be more attractive: How to How Do I Copy an Entire Text Conversation on iPhone

vendredi 29 octobre 2021

How to How Do I Copy an Entire Text Conversation on iPhone

Do you need to copy that text and keep it for proof later? Does your friend want a copy of your text history? This wikiHow article will teach you how to copy entire conversations on an iPhone by manually copying or forwarding messages in conversations as well as using iCloud.


[Edit]Forwarding Messages via Email

  1. Open Messages. This app icon looks like a white speech bubble inside a green background. You can find this app on one of your Home screens or by searching.
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  2. Tap the conversation from which you want to forward messages. All the messages in the conversation will display.
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  3. Tap and hold a message you want to forward. Let go when you see a menu pop up at your finger.
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  4. Tap . This will give you more options.
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  5. Tap to select multiple messages. You'll be able to forward an entire chat if you select each message. If you don't tap any other messages, you'll only forward the original message that you tapped.
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  6. Tap the sharing arrow. It's in the bottom right corner of your screen.
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  7. Address the email to yourself and send the email. This way, you'll get a copy of the selected messages in your email.[1]
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[Edit]Copying Individual Messages in a Conversation

  1. Open Messages. This app icon looks like a white speech bubble inside a green background. You can find this app on one of your Home screens or by searching.
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  2. Tap the conversation from which you want to copy messages. All the messages in the conversation will display.
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  3. Tap and hold the message you want to copy. Let go when you see a menu pop up at your finger.
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  4. Tap . If you're just copying the message, you'll need to repeat this process for every message you want to copy.
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    • Once you tap Copy, that message is saved to your clipboard so you can paste it anywhere.
    • Paste the message anywhere you want it to go.

[Edit]Using iCloud

  1. Enable Messages in iCloud on your iPhone. Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud and tap the switch next to "Messages" to enable it.
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    • A green switch means Messages in iCloud are enabled.
  2. Enable Messages in iCloud on your Mac. Open Messages on your Mac, then click Messages > Preferences (from the menu bar at the top of your screen). Click the iMessage tab and check the box next to "Enable Messages in iCloud."
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  3. Click the conversation that has messages you want to copy on your computer. Once you have Messages in iCloud enabled, you'll be able to see all the conversations you've had on your phone while you're using your computer, which also means that copying text will be much easier.
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  4. Copy the messages. Since you're on a computer, copying information is much easier. Use your mouse to highlight what you want to copy, then press the keyboard shortcut (CMD + C) to copy the text to your clipboard.
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    • Most likely, if you copy and paste multiple messages, you'll see the name and timestamps throughout the conversation. You can delete these from the copied text if you don't want them.
    • If you opt to make an iCloud backup, you won't be able to read the backup file like a normal text file. However, the backup will be there to recover any lost information.
    • If you have a Windows computer, you'll most likely need the help of a third-party software that can read your iPhone's files.


[Edit]Quick Summary

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