be more attractive: How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike

vendredi 21 mai 2021

How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike

Ah, the good ole days of riding around with your friends without a care in the world. Life was so much simpler! For many children, learning how to ride a bike is a sort of rite of passage that opens up a more independent world. You can help teach them so they’re confident and safe out there, and it’s not as difficult or time-consuming as you may think. To help you out, we’ve answered a few of the most common questions that folks have about how to do it.


[Edit]What is the best age to teach a child to ride a bike?

  1. Around 4-5 years old is a good age to start. It’s important that your child has enough balance and coordination to able to safely start learning how to ride a bike. Every child is different, but after about 4 years old, yours may be ready to give it a shot![1]
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    • It’s not uncommon and totally normal for a child to not feel comfortable or ready to start learning to ride a bike until they’re around 6 or so. Wait until your child is ready and try not to push them too hard or they may feel unconfident when they try.

[Edit]What does a child need to start learning to ride a bike?

  1. They need a helmet that fits them well. While helmets are important for anyone riding a bike, they’re especially important for children. A well-fitting helmet helps protect your child’s face, head, and growing brain. Make sure the helmet covers their forehead and has straps that fasten it firmly to their head.[2]
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    • You can also choose a helmet that has reflective stickers and tape so other drivers can see your child on the road.
  2. They also need a bike that allows them to place both feet on the ground. The size of the bike your child uses can make a huge difference. Go with one that allows them to stand with both feet flat on the ground when they’re straddling the top bar of the bike. Additionally, make sure the seat, handlebars, and wheels are in good condition and fit tightly.[3]
    • There should be about of space between your child and the top bar of the bike.
    • Check to make sure the brakes work well and the tires have enough air, too.

[Edit]How long does it take to teach a kid to ride a bike?

  1. You can teach a child the basics in about 45 minutes. Of course, it’ll take your child lots and lots of practice to really master riding a bike, but it doesn’t take a ton of time to give them the basic tools. Set aside some time in the evening or on the weekend so you can go over the simple mechanics and controls of a bike with your child. After that, it’s just a matter of letting them practice until they’ve got it down.[4]
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    • Understanding how to pedal, how to brake, and how to steer don’t take a ton of time to teach.

[Edit]Where should you teach a kid to ride a bike?

  1. Use an empty parking lot or a park so your child can learn safely. Don’t start teaching your kiddo on a street—it’s not safe and they may feel extra nervous. Instead, look for a nice, empty parking lot with lots of room for them to coast around. You could also use a park with a sidewalk. Choose somewhere open and free of obstructions.[5]
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    • If you live on an empty or quiet culdesac, it may be okay to use as long as you watch out for cars.
    • Avoid practicing in the grass. Though it may feel softer if they fall, it’ll be much harder for your child to glide and pedal.

[Edit]What is the best way to start teaching a child to ride a bike?

  1. Remove the pedals, lower the seat, and let them glide on the bike. Instead of starting your child out by riding, let them “glide!” Use a screwdriver to take off the pedals and then lower the seat down far enough so your child’s feet can reach the ground when they sit on the bike. Then, let them use their legs to walk and push so they can practice coasting and get better at balancing themselves on the bike.[6]
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    • You can also use a training bike that doesn’t have any pedals and is low to the ground for little kids to use.
    • Always have your child wear a helmet whenever they’re learning how to ride a bike.

[Edit]How do you help a child learn to pedal a bike?

  1. Introduce pedals and let them practice pedaling and braking. As your child gets a little more used to balancing and coasting, add the pedals back on the bike if you haven’t already. Show them how to push the pedals to move the wheels and make the bike move forward. Then, show them how to use the foot brake (pedaling backward) or the hand brake, depending on what type of brakes the bike uses.[7]
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    • Make sure they’re wearing their helmet just in case they fall.
  2. Walk alongside and hold onto your child as they practice pedaling. Place your hand gently on them and walk/run alongside them as they practice pedaling and riding. If they start to fall or lose their balance, support them so they stay upright. Let them get used to pushing the pedals, applying the brakes, and improving their balance.[8]
    • It may feel tempting to let your child learn how to balance as they get better, but it’s important that they know you’re there to catch them if they fall to help boost their confidence.
    • Support your child, not the bike. Place your hands on them and if they need more support, you can place your hands beneath their armpits.
  3. Let them start on their own once they’re ready. If your child is feeling confident enough to try riding solo, have them start in the “ready position” by aligning the pedals so 1 is raised up. Then, they can stomp on the raised pedal to get the bike going on their own. Let them pedal on their own and build up some more speed so they can practice riding around by themselves.[9]
    • It can feel a little nerve-wracking to let your child ride a bike solo for the first time. If it helps, you can have someone else step in as teacher so you aren’t as worried or stressed out.
    • Keep in mind that it’ll take lots of practice for your kiddo to master riding a bike, but getting started on their own is part of the journey!

[Edit]How do you teach a child to steer a bike?

  1. Show them how to make gentle turns by moving the handlebars. Start while they’re standing still and sitting on the bike. Have them move the handlebars left and right to get used to how it feels. Then, let them make small turns while they coast and ride the bike so they can get the hang of it.[10]
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    • It can take some time for your child to become confident steering and making turns, so take it slow and be patient with them.
  2. Tell your child to look ahead when they ride. It’s normal for kids to look down at the ground or at their handlebars when they’re first learning to ride. But it can make it harder for them to steer and ride in a straight line. Instead, have them look ahead, which will keep them balanced and make it easier for them to control the bike.[11]
    • If your child starts to look down as they coast or ride, gently remind them to look up.

[Edit]How do you teach an older child to ride a bike?

  1. Let them coast at first and show them how to pedal. Much like allowing younger kids to glide and learn how to balance, older kids can practice coasting on the bike, but you don’t need to remove the pedals or lower the seat, since they’re likely big enough to reach the ground with their feet. Choose an object like a sign and have your older kid coast in a straight line toward it. Then, have them make a turn while they coast. Once they feel okay with balancing and maneuvering, you can have them start pedaling.[12]
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    • Older children may actually pick up on things a little quicker than younger ones. Once they’ve got the basic mechanics, all they need to do is spend time practicing and they’ll be pros in no time.



  • Keep things light and fun. Your child doesn’t have to master riding a bike in 1 day. Let them try for as long as they want and then give it another shot another time. Eventually, they’ll get it down!


  • Always have your child wear a helmet whenever they’re riding a bike.

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