be more attractive: janvier 2022

lundi 31 janvier 2022

How to Paint Pebbles

Whether you’re in the classroom or staying at home, painting pebbles is a fun, engaging craft that you can do just about anywhere! First, use soap and water to clean off any dirt and grime from the rocks. Once you’ve used sandpaper to buff away any rough edges, use a pencil and some scrap paper to plan out the design for your beautiful pebble. With some paint and varnish, you can create a masterpiece on any size pebble!


[Edit]Drawing Your Design

  1. Wash and dry the pebbles to remove any dirt. Find a variety of smooth stones outside and bring them to your sink. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of dish soap onto a soaked sponge, and lightly scrub all of the pebbles. As you clean, focus on getting rid of any dirt and filth on the stones. Once you’ve washed the pebbles, lay them on a towel or other clean surface to let them dry.[1]

    • If you’re in a rush, feel free to dry off the stones individually.
    • Any kind of soap will work to clean the pebbles.
    • If you’d prefer to save time, consider buying smooth stones at a craft store.
  2. Sand down any rough pebbles with 100-, 150-, and 220-grit sandpaper. Take a piece of 100-grit sandpaper and rub over any harsh, jagged edges on the pebble. Start with a coarse sheet of sandpaper, then work your way down to 220-grit. Continue rubbing down the pebbles until the entire surface is smooth.[2]

    • It can be difficult to paint over a rough, uneven surface. Try to get the pebbles as smooth as possible to save yourself some trouble later on.
  3. Pick a design for your pebble. Think about what the pebbles will be used for after they’re painted. Are you looking to make creative labels for your garden, or fun home decorations? Depending on your intended purpose, you might want to pick a design concept that’s on the simpler side.[3]
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    • For instance, if you’re creating labels for your garden, you might want to paint the stone a solid color, then paint a specific word over that backdrop.
    • Create fun number and letter counters by painting the surface of the rock with black paint, then labeling it in white.
    • You might paint a decorative pebble with a ladybug design, or some other natural motif.
  4. Draw out your design idea on a piece of scrap paper. Use pencil to sketch your basic concept. Don’t worry about the drawing being perfect—instead, focus on fleshing out different ideas until you have the perfect design for your pebble. [4]
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    • Don’t feel like you have to commit to a single idea! Draw as many different designs as you want.
  5. Use pencil to sketch this design on the pebble. Trace or freely draw your chosen artwork onto the pebble. Try to keep your lines as smooth as possible, so you’ll have an easier time tracing over and filling in the design with paint. If you mess up the pencil sketch at any point, simply draw over it—the old pencil etchings won’t be visible beneath the dried paint.[5]

    • If you’re confident in your art skills, don’t worry about tracing on the design ahead of time.

[Edit]Applying the Paint

  1. Fill in the large, solid-colored portions of the design with acrylic paint. Take a thin paintbrush and dip it into a small well of acrylic paint. Use swift, smooth motions to spread the paint over the pebble’s surface. Focus on the background elements of the design first, like the backdrop color.[6]

    • If you’re working with a more complex design, paint from back to front. For instance, if you’re painting a tree in front of a sunset, make sure to fill in the colors of the sky before painting in the tree.
    • Acrylic paint is an easy and inexpensive paint to use. If you accidentally spill some paint on your clothes or carpet, you can easily blot it away with dish soap![7]
  2. Dry off the paint with a blow dryer. Plug in a hair dryer and turn it on low heat. Move the dryer back and forth over the painted surface of the stone, applying even amounts of heat to the paint. Continue moving the hair dryer over the painted pebble until the surface looks and feels dry.[8]
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    • If you aren’t in a rush, feel free to set the pebbles aside and let them air-dry. Check on the stones once every hour or so to see if they’re dry.
  3. Use thin, tapered paint brushes to add intricate details. Take a thin, tapered brush and dip it into the acrylic paint color of your choice. With short, careful movements, outline the finer details of the design on your painted pebble. Clean off the brush in between uses whenever you dip into a new color.[9]

    • If your pebble’s artwork has multiple layers, be sure to use a blow dryer to dry off the surface.
  4. Add artistic flair to your pebbles with chalk crayons and markers. Use a chalk crayon or marker to sketch or color in other elements of your design. Check that the base layer of paint is completely dry before you use any chalk markers or crayons.[10]

    • Chalk markers and crayons are great ways to add lighter, pastel tones to your painted pebble. As the name suggests, they also look like chalk when applied to a surface.
  5. Outline sections of dried paint with a thin black pen. Add extra detail to your painted pebble by highlighting important parts of the design. If you’d like to give your painted pebble a crisp, professional look, try outlining important elements of your art in pen. Make sure that all layers of paint are dry before you add any line work to the design.[11]

    • These pens are especially useful for complex art designs.
    • For example, if you’re painting a heart onto your pebble, you might want to outline the heart in pen.

[Edit]Sealing the Finished Art

  1. Dip a clean paintbrush into some clear glue or varnish. Take a thin brush and coat it completely with clear varnish, sealant, or PVA glue. Choose a clear product to use for the sealing process, so your beautiful pebble artwork will be protected! [12]

    • You can find clear sealants and glue at any hardware or home improvement store.
  2. Apply a thin layer of varnish over the dried pebble. Brush on the clear product in smooth, even strokes. Focus on covering the entire painted surface of the pebble. Don’t worry about painting the back surface of the stone—you only need to protect the painted areas.[13]

    • One layer of varnish or sealant should do the trick. If you’d like your painted pebble to be extra protected, consider applying a second coat.
  3. Use a spray sealant if you’d prefer more coverage. Save yourself some preparation time by spraying the sealant onto your painted pebble. Look for products at your local hardware or home improvement store that come in a spray canister. You can make your clear top coat look a lot smoother and more even with this kind of product.[14]

    • Whenever you use spray-on paint products, be sure to work in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Wait for the sealant layer to dry completely. Leave your painted, sealed pebbles on a flat, open surface. Let the stones dry for several hours, checking on them periodically to see if the pebbles’ surface looks dry. If the varnish feels dry after you lightly tap it, then the pebbles are ready to be displayed![15]
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[Edit]Things You’ll Need

  • Pebbles
  • Scrap paper
  • Pencil
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Blow dryer (optional)
  • Chalk crayons (optional)
  • Chalk markers (optional)
  • Thin black pen
  • Clear glue or sealant
  • Spray sealant (optional)


source How to of the Day

How to Start Learning Computer Programming

Programming is lots of fun and extraordinarily useful. It allows you to be creative and also opens up a wide range of new careers for you. If you want to learn how to program, read the tutorial below for an explanation of where to go and what to study.


[Edit]Choosing a Language

  1. Choose a programming language. Computer programming is done as essentially a set of written instructions that the computer follows (also known as binary coding). These instructions can be written in several different "languages", or which are simply different ways of organizing the instructions and text. Different languages tend to be used to create different types of programs, however, so choose a language that you feel is relevant to what you want to do.[1] If you decide that a language does not suit your needs, you can always move on to a new language.[2]
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  2. Consider C, C++, C# and related languages. These languages are mainly used for creating standalone computer applications such as games. C and C++ are difficult languages to learn for a beginner, but not impossible. Learning them will give you an in-depth understanding of not only programming (most programming languages inherit some concept or the other from C and C++) but also of how a computer works. They are popular and widely used, though C#, a language very similar to Java, is starting to become much more common.[3]
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  3. Consider Java or JavaScript. These are good languages to learn if you want to work on making web plugins (JavaScript) or mobile apps (Java). These languages are very much in demand right now, so they are handy to know. Keep in mind that Java and JavaScript are completely different languages, despite the similarity in names.[4]
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  4. Try Python. Python is a very versatile language used widely across several platforms.[5] Despite being extremely powerful, it is an easy language for a beginner to pick up, so give it a try!
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  5. Consider PHP. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Processor. It is a web programming language and relatively easy to learn due to its weak typing and popularity (popularity means there will be several useful tutorials on the language). It is a great language for server-side programming.[6]
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  6. Don't limit yourself to these languages! There are tons of programming languages, all with varying uses. If you want to work as a programmer, you will need to know more than one, so learn as many as you can.
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    • Your best bet will be to look at ads for the sort of jobs you want to get and look for the common languages that they ask for.

[Edit]Learning the Language

  1. Think about going to school. While most companies hiring a programmer will care more about your skills than the college you went to or your grades, it greatly helps to have a college degree to point to. You will learn more efficiently than if you teach yourself, all while getting expert guidance from your teachers (and maybe your friends).[7]
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    • There are often scholarships and grants available to those doing degrees in this field. Don't feel intimidated by the price tag of a degree: it is possible!
  2. Learn from online universities. Whether you do an online degree with fees and an actual degree at the end or you're attending a free program like MIT's wonderful Coursera, you can learn a lot about programming from these structured courses.
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  3. Try using online tools. Use free services like Google’s University Consortium or Mozilla’s Developer Network to learn more about programming. These companies want more developers to help their platforms flourish and their resources can be some of the best on the web.
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  4. Learn using online tutorials. There are loads of programmers with websites where they will teach you the individual basics, as well as a few tricks. Look up tutorials on the language you want to learn to find these.
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    • Many free online classes are available to learn to code from. The Khan Academy teaches computer coding, with easy tutorials and videos. Codecademy is another free site to learn from, with step-by-step tutorials.
  5. Start young if you can. There are several programs designed to teach kids to program. Programs like MIT's Scratch are very helpful and the younger you are, the easier it will be to pick up (like any language).
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    • Avoid kits, as these rarely teach anything useful.

[Edit]Teaching Yourself

  1. Start with a good book or tutorial on programming. Get a good, current book on the programming language you want to learn. Reviews on Amazon or similar sites will usually help you identify helpful books from unhelpful ones.[8]
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  2. Get an interpreter for that language. An interpreter is just another computer program but it will convert ideas you've written in a programming language into "machine code" so you can see things work. Lots of programs are available and you will need to choose one that is appropriate for you.[9]
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  3. Read the book! Take examples of the programming language from the book and put them into your interpreter. Try changing the examples and making the program do different things.
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  4. Try putting together your ideas to form a working program. Start with simple things, like a program to convert currencies, and work your way up to more complex things as you continue reading and learning about your programming language.
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  5. Learn another language. Once you start actively programming in your first language, you may want to learn a second one. You'll get the most out of learning a second programming language if you pick one that uses a radically different paradigm than the one you started with. For instance, if you started in Scheme, you might try learning C or Java next. If you started in Java, you could learn Perl or Python.
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  6. Continue programming and trying new things! To be a good programmer, you, at the very least, have to keep up with changing technology. It's a constant learning process, and you should always be learning new languages, new paradigms, and most importantly: programming new things!
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    • Being a successful programmer means learning to think like one. You'll need to look at challenges as learning opportunities, desire to improve your skills and be open to new ways of improving your programming process.



  • Start with something fun, motivate yourself to solve challenges, progressing your skills in logical problem-solving.
  • There is a very good programming language that is very easy to use for beginners. This is also known as user-friendly. And this is the VB ( Visual Basic language), try this it is amazing.
  • Don't start with a complex language like Java, but start with an easy language like Python. Python encourages beginners and is composed of almost every aspect of programming.
  • By heart, the syntax is a must. You are free to apply it in your way. Study some sample programs then start coding your own.
  • Get a handy reference book. Make sure it's the latest version as languages keep updating.
  • Java has a powerful concept called multithreading. Study it carefully.
  • Use Eclipse when writing Java programs. It's an extremely useful program that can debug your code and you can run your code instantly, as well as using the package explorer to flick through multiple files of your code.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


Computer programming depends on logic and logic is just how someone solves a problem in different ways. If we want to be a good programmer then we have to practice daily. And also clear the concepts. study computer programming books. Attend a technology seminar on computer programming. Discuss with those people who are learning computer programming. And also practice more and more manually. And also on the computer. Also, study tutorials on the internet. Watch video lectures about programming. It is also important to choose a language first like C and so on. And practice in that language manually and also on the computer. Read books on that language that you are learning. If You have any confusion then ask from teachers. Programming is not an easy skill to learn so you have to work hard.

[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Become a Nicer Person to Others

Having close family and friends who can act as your support system is proven to make you healthier and happier.[1] However, it's not always so easy to keep friends or family around, especially if you're mean or constantly have a negative attitude towards them. Luckily, it doesn't have to be this way forever. If you practice kindness daily and work to control your anger, you can become a nicer person and strengthen meaningful relationships with others.


[Edit]Controlling Your Anger

  1. Use a relaxation techniques to calm yourself.[2] As soon as you start to notice that you are feeling angry, take a moment to calm yourself. One good way to do this is by using a relaxation technique.[3] Some options include:
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  2. Challenge unrealistic statements or thoughts. Unrealistic thought patterns can intensify feelings of anger, so try to identify and challenge these as they occur.[4]
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    • For example, an unrealistic thought might be something like, “My roommate never does anything to help keep our apartment clean! I do everything!”
    • Before you allow yourself to get angrier due to this thought, take a moment to decide if this is really true. Does your roommate do different things than you do to keep the apartment clean? If so, then the word “never” in this statement is not realistic.
    • Try rewriting the thought or statement into something more realistic, such as “I wish my roommate would pitch in a little more than she does with household chores.”
  3. Improve your problem solving skills. Having good problem solving skills can also help to reduce feelings of anger and frustration. It may help you to feel more in control, even if you are dealing with something really frustrating. This is a skill that takes time to develop, so try to be patient.[5]
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    • When you are facing a problem, try taking time to identify the problem before you try to solve it. Then, make a list of all the possible solutions available to you and choose the best one. After putting your solution into action, reflect on how it went and see how you can adjust your strategy for a better result in the future.
  4. Don't let frustration or anger build up. When you don't say anything, and you're frustrated, bottling up your anger is not the best thing to do. Instead of letting frustration build to rage, speak up and confront the source of your frustration. Don't be afraid of making a situation awkward, because talking it out is better than being mean in the future.
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    • If you've felt disrespected or hurt by someone, you may want to inflict the same emotional pain upon them. Instead of doing this, let them know that they hurt your feelings and that you felt disrespected by their actions.
    • Instead of letting your anger build, let the person know what they did wrong. Say something like "I don't like that you did that. It really makes me angry and upset."
  5. Channel your energy into something positive. Instead of using your energy to be mean to others, redirect it to a sport or hobby that you want to pursue.[6] Make sure to stay active. When you exercise or do something active, it releases positive endorphins in your brain that make you happier.[7]
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    • You can do a team sport like football, baseball, soccer, or hockey.
    • If you don't like physical sports, try doing something creative like learning how to play an instrument or learning how to paint.
  6. Walk away when you start to get angry. Identify when your anger starts to escalate and be aware of how mad you are. When you feel like you're reaching that place, take a step back from the argument and walk away.[8] Be polite and explain why you're walking away. Don't leave the situation up in the air forever. Regain your composure and talk to the person again when your anger has subsided.
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    • You can say, "I need to take a walk because I'm getting really angry and I'm trying to stay calm. I need some time to think about this, but we can talk when I get back."

[Edit]Being Kind to Others

  1. Practice being more compassionate. Make it a point to be kinder to others, and try to see things from their perspective. Instead of making comments that would hurt someone's feelings, think of ways to make their day better. If you have the time, go out of your way to do small things for others, and they will come to appreciate you more.
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    • For instance, instead of making fun of someone to make yourself feel better, give them a compliment and make their day better.
    • Practicing compassion can make you a healthier and happier person.[9]
    • You can also buy a friend a small gift like candy or a book to show your appreciation for them.
  2. Develop your communication skills. Being able to listen well and communicate in a constructive, assertive way may also help you to feel in control of your anger and be kind to others.[10] Communicating your feelings and emotions will help other people understand your frame of mind and relieve a lot of stress. Often arguments or disagreements can arise because of a lack of communication and a lack of understanding when it comes to people's motivations. Try to be more truthful in conversation, even if it makes the situation less than perfect, or you think that the person may not like you for it. Do not skirt around issues that make you feel uncomfortable.
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    • Put away distractions and give the person your full attention. As you listen, try to suspend judgment. Just try to understand what the person is saying and where they are coming from.
    • When you express yourself, use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. Try saying things like, “I feel frustrated when you forget to pick up your dishes.” Don’t say things like, “You never clean up after yourself!”
    • Communicating effectively also means sometimes being vulnerable and talking about things that could be embarrassing.
    • For example, if a friend does something you don't approve of, instead of yelling and saying things that you'll regret, say something like, "When you made that joke, and everyone laughed, it made me feel sad. I was humiliated, and even though you didn't think it was a big deal, it really hurt my feelings."
  3. Be more patient. People can't read your mind and for some, learning new things may take longer for them than it takes for others. Instead of escalating to anger immediately, be more patient with people. Think back to when you were doing something for the first time or when you needed help. Realize that not everyone's perfect. If someone is doing something that annoys you, instead of letting it go until you're angry, confront the person and have a conversation.
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    • If your roommate is tapping their pencil and it's stopping you from doing your work, say something like "Hey, I know this seems crazy, but I really can't get this paper done while you’re tapping that pencil. Do you mind stopping while I do my work?"
  4. Don't be cynical. Being cynical all the time can put you in a bad mood and make you more irritable. Typically cynicism is a defense mechanism that you're likely to employ when you are disappointed or feel let down. Instead of expressing your emotions in a healthy and constructive way, you bottle them up and minimize the impact of your feelings to other people and yourself.[11] This can spiral into having a negative view of the world, and it can put you in a constant state of anger.
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    • Don't put down other people's work or effort. Admire someone when they excel at something instead of dismissing it or minimizing it.
    • Try to reduce the amount of judgment you put on others. If you don't understand a subculture or demographic of people, look to immerse yourself in their world instead of senselessly hating it.
  5. Practice empathy. Empathy involves understanding and internalizing the feelings and emotions of another person. Try to put yourself in the person's shoes, and talk to people without passing judgment on them first. When someone is experiencing pain, relate to their emotions instead of dismissing them. Engage in active listening instead of waiting for the other person to stop talking. Internalize what they are saying, and try to feel the emotions that they feel. This can give you a better understanding of their perspective and actions.
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    • To improve your active listening, concentrate on paying attention to what the person is saying, provide feedback to show that you're listening, and defer any judgment you may have. Instead of criticizing them, try supporting the person.
    • Think back to a time when you were under similar circumstances and try to reflect on how badly it felt.
  6. Stop being defensive. Don't put walls up and don't be suspicious of everyone you meet. This hurts your interactions with others. If you've done something wrong, take personal responsibility for your actions and don't blame other people for things you've done. Be open to making new friends and improving existing friendships.
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    • If someone makes a valid suggestion, instead of getting angry at them for pointing out a weakness, say "You're right. I need to work on it, and I am, but it's a process."
    • Instead of automatically taking comments in a negative light, ask the person "What do you mean by that?" Once they explain, it may not be as harmful as you initially thought.

[Edit]Doing Selfless Acts

  1. Help people when you see them in need. Instead of turning away or thinking that it's someone else's responsibility, do your best to help people that are in need. Think of easy things that you can do during your day to help people that can't help themselves. You could help a younger family member set up their computer or help an elderly person with their groceries.
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    • The more you help others on your accord, the happier you'll be.[12]
  2. Do more things around the house. If you're younger, this means doing your chores without being asked and genuinely trying to help when you see that your family is overwhelmed. If you are a parent or in a relationship, do something for your partner like fixing something that's been broken, or making dinner for them. Find extra things to do around the house to alleviate your partner's stress.
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    • Communicate with your family and ask them if there's anything else that needs to be done around the house.
    • A clean and organized house can actually boost your energy and make you happier.[13]
  3. Be there for your friends when they need someone to talk to. Friendship is a critical aspect in your happiness. Having a support system to talk to when times are bad gives us a sense of belonging. Having friends will lower your blood pressure and you'll be less prone to depression.[14] However, friendship is built on communication and vulnerability. If you're mean or judgemental, friends will not want to come to you, and will not be as supportive when you need them.
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    • Stay attentive and listen.
    • Sometimes friends don't want advice, just someone to talk to.
    • If you've talked to your friend about a serious issue, it'll be easier to talk to them about serious problems in your life.
  4. Work on improving your community. If you have the time, consider volunteering at a local community center, homeless shelter, or soup kitchen near you. Look into other projects locally, like efforts to that plant trees or work to beautify your town. The more you get to know other people who are working for a positive future, the more fulfilled you'll feel, and less prone to angry outbursts.
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    • Volunteering with a group of people will also give you a sense of belonging to a community which will increase your happiness and make you less angry. Having a support system when times are hard can help us cope with daily stress.


[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

dimanche 30 janvier 2022

How to Make a Beaded Lizard

Here's a cute, fun, and creative afternoon activity that you can make and attach to your backpack or even wear as a necklace. All it takes are some beads, string, and a keychain clasp.


[Edit]Preparing the Body

  1. Cut a roughly three-foot length of 1/8th-inch ribbon or string. The longer the string, the longer the lizard. Three feet is a good start.
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  2. Fold the string in half so that the two ends meet. This will lead to a loop at the other end of the string.

  3. Take the loop and run it through the bottom of a keychain clasp. Really, any sort of clasp will work. All you need to do is create a slipknot around the clasp. You should have your loop on one side of the clasp, and the long excess string on the other.

  4. Pull the ends through the loop to create a slipknot. Reach into the loop and pull the strings through, pulling until tight. This creates a simple slip knot that will hold the lizard in place as you work.

  5. Tape the clasp down to the table so that the strings drape towards you. Make sure the strings are not tangled up, and that you can clearly tell which string is the left string and which one is the right.
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[Edit]Building the Head and Neck

  1. Add two beads to the leftmost string. These beads will be your body, so choose the color you want for the bulk of the lizard. Don't feed the beads all the way down; just let them dangle a bit towards the end. In this video, the body will be yellow.

  2. Thread the right string through the beads the opposite way. If the leftmost string enters through the left, thread this one through from the right. You'll have both string going through the center of the two beads in opposite directions.

  3. Pull both ends of the strings until the beads slide up to the keychain clasp. Lightly pull on the opposite ends to force the beads up to the top.

  4. Feed three more beads -- two eyes and a body color -- onto the leftmost string. You want to sandwich the body bead with the two eye colors. Here, the eyes are green and the body is yellow, so you'd put them on as green, yellow, green.

  5. Slide the right side through the beads and pull both ends until the beads slide to the top. Repeat the same procedure as you did with the first two body beads. Slide the three beads on the left string, thread the right through them, then pull both strings to move the beads to the top.

  6. Repeat the whole procedure with two more beads to make the "neck." Take two body colors, thread them on the left, slide the right through, and pull tight. This is your neck.

  7. Take three more body beads and pull them through. Again, it is the same procedure. For a little flair, you can use a different color for the center bead here, allowing you to put a "stripe" on your lizard's back.

    • These three beads are the beginning of the "back." You'll need to start the limbs after this.

[Edit]Building The Legs

  1. Set aside two beads for the body and three other beads for the feet. Here, the body beads are still yellow and the feet will be black.
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  2. Thread the two body beads on the left string and slide them down close to the body. Push them almost all the way to the body. These are your legs.

  3. Slide the black beads on, just above the legs. Keep them close, but separated.

  4. Thread the end of the left string through the two beads for the leg. You just want to thread through your two yellow beads, not the three for the feet.

  5. Pull the string tight to pull everything together, adjusting slightly as necessary. Use your fingers to make sure nothing bunches up. This is your first leg! Note how it only requires the left string to make -- you should never touch the right one when making the left leg.

  6. Repeat the process with the other string to make the right leg. Once done, it is time to move back to the body.

[Edit]Finishing the Body and Tail

  1. Build three more body rows identically to the first. Put three beads on the left string, remembering to alternate them if you're doing a two-colored body. Then slide the right string in the opposite direction as the left and pull the two ends to slide the beads up to the body.
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    • You need three more rows before starting the feet again.
  2. Make two more legs the same way you made the first two. After the three lengths of the body, add two more legs. The process is identical.

  3. Add two more body beads, to make the base of the tail (identical to the neck). You should have the process down pat by now. Two beads on the left string, feed through the right string and pull tight.

  4. Slide the first tail bead on the left string, thread the right string through the opposite side, and pull. The tail is simply the same process as the body, but its only one bead per layer. You can choose any color you want. Alternating looks great too, and you can use as many beads as you want for the length of tail you like.

  5. Tie a double knot at the end of the tail to keep the beads in place. You can tie any knot you want, but a simple square knot will do just fine. You can use the knot used to tie your shoes as well, but make sure you double knot it.[1]
    Make a Beaded Lizard Step 23 Version 7.jpg

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Pony Beads (about 60)
  • 1/8th-inch wide ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Beads
  • Tape
  • Nice flat surface (recommended)


  • You can mix and match colors and lengths with ease once you get used to the process. For a bigger lizard, add one bead to each smaller section (legs, head, neck) and two beads to each body section. This will keep the proportions roughly the same.


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Clean and Organize Your Room

Between dirty clothes, clutter, and other waste, cleaning your room might be a trouble in your to-do list. And you do not need to worry! The solution to simple, effective cleaning is breaking the task down into smaller chores. You’d be stunned at how much you can accomplish by switching up how you clean and organize.

Here are 14 pro tips and tricks to help you clean and organize your room.


[Edit]Go through your clutter with the 4-box method.

  1. Set out 4 boxes or bags and label “keep,” “donate,” “store,” and “trash.” Keep items are pretty self-explanatory—these are items that you still actively need or want, and plan on storing in your room. In the donate pile, set aside any gently-used items that you don’t want or need anymore. Use the “store” pile for items that can be moved into long-term storage. Then, dedicate the “trash” box to any junk or clutter that’s just taking up space in your room.[1]
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    • For instance, a pair of winter snow boots might go in the “store” pile, while old candy wrappers would go in the “trash” pile.

[Edit]Wipe off any dusty surfaces.

  1. Go over all the surfaces in your room with a damp cloth. Focus especially on any dressers, mirrors, art pieces, or other stationary accessories in your living space.[2] Then, clean off your walls with a cotton mop, or suck up any leftover dust with a vacuum extension.[3]
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    • A damp cloth helps pick up the dust and wipe the surface clean.

[Edit]Vacuum your bedroom floor.

  1. Suck up any leftover dust, dirt, or crumbs that have collected over time. Focus on hard-to-reach places, like beneath your bed and behind different pieces of furniture. If you’d really like to go the extra mile, vacuum off your mattress, too.[4]
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[Edit]Wash and change your sheets.

  1. Peel off your old sheets and blankets and toss them in the wash. Once they’re washed and dried, re-make your bed.[5]
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    • Feel free to clean your old pillows and pillowcases, too.

[Edit]Clean out your wardrobe.

  1. Go through each article of clothing and decide what you want to keep. If you like the clothing and it still fits well, keep it in your closet for another few seasons. If the garment is just taking up space, donate or toss it.[6]
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    • Ideally, it’s a good idea to go through your wardrobe twice a year.

[Edit]Organize your closet by color.

  1. Sort your clothes from light to dark. Hang up your clothes in similar color groupings, placing the lighter garments on the left and your darker garments on the right. This will make your closet a lot easier to navigate![7]
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    • Make the switch from plastic to velvet hangers. These take up less space, and prevent your clothes from slipping off.[8]

[Edit]Arrange the clothes in your drawers by size.

  1. Place smaller items in the top drawers and larger items toward the bottom. You can store your socks and underwear in the upper drawers, then keep folded shirts and bottoms in the lower drawers.[9]
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    • Organize your clothes by type within each drawer so they're easy to find. For example, keep your socks and underwear separated if you're storing them in the same drawer.
    • You can make your own cardboard dividers to help keep your underwear organized. Just hot-glue thin sections of cardboard together into diamond-shaped cubbies. Place the cubbies in your dresser drawer and slide your folded underwear into each cubby slot.[10]

[Edit]Opt for under-the-bed storage.

  1. Under-the-bed storage helps you maximize your bedroom space. Opt for rolling storage boxes, which are easy to pull out from under your bed. Storage baskets, color-coordinated plastic bins, and specialty drawers are also great options for keeping your belongings organized.[11]
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    • Some underbed storage drawers are designed specifically for shoes.
    • Other types of storage cater to children’s toys, folded clothes, and other odds and ends.

[Edit]Store items at the foot of your bed.

  1. Invest in tables or bins that rest snugly at the foot of your bed. A chest offers extra storage space, while a small basket gives you some flexibility with your laundry. Above all, choose a storage item that best fits the demands of your living space.[12]
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    • If you have a lot of extra shoes, a small shoe shelf could be a handy addition to the foot of your bed.

[Edit]Eliminate clutter with storage ottomans.

  1. Storage ottomans are very easy to use. Some ottomans let you stash your belongings inside, while others come with built-in shelves. You can double certain types of ottomans as chairs or tables, too.[13]
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[Edit]Hang up extra items on your walls.

  1. Your wall is a storage container all on its own! Arrange adhesive hooks and organizers along your wall—these are easy, efficient ways to both decorate your room and eliminate unwanted clutter.[14]
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    • For instance, you might hang up and organize your scarves on your wall instead of leaving them floating around your room.
    • You could organize your belts on different wall hooks.
    • You might store your handbags and purses on wall hooks when you’re not using them.

[Edit]Use your door for storage.

  1. Special hooks and organizers can transform your door into storage space. Screw towel hooks into your bedroom door as an easy, handy way to hold your old tote bags. To really maximize your space, hang up a wire organizer over your door, which can hold lots of things at once.[15]
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    • For example, you might sort your favorite beauty products into different bags or shelves along your door.

[Edit]Display your knick-knacks on a pegboard.

  1. Lean a large pegboard against an open section of your wall. Balance thin sheets of wood on pegs to create makeshift shelves, which can display colorful decor, sentimental pictures, or anything else you’d like to show off.[16]
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    • The pegs create the support for your “shelf,” and the sheet of wood goes on top of the begs.

[Edit]Double your desk as a nightstand.

  1. Slide your desk over so it’s right next to your bed. Dedicate 1 side of the desk to a lamp, alarm clock, and space for a charging smartphone. To really make the most of your space, slide your chair or stool under the desk when you’re not using it.[17]
    Clean and Organize Your Room Step 14 Version 2.jpg


  • Dust off ceiling fan blades with an old pillowcase—that way, the dust will collect in the case instead of scattering around.[18]

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary


source How to of the Day

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