehead, they can benefit from choppy tendrils at the top and around the sides for added width.[14]
  5. Balance the width of wider faces with angular, asymmetrical cuts. Opt for a deeper side part and a dynamic, asymmetrical style to play up your angular features. If your hair conceals your broader forehead and cheekbones, it will help your chin appear narrower.[15] Consider adding angular pieces in front of your ears to mask the width of your cheekbones and emphasize your strong bone structure.
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    • You can go an extra step and keep one side of your hair (with the sideswept bangs) fuller and more voluminous, while chopping the other side shorter.[16]
    • By playing with face-framing texture and bangs that distract from the width of your face, you can make your chin and jawline appear narrower and more angular.
  6. Aim for chin-length styles to soften narrow, pointed chins. Not all diamond and heart-shaped faces end in a sharp pointed chin, but if yours does you can downplay this with a longer pixie. Avoid top-heavy styles and get a cut that keeps some hair around your chin.[17]
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    • Try an angled bob, which involves longer hair in the front and a shorter crop in the back. This can be a fun and flattering style.
    • A choppy bob can serve as a great starting point that you can eventually shift to a shorter pixie style.
  7. Choose face-framing bangs to conceal taller foreheads on long faces. If you have a rectangular, diamond, or oval face and want to distract from the height of your forehead, and the overall length of your face, keep some hair over your forehead in the form of soft sideswept bangs.[18]
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    • Baby bangs and lots of volume at the top can highlight the length of your forehead, but this attention-grabbing style isn’t for everyone.

EditConsidering Hair Type

  1. Incorporate longer layers into your pixie if you have naturally curly hair. Curly and wavy hair can result in an array of dynamic, beautifully textured pixie styles, as long as you maintain enough length for your curls to take shape.[19] Get layers to make your hair feel lighter, rather than weighed down. Layers wil add plenty of volume, movement, and texture to your cut.[20]
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    • If you’re not sure how your curls will perform in a short crop, you can try going for a bob first.
    • Observe the habits of your shorter curls and master a few styling tricks before going in for the pixie.
  2. Keep thick hair shorter at the sides and longer at the crown. Unless you want to add width to balance out a narrow face, you should stick to a pixie with shorter trimmed sides. Consider getting a cut that tapers down in around the back and bottom as well to manage your hair’s texture and volume. But keep plenty of fullness and layers at the top of your style, to take advantage of your voluminous tresses.[21]
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    • Avoid getting a blunt pixie cut if you have thicker hair. It won’t provide as much movement and might not feel balanced.
  3. Create choppy layers and edgy bangs to give dimension to fine hair. While fine hair can feel limp in a heavy, long haircut, it can be light and voluminous when chopped short. Add plenty of layers so your hair looks nice and full. Choppy, asymmetrical cuts look especially great with fine hair. Try bangs that are graduated from short to long. Or go straight for baby bangs!.
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    • You may want to avoid a heavy side bang since it could get weighted down and start looking a little limp.
    • For even more depth and dimension, consider adding lowlights and highlights that will emphasize your pixie’s volume.[22]
  4. Find texturizing and volumizing products to boost and hold fine hair. If you have fine hair, develop an arsenal of products that will add dynamism and movement to your pixie. Try a variety of styling mousses and pomades, texturizing sprays, and hairsprays and see which ones you like best. Dry shampoo will be handy for keeping next-day styles fresh and lively.[23]
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    • Work these products into your roots to keep your style choppy and voluminous.
    • Try teasing your roots as well for extra lift.[24]

EditDesigning a Cut with Styling Versatility

  1. Opt for long angled bangs to do sideswept and coiffed styles. Angled side bangs can frame your face and emphasize your cheekbones. But you don’t always need to style them in front of your face! Long bangs can be brushed back off your face and arranged into an edgy, masculine coif.[25]
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    • A coif involves arranging your bangs up and off of your forehead so that they add height and texture to your pixie. You can add curls or waves, or go for a spikey effect.
    • Use styling pomade to add volume at the roots and hold your hair in place in a coif.
  2. Keep length and layers at the front if you plan to add curls or waves. If your hair holds a curl, this instantly broadens your pixie styling potential. Whether you plan to liven up your straight hair with glamorous retro finger waves or soft, tousled curls, get a slightly longer pixie cut with layers.[26]
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    • For maximum pixie curling potential, get a long pixie that borders on bob territory.
    • Alternatively, you can keep your pixie shorter at the back and longer towards the front to add in just a few face-framing curls.
  3. Choose a sleek cut with more length at the front for slicked-back styling. Do you want to try the gelled, slicked-back look? If so, keep your hair long enough to tuck behind your ears, and aim for a cut that’s sleek at the back and neat around the nape of your neck.[27]
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    • Choppier cuts won’t hold this style as well. Textured layers will be hard to keep down smoothly.


  • Study your hair’s growth patterns before getting your pixie cut. This way, you’ll be able to discuss styling options with your stylist, and you won’t be too surprised or frustrated at your hair’s behavior once you have a pixie.
  • If you’re not happy with your pixie, remember that your hair will grow back! It might feel awkward and uncomfortable for a little while, but it’s all part of the process. You will learn a lot about your hair during the process, which will help you make informed decisions the next time you cut your hair.
  • Find a trusted and highly-rated stylist who specializes in pixie cuts. Look for client feedback and discuss your vision with the stylist (before walking in for your appointment!) to see whether they’ll be the best person for the job.
  • Confidence is the key to pulling off pixie styles. Have fun and be bold, and people will take note of your great energy as well as your great hair.


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source How to of the Day

mardi 30 juillet 2019

How to Save Money to Travel

Many people dream of traveling the world one day, but it’s hard to save money to travel as often as you’d like to. If you want to begin saving for your dream trip or an upcoming vacation, it’s easy to get your travel fund started. You can kickstart your travel savings by cutting your expenses, budgeting your money, and choosing cheaper travel options and accommodations.


EditSaving Money Quickly

  1. Deposit money from each paycheck into your savings account automatically. Decide how much you can afford to save, such as 5-10% of your income. Once you get paid, move that money from your checking account into savings so you can’t spend it. Be sure to commit to saving the same amount or an increasing amount each month to build your savings.[1]
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    • You may be able to file paperwork with your employer so that a certain percentage of your paycheck is “direct deposited” into your savings account, rather than your checking account. That way, you won’t have to transfer the money yourself.
  2. Cut unnecessary spending to increase the amount you can save. Try to limit the amount that you spend on non-essentials, like entertainment, dining out at restaurants, or general shopping. Avoid going to clubs, bars, or cinemas until you have enough money for your trip- and if you do go the cinema, bring your own snacks and sit in standard seats; you don't need to pay extra to see the film in 3D or eat overpriced snacks in the premium seats. At the end of the month, transfer the money you didn’t spend from your checking account into to your savings.[2]
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    • For example, if you normally spend $150 per month on eating at restaurants, you can limit that to $50 per month and add the extra $100 to your savings.
  3. Get a part-time job to fund your travel if you have spare time. If you have extra time in your day and aren’t able to reach your savings goal through budgeting, apply to work at a restaurant, bar, or retail store. These jobs normally have flexible schedules and pay a bit above minimum wage, which can allow you to save an extra $200-$500 per month, depending on the job and how much you’re able to work.[3]
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    • Jobs like waiting tables and bartending are popular for making quick money since you often get cash tips and can begin saving immediately. These jobs also allow you to work weekends and evenings if you have a day job.
  4. Sell used books, clothes, and furniture to make extra money for your trip. Go through your items to see what you don’t want or need anymore. Look for places like consignment stores and used book stores to sell clothes and books. If you want to sell the items yourself, host a garage sale or post the items on an online marketplace, like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Gumtree, eBay or Amazon.[4]
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    • Make sure all items that you’re trying to sell are in good condition with no damage or missing parts.
  5. Call your utility providers to see how you can lower your bill. Most utility companies keep track of how much gas, water, and electricity you use, and may have suggestions for lowering your costs. Try leaving the lights off, taking shorter showers, and programming your thermostat to adjust to a cooler or warmer temperature when you aren’t at home.[5]
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    • Try contacting your phone provider, as well, and opt for the cheapest plan available to save money. This might help you save an additional $30-$50 per month.
  6. Take public transport or walk to cut the costs associated with driving. If you usually drive, check the bus or train timetable, and purchase a pass to use your city’s public transport. For close destinations, try cycling or walking to get where you need to go. By doing so, you can save on parking passes, paying for petol, and any mechanical issues. Depending on where you live, choosing public transport can help you save as much as $13,000 annually![6]
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    • Normally, monthly transportation passes cost around $50-$100 and can be used to pay for multiple trips per day.
    • If you’re a student, check with your university to see if you can use your student I.D. for free or discounted passes.
    • Some employers provide a commuting incentive for employees who take public transport to cover the cost of the pass. Be sure to ask your manager if this is an option before you buy the pass!

EditBudgeting for Your Trip

  1. Track your spending closely for 1 month to see where your money goes. Use an app to enter all of your purchases or write down how much you spend in a notebook. Be sure to keep track of everything and save any receipts so you can categorize where you’re spending most of your money.[7]
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    • If you don’t want to wait a month to start saving, try looking over your bank statements for the past month to see how much you’re spending.
  2. Decide how much money you want to save for the trip. Start researching your expected expenses for the trip, like airfare, lodging, food, entertainment, and transportation in your destination. As a general rule, plan to save about $400 for spending money for each week of your trip, plus additional money for transportation and lodging throughout that time.[8]
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    • For example, if you were planning to take a month-long trip to a foreign country, you should save at least $1,500 for spending money plus the cost of a flight and a hotel room.
    • While you can get by with spending less, it’s better to have more than you need. When you come back from your trip, you can always put that extra money toward your next trip.
  3. Create a detailed budget that includes saving for travel expenses. Take the information that you gathered from tracking your spending and break it into categories. Budget money for fixed expenses, like rent or a mortgage, utilities, Internet, transportation, savings, and insurance. Then, make a category for expenses that fluctuate, like shopping, entertainment, and eating at restaurants.[9]
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    • Remember to make savings a “fixed” expense, since you’ll need to commit to saving a certain amount each month for your trip.
  4. Use rewards credit cards only if you can pay off the expense immediately. There are plenty of credit cards that offer rewards points and cashback for travel-related expenses, like airfare and hotel rooms. However, you should try to avoid going into debt for your trip, since high interest rates can negate the money saved from cashback or rewards points.[10]
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    • If you’re planning to use a rewards card to purchase something for your trip, transfer the money directly from your savings account to pay off the card as soon as possible.

EditSpending Less on Your Trip

  1. Travel during the off-season to save on airfare and lodging. Most tourist destinations are busier during popular vacation times, like holidays and school vacations. Try to travel during less popular months, which can vary depending on the destination. Research online before booking your flight to see when the peak season for that location is.[11]
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    • If you’re looking to go to a seasonal destination, like a ski resort, try to plan for the very beginning or end of the season for the best rates.
  2. Be flexible with your travel dates to get the best deals on airfare. When you’re searching for a flight, be sure to select the option for “flexible” dates. This means that you’d be willing to fly on any day of the week regardless of the length of your trip. Try searching for flights on aggregate websites, like Momondo and Kayak, which have flexible options.[12]
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    • If you need to depart or arrive on a certain date, try to make the other leg of your trip flexible to save some money.
  3. Stay in a hostel rather than a hotel to save money on hotel rooms. If you’re going to a popular tourist destination, try looking for availability in hostels, which have shared sleeping and common spaces. If you’re comfortable sharing a room or bathroom with a stranger for a few nights, this is a great option.[13]
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    • Remember to look up reviews of the hostel before booking your stay, especially if you’re traveling alone. If previous guests have reported feeling unsafe or have had things stolen, opt for a different lodging arrangement.
  4. Visit attractions and events that don’t have an admission fee. When you’re in a new city, visit places like museums and public exhibitions, which normally don’t have an entrance fee on certain days of the week. If you’re not sure where to go, try searching online for “free things to do” in the city where you’re staying.[14]
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    • For example, museums in New York City have a free admission day once per month. While they tend to be more crowded on these days, it’s a great way to see art, history, or science exhibits without using your spending money.
  5. Search for discounts online before purchasing tickets to events or attractions. If you’re planning to visit popular tourist attractions, search the name of the attraction plus the word “coupon” or “discount” online first. Use sites like GroupOn or membership groups like AAA and AARP to find special discounts on tickets.[15]
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    • You might also be able to get discounts or rewards points for using a credit card to purchase the tickets. However, keep in mind that you should pay off the card as soon as possible to avoid interest charges.


  • Before you depart on your trip, make sure your bags aren’t too heavy. If they’re over a specific weight, you may have to use some of your money to pay for a checked bag fee!


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source How to of the Day

How to Get Rid of Dry Hair and Dry Scalp

Having dry hair and scalp can be frustrating, but you may be able to find relief! While dry hair and scalp have several causes, changing your hair care habits and using deep conditioning treatments will usually help fix it. To get rid of your dry hair and scalp, adjust your hair care routine to avoid products and techniques that cause dryness. Then, restore moisture to your hair and scalp using a home treatment. Finally, protect your hair to keep it as healthy as possible.


EditAdjusting Your Hair Care Habits

  1. Shampoo your hair no more than 2-3 times a week. Washing your hair too often can dry out both your scalp and hair. You don’t need to wash your hair every day, and skipping washes may help improve the look and feel of your hair. For best results, wash your hair just 2-3 times per week.[1]
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    • If your hair feels very dirty, try using dry shampoo between washes.
    • It’s okay to condition your hair between washes, if you like.
  2. Use a sulfate-free, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Sulfate can dry out both your hair and your scalp, so skip products that contain it. Check the label on your shampoo and conditioner to make sure they are sulfate-free and are moisturizing. This can help you find relief.[2]
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  3. Condition your hair daily, but avoid your scalp. Using a moisturizing conditioner may help treat your dry hair. Apply the conditioner starting at your ends, then stop just before you reach your scalp. Let the conditioner sit on your hair for 3 minutes before rinsing it out with cool water, which seals your cuticle.[3]
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    • Don’t put the conditioner on your scalp because it may worsen the dryness, especially if you have dandruff.
  4. Do a 20-30 minute deep conditioning treatment once a week. Apply a deep conditioning treatment to your hair starting at the ends and working up to your roots. Let it sit for up to 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water to seal your cuticle. This will help restore your hair’s moisture.[4]
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    • Follow the directions on your product label.
  5. Use heat styling tools no more than 1-2 times a week to prevent damage. Unfortunately, styling tools can damage your hair and even cause breakage. Avoid using heat to style your hair if you can. Otherwise, limit your use of heat styling tools to just 1-2 times a week. This includes your hair dryer, straightener, and curling iron.[5]
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    • When you do use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant to your hair first. This will help reduce the damage.

EditUsing Home Treatments

  1. Apply coconut oil to your hair and scalp for 20-30 minutes. Divide your hair into 4-6 sections, depending on how thick your hair is. Starting with the first section, use your fingers to apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your hair and scalp. Continue applying the oil to each section until your hair is coated. Then, cover your head with a shower cap and a hot towel. Let the oil sit for up to 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition your hair to remove it.[6]
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    • If you don’t have much time, leave the oil on your hair for 10 minutes. It won’t be quite as effective, but you should see results.
  2. Do a hot oil treatment to add moisture to your hair. Pour about of oil into a bowl. Heat the oil in a pot of boiling water or the microwave until it feels warm. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp, then cover your hair with a shower cap and a warm towel. Let the oil sit for 30-45 minutes. Finally, shampoo and condition your hair to remove the oil.[7]
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    • You can use any oil that you have on hand. Avocado oil is a great option for dry hair, and jojoba oil helps with dandruff. You can also use coconut oil, which is great for all hair types.
  3. Try a homemade egg yolk mask, which may help with dryness. To make your mask, put 2-3 whole eggs into a clean bowl and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Beat the eggs until they get frothy, then apply the mask to your hair using your fingers. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mask sit for 20 minutes. Rinse the mask out with cool water, then shampoo and condition your hair.[8]
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    • You can use this treatment once or twice a month.
    • Don’t rinse the mask out with warm or hot water because the egg will start to cook and will be harder to remove. of honey, of olive oil, or of coconut oil to your mask for extra softness and shine. However, keep in mind that these ingredients don’t work the same way for everyone and aren’t guaranteed to help your hair.}}
  4. Use a homemade gelatin mask for smooth, shiny hair. Stir 1 tbsp (9 g) of gelatin into of warm water. Let the gelatin sit for 5 minutes, then add of apple cider vinegar and 6 drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix the ingredients, then apply the mask to your hair. Let is sit for 10 minutes before shampooing and conditioning your hair.[9]
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    • Instead of the rosemary essential oil, you can use clary sage, lavender, or jasmine essential oil.
  5. Apply a thick layer of mayonnaise to your hair to restore moisture. Wet your hair with warm water before applying the mask. Use your fingers to apply a thin coat of mayonnaise to your hair, starting at your ends and working up to your roots. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mayonnaise sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Finally, rinse out the mayonnaise, shampoo, and condition.[10]
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    • Choose a mayonnaise that contains eggs and oil, as these are the ingredients that treat the dryness.
  6. Use an avocado mask to add moisture to your hair and scalp. Add a ripe avocado, of extra virgin olive oil, and of honey to a blender, food processor, or clean bowl. Mix the ingredients together until your mask is an even consistency. Apply the mask to dry hair and massage it into your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mask sit for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair out with cool water, then shampoo and condition.[11]
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    • Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals, and natural oils, so they may make your hair soft, glossy, and moisturized.
  7. Use honey to make a deep conditioning mask. For an easy option, mix 1 part honey and 2 parts conditioner together. Alternatively, mix of extra virgin olive oil, of pure vegetable glycerin, and of pure honey to make a mask. Apply the conditioner to your hair and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing your hair with cool water.[12]
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    • Be aware that honey can lighten your hair.

EditProtecting Your Hair and Scalp

  1. Eat a nutritious diet or take a multivitamin to avoid vitamin deficiencies. Consuming nutritious foods will help you get the nutrients you need for healthy hair. If you want to use supplements, check with your doctor first to make sure they’re safe for you to take. Here are some ways you can improve your diet to help relieve your dry hair:[13]
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    • Eat more fatty fish, like tuna, salmon, sardines, and mackerel.
    • Choose more fresh produce, especially blueberries, broccoli, and tomatoes.
    • Add nutrient-dense foods like walnuts, kidney beans, and oysters.
    • Take supplements for Omega-3s, vitamin A, vitamin C, biotin, and iron.
  2. Wear a hat when you’re out in the sun. Sun exposure can dry out your hair and scalp, so spending time outdoors can make your condition worse. Covering your head with a hat helps block the sun’s rays, so it may help with your dry hair and scalp. Choose a hat with a brim for the best coverage.[14]
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    • If you can, spend less time outdoors during the sunny parts of the day.
  3. Wear a swim cap while swimming to protect your hair from chlorine. Exposing your hair and scalp to chlorinated water may dry them out. Fortunately, you don’t have to give up swimming! Instead, cover your head with a swim cap before you get in the pool. This will protect both your hair and scalp, which may help with your dryness.[15]
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    • You can buy a swim cap online.
    • As another option, keep your hair out of the water while you’re spending time in a pool.



  • Always visit a dermatologist or your doctor if you are experiencing scalp problems.[16]


  • Don’t use baking soda treatments if you have dry hair or scalp because baking soda is too harsh and drying. It will likely make your dryness worse.[17]

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