be more attractive: How to Eat a Cupcake

dimanche 3 janvier 2021

How to Eat a Cupcake

There’s no debate about the deliciousness of a cupcake, but there is some debate about how you should eat them. Biting into them from the side is fine, but it can lead to a messy face (and that’s no way to behave when you’re a proper gentleman or a fine lady, is it?). By trying a few different methods, you can enjoy your treat and keep your dignity intact the entire time. Plus, you might even make your cupcake more tasty!


[Edit]Traditional Eating Style

  1. Unwrap the cupcake. Set the cupcake on a plate and peel the wrapper off slowly, trying to keep the cake itself upright. Leave the wrapper on the bottom of the cupcake to catch any crumbs as you eat.[1]
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    • If you have a small plate, you can unwrap your cupcake there. Otherwise, just hold the cupcake in your hands.
  2. Hold the cupcake between your thumb and forefinger. This will give you the best grip as you chow down. Make sure you don’t squeeze too hard and squish the cake, though![2]
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    • This will also help you avoid getting frosting on your hands as you eat.
  3. Take small bites out of the sides of the cupcake. Lift the cupcake up to your mouth and take tiny bites, trying not to get frosting on your nose or upper lip. Keep going in toward the center until your cupcake is nothing but a memory.[3]
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    • Keep a napkin nearby just in case you do get a bit of frosting on your face. It happens!
    • Try to keep the wrapper out of your mouth. There might be a little bit of cakey goodness left over, but it’s not worth the soggy texture.

[Edit]Sandwich Eating Style

  1. Hold the cupcake in the palm of one hand. Rest the bottom of the cupcake in the palm of your non-dominant hand. Keep your hand steady so that the cupcake does not topple over.[4]
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    • Note that this method can also be referred to as the “gentleman style” or “hamburger style.” It is a convenient and relatively mess-free alternative that creates an even ration of frosting to cake.
    • This method works with any standard cupcake but does not work well with filled cupcakes.
  2. Use your other hand to tear the cupcake in half. Grip the center of the cupcake from the bottom using your dominant hand. Dig into the cupcake with your fingernails, twisting it gently simultaneously. Continue until the bottom breaks free from the top.[5]
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    • Note that it may be easier for you to use a knife to cut the cupcake in half. This can be done by placing the cupcake on a plate and sawing the top from the bottom with a knife. A plastic knife or other dull kitchen knife would do the trick.
  3. Smash the frosting onto the bottom of the cupcake. Take the top of the cupcake (the part with the frosting on it) and squish it down onto the bottom part of the cupcake (the one without frosting). Press well to secure the 2 halves together like a sandwich.[6]
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    • If there are any toppings on the frosting, like cookies or sprinkles, keep them smooshed in between the frosting and the bottom half of the cupcake.
  4. Eat the cupcake like a sandwich. With the frosting secured in between the cupcake halves, you can now hold the cupcake with one hand and take small bites. The frosting should (hopefully) stay contained within the cupcake halves so you don’t have to deal with a messy lip or nose.[7]
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    • Watch out for any stray frosting squishing out the sides—butter icing has a tendency to do this.

[Edit]Eating with a Fork or a Cake Spoon

  1. Put your cupcake on a plate. This method will only work if you have a flat surface, so hunt around for a paper plate, a saucer, or a countertop before you eat. Set your cupcake down so it won’t roll away as you eat it.[8]
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    • If you’re at a party, this can be a little bit tough to do. If all else fails, you can balance the cupcake on a napkin in your lap.
  2. Dig into the center with a fork or a cake spoon. Slice your utensil straight down into the cupcake from above, aiming to get both frosting and cake on your fork or spoon. Slide your utensil out of the cupcake at an angle to grab the tasty bite.[9]
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    • As the frosting gets taller (usually in the center of the cupcake) you might have some trouble getting both frosting and cake on your fork. If that happens, you can do a frosting-only bite once or twice, just until you’re over the hump (of frosting).
  3. Take small, dainty bites. Enjoy your cupcake without the threat of a frosting face looming over you. Keep a napkin nearby to wipe your lips as you go, and remain calm, cool, and collected.[10]
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    • This is also a great way to share a cupcake with someone, if you’re willing.

[Edit]Enjoying With Jams and Spreads

  1. Divide the cupcake in half. Hold the cupcake steady with your non-dominant hand, grasping the cake portion with your thumb and forefinger near the top of the cupcake. Use a plastic knife or other dull kitchen knife to slice the cupcake in half, separating the top from the bottom.[11]
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    • This technique works best for unfrosted cupcakes and cupcakes that have very little frosting since the jam can be used to add more flavor. You can also use it for heavily-frosted cupcakes, but be aware of the fact that it can result in an even messier—albeit, tastier—treat.
    • Set the top half aside as you work with the bottom half. Place the top half on your plate cut-side-down.
    • You could tear the cupcake in half as you would do with the sandwich method, but cutting it in half is preferable for this method because it creates a smoother, more even division.
  2. Spread jam or another filling onto the bottom. Use a dull kitchen knife to smear a thin layer of flavored jam, honey, hazelnut spread, or other similar spread onto the cut-side of the bottom layer.[12]
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    • You can use a thicker layer of spread, but a thicker layer is more likely to squirt out from the sides of the cupcake as you eat it.
  3. Replace the top half. Place the top half of the cupcake back onto the lower half, reconnecting the two cut sides. Press down on the top half slightly to secure it in place, relying on the jam to adhere the halves together.[13]
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    • You could also eat the 2 halves separately for a less messy endeavor.
  4. Enjoy your cupcake with jam. Eat the cupcake by biting into as you would bite a sandwich. Watch out for any filling that falls out of the middle![14]
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    • You could even top your cupcake with a bit of whip cream for an added touch of sweetness.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Traditional Eating Style

  • Napkin
  • Small plate (optional)

[Edit]Sandwich Eating Style

  • Napkin
  • Small plate (optional)

[Edit]Eating with a Fork or a Cake Spoon

  • Small plate
  • Fork or cake spoon
  • Napkin

[Edit]Enjoying With Jams and Spreads

  • Knife
  • Plate
  • Napkin


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

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