be more attractive: 2022

samedi 31 décembre 2022

How to Start the New Year Fresh

After you celebrate New Year's Eve, it’s time to get to work on those New Year's resolutions! If you are looking for a way to start the new year fresh, consider changing your look, tidying up your life, and setting goals and intentions. You can do things like get a haircut, donate unworn clothing, start a workout routine, or perform more random acts of kindness. Having a schedule is also important for you to help stay on task, achieve more, have an organized day, and stay positive, which can help you feel happy, which then spreads to others, so they feel that same happiness. Little changes can affect those around you positively, so choose wisely. Whatever approach you prefer, it’s great to start the new year feeling refreshed and focused, so you are ready to take on the year ahead.


[Edit]Polishing Your Look

  1. Get a haircut to freshen up your face. Schedule an appointment with your stylist early into the new year. You can get a trim for a subtle upgrade or go for a bold new hairstyle for a totally different look. This way, you’ll feel fresh for the year ahead.
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    • For instance, if you have long, straight hair, consider chopping it to shoulder-length and adding some layers.
    • If you have a short hairstyle, consider cutting the sides even shorter for a subtle change. For example, if you have a pixie cut, you can take it even shorter.
  2. Experiment with your look by trying something new appearance-wise. Doing something new with your appearance can help you feel confident as you enter the new year. You can do things like rock a bold lip color, get a new facial piercing or upgrade your current glasses style. Find what works for your style and budget, and go for something new![1]
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    • You can also dye your hair a bright color, go on a shopping spree for new clothing, or invest in a new pair of shoes.
  3. Start a fitness routine. Think about your current health and your overall fitness goals, and make a plan to improve your health based on where you are. For instance, you can start taking a 20-minute walk after work every day, or you can train to run a marathon in the fall. Start simply and gradually so you can stick with your goals.[2]
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    • If you are new to exercise, you can find a gym in your area and start going 3 times a week. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes each time to get started.
    • If you are a fitness enthusiast, make a goal to improve your BMI or get a six-pack by the end of the year, for instance.

[Edit]Updating Your Attitude

  1. Practice gratitude every day to fill your life with kindness. Practising gratitude can boost your mood overall and improve your outlook on life. Each day before you go to sleep, write down 3 things you are grateful for. In addition, express your gratitude for the people in your life by telling them you appreciate them.[3]
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    • For example, you can write things like, “I am grateful for my cat,” or “I am grateful for the sunshine today.”
  2. Include a positive affirmation in your daily routine. Positive affirmations refer to a simple, short sentence that you can use as a reminder throughout your day. Using positive affirmations can boost your self-esteem over time, which is helpful when starting off a new year. To work with positive affirmations, find a phrase that works for you, like “I am worthy,” or “I am capable of challenges.” Tell yourself this first thing in the morning and throughout your day as you start to doubt.[4]
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    • Tailor your affirmation to your particular life and circumstance. For example, if you are working on being a more supportive friend, your affirmation can be “I am fun and loyal.”
  3. Do random acts of kindness as often as possible. Random acts of kindness are small, deliberate actions performed to bring happiness to other people’s day. Do these actions without expecting to get anything in return, but rather to brighten someone’s day. This is a great way to start off the new year on a positive, compassionate note.[5]
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    • You can do things like giving generous compliments, smiling at strangers, and volunteering for charities.
    • Pick up trash on the side of the road, help an elderly citizen cross the road, or give food to the homeless.
    • You can also pay for the next person’s coffee or give your server a large tip.

[Edit]Tidying up Your Environment

  1. Start your spring cleaning early to tidy up your space. Shortly into the new year, clean up your room, kitchen, bathroom, and/or basement. Tidy up any cluttered areas, throw away garbage, and put away items that are out of place. This way, you’ll enter the new year feeling neat and organized.[6]
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    • It is also helpful to clean out your car. Get rid of any trash, and sort through your center console and glove box, for instance.
  2. Sort through your clothes and get rid of those you don’t wear often. The new year is a great time to take inventory of your wardrobe and get rid of items that no longer fit or suit your style. Take out the clothing in each of your drawers, and create 1 pile for clothing to keep and 1 pile for clothing to rehome. Then, fold your clothes neatly and return them to your dresser or closet. This helps you declutter your space and freshen up your style.[7]
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    • After you create a “rehome” pile, consider giving your items to your friends or family members, or donating them to a thrift store or consignment shop.
  3. Add a fresh coat of paint to your walls to freshen up your room. Consider repainting the walls of your home early into the year. Cover the floor and your furniture with a drop cloth, and use a paint roller to apply indoor house paint to your walls. You can pick a new color for a change of pace, for instance.
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  4. Purchase a few new decorations to revamp your space. Visit a local thrift or home supply store, and pick out a couple of new items to redecorate with. For example, you can get 2-3 decorative throw pillows, a rug, a lamp, or a new bookshelf. Adding a few new items can make your home feel fresh and new.
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    • You can also get small items like paperweights, vases, and magnets.

[Edit]Setting Goals and Intentions

  1. Aim to try 1 new thing every month. In addition to your personal resolutions, it is helpful to strive to get out of your comfort zone at least 1 time each month. You can schedule 1 new thing each month, or you can pick a few things and choose when the time comes. Regardless, choose to do something you’ve never done before or learn about something brand-new to expand your horizons and grow as a person.[8]
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    • Trying a new thing can be as simple as eating a cuisine you’ve never tried before.
    • You can do active things like going kayaking, horseback riding, or skydiving.
    • Other ideas include taking a language class, joining a yoga studio, or planning a camping trip.
  2. Make a bucket list of 20-50 things to try in the upcoming year. Shortly into the beginning of the year, sit down with a notebook and write out several things you want to do throughout the year. Choose simple, easy things such as “eat more vegetables” or specific, realistic goals like “Go back to college.” Add as many items to your list as you feel compelled, and check them off as you complete them throughout the year. The list provides a visual reference, helpful when trying to set goals.[9]
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    • You can use this list to help get ideas of new things to try each month.
    • Ideas for your bucket list could include visiting New York City, picking your own pumpkin, adopting a dog, taking a cooking class, and travelling to the beach.
  3. Update your resume so you’re ready for new opportunities. Shortly into the new year, open up your resume, read it over, and look for ways to improve it. For instance, if you started a new job at the end of the year, add it under your “Employment” section. You can also update the dates to reflect the new year. This way, if you want to apply for a job, you are ready when the time comes.[10]
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    • You can also update your contact information or address.
  4. Strive to improve your sleep habits. When the new year rolls in, getting more meaningful and restful sleep is a great goal to add to your resolution list. You can aim to relax more before you go to sleep, such as taking a bath, drinking chamomile tea, and reading a book. You can also go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day to get into a natural rhythm. Improving your sleep will, in turn, help you feel focused and energized throughout the year.[11]
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    • You can also use white noise or nature sounds to help you fall asleep.
    • Consider taking a melatonin supplement if you have trouble sleeping. Melatonin is a hormone produced in your brain that helps regulate sleep cycles. By adding 1-3 mg a day, you may get more restful sleep over time.



  • Ask a friend to do some of these things with you. This is a great way to make new year’s resolutions fun and engaging.


  • Avoid setting too many goals. Sometimes, trying to do too many things at once gets overwhelming rather than inspiring. Keep your ideas realistic in your life, and start simple so you can get stuff done!


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Pick a Realistic New Year's Resolution

On January 1st, New Year’s resolutions sparkle with hope and the promise of a better you. However, by the year’s end, you may find that many of those resolutions have been abandoned halfway or left completely unattempted. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry--you aren’t doomed to unfinished resolutions forever. In fact, if you pick a single, focused New Year’s resolution that’s both inspiring and manageable, you’ll be more likely to check it off come December 31.


[Edit]Narrowing Your Focus

  1. Pick a resolution you haven’t attempted before. If you’ve already tried a resolution and failed, you may be setting yourself up for failure again. Instead, pick a new resolution! It’ll give you a fresh start and get you a little more inspired.[1]
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  2. Make only one resolution. You may have big plans for self-improvement, but avoid creating a to-do list-style document crammed with resolutions. Rather, focus on just one. That way, you can put all your energy into achieving it, and you won’t be disappointed when you don’t check off all 20 resolutions on your list.[2]
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  3. Focus on one behavior. Your resolution should address a single behavior. If you address multiple, you’re more likely to get overwhelmed and throw in the towel.[3]
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    • Instead of committing to eating well, exercising, and drinking water, focus your attention on one of the three.
  4. Make your resolution specific. Vague goals seem more abstract, and therefore are more difficult to achieve. By contrast, specific goals are more actionable.[4]
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    • Instead of resolving to eat better, commit to eating an extra serving of fruit and vegetables each day.
    • Don’t pick a vague resolution like “make new friends.” Instead, pick something like "make at least 2 new friends this year at my child's school.”
    • Try to write your resolution in clear writing, with specific goals in mind and a plan of action. If possible, create a deadline so you can measure your progress.[5]

[Edit]Choosing a Meaningful Resolution

  1. Pick a resolution that makes you feel inspired. What are you passionate about? What gets you excited? If your resolution inspires you, you’ll be more motivated to work towards it.[6]
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    • Think about your favorite life experiences. What do they have in common, and how can you create more of them?
    • For example, if you adore animals, consider making a resolution that involves volunteering at an animal shelter or a vet clinic.
  2. Make sure your resolution aligns with your values. If your resolution is intimately connected to your values and your life plan, it’ll be more achievable.[7]
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    • Perhaps you value giving. Pick a resolution that incorporates this value, such as donating a certain amount of money to your favorite charity.
    • Ask yourself what you’d like to contribute to the world and how you can strengthen the important relationships in your life.
  3. Go for a resolution that helps you grow as a person. The most effective and motivating resolutions are the ones that bring you closer to your ideal self. That doesn’t mean you should resolve to make a major transformation. Instead, pick a resolution that helps you grow in some way and gets you a little closer to who you want to be.[8]
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    • If you want to be a more fearless person, resolve to participate in an activity that scares you. For example, if you’re scared of responsibility, you might take a leadership position in a club or organization.
  4. Choose a resolution for the right reasons. Make sure you pick a resolution because you genuinely want to achieve it, not because you think it would benefit someone else or make an ex jealous. If you pick a goal that means a lot to you, you’ll be more likely to follow through.[9]
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    • Don’t resolve to lose weight so your partner will like you more. If you decide to lose weight, it should be so you feel better.
    • Before committing to a New Year’s resolution, ask yourself, “Why do I want to do this?”

[Edit]Making Your Resolution Manageable

  1. Start small. While it’s tempting to go for a life-changing resolution, you actually have a better chance of achieving a smaller one. People tend to overestimate their ability to achieve difficult resolutions. Plus, difficult resolutions are harder to stick to, increasing the likelihood that you’ll lose hope and give up completely. To avoid this, choose smaller goals that you have a good chance of achieving.
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    • Instead of making a resolution to cut out all junk food from your diet, you might decide to limit yourself to several junk food items per week.
    • Rather than resolving to call your family every day, make a commitment to call them two times per week.
    • Remember to be honest with yourself about what’s realistic.
    • Oftentimes we make the goals too difficult or unattainable, so we get into what is called "all or nothing" thinking and give up. Try to avoid this pitfall.[10]
  2. Break your resolution into smaller steps. Even if your resolution is specific and realistic, it might still be a little overwhelming. Make your resolution more manageable by dividing it into a series of subgoals. These should be measurable, concrete, and time-based.[11]
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    • Imagine you want to finish the novel you’ve been working on by the end of the year. A realistic subgoal would be to write ten new pages each week.
    • Assess your progress every week. If there's progress, continue what you're doing. If no action was taken in the week, look inwards and ask yourself why that happened.[12]
  3. Make a list of potential obstacles. When making a goal for the future, people often forget about the day to day constraints that might make achieving that goal more difficult. Imagine you are going to start your New Year’s resolution tomorrow. What obstacles or inconveniences might you encounter? Write them down. Then, assess if it’s still a realistic resolution.[13]
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    • For example, if your resolution is to head to the gym everyday after work, consider if you’ll really want to drag a gym bag to the office each morning.
  4. Choose a resolution you can share with family and friends. Social support can be super helpful in making your resolution a reality, so it’s a good idea to pick a resolution you feel comfortable sharing with family and friends. That way, they can hold you accountable, offer advice, and cheer you on![14]
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  5. Give yourself time. Don’t leave your resolution until New Year’s Eve. You should start planning your resolution at least a few days before the start of the new year so you have time to ensure it’s specific, meaningful, and manageable. With a little planning, you’ll feel more prepared to conquer it come January 1st![15]
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  • Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t making progress as fast as you’d like. Making mistakes is normal. Stay positive, and stick with it!
  • Reward yourself for achieving subgoals.
  • Track your progress in a journal or spreadsheet.
  • You don’t have to start your resolution on New Year’s Day. If you have it planned out by December 20, start it then. Or, if you aren't ready until February, you don’t have to wait until the following New Year.
  • You can talk with a counselor to help develop a clear plan for your resolution. Having someone to help you with accountability can make a difference.[16]


  • Don’t default to cliche New Year’s resolutions. Think outside the box to find something that’s deeply meaningful to you.


source How to of the Day

How to Chill a Drink Quickly

We've all been there. You've invited a few friends over — or even house full of them — and have realized that you haven't chilled your drinks right before your guests arrive. What you have on your hands is a true party emergency. So, how do you chill your drinks in time for you to be able to chill out with your friends without feeling like a bad host? Read on to find out.


[Edit]Chilling with Salted Ice Water

  1. Fill a thick glass bowl with water and ice. The thicker and more insulated the bowl, the better. It should be able to trap the cold water and ice mixture. Add as much ice to the water as you can, but not so much that it prevents the entire beverage container from being submerged into the water. A 50/50 mix of ice and water is a good rule of thumb. If you just need to chill one or a few drinks, this is fine. If you have to chill many drinks, you're better off using a cooler or even your bathtub.
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  2. Add a pinch of salt to the water. A small handful should do. The salt will disassociate into its constituent sodium and chloride ions. The water molecules, being polar, will orient themselves accordingly. This is work, and work requires energy which comes from thermal energy in the water, thus reducing the ambient temperature further.

  3. Put your drinks in the ice water solution and rapidly stir them. Stirring the drinks will help the heat transfer out of your drink and into the ice solution more quickly.

  4. Wait about two minutes. The temperature should have fallen dramatically in a very short time. If it needs more time chilling, stir the remaining drinks in the salted ice water for another minute or two.

  5. Pour your cold drink into a glass. It should now be about the perfect temperature to quench your thirst -- and the thirst of your guests. Just be careful: if you put in a carbonated drink like a soda, give it some time to settle before you pour it.

[Edit]Chilling with a Wet Paper Towel

  1. Wet a paper towel that's large enough to fit around your entire drink. If your drink is small, you may only need to use half a paper towel; if your drink is larger, a full one or even two.

  2. Wrap the wet paper towel completely around the drink. Try to make sure the paper towel stays wrapped around the drink.

  3. Place the wrapped drink in the freezer and wait approximately 15 minutes.

  4. Remove the drink from the freezer and enjoy your ice-cold beverage. The paper towel will be partially frozen; keep it on your beverage if you want it to continue cooling down the drink. If you are using the drink in presentation, remove the wet paper towel before serving.



  • Make sure to at least rinse the can top in clean, potable water before you drink the beverage. The salt that may be left on the can lid may cause the beverage to taste very salty.
  • If you don't have salt, then plain water plus ice is still more effective than ice alone at chilling containers. This is because liquid water is a better heat conductor than air (many times better), and the ice by itself can't cover much of the container's surface.
  • This method is amazingly better than merely adding ice cubes to the glass of warm coke. Placing ice cubes directly into the drink causes it to become diluted and lose its fizz and snappy flavor.
  • Smaller containers will chill more rapidly than large containers because the smaller ones have much more surface area in contact with the cold water per unit volume. Smaller containers will also chill more rapidly because they contain less liquid.
  • If you do not have extra clean water available, using ice alone and stirring it and the drinks around in the ice is still better than just putting the drinks in an ice chest with ice still in the bag with the drinks sitting on top or in a refrigerator. Air, which is less dense, can not absorb and conduct as much heat away from the containers compared to water.
  • So to have cooler air circulating among the pieces of ice, try putting the bowl in a bag and tie it closed, and then swirl the bowl a little every 15 to 30 seconds to stir the drinks.
  • If you want to chill wine quickly, the saltwater convection trick may take too long due to the size and thickness of the bottle. Try pouring a couple glasses worth in a plastic sandwich bag, sealing it with as little air as possible, and laying it on the ice in your freezer.


  • Carbonated cans may become pressurized after rapidly stirring in the ice water. Opening cans before the carbonation has a chance to settle may cause an overflowing mess.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Beverages in cans or bottles
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Ice cubes
  • Salt
  • Thermometer (Optional)

[Edit]Related wikiHows

[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

vendredi 30 décembre 2022

How to Wash Suits

Suit jackets can give you a professional, dapper look, but how exactly are you supposed to wash them? You know you can take your garment into the dry cleaners, but you may be wondering if you can clean suits right from home. The answer is yes! Below, we'll walk you through everything you need to know. From washing in a machine to spot cleaning and proper storage, read on to learn how you can keep your suit looking fresh!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Wet a small spot on your suit and then rub it with a cotton swab. If no dye transfers to the swab, you can machine-wash it.
  • Wash your suit inside of a mesh laundry bag on a cold, gentle setting to clean your suit while avoiding wear and tear.
  • Maintain your suit by spot cleaning it regularly and storing it carefully on a wooden hanger.


[Edit]Washing Your Suit

  1. Wash your suit as infrequently as possible, since it's probably very delicate.[1] Machine washes and dry cleanings both pose a risk to your suit. Your suit is a highly structured garment that's often made of fragile material. Only wash your suit when it's really necessary—if you’re not sure, go off of the smell. If your suit smells at all of body odor, it’s time for a full machine wash or dry clean.[2]
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    • When you do wash, choose between machine washing and dry cleaning. Handwashing isn't advisable, because if you accidentally give your suit an uneven wash, it could warp your suit's fit over time. Professional dry cleaning tends to be the best option for keeping the suit in the best possible shape.[3]
    • If you'd really rather hand wash though, go with ice-cold water and a gentle cleaning agent.
    • You obviously do not want to wear a dirty suit, so it's important to strike a balance between repeat usages and infrequent cleaning.[4]
  2. Test your suit to determine whether or not it can be washed. Find a small patch of fabric on your suit (ideally, one you can't see when the suit is worn). Get the quarter-sized area damp and then, dab a cotton swab over the damp area. Finally, check the swab—has it changed color? If dyes are leaking onto the swab, that indicates that a hand or machine wash isn’t right for your garment.[5]
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    • This means you'll need to find a dry cleaner. If you wash this garment, it'll hurt the fabric.
    • Though many suits will have a "dry clean only" label, you can ignore this. If your suit has this tag, see this as a reminder to handle your garment with care.
    • The jury is out on which fabrics definitely can or definitely can't get spruced in the wash. If you're unsure, a quick test is the best solution!
  3. Choose a gentle cleaner and match it to your suit's fabric type. Whether your suit is wool, cotton, cashmere, or linen, a standard laundry detergent will be too harsh. Instead, grab a gentler cleaner that’s perfect for your suit type. For wool and cashmere, select a wool and cashmere shampoo. For all other suits, choose soap flakes instead.[6]
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  4. Fold and roll your suit jacket in preparation for the wash. Unlike other garments, fragile suit jackets can't just be tossed into the machine. Instead, turn your suit jacket inside out. Then, fold your suit lengthwise, laying the sleeves over the suit’s body. Using your hands, flatten creases out of the suit. Finally, tightly roll up your suit from the bottom upwards, just like you would a sleeping bag.[7]
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  5. Place your suit inside a mesh laundry bag. Water isn’t the only danger suits face in the machine. When they toss and tumble around during their regular cycle, it can seriously warp the fragile fabric. This is where mesh bags come in. Set your folded and rolled suit carefully inside, then tie the latch. Now your suit will stay safe in the wash![8]
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    • Wash your suit by itself in your machine, just to be safe. This will limit friction in the wash.
  6. Wash your suit jacket on the coldest, gentlest setting. Some claim that with the protection of a mesh bag, any cycle is fine for washing your suit jacket. Still, it’s best to play it safe with fragile jackets. Select the “cold” and “delicate” settings for your wash cycle. Load your cleaning agent and finally, run your machine.[9]
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    • Put your wool shampoos in the detergent compartment and for soap flakes, place them directly into the main wash compartment.
  7. Remove your garment immediately to be air dried (and skip the dryer!). Proper drying is extremely important to maintain your suit's proper shape and fit. Lay your suit flat on a clean surface and use your hands to pat out as many creases and folds as you can. Allow your jacket to air dry instead of throwing it in the dryer. When it's still a little damp, hang your jacket on a hanger.[10]
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    • Resist the urge to put your suit in front of a heat source, like sunlight or a heater. This can easily warp the fabric.
    • Pro tip: lay a towel over a flat surface when you first remove your jacket. Gently lay the suit on top and roll the towel and jacket up together. This will squeeze out some water, cutting down on drying time! [11]

[Edit]Spot Cleaning, Brushing, and Storing Your Suit

  1. Spot clean small stains with lemon juice or distilled vinegar. Spill something unsightly on your suit sleeve? Only fully wash your suit on occasion, and in between washes, use spot cleaning to spruce up your suit. Dab cold water onto your stain and a couple drops of lemon juice or distilled vinegar. Blot with a clean towel until the stain lifts.[12]
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    • To test whether your suit can handle a spot clean, first test the suit in a hidden portion of the suit. Blot your suit with a little bit of lemon juice or vinegar, then check the cotton swab. Did the color run? If so, take your suit to the cleaners.
    • When you’re applying lemon juice or vinegar, less is more. Start with just a couple drops and increase the amount slightly as needed.
  2. Brush your suit after every wear with a suit brush. Brush over your entire suit, moving in a downward motion. This removes dust and grime from your suit—and it’ll help your suit look great for longer. Removing visible debris is important, but the benefits go deeper, too. Leftover particles put extra stress on your suit’s fabric, causing it to wear down over time. Brushing removes that risk![13]
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  3. Steam your suit jacket to remove wrinkles.[14] Add water to your iron’s steam well, adjust to the proper setting for your suit’s material, and place a white cloth over your suit. Steam and iron out wrinkles by pressing onto the jacket, not rubbing. Work around your suit in this way and before moving around, check that you haven’t accidentally created new wrinkles while ironing. [15]
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    • Anything that stresses your fabric will hurt a suit over time—steaming helps limit this risk.
    • Pro tip: you can get the same effect by steaming with an actual steamer. Or, you can hang your jacket in the bathroom while you take a steamy shower with the door closed.[16]
  4. Store your jackets on wooden hangers and inside of cloth bags. Wire hangers are a suit jacket's greatest enemy, as they cause the fabric to warp over time. Instead, hang your suit on high-quality wood hangers made for suit jackets. Then, throw a cloth suit bag over top of your jackets as well. This allows your suit to breathe, keep its shape, and avoid damage by moths, all at once.[17]
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  5. Wear individual jackets as infrequently as possible. When you have a job that requires you to wear a suit every day, resting your jackets in between wears might be tough. But if you can, try your best to alternate. This way, in between wears, your jacket has time to rest and de-wrinkle on its wooden hanger.[18]
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[Edit]Things You’ll Need

[Edit]Washing Your Suit

[Edit]Maintaining Your Suit


source How to of the Day

How to Open a Champagne Bottle

Opening a champagne bottle is a powerful celebration ritual. The effect is grand, but the act of opening the bottle can be tricky if you haven't done it before. You'll need to twist the bottle, hold the cork, and gently push the cork out of the bottle. Make sure to keep a firm grip on the cork unless you want a champagne shower! Aim for a "sigh," not a "pop."[1]


[Edit]Opening the Bottle

  1. Remove the foil and the metal cage. First, tear off the foil wrap that covers the cork. Then, untwist the wire loop to loosen the wire cage that protects the cork. Be gentle and take your time. Keep a thumb on the cork to head off an accidental pop.[2]
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    • Do not remove the wire cage until you are about to open the bottle! Otherwise, you may risk the bottle uncorking before you are ready. The cage is there to protect the cork.
  2. Hold the bottle properly. Grip the body of the bottle in your dominant hand. Wedge the bulbous end of the cork deep into the palm of your non-dominant hand.[3]
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    • Support the base of the bottle against your hip. If you're holding the bottle in your right hand, use your right hip or the right side of your torso.[4]
    • Consider holding the cork with a kitchen towel. This can help you apply friction, making it easier to catch and contain the cork as it pops out of the bottle. The towel may also protect against a spill.[5]
  3. Twist the bottle and hold the cork. Slowly rotate the bottle back and forth with your dominant hand. Keep holding the cork steady with your non-dominant hand. As the cork turns, gradually increase the distance between your hands until your dominant hand is midway down the bottle.

  4. Pop the bottle. Decide what effect you're trying to achieve. If you're indoors or around a lot of people, make sure to take out the cork gently to avoid damage. If you want the dramatic effect of a champagne shower, then you can open the bottle with a mighty pop and send the cork flying high through the air. If you are opening champagne for a classy occasion: aim for a "sigh," not a "pop."

    • Opening gently: Slow down your twisting toward the end, once the cork is almost out. Grasp the cork firmly. Press your thumb up from beneath the lip of the cork until it slides smoothly out of the bottle. Keep your grip on the cork, and "catch it" so that it doesn't fly away. Try to do it so gently that the cork doesn't make a popping sound.[6]
    • Popping dramatically: Use your thumb to push the cork out from beneath the lip. Shake the bottle to stir up the carbonation, if you want a bit of a mess and a lot of added effect. Aim the bottle away from yourself, your friends, and any breakable items in the near vicinity. Avoid trying this method until you're comfortable opening a champagne bottle gently!

[Edit]Following Champagne Etiquette

  1. Chill the bottle before opening. Store in the refrigerator, a cooler, or an ice bucket. Give it at least a few hours to ensure that the contents are completely chilled. Not only will this improve the taste, but it will make the bottle less likely to spray champagne everywhere.[7]
    Open a Champagne Bottle Step 5 Version 2.jpg
  2. Open carefully in formal settings. Keep a firm grip on the cork so that it doesn't fly away unexpectedly. Slowly twist the bottle—not the cork—until the cork is almost out of the bottle. Listen for the almost inaudible "sigh" of the cork coming loose.[8] Then, pull it out delicately using entire palm of your hand. Hold the cork over the opened bottle for a few seconds to make sure that the foam doesn't bubble over.[9]

    • If you are serving champagne as a waiter or a caterer, it is usually considered proper etiquette to open the bottle as unobtrusively as possible. Do not spray, and do not let the cork fly. Practice until you can do it without so much as a "pop."
  3. Avoid shaking the bottle. Champagne is a carbonated beverage stored under pressure. When you shake the bottle, you build up that pressure to dangerous levels. Opening a highly-pressurized champagne bottle will unleash a mighty spout of champagne and send the cork flying forward at high velocity.[10]

    • If you do accidentally shake the bottle, let it sit still for an hour or two so that the contents have time to settle. The CO2 will absorb back into the drink more quickly if the champagne is cold.[11]
  4. Pour slowly. Champagne is carbonated, and the bubbly liquid rises quickly when poured into a glass. Don't spill and waste champagne – especially if you are serving someone else![12]

    • Hold the glass upright. Do not slant it to pour.
    • Fill a third of each glass with champagne. Then, top up the servings once you've poured a bit for everybody.[13]
    • Do not touch the spout onto the rim of anyone's glass. Champagne is often stored in cellars, and in some circles it is considered poor etiquette to risk dirtying someone's glass.



  • The less sound the better. Ideally, a small hiss is all you'll hear. This means your wine was adequately chilled, and that you are not risking your precious beverage overflowing all over the ground!


  • Do not pry the cork or use a corkscrew to open the bottle.
  • Do not let go of the cork as you pull it out. It can shoot out at high velocity. If the cork is aimed in the wrong direction, it might break a valuable object or seriously hurt somebody. Do not point the bottle at yourself or others while opening.
  • Do not let go of the body of the bottle as the cork is coming out. The bottle can shoot off towards the ground and break.
  • Do NOT attempt to open a bottle which is not completely chilled. A warm or room-temperature bottle is more likely to pop and spray all over the place. Make sure you chill your champagne bottle before opening it.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Chilled champagne
  • Kitchen towel
  • Champagne glasses

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[Edit]Quick Summary

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