be more attractive: How to Dispute Items on a Credit Report

jeudi 29 octobre 2020

How to Dispute Items on a Credit Report

You're looking at your credit report and you notice an item that's wrong. You know errors on your credit report can damage your credit score, but what can you do to fix it? All 3 US credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) allow you to dispute credit report items online for free, which is the easiest way to take care of the problem. If you find an error on one credit report, check the others as well. If the error is repeated on other reports, you'll need to file disputes with each bureau separately.[1]



  1. Visit the Equifax website to file your dispute online for free. Go to and click "submit a dispute" to start the process. It's a good idea to have information about the item close at hand before you get started so you can fill out the online dispute form more quickly.[2]
    • For example, if one of your credit accounts is showing "delinquent" status when you know you're up-to-date on payments, pull up your payment history on the account so you have it handy.
  2. Create a "MyEquifax" account if you don't already have one. The website will prompt you to enter your login information if you already have an account, or to create a new one. Provide identifying information, including your birth date and Social Security number, then answer questions about your credit report to verify your identity.[3]
    • Equifax only asks for this information once so your credit report can be found. Even though the site itself is secure, protect your information by not setting up your account on a public computer or while using public Wi-Fi.
  3. Provide information about the item you want to dispute. Specific details allow Equifax to resolve the dispute more efficiently. At a minimum, you'll need the following information:[4]
    • The name of the lender or company that reported the item
    • The account number listed with the disputed item
    • The dates associated with the disputed item
    • An explanation of why the information is incorrect
  4. Attach digital copies of documents that support your dispute. Documents that prove the item on your report is incorrect help Equifax resolve your dispute more efficiently. Documents Equifax accepts include:[5]
    • Copy of your driver's license or passport, if you're disputing personal information
    • Copy of your valid Social Security card, if you're disputing your Social Security number
    • Copy of your driver's license, lease, or mortgage, if you're disputing your address
    • Copy of your account statement or letters from the lender, if you're disputing an account item
  5. File your dispute over the phone or by mail if you're not comfortable online. Even though the Equifax website is secure, it's not a good idea to file a dispute online using a public computer or over a public wireless network — your information could be stolen. Instead, call Equifax at 866-349-5191. This number is staffed 7 days a week from 8 a.m. until midnight ET. You can also mail a written dispute.[6]
    • If you're filing your dispute by mail, include a letter with your personal information and details about your dispute (there's a form you can download at files. CreditReportingDisputeLetter.docx). Send the letter along with copies of any supporting documents using certified mail with returned receipt requested so you'll know when Equifax gets it.
    • For mail, use the following address:
      Equifax Information Services LLC
      P.O. Box 740256
      Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
  6. Check the status of your dispute after a couple of weeks. If you filed your dispute online, you can check the status at any time through your MyEquifax account. Equifax indicates that it usually reaches a decision on disputes within 30 days, but you may get a resolution sooner.[7]
    • For example, if you have a relatively straightforward dispute, such as that your name is spelled wrong or your Social Security number is incorrect, Equifax can usually correct that relatively quickly.
    • Disputes that require contacting a lender for more information might take more time. Equifax sends a notification when the dispute has been resolved. But at any step in the process, you can check online and see what's happening.
  7. Contact the lender directly if you don't agree with the results. Check your report for the contact information of the lender that provided the information and send a letter directly to them describing the dispute. Attach any documentation you might have to prove that the item was reported incorrectly. Many lenders take disputes online if you're still an active customer.[8]
    • You also have the option of filing a dispute with Equifax again. But unless you have any additional information that you didn't have when you filed your first dispute, it's unlikely that the result will change.
  8. Add a consumer statement to your report if you disagree with the decision. If Equifax hasn't resolved the dispute to your liking, you can add a statement to your credit report indicating that you dispute the item or believe it is incorrect. Equifax requires the statement to be 100 words or less and directly related to the dispute. There's no online option for this, so you'll have to mail your statement to Equifax.[9]
    • Mail your statement to:
      Equifax Information Services LLC
      P.O. Box 740256
      Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
    • While the statement won't impact your credit score, it might have some sway on an individual, such as a landlord or a mortgage lender, who was looking over your credit report.


  1. Go to the Experian Dispute Center online and create an account. Go to and click "Start a new dispute online" to create an account with the Dispute Center. To verify your identity, provide your name, street address, Social Security number, date of birth, and phone number.[10]
    • If you've lived at your current address for less than 6 months, provide your previous address as well.
    • Experian may ask additional questions to verify your identity using information in your credit report.
  2. Complete the online dispute form. Select the item you want to dispute from your credit report, which will be displayed. Then, choose the reason you're disputing the item from the drop-down menu. If additional information is required, a box will appear for you to enter that information.[11]
    • If you want to dispute multiple items, you'll need to start a new dispute for each item.
    • Review your dispute carefully before you submit it.
  3. Upload any documents related to your dispute. Use the "Upload a Document" link after you've submitted your dispute to send anything you have that supports your reason for disputing the item.[12]
    • For example, if an account is listed as "settled for a lesser amount" when you actually paid off the account in full, you might include a payment receipt, email, or letter from the lender indicating that your account was paid in full.
  4. Mail in a written dispute if you can't use the online Dispute Center. Even though the Experian site itself is secure, it's still not a good idea to access your credit report online from a public computer or using public Wi-Fi. If you don't have private internet access, download the printable form at[13]
    • Mail your completed form to:
      P.O. Box 4500
      Allen, TX 75013
    • If you have any documents that support your dispute, include photocopies with your form. Use certified mail with return receipt requested so you'll know when Experian gets your dispute form.
    • You can also file a dispute over the phone by calling the number listed on your Experian credit report. If you don't have your report and want one mailed to you, call 866-200-6020.
  5. Track your dispute status through your Experian account. Experian sends you email notifications whenever the status of your dispute changes. You can also check the status in the "Alerts" section of your Experian account.[14]
    • If you see "open," this indicates that Experian has started investigating your dispute. "Update" means your credit report is being updated. "Dispute results ready" means Experian has issued a decision on your dispute.
    • Generally, it takes 30 to 45 days for Experian to complete an investigation into your dispute and issue a decision.[15]
  6. Contact the lender directly if you disagree with Experian's decision. If Experian isn't going to change your credit report, that's most likely because the lender proved to them that the information they reported was correct. Use the contact information for the lender on your credit report to contact them and tell them their information is wrong. You may be able to get your report changed that way.[16]
    • You also have the option of starting the same dispute with Experian again, but this doesn't make a lot of sense unless you have new information or additional documentation that you didn't provide the first time.
  7. Add a statement of dispute to your report if you still disagree with the decision. In the Dispute Center, choose the item on your report that you disputed, then choose "Add a Statement" from the drop-down menu. Type in the statement you want to make about the item.[17]
    • Your statement will appear on your credit report next to the disputed item in question. Anyone who reviews your report will see it and might have questions about it for you. Keep the documents you have that are related to the dispute handy so you can show them to anyone who asks.
    • While adding a statement won't impact your credit score, it might be persuasive to a lender, particularly if the disputed item is the only negative mark on your report.


  1. Create an account on TransUnion's website to file an online dispute. Go to, scroll down a bit, and click on "start dispute." You'll be taken to the account login page, where you can enter your username and password if you already have an account, or create a new one.[18]
    • To open your account, provide personal information to verify your identity. You might also be asked questions about information contained in your TransUnion credit report.
    • If you've previously requested a dispute, freeze, or fraud alert online from TransUnion, you likely already have an account. The login page gives you options to recover your username and password if you've forgotten them.[19]
  2. Select "New Investigation" to start your dispute. Scroll through your credit report on the screen and select the item you want to dispute. If you want to dispute more than one item, you can do them all using one form. Just make sure you've selected all the items.[20]
    • Because your personal information has already been validated through your account, you don't need to add anything. You also don't need to make a statement describing the reason you're disputing an item.
  3. Upload documents that support your dispute. If you have documents that show the item is incorrect, such as an account statement or a letter from the lender, you can upload them after selecting the item on your report. Providing documents often enables TransUnion to resolve your dispute more quickly.[21]
    • You can't upload documents if you're disputing personal information, such as your Social Security number, date of birth, or current address. If you're disputing any of this information, use the phone or mail dispute options.
  4. Use phone or mail dispute services if you can't start your dispute online. If you're disputing personal information or if you don't have access to a private internet connection, call 833-395-6941 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. ET and make your dispute by phone. You might still want to mail in documents that support your dispute.[22]
    • If you don't want to call, use the form available at to submit your dispute by mail. Make copies of any documents you have that support your dispute and include them with the form.
    • Use the following address to mail your dispute or documents:
      TransUnion Consumer Solutions
      P.O. Box 2000
      Chester, PA 19016-2000
    • Even if you submit your dispute over the phone or by mail, you can still check the status online if you create an account.[23]
  5. Check the status of your dispute through your account. If your dispute is pretty open-and-shut and you've uploaded documents that prove it, TransUnion might only take a few days to resolve it. More complicated disputes take longer. The status of your dispute is constantly updated in your online account, so you'll know what happens.[24]
    • While it might take up to 30 days to resolve your dispute, TransUnion clears most disputes within a couple of weeks.
  6. Contact the lender directly if you disagree with the dispute results. If TransUnion doesn't change the information on your credit report but you still believe it's incorrect, your best bet is to go to the lender who provided the information and tell them their information is wrong. Make sure you have documents to back up your claims.[25]
    • There's contact information for the lender on your credit report. If you're disputing information about an account that's in collections, make sure you have the right contact information for the company that reported the information.
  7. Add a consumer statement to explain the disputed item. If you disagree with the results of your dispute, login to your account and select the option to start another investigation. However, instead of starting an investigation, scroll down to the "Consumer Statement" section of your credit report and click "Add Statement."[26]
    • TransUnion has some prepared statements that you can choose from. If none of them precisely fits your situation, write your own instead. It just needs to be 100 words or less (200 words or less if you live in Maine).

[Edit]Template and Sample Dispute Letter


  • If you see account information on an existing account that's incomplete or inaccurate, it's often more efficient to contact the lender directly about the error rather than going through the credit bureaus.[27]
  • If your dispute isn't resolved to your satisfaction, you can also file complaints against the credit bureaus or the business that reported the item to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or your state's attorney general.[28]
  • Through April 2021, all 3 credit bureaus are offering free weekly credit reports to assist with the financial hardship associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.[29]


  • This article covers how to dispute items on a credit report in the US. If you live in another country, the process might be different. Talk to someone who works at a local consumer protection agency or organization.
  • If you find an error on one of your credit reports, it might also exist on the others. Get copies of all 3 credit reports to make sure. You'll have to dispute each error individually.

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