be more attractive: How to Measure Brand Awareness

samedi 14 mars 2020

How to Measure Brand Awareness

Brand awareness measures how many people are familiar with your product or service by tracking searches and engagement online or in person. If you have a brand and want to learn more about how aware people are of it, start by looking for tracking tools online to learn how often your brand is mentioned and searched for. Look into your web traffic and social media posts to see how others interact with your content. If you want answers to more direct questions, running surveys can help you get feedback from your target audience.


[Edit]Measuring Web Traffic

  1. Use Google Analytics to see how often your brand is searched for. Google Analytics is a free tool that you can use to look for web searches that relate to your brand. When you use Google Analytics, you’ll be able to see the demographics, locations, and how often traffic goes to your website. You may also see how often people are directed to your brand from other websites so you can determine your overall reach. Sign up for a free account to start tracking your sites.[1]
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    • Google Analytics also offers a paid option so you can control your searches more and get more in-depth information.
    • Some website design templates also offer web tracking so you can get information about the people that visit the site.
  2. See how much direct traffic your brand’s website gets. Using Google Analytics or another web tracking service, look at the value for the number of people that visit your website directly to know how often people visit your website. Look for any changes in the trend lines so you can see when more or fewer people visit your site. If your site has a positive trend over time, then more people are looking for your brand, but if it decreases, then people are looking elsewhere for a similar service.[2]
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    • Checking the number of people that visit your website doesn’t necessarily mean that they used your service or brand in any way.
    • Some analytics tools may tell you how long the average user spends on your site as well as which pages are visited the most.
    • Look for your site’s traffic on a monthly and yearly level to see when your site gets the most users.
  3. Monitor searches for your brand name with Google Trends. Google Trends is a free service that tracks the history of searches and how often keywords are looked up. Type in your brand’s name into the analytics service you’re using to look up how often people are searching for it. The data from the searches will show you where people are searching for your brand, how often they visit sites related to your brand, and what their demographics are. Check the trend lines of the searches to see if it’s increasing or decreasing over time to gauge your brand’s popularity.[3]
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    • You can set up alerts through the web analysis service you use so you can get updates on when your brand name is mentioned on another site or searched for.
  4. Check what keywords are bringing people to your website. The keywords you search for and track vary depending on what product or service your brand provides. Type a list of words related to your brand in the analytics service you’re using so you can get information about how often people are searching for the keywords. Compare how often people search for the words or phrases to the amount of traffic your website gets to see how often others find your brand.[4]
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    • For example, if your brand is for headache medication, you may include keywords like, “pain relief,” “headache,” or “migraine.”
  5. Determine your audience's demographics so you can market to them. The demographics of your audience include where they’re located, what age group they fit into, and which gender they are. After looking at the analytics for your site, check the graphs or charts for analytics to see who is primarily searching for your product.[5]
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    • Use the information you find to help determine if you need to market toward a different group of people or if you’re finding the right audience.
  6. Look at the analytics for your competitors to see how your brand compares. Look for any larger competitors or brands that are similar to yours and type their website’s information into your analysis service. Compare the numbers for their web traffic and keywords to your own brand so you can see how they’re performing. If you have lower numbers than your competitors, then you may need to market your brand more to spread awareness to other people.[6]
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    • For example, if you have a brand of headache medication, you may search for competitors like Tylenol or Advil to see how their numbers compare.

[Edit]Tracking Social Media Engagement

  1. Find a social media listening tool to keep track of post engagement. Social media has a huge impact on brands and their awareness for a general population. While some social media sites offer limited analytics, social media listening keeps track of each post you make to see how often others see and engage with your posts. Check online for free social media listening tools and choose the one that fits your needs.[7]
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    • Some social media listening tools are more in-depth than others. While some may only track how often your posts are shared, others will also list the location and demographics of the people engaging with your posts.
  2. Search for how often your brand is mentioned in social media posts. Using your social media listening software, look up how many times people mention your brand and tag you in a post. The services actively look on multiple social media sites so you can see a breakdown of how often your brand’s name is written down and shared on public posts. If your brand name is trending downward, then you may need to advertise or market better to make people more aware of you.[8]
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    • Include misspellings of your brand name in your search to help reach a broader audience.
  3. Determine the reach of each post to know who saw it. The reach of a post is how many people saw it on their social media feeds so you know how large your audience is. Compare the numbers between each of your posts to see what type of content people respond to and are more likely to see. Once you learn which posts are most successful, plan to create similar content in the future to expand your reach so more people see it.[9]
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    • Many social media sites have limited analytics where you can see how many people found your post.
    • People are usually more likely to see and read shorter posts than longer ones.
  4. Look at how many people interacted with your posts to determine user engagement. Your engagement includes the number of times people liked, shared, or commented on your posts. Check multiple posts to see how your user engagement has changed over time and what types of content people are more likely to respond to. Make note of your most successful posts so you can work on similar content or make adjustments to how you market your brand in the future.[10]
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    • People are more likely to engage with your posts if you actively respond to comments or shares.
    • Check out the engagement for any of your competitors to see how you compare to them.
  5. Check how many users are using a hashtag for your brand. Hashtags can help your brand become recognizable and provide an easy way to spread awareness. Search for any hashtags that you’ve used for your brand to see how many users are putting them in their content. If people aren’t using a certain hashtag you’ve used to market yourself, then you may need to think of a different one to use instead.[11]
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    • For example, if you have a brand of headache medication, you may start a hashtag like #WhyIHaveAHeadache” to promote your medicine.
    • Look for popular hashtags on your competitors’ social media pages to see what successful branding they’re using. For example, Coca-Cola used “#ShareACoke” to promote their product and brand.

[Edit]Conducting Awareness Surveys

  1. Offer brand awareness surveys in person or online. You can conduct surveys in person if you want to target specific individuals, or you can set up an online survey for a larger audience to take. Look for free survey creation services online so you can write your questions and post them to your social media pages or website. If you’re doing your surveys in person, you can reach out to random groups of people to take your survey.[12]
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    • Brand awareness surveys can be the most difficult to use for metrics since it doesn’t directly measure quantitative evidence.
    • If you’re offering your survey in person, find a variety of people with different ages and backgrounds so you don’t skew the results.
  2. Provide basic demographic questions to determine your brand’s audience. When you write the questions for your survey, include questions about the user’s age, where they’re from, and what gender they are. This way, as you compile your results, you can see what audience your brand has and how much awareness people have for it depending on their age, location, or gender. Check if the audience you’re trying to target appears more than others, and if they don’t, make note of it so you can adjust your brand to reach them more.[13]
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    • For example, at the beginning of your survey, you may include questions about their birthday and the country where they live.
    • You can include demographic questions at the end of your survey if you want to get into your questions immediately.
  3. Determine how your brand compares to competitors using a rating scale. Make a short list of 5-6 competitors as well as your brand, and ask the people taking your survey to rate them. Use a scale from 1-5, with 1 being not familiar with the brand and 5 being very familiar. Ask the person taking the survey to give each brand you list a specific rating so you can see how familiar they are with your brand.[14]
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    • Include pictures of each brand if you can since people may be more likely to recognize something visually rather by name.
    • Don’t list an overwhelming number of brands since it could make people less likely to finish the survey.
  4. Use questions with multiple choices to get more informed responses. Many people don’t like to write out long responses while they’re taking a survey, so use mostly multiple choice questions so people are more likely to complete it. Put your questions so the most important ones are at the beginning to increase the chances of people answering them. Be as specific with your questions as you can so people don’t get confused or skew the results of your survey.[15]
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    • Randomize the order of the answers since many people usually skew toward the first option listed.
  5. Ask what a person thinks of when they hear your brand name. Rather than using a multiple choice question, let people explain their first thoughts when they hear your brand name. Ask for only 2-3 thoughts so the person taking the survey doesn’t feel the need to explain their thoughts in depth. If people aren’t aware of your brand, you may provide an option that says “I have never heard of this brand.” When you get the results of the survey, you can use the information to determine how people see your brand or see if they are familiar with it.[16]
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    • You can also include a follow-up question about how people found your brand with multiple choices, such as “Social media,” “From a friend,” or “Advertisement.”
    • You may also include similar questions about your brand’s competitors to get an idea of how your audience perceives them.
  6. Compile the survey information to see how your brand compares to others. Once you have a number of people complete your survey, look at how people ranked your brand with the list of competitors so you can see how you compete with them. If people aren’t familiar with your brand, then you may need to advertise more or market your product to a wider audience. If people are familiar with your brand, look at how they responded to what they think of when they hear the brand name.[17]
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    • For example, if your brand is familiar and someone said their first thought was “old,” you may want to try new designs or advertising to a younger market.


  • Monitor review sites, like Google Reviews or Yelp, to see what other users or customers are saying about your brand. Looking at the reviews for your brand may not directly measure your brand awareness, but it can help guide how you market yourself in the future so you get better reviews.[18]
  • Track your brand awareness multiple ways so you can get an overall reading of how well your brand is doing against your competitors.


source How to of the Day

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