be more attractive: septembre 2020

mercredi 30 septembre 2020

How to Stop Your Nails from Peeling

Whether your peeling nails were caused by washing your hands too often, exposing your nails to chemicals, or the general wear-and-tear of polish and manicures, they can make you feel self-conscious. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can start doing to help heal your nails and prevent peeling in the future. Take a break from painting your nails or getting manicures for a while and focus on rehydrating your nail beds with oils and lotions. Take preventative measures, like wearing gloves when you clean, using things like letter-openers to open packages instead of your fingernails, and taking a supplement to help strengthen your nails.


[Edit]Treating Peeling Nails

  1. Remove nail polish with an acetone-free nail polish remover. If you've noticed that your nails have been peeling, it's time to take a few weeks to help them heal before you apply more polish. In the meantime, get an acetone-free nail polish remover from your drugstore (acetone dries out your cuticles so it's best to avoid it), and use it to remove any polish currently on your nails.[1]
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    • Don't peel or chip nail polish. Doing so is really hard on your nails, and the act of peeling or chipping often strips away a layer of nail.
    • Use cotton balls or swabs to apply the nail polish remover. Rub each nail gently until the polish comes off.
    • If you currently have a gel or shellac manicure, you'll need to use acetone-based remover to get the polish off this time.
    • Always follow up with a moisturizer after you remove nail polish. Even an acetone-free nail polish remover can dry out your nails.
  2. Trim your nails after showering to prevent them from splitting. In order to help your nails heal, you'll want to keep them short for a few weeks. After you shower, use a pair of nail clippers to trim your nails so that their edges are about even with the tips of your fingers. Repeat this once per week until your nails have stopped peeling.[2]
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    • Your nails will be softer after you take a hot shower or bath, making it the best time to clip them to keep them from breaking more.
    • Make sure to use clean nail clippers. You can disinfect them before each use by washing them in warm water and dish detergent.
  3. File your nails into a rounded shape to keep them from snagging. Position a nail file so that it's parallel to the side of your nail, and then move the file from the side toward the center. From the center, move the file down across the opposite side. Always file in the same direction (don't saw back and forth—that increases the chances of your nails breaking or peeling more). Keep filing until you've shaped your nail into a round shape, rather than square.[3]
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    • Always file your nails after cutting them to get rid of any rough edges.
    • Use a fine grit nail file to create a smooth surface on your nail. If you also want to reduce the length of your nails, use a rougher grit to file down your nail before smoothing it out with a fine grit nail file.
  4. Massage a |moisturizing oil into your nails and cuticles every day. There are lots of options for oil treatments—you can buy a special nail and cuticle oil from the beauty supply store, or you can use natural oils that you may already have at home, like olive oil, coconut oil, or argan oil. Use an eyedropper to put 1 drop of oil onto each nail, then massage it into your nail bed.[4]
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    • The oil will moisturize your nails, which will make them less likely to peel.
  5. Apply hand moisturizer regularly to rehydrate your damaged nails. While you're working on treating your peeling nails, remember to keep your hands and nails hydrated. Use a moisturizing cream multiple times a day, especially after you've washed your hands.[5]
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    • Start carrying lotion with you throughout the day so you can keep your nails moisturized even when you're on-the-go.
  6. Take a break from regular polish, acrylic tips, and gel manicures. You may be tempted to cover up your peeling nails with a fresh coat of polish, or maybe you just love doing your nails or getting them done at a salon. But take 2 to 3 weeks off from applying any kind of polish to your nails. Your nails need time to hydrate and heal, and polishes, tips, and gel manicures will slow down the healing process and potentially damage your nails more.[6]
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    • Once you do resume painting your nails again, remember to not peel away old polish.

[Edit]Taking Preventative Measures

  1. Wear gloves to protect your nails when you clean and do chores. Too much water on your nails can dry them out, as can cleaning chemicals. The next time you wash dishes or clean your house, put on a pair of rubber gloves before you get started.[7]
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    • This isn't just good for your nails—wearing rubber gloves also protects your hands from getting excessively dried out or irritated from cleaning products.
  2. Dry your hands completely any time they get wet. Although you might associate water with staying hydrated, it can actually deplete the moisture from your nails and skin. Don't let the water sit on your skin. Whenever you wash your hands or otherwise get them wet, use a clean towel to completely dry them off.
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    • Apply moisturizer afterwards to keep your hands and nails moist.
  3. Use something other than your nails to open packages. Don't scrape at labels, tape, or stickers, and avoid using your nails to open boxes, letters, and packages. Instead, use a letter-opener, box-cutter, or a pair of scissors to open packages.[8]
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    • Even opening soda cans with your nails can be harmful. Use your finger, a coin, or something else instead of your actual nail whenever you can.
  4. Resist chipping or peeling away your nail polish. When you do wear nail polish, don't peel or chip at old polish. Even if you notice it has started flaking off, resist the temptation to pull it away. This often peels off a layer of your nail as well as the polish. Instead, use an acetone-free remover to gently rub away old nail polish.[9]
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    • Especially if you have a shellac or gel manicure, you really don't want to peel it off. It can take months for your nails to recover from that kind of damage.
  5. Start taking a supplement like biotin, iron, or zinc. Biotin can make your nails stronger (and it also can be really great for hair growth), zinc may help if your nails have discolored areas, and iron can thicken nails that are on the thin side. Pick out one supplement to add to your daily regimen and stick with it for 3 to 4 months to see how your body responds.[10]
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    • You can also supplement your diet by eating more iron-rich foods, like spinach, legumes, red meat, and pumpkin seeds.
  6. Avoid over-buffing your nails while doing your nail-care routine. Buffing can remove layers of your nails, wipe away essential healthy oils, and possibly even catch on peeling sections. If and when you do buff your nails, buff each nail with only 6 to 8 strokes, and avoid pressing down hard on your nails.[11]
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    • Buffing can shape your nails and make them shiny, but if you're having trouble with peeling, you may want to skip this step for a few months until your nails are in better shape.


  • Give your hands and nails some extra TLC after doing any kind of activity that is hard on them, like rock climbing, gardening, or painting.
  • If your toenails are peeling, you can use the same methods to treat them and prevent additional peeling.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Treating Peeling Nails

  • Acetone-free nail polish remover
  • Cotton balls
  • Nail clippers
  • Nail file
  • Cuticle oil, or something similar
  • Eyedropper
  • Hand lotion

[Edit]Taking Preventative Measures

  • Gloves for cleaning
  • Letter-opener or box-cutter
  • Supplements like iron, zinc, or biotin (optional)


source How to of the Day

How to Do Ballet at Home

Ballet is a beautiful art form to use for self expression or to stay fit. While taking a dance class is the best way to learn ballet, you can do basic ballet moves at home if you can't take classes or if you just want extra practice. Before you dance, warm up and stretch so your body is ready. Then, learn the 5 positions in ballet and practice basic ballet moves until you master them. When you're ready, build on your technique by following tutorials, doing video lessons, or attending a class.


[Edit]Warming Up and Stretching

  1. Choose a room that has space for you to move around. Make sure you have room to bend, leap, and move across the floor without bumping into anything. Remove any items that might impede your movement, like a coffee table or items on the floor. If your room doesn't have a ballet barre, use the back of a sturdy chair for support when you need it.[1]
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  2. Cover the floor with a mat or rug if it's a hard surface. Don't do ballet on hard surfaces like concrete unless you put down a mat. Jumping on a hard floor can damage your joints, including your knees. Use an exercise mat or rug to cover hard flooring. Alternatively, do ballet in a room that's carpeted.[2]
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    • You can find rubber mats that are made for ballet online.
  3. Warm up your body by doing 5 minutes of low-impact cardio. Your muscles need to be warm before you do ballet to help you avoid injury. To quickly warm up, walk or jog in place for about 5 minutes. If you like, finish your warm-up with a series of squats, lunges, and jumping jacks.[3]
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    • Make sure you warm up before you stretch because stretching cold muscles increases your risk of injury.
  4. Stretch your muscles after you're warmed up. Once your body's warmed up, stretch your muscles so they're ready for your ballet moves. Here are some stretches to try:[4]
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    • Do a forward bend: Stand up straight with your feet together and your toes pointing forward. Hinge forward at your waist and reach down to the floor. Go down as far as you can and try to touch the floor. Hold for 30 seconds.
    • Do a wide-leg stretch: Sit on the floor and spread your legs out in a “V.” Point your toes up into the air. Lean forward and reach between your legs as far as you can. Hold for 30 seconds.
    • Stretch your quads: Your quads are the front of your thighs. Stand up straight with your legs together and hold onto a chair for support. Lift 1 leg behind you and grasp the top of your foot with your hand. Pull your foot into your butt. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs.

[Edit]Practicing the 5 Positions in Ballet

  1. Start with first position because it's the easiest. Stand up straight with your legs together and your heels touching. Turn your toes so they point outwards in a “V.” Then, lift your arms in front of you to make an oval. Your fingers shouldn't be touching.[5]
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    • Point your toes out as far as you can. At first, you might only be able to make a narrow "V." However, you'll become more flexible over time and may eventually be able to turn your toes all the way out.
  2. Do second position to add more ballet moves. Stand tall with your legs spread slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Point your toes outward away from your body. Spread your arms out at your sides, keeping them rounded and at about shoulder height.[6]
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    • Like with first position, only turn your toes out as far as you comfortably can.
  3. Try third position to help you gain experience. Stand up straight and cross your right leg over your left with the heel of your right foot in front of your left arch. Then, curve your right arm in toward your body while keeping your left arm out to the side. Alternatively, cross your left leg over your right and curve in your left arm.[7]
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    • You can do third position with either your right arm and leg or your left arm and leg.
    • You might put your arms into third position as you perform leaps and jumps.
  4. Add fourth position when you're flexible enough to do it comfortably. For an open 4th position, place 1 foot in front of the other with your heels aligned and your toes pointed out. Lift the corresponding arm over your head with your arm curved. For a closed 4th position, cross 1 leg over the other and align your front heel with your back toes. Then, lift your arm over your head, keeping your arm curved.[8]
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    • Sometimes you may put your arms into fourth position during leaps and jumps.
  5. Perform 5th position when you're ready to advance your technique. Place 1 foot in front of the other with your toes pointed out. Close your feet together with your front toe in line with your back heel and your back heel in line with your front heel. Then, lift your arms gracefully over your head, keeping them curved. This position is difficult so don't attempt it until you're flexible enough to do it.[9]
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    • Like with the other positions, you may do leaps and jumps with your arms in 5th position. It's okay to put your arms in 5th position when you're just a beginner. It's the footwork that's challenging.

[Edit]Doing Beginner Ballet Moves

  1. Do demi pliés in first position. Get into first position by standing with your legs together and your toes pointed out. Lift your arms out in front of you and form them into an oval. Bend your knees and slowly lower your body down toward the ground, keeping your heels flat on the floor. Squeeze your muscles in as you come back up. This is called a demi plié.[10]
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    • Pliés are pronounced as Plea-AE.
    • You can hold onto a ballet barre or the back of a chair for support if you need it.
    • After you can do a demi plié, move on to the grande pliés. It's the same move, except that you lift your heels off the floor.
    • This is similar to a squat but you have your heels together and your toes pointed out.
  2. Do tendues in first position. Stand up tall with your heels together and your toes pointed out. Push your foot against the floor as you slide it out to the front, side, or back. Lift your heel to point your toe. Then, slowly lower your foot from the point down to the floor and drag your foot across the floor back to first position.[11]
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    • Tendues are pronounced Ton-DUE.
    • After you master the first position, try tendues in the other positions.
    • You can use a tendue to transition from first to second position. Do a tendue to the side, then lower your foot to the floor instead of bringing it back in.
  3. Perform releves in first position. Stand tall with your heels together and your toes pointed out. Slowly lift your heels off the ground as high as you can. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower your heels back to the floor.[12]
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    • Releve is pronounced “rel uh VEY.”
    • After you master releves in first position, try them in the other positions, as well.
  4. Perform sautés when you're ready for a basic jump. Do a demi plié in first position with your core engaged and your upper body lifted. Then, spring off the ground and land in a demi plié. As you jump, lift your feet up heel to toe, then land by putting your feet down toe to heel.[13]
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    • Typically, you'll do sets of 4, 6, or 8 sautés. Pay attention to your form so that each sauté is performed correctly.[14]
    • Once you master this, practice doing it in second position.
  5. Do an échappé to shift from first to second position. Start in first position with your heels together, your toes pointed out, and your arms curved into an oval out in front of you. Do a demi plié, then leap off of the floor in a sauté. Open your legs and land in second position with your legs spread slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms spread out at your sides.[15]
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    • An échappé is pronounced A-sha-PAY.
    • Do several jumps shifting from first to second, then second to first.
    • You can also do an échappé to shift from fifth to second position.
  6. Perform grand jetés to add leaps. Grand jetés are leaps where you extend 1 leg in front of your body and 1 leg behind your body. Place your arms in fourth or fifth position. Take a small hop forward with 1 leg, then leap into the air to do your grand jeté. Split your legs and extend them out straight with your toes pointed.[16]
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    • Jeté is pronounced Zha-TAE.
    • Jump as high as you can without overexerting your body or bending your knees. With practice, you'll be able to jump higher and spread your legs further.
  7. Try grand battements to incorporate kicks. A grand battement is a kick with a pointed toe and straight leg, which you can do to the front, side, or back. Put your arms in second position. Brush your foot across the floor, then lift it up into a kick. Lift your kick up as high as you can, pointing your toe. Keep your standing leg straight as you kick.[17]
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    • Grand battement is pronounced GROND Bot-MAH.
    • When you're doing a grand battement to the back, lean forward slightly but don't bend at your waist.
    • Try to lift your leg at least 90 degrees off the ground, but don't push yourself further than your range of motion can go. As you practice, you'll be able to lift your leg further off the ground.
    • You can do grand battements with your arms in other positions as you get better at ballet.

[Edit]Advancing Your Technique

  1. Watch ballet tutorials online using sites like YouTube. If you can't afford lessons, video tutorials are a great alternative. While they're not as helpful as learning from a teacher, tutorials can teach you basic ballet if you practice several days a week. Look for tutorials for moves you want to try, then follow along carefully.[18]
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    • Subscribe to ballet channels that you find helpful.
    • Keep in mind that you'll likely need lessons if you're wanting to become an advanced dancer. However, video tutorials are a great way to start and can help you enjoy ballet as a hobby.
  2. Follow along with a video lesson. Video lessons are available on DVD or streaming sites. These lessons are taught by professional teachers, so they can teach you advanced moves. It won't be the same as working one-on-one with an instructor, but these lessons will help you develop your dancing technique.[19]
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    • Look for video workouts online. Watch a preview of the workout before you buy it to see if you can follow the instruction.
    • Pick a video that's at your level. If you're a beginner, look for a step-by-step video to help you learn.
  3. Take classes in person for personalized instruction. Attending classes with an instructor allows you to get feedback on your form so you can make improvements. Additionally, you'll learn ballet faster and safely proceed to more advanced moves. Attending classes will also give you the opportunity to learn choreography and perform in front of an audience. Look for classes in your area by searching online.[20]
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    • If you've been practicing at home and can't afford classes, ask the school if they have a scholarship or internship program. You may be able to earn a scholarship if you show talent and dedication, or you might be able to get a class discount if you help out around the studio.


  • Listen to your body and respect its limits. It's okay if you can't jump high or point your toes all the way out. You'll get better with practice!
  • Get someone who is experienced and good at ballet to watch you. They can give you feedback on how to improve.
  • Ballet at home can be suitable for dancers who are only looking for basic technique, but it can't make up for real classes. Having a teacher to correct you is crucial if you're planning on getting serious about dance.
  • Start with the basics and work your way up to advanced dance moves.
  • Ballet takes years to master, so be patient and enjoy the process. You'll get better each time you practice, so keep going!
  • Ballet takes time and practice! If you want to get good at it, you should practice daily.


  • Don't try to dance pointe unless you're working with an instructor. You can injure yourself if you try it on your own.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Dip Dye Hair with Kool Aid

Kool-Aid is a fun, cheap, and easy way to temporarily dye the ends of your hair! Start by grabbing 2-3 packages of Kool-Aid in the color of your choice. Mix the powder with water and bring the mixture to a boil on your stovetop. After about 1 minute, remove the mixture from the heat and transfer it to a heat-safe bowl. Lower the ends of your hair into the dye bath for 15-25 minutes to achieve your new color! Your results should last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.


[Edit]Choosing a Color and Prepping Your Hair

  1. Select 2-3 packages of Kool-Aid in the color of your choice. If you have blonde hair, you probably only need 2 packages of Kool-Aid. If your hair is darker than that, go with 3 packages. You can choose any color you want! Red, blue, and purple are popular options that show up nicely on all hair colors. You can also mix your own custom colors![1]
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    • For example, try mixing together 2 packages of grape Kool-Aid and 1 package of cherry to get a high-intensity burgundy color.[2]
    • If you have dark hair, avoid using yellow or orange. You can try green, but you’ll probably get better results with a more saturated hue, like purple or blue.
  2. Put on an old T-shirt and plastic gloves to prevent stains. Kool-Aid will definitely stain anything it comes in contact with! Put on an old T-shirt and cover your workspace with newspaper or plastic garbage bags to prevent staining. It’s also a good idea to wear plastic gloves to protect your skin.[3]
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  3. Place several old towels within reach on your work surface. You will need to squeeze the excess dye out of your hair as soon as you pull it out of the dye bath, so make sure you have several old towels within reach and ready to go! Otherwise, you risk dripping the potent Kool-Aid dye all over the floor or counter.[4]
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    • Keep in mind that the Kool-Aid will permanently stain the towels, so use old ones.
  4. Brush out your dry hair until it’s tangle-free. Kool-Aid dye works best on freshly washed, completely dry hair. If your hair is damp, let it air-dry or blow-dry it before you try to dip-dye it. Use a wide-toothed comb to carefully remove any tangles, starting at the ends of your hair and working your way up to the roots.[5]
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    • It will still work if you haven’t washed your hair recently, but it’s important that your hair is dry so that it will soak up the color effectively.
  5. Put your hair in pigtails or a low ponytail. You don’t have to do this, but it makes the process much easier, especially if your hair is long. Use an elastic to put thick hair into 2 loose pigtails and let them hang over the front of your shoulders. If your hair isn’t that thick, a low, loose ponytail will be fine. If there’s any hair that you don’t want to dip-dye, go ahead and clip it up and out of the way.
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    • For example, if you just want to dip-dye the underside your hair, pull the top half up and secure it with a clip.

[Edit]Dipping Your Hair in Kool-Aid Dye

  1. Pour all of the Kool-Aid powder into a large pot or saucepan. Open all of your Kool-Aid packages and dump them into a big pot or saucepan. Choose a pot that can easily accommodate the length of your hair! Then, place the pot on a burner on your stovetop.[6]
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  2. Add about of water to the pot. There is no exact amount of water for this. The less water you use, the more vibrant your results will be. If you want sheer results, use more water. It’s also important to use enough water to accommodate for the length of hair you want to dip. If you aren’t sure how much water you should use, try about .[7]
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    • For example, if you want to dip-dye the last several inches of your hair, you should add enough water to the pot to accommodate that depth.
  3. Boil the mixture over medium-high heat for 1 minute. As the mixture heats up, stir it with a wooden or metal spoon so that the Kool-Aid dissolves completely. Once the water is boiling, keep your eye on a timer or clock. The mixture only needs to boil for about 60 seconds before it’s ready to use.[8]
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    • Keep in mind that this will probably stain your wooden spoon permanently!
  4. Transfer the liquid to a heat-resistant bowl or cup. Turn off the stove burner and carefully pour the hot dye bath mixture into a bowl or cup. Be very careful doing this because the water is extremely hot and can definitely burn you. If your hair is in pigtails, it might be easier to use 2 separate bowls.[9]
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    • If the pot handle feels hot to the touch, use an oven mitt to pick it up.
    • If you’re using 2 separate bowls, be sure to pour an equal amount of dye bath into each one.
  5. Lower the tips of your hair into the dye bath to your desired depth. Sit at a table and put the bowl or bowls of dye in front of you. Then, position your hair into the dye bath up to the length you’d like. Keep in mind that the dye will creep up your hair about , so take that into consideration when choosing your depth.[10]
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    • Be sure to keep your face out of any steam that you see rising from the bowl.[11]
  6. Let your hair sit in the dye bath for 15-25 minutes. 15 minutes should be enough for light brown hair. If you’re blonde, you may only need to soak for about 5 minutes. If you have dark hair, 20-25 minutes is probably more realistic. The timing also depends on the level of color saturation you want to achieve. The longer your hair sits in the water, the more vibrant your results will be.[12]
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    • Keep an eye on the clock or set a timer in case you lose track of time.
    • Try not to move around too much while your hair soaks. If your hair shifts around in the dye bath, your results might not look even.

[Edit]Setting the Color

  1. Pull your ends out of the water and squeeze the excess dye out with towels. Once the allotted time is up, grab the old towels you put to the side earlier and squeeze the ends of your hair with them. Keep squeezing until all of the excess moisture is removed from your hair. Your hair should be damp and not dripping at all at this point.[13]
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  2. Blow-dry your hair as your normally would. Grab a paddle brush and your hair dryer and blow-dry your hair until it’s completely dry. The heat from the blow dryer will set the color, so don’t skip this step. It’s also important to dry your hair completely.[14]
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    • Whenever your hair is damp, it will bleed color onto the clothes you’re wearing and your pillows.
  3. Run a straight iron over your locks to set the color even more. You don’t have to do this, but it will definitely help you lock in the color a little more. Work in small sections and pull the straight iron through your hair quickly. Then, you can go ahead and style your hair as you normally would.[15]
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    • If you have curly hair, you can definitely skip this part.
    • Be sure to wipe off the straight iron’s plates with a thick towel or oven mitt to get rid of any dye residue.
  4. Limit how often you shampoo your hair to extend the results. Kool-Aid is a temporary dye. Depending on your hair color and texture, your color could last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. The color will naturally fade a little more every time you shampoo it, so limit how often you wash your hair to prolong your results.
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    • You can use a shower cap to protect your hair from water when you’re in the shower or bath.
    • Swimming will also cause the color to fade faster. Any time you wet your hair, the color will fade a little more.
  5. Use clarifying shampoo or baking soda to remove the color. Washing your hair several times with a clarifying shampoo should fade it. Depending on how bright your results are, you may need to take more extreme measures. Boil a pot of water on the stove and stir in 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of baking soda. Then, just dip your hair into the water for 30 seconds. The color will start coming off immediately! You may need to dip it a few times to remove the color completely.[16]
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    • Shampoo your hair as you normally would once the color is gone to rinse out the baking soda.
    • Be sure to deep condition your hair thoroughly, since stripping the color will dry out the ends.

[Edit]Things You’ll Need

  • 2-3 packages of Kool-Aid
  • Large pot or saucepan
  • 1-2 heat-safe bowls
  • Spoon
  • Several cups of water
  • Old T-shirt
  • Plastic gloves
  • Several old towels
  • Hair dryer
  • Straight iron (optional)
  • Clarifying shampoo or baking soda (optional)

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

mardi 29 septembre 2020

How to Use a Knife Sharpener

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to chop vegetables for your dinner, only to find that your knife is too dull and is smashing rather than slicing. You can easily remedy this problem by using a manual or electric knife sharpener, and it shouldn’t take you more than several minutes to restore your knife’s sharp edge. If you don’t have a manual or electric sharpener, you could explore using a whetstone, a honing rod, or even sending your knives off to a professional.


[Edit]Sharpening a Dull Knife on a Manual Sharpener

  1. Test your knife by running it through a piece of paper. You may already know that your knife is dull, but if you aren’t sure, fold a piece of newspaper in half (or just use a single sheet of computer paper), hold it up in the air, and bring your knife down to cut through it. If your knife doesn’t slice through the paper, it’s time to sharpen it.[1]
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    • The knife should continuously cut through the paper without stopping if it is sharp and in good shape.
  2. Use the “coarse” setting for very blunt knives that need to be reshaped. Most manual sharpeners have at least 2 settings: 1 labeled “coarse,” and 1 labeled “fine.” The coarse setting will actually remove steel from the blade to resharpen the edge, while the fine setting is used for everyday knife maintenance.[2]
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    • These settings are the same on electrical sharpeners, though an electric sharpener may have an additional slot between “coarse” and “fine.”
  3. Pull the blade through from its base to its tip 3 to 6 times. Insert the blade into the manual sharpener at the base, which is where the blade meets the handle. Use gentle force, pushing the blade down as you pull it through the slot, toward your body. Repeat this action 3 to 6 times, 3 for a mildly-dull blade, or more for a severely-dull blade.[3]
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    • This action resets the blade, restoring it to its original sharpness.
    • Use enough force when you pull the blade through that you hear an audible grinding sound. If you’re using an electric sharpener, you won’t need to press down—the whirring mechanisms will take care of everything for you.
  4. Move the blade so you’re following its contour as you pull it through. Each time you bring the knife through the sharpener, you won’t just pull it straight through. Instead, follow the curve of the knife so that the handle comes up and is higher at the end than it was at the beginning. This way, the entirety of the blade will get sharpened.[4]
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    • If you’re pressing down, you’ll be able to tell by the sound and feel that you’re moving the blade the right way. If you no longer hear the grinding noise or feel the resistance of the blade, you probably aren’t following the contour closely enough.
  5. Run the blade through the fine setting 1 to 2 times to finish the process. After you’ve finished pulling the blade through the “coarse” setting, you need to give it a few finishing touches to refine its edge. You don’t need to use as much force with the “fine” setting, and the grinding sound won’t be nearly as loud as it was in the “coarse” setting.[5]
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    • If your sharpener has more than one setting, pass the knife through each in-between setting 1 to 2 times, making sure that you end at the “fine” setting. These additional settings are just gradations of grinding and help fine-tune your knife even more.
  6. Rinse the knife off and dry it with a lint-free towel. Use warm, soapy water to rinse away any lingering steel remnants before using your knife again. Feel free to use a sponge or dishtowel to give the knife a quick wipe down. Dry the knife off completely to prevent it from rusting, and return it to its knife block or similar storage space.[6]
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    • Avoid running your knives through the dishwasher. They can get banged up or damaged by other items.
  7. Maintain the knife by running it through the “fine” setting daily. The general rule of thumb is to pull your knife through the fine setting once for every 2 hours of use. Depending on how often you cook, you may not need to do this every day, but keep it in mind as a helpful way to keep your knife sharp.[7]
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    • If you do a daily or semi-weekly pass through the manual sharpener, chances are you won’t need to do much more to keep your knives sharp.

[Edit]Using Different Sharpening Methods

  1. Invest in an electric sharpener if you cook often with expensive knives. Electric sharpeners themselves are more expensive than manual sharpeners, running about $40 to $100, depending on the brand you get. They’re more intuitive, though, and are really easy to use as they will just pull the blade through for you. It takes less time and effort to sharpen your knives than the other manual methods require.[8]
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    • Make sure to do your research before ordering your electric sharpener. Some brands are meant for specific kinds of knives, and some include extra features, like a lifetime warranty.
  2. Buy a pull-through or handheld sharpener for a nice at-home option. This is a really nice choice for your everyday home cook who doesn’t spend more than an hour or 2 in the kitchen every day. They’re smaller than the electric versions, making them easier to store, and they’re fantastic to use for daily touchups or for grinding a dull blade back to sharpness. They cost anywhere from $10 to $60, depending on the brand you choose.[9]
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    • There’s something to be said for the feeling of manually sharpening your own knife, too. Lots of cooks enjoy the physicality of taking care of their knives and you do get more control over your movements with a manual sharpener than you would with an electric sharpener.
  3. Opt for a whetstone for a gentle, temperature-controlled sharpener. Whetstones are generally just a small block of material that you’ll run your knife down to sharpen its blade. Always soak it in water for at least 5 to 10 minutes before you use it. Hold the knife at a 22-degree angle and slide it forward down the whetstone, with the blade touching the stone. Repeat the movement 5 to 10 times to sharpen your knife.[10]
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    • The cold-water soak keeps your knife from overheating as it’s being sharpened. If a knife gets too hot, it’s chemistry can change and the blade can become brittle and warped.
    • Do double-check the instructions before wetting your whetstone. While the majority of them do need to be soaked beforehand, there are a few brands and types of stones that aren’t meant to get wet.
  4. Use a honing rod to quickly realign the edges of the blade. A honing rod is also often called a sharpening steel, and they often come along with a block-knife set. Honing doesn’t actually remove any steel from the knife and doesn’t technically sharpen it, but it does push out-of-line edges back into place, which in turn makes your cuts sharper and more precise. It doesn’t require much pressure, and it’s something you can use on a daily basis to keep your blades sharp.[11]
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    • Don’t use a honing rod in lieu of sharpening your knives with an alternative method from time to time. It can bend the edge over time, making it hazardous to use.
  5. Take your knives to a professional if you can’t do it yourself at home. It costs about $1.50 to $2.25 per inch to have your knives sharpened by a professional. Some companies allow you to ship your knives to them if you don’t live nearby (you’ll need to pay the shipping costs, though).[12]
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    • Check out your warranty! Some knife brands offer free sharpening for life, so that might be something you could take advantage of, too.


  • In a pinch, you could even sharpen the blade of a knife on the bottom of an old ceramic mug.
  • While knife sharpeners typically work best for kitchen knives, many can also be used for other blades, including pocket knives and field knives used by hunters and fishermen. For these blades, however, manual knife sharpeners are typically easier to carry and more effective than electric versions.


[Edit]Quick Summary

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