be more attractive: mars 2023

vendredi 31 mars 2023

How to Give a Vote of Thanks

Everything you need to know to thank someone for a successful event

Giving a vote of thanks can feel intimidating at first, but we’re here to make it easy. In your speech, you’ll thank everyone who’s helped make your event a success, such as the organizers or guest speakers. You’ll typically give a vote of thanks at a public event, conference, or special occasion as the event is coming to a close. We’ll walk you through all the steps to giving a fantastic vote of thanks. When your moment comes, you’re going to do a fabulous job, so let’s get started!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Open your speech by addressing your audience and identifying yourself.
  • Thank the people who contributed to your event, like guest speakers, organizers, and participants.
  • End your speech by thanking everyone again.
  • Keep your speech short and concise.


[Edit]Opening Your Speech

  1. Address the audience with an opening line. One option is to start your speech with a quote about giving thanks that you find meaningful.[1] Alternatively, you can just greet your audience.[2] Really draw your audience into your vote of thanks by making them a part of it.
    Give a Vote of Thanks Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    • “Maya Angelou said, ‘Be present in all things, and grateful for all things.’”
    • “Good evening, distinguished guests.”
    • “Rumi said, ‘Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.’”
    • “First, I’d like to thank everyone for being here.”
  2. Introduce yourself and your role. If you haven't already given your name, now is a good time![3] Tell your audience you've been asked to give a vote of thanks, and in 1 or 2 sentences, explain your relation to the organization. You might also include your role in the event.
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    • “My name is Jane Doe, and I’m the chairman of the School Anti-Bullying Committee. It is my honor and privilege now to give a vote of thanks to all those who helped make this assembly happen.”
    • “I’m Camille Harris, and I’m the organizer of today’s event. On behalf of the Oakville Food Bank, I have the honor of giving our vote of thanks today.
  3. Acknowledge the organization that brought everyone together. Every person in the room is likely to have some affiliation with the overarching organization. Before you move into the body of your speech, it's nice to start with gratitude toward your host.[4] Say 1 to 2 sentences about the event’s sponsor.
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    • “We would not be here without the hard work of the Anti-Bullying Committee. Thank you to our volunteers for working so hard to make today happen.”
    • “I’ll start by thanking the Oakville City Council for bringing us all together today. Thanks to their generosity, this event has been made possible.”

[Edit]Thanking People

  1. Identify the people you want to thank. This list usually consists of speakers, guests, participants, organizers, volunteers, and sponsors.[5] Before you deliver your speech, write down the people and groups you'll mention so you don't forget anyone. Everyone who helped wants to feel like they played an important part, so make them feel special.
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    • “I'd like to thank the teachers for taking time away from their curriculum to allow students to hear this message. This assembly would be impossible without your support.”
    • “I’d like to thank Mr. Gomez for speaking at tonight's event, and I want to thank all of you for your contributions.”
    • “Thank you to our guest speaker Dr. Wu for sharing her research on recycling and repurposing used materials. I’d also like to thank our event organizers for planning tonight’s dinner, and our volunteers for setting up and cleaning up after the event. Without them, tonight wouldn’t be possible.”
  2. Be sincere and concise. You don’t have to gush to show your appreciation. Ironically, a long speech can turn off your audience—including the people you’re trying to thank. Keep your vote of thanks short and sweet to make a big impact.[6]
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    • Instead of, “Mr. Phillips, I cannot thank you enough for letting us use your room to practice. Your generosity and kindness toward our committee has been overwhelming, and we would be nothing without you,” try: “Mr. Phillips, our committee is so grateful to you for letting us use your classroom to practice when we had nowhere else.”
  3. Call back to a specific moment from the event and respond to it. Show the guest speaker that you were actively listening by referencing something they said that stuck with you. In a few sentences, mention an idea a participant brought up and point out its relevance to the event's overall themes.[7] If you can, talk to the speaker ahead of time to find out what points they’re going to make.[8]
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    • “Dr. Wu’s tips for befriending bullies really stuck out to me because it reminded me that our club’s goal is to spread kindness.”
    • “Mr. Gomez’s comments about generosity really spoke to me. When we give, we truly create a community.”

[Edit]Concluding Your Vote of Thanks

  1. Underscore your organization's value. At the end of your speech, talk about what makes your organization special and give your audience something to think about.[9] Emphasize ways your group helps your community, or how your audience can get more involved. End your speech by giving the audience a positive view of your group.
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    • “I would like to thank everyone who helped our committee make this anti-bullying assembly a reality. We are trying to make our halls a safe, friendly space for all students who walk down them, and it's events like these that help us achieve that.”
    • “I’d like to extend my genuine thanks to all of you for helping our organization provide food to people in need. Without you, there'd be a lot more hungry bellies in our community.”
  2. Thank everyone again. When you’re giving a speech, your conclusion should summarize your main points.[10] In this case, you’re thanking people for helping your event happen. As you wrap up, address the entire audience with a big “thank you” because they all came together to make the day a success.
    Give a Vote of Thanks Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • “Again, I’m grateful for each and every one of you.”
    • “One last time, I’d like to express my appreciation to everyone who worked on this event.”
    • “I’d like to end by thanking all of you one last time.”
  3. Speak for about 2 to 4 minutes. Be concise in your vote of thanks, especially at the conclusion. It's the end of the event and your audience doesn't want to be kept waiting. Be considerate of their time and limit what you say to what needs to be said.[11]
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    • “Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to be here today and for listening to me speak. I am so grateful for this opportunity. Have a great weekend!”
    • “Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight.”


  • Talk to the person you’re thanking ahead of time so you can get their name correct.[12]



source How to of the Day

How to Thread a Needle

You want to thread a needle! It isn't hard, once you've gotten the hang of it, but it does require careful technique and a good deal of dexterity. Once you've gotten your hands on a needle and thread, read on to learn how to thread the needle!


[Edit]Preparing to Thread

  1. Cut your thread. The length, color, and type of thread will depend on what you're sewing. Make sure that it's long enough for your purposes! In general, a thread about 18-24 inches in length should be plenty to begin with.[1]

  2. Neaten the thread. Examine the tip that you plan to put through the needle, and make sure that it is sharp and tight. Moisten and squeeze the tip by putting it between your lips. Bring the strands to a sharp point that will fit through the eye of the needle. If the tip of the thread is uneven, trim it down with scissors.

  3. Match needle with thread. Compare the eye (the hole at the top) of the needle with the thickness of the thread. The thread should be able to easily fit through the eye. If the thread is too thick, try to find a thinner thread or a needle with a wider eye.[2] If you're new to sewing, and the work isn't terribly intricate, try using a needle with a large eye for easier threading.[3]

[Edit]Threading the Needle

  1. Hold the thread in one hand and the needle in the other. At first, it's generally easiest to grip the needle between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand. Hold the thread comfortably between the thumb and forefinger of your dominant hand. Raise the needle and the thread up to your eye level, about two inches apart. Make sure that there's plenty of light to see everything clearly![4]

    • Consider pinching the thread between your fingers so that only the tiniest tip is visible. If you're having trouble, this technique might help you steady the thread.[5]
  2. Guide the thread into the eye of the needle. Line the tip of the thread up with the eye-hole, and make sure that you have a clear view of the hole. Keep your hands steady. Push the thread slowly and surely through the eye-hole until you see it poke through the other side.[6]

    • Try holding the needle sideways, so that you can't see the eye, but you can see the thread as soon as it peeks through the eye.[7]
    • This may take a couple of attempts. Keep trying! If you're having trouble, try moistening and smoothing the tip of the thread again.
    • If you keep trying, but you can't get it, consider using a needle with a bigger eye-hole.[8]
  3. Pull the thread through. Use your fingertips to carefully tug more of the thread through the eye. Go for at least 10cm (four inches) so that there's little chance of the thread-tip slipping back through. Let this end hang through the needle eye, and shift your attention to the other end of the thread.

[Edit]Securing the Thread

  1. Pick up the far end of the thread. Let one end of the thread hang through the eye of the needle. Hold the other, longer end between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand. Make sure that you have a sturdy grip!

  2. Wrap the long end around your forefinger. Loosely loop the end of the thread around your finger – enough that it is secure, but not so tightly that it cuts off circulation. Wrap the thread three times around for sturdiness.

  3. Roll the thread into a loop. Use the thumb of the same hand to roll and slide the thread off the tip of your forefinger. The thread should form a tangled loop as you do this. Don't worry if it doesn't look neat – as long as there's a loop!

  4. Tighten the thread. Grasp the loose loop between your thumb and forefinger. Now, pull it down toward the end of the thread until it tightens into a knot. This process is simple, but may take a little practice. Once you've knotted the end of the thread, you can be sure that it won't slip through the eye of the needle. Make sure that the knot is thicker than the eye is wide![9]


[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • a needle
  • thread (the same shade as your fabric, or one shade darker)
  • scissors


[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Cook Oats

Cooked oats, also called oatmeal, make a delicious breakfast porridge or wholesome dessert. Whether you're at the office or at home, you can make a bowl of delicious and nutritious oatmeal in no time. By cooking oats on the stovetop, in the microwave, or in a rice cooker, you can find an easy method that works for your kitchen.


[Edit]Cooking Oats on the Stovetop

  1. Put 1 cup (235 ml) of water or milk and a dash of salt in a medium-size pot. Place the pot on the stovetop, and turn the stove on medium-high. Watch the pot for when the liquid reaches a boil.[1]

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    • Using 1 cup (235 ml) of liquid and 0.5 cup (45 g) of oats will make a serving of oats for 1 person. If you're cooking oats for multiple people, scale up the amount of liquid and oats as necessary.
    • You can use any milk fat percentage you prefer. Using higher fat milk will yield a creamier oatmeal, while using water will create a plainer oatmeal.
    • Omit the salt if you are following a low-sodium diet. It won't affect the cooking process.
  2. Add 0.5 cup (45 g) of old fashioned oats to the boiling liquid and stir. Reduce the heat of the stovetop to medium. Stir the oat mixture continuously with a spoon to prevent lumps. Scrape the bottom of the pot as you stir to keep the oats from sticking.[2]

  3. Cook the oats for 5 minutes or until fluffy. Stir your oats while cooking. When 5 minutes are up, spoon a taste of oatmeal into a bowl. Blow to cool it for about 30 seconds, and sample the oatmeal. If it meets your desired level of doneness, it is ready.[3]

    • If the oatmeal still tastes too firm to you, continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes. Sample the oatmeal again. Continue this process of cooking and sampling until the oatmeal is to your taste.
  4. Serve yourself a bowl of the cooked oats. Use a ladle or another serving spoon to serve yourself a bowl of oatmeal. Let the oatmeal cool in the bowl for about a minute. Stir it gently to release steam and cool it down more quickly.[4]

    • Eating the oatmeal right away may cause you to burn your mouth. Try to restrain yourself!
  5. Add your favorite toppings to personalize your oatmeal. Try mixing berries, nuts, spices, or honey into your oatmeal to create enticing flavor combinations. On its own, oatmeal is very plain. By adding different toppings, you can vary your oatmeal experience from day to day.[5]

    • Add a medley of red berries with strawberries, raspberries, and dried cranberries.
    • Coconut flakes and chia seeds can add a nice crunch to your oatmeal.

[Edit]Making Oats in the Microwave

  1. Combine oats, water or milk, and a dash of salt in a microwave-safe bowl. Use 0.5 cup (45 g) of oats, 1 cup (235 ml) of water or milk, and a dash of salt. Stir the ingredients for about 30 seconds until the oats are no longer floating.[6]

    • For richer oatmeal, use cream or whole fat milk; for a health-conscious alternative, try skim milk or water.
    • If you're following a low-sodium diet, leave out the salt. It won't affect your oatmeal.
  2. Microwave the bowl on high for 2.5-3 minutes. Watch your oatmeal in the microwave as it cooks to ensure it doesn't boil over. If you notice the oatmeal bubbling up, pause the microwave. Give the oatmeal a stir, and continue with the remaining cooking time.[7]
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    • Pause and stir your oatmeal as needed only if it threatens to bubble over. Otherwise, you can simply let the full cooking time proceed.
    • Cooking time may vary depending on the age and strength of your microwave.
  3. Remove your oatmeal from the microwave. Wearing oven mitts or using a kitchen towel, remove your hot bowl of oatmeal from the microwave. Stir the oatmeal for about 30 seconds to cool the oatmeal and remove lumps.[8]

  4. Taste your oatmeal. If your oatmeal is cooked to your preference, add any desired toppings. If the oatmeal still tastes a little firm, place it back in the microwave and cook it for another minute. Continue sampling and cooking the oatmeal as necessary until it is done.[9]

    • If the oatmeal is undercooked but has absorbed all the liquid, add a splash of milk or water. Stir it before putting it back in the microwave.
  5. Add toppings to mix up your meal. Jazz up your cooked oats with dried fruit, granola, sweeteners, milk, or any toppings you like. Dried fruit makes an easy shelf-stable topping you can stash in an office drawer.[10]
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    • Try oatmeal with bananas, walnuts, and maple syrup for banana-bread inspired flavors.
    • Add apple and cinnamon for a warm fall flavor combination.

[Edit]Using a Rice Cooker to Make Oats

  1. Combine oats, water or milk, and a dash of salt in a rice cooker. Use 1 cup (90 g) of oats, 1.75 cups (411 ml) of water or milk, and a dash of salt per person. Give the ingredients a quick stir with a spoon, and replace the rice cooker's lid.[11]

    • If you're serving multiple guests, scale the recipe up as necessary.
  2. Turn on your rice cooker. Set your rice cooker to the “on” position and wait nearby. Rice cookers self regulate and will shut off based on the amount of cooking liquid that remains in the chamber. You do not need to stir the oats, remove the lid, or intervene.[12]

    • Rice cookers often give off hot steam, which can cause burns. Avoid placing your hands above the rice cooker's vents for any reason during the cooking time.
  3. Listen for a beep or look for your rice cooker to turn off. Depending upon your model, your rice cooker will sound an alarm or shut off when it's finished cooking the oats. Remove the lid, and give the oats a stir.[13]

    • Cooking time varies depending upon your model but should take roughly 10-15 minutes.
  4. Serve yourself a portion of the cooked oats. Use a large serving spoon or ladle to make yourself a fresh bowl of oatmeal. Stir the oatmeal gently for about a minute in your bowl to release additional steam and allow it to cool.[14]

    • Take care not to burn yourself. The oats are very hot.
  5. Top your oatmeal with fruit, spices, and nuts as desired. Personalize your oatmeal with toppings that sound good to you. Combinations of fruits and nuts common in baked goods are great sources of inspiration.[15]
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    • If you're having cooked oats for dessert, add a few chocolate chips for an indulgent treat


[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Oats
  • Water or milk
  • Salt
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Toppings
  • Pot
  • Oven mitt


  • The cooking directions above apply to traditional oats, sometimes called “old fashioned” oats.
  • A type of oats called 1-minute oats are rolled thinner and cut into small pieces for quicker cooking. Like the name suggests, these oats cook more quickly than traditional oats. They take the same amount of liquid and are usually done in about a minute on the stovetop or in the microwave.[16]
  • Avoid cooking 1-minute oats in a rice cooker, which may cause them to break down too much.[17]
  • Steel-cut oats are a coarser variety of oats with a chewy texture. They take about 25 minutes to cook fully on the stovetop or in the rice cooker.[18] These oats absorb more liquid while cooking, so increase your water or milk to 2.5 cups (587.5 ml) per serving.[19]
  • Microwaving steel-cut oats is not recommended due to the extended cooking time they require.
  • Store cooked oats covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.



[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

jeudi 30 mars 2023

How to Get Rid of a Cough Fast

A comprehensive list of proven solutions for an intense cough

A lingering cough can make you feel absolutely miserable, and you probably want to get rid of it as fast as you can. That’s totally reasonable—it’s never fun to be stuck with an obnoxious cough. Luckily, we’ve got a bunch of healthy options for you. From natural remedies based in centuries of folk medicine to cutting-edge medications, we’ll show you how to put an end to that nasty cough in no time.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Eat honey, drink tea, or gargle with salt water to immediately relieve your symptoms with a natural option.
  • Take a decongestant or expectorant if you want to get mucus-free, or take a cough suppressant if you want to stop coughing temporarily.
  • Use a hot shower or humidifier to open up your airways, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.


[Edit]Natural Remedies

  1. Consume 1-2 spoonfuls of honey to suppress a cough. Honey is an effective way to suppress a cough and soothe a sore throat. You can put the honey in tea or warm water if you’d like, but honey on its own works as a natural decongestant and cough suppressant. This is a great immediate solution if you’re going to bed and the cough is making it hard to sleep.[1]
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    • It's good for adults and children, but do not give honey to children under the age of 1 since it could increase the risk of infant botulism.
    • Some studies suggest that honey is as effective as a cough suppressant as dextromethorphan, an ingredient commonly used in many over-the-counter cough suppressants.
  2. Gargle salt water to soothe your sore throat. Salt water will get rid of that scratchy feeling in your throat, which helps minimize the amount of coughing you’re dealing with. It also dislodges phlegm if you’ve got a wet cough. Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (0.5 to 1 g) of salt in a cup of warm water and mix it with a spoon to help the salt dissolve. Gargle for 15 seconds and spit it out. Repeat this process as needed.[2]
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    • This will also get rid of any gnarly taste you have in your mouth from hacking up phlegm.
  3. Rub some menthol or aloe vera on your chest. If your lungs are hurting from all the coughing or you’re dealing with a respiratory infection, this will help open up your airways and soothe your throat and chest. Scoop up a dollop of mentholated petroleum jelly or aloe vera and work it into your upper chest. Reapply as needed to minimize your coughing.[3]
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  4. Drink licorice root tea to soothe your sore throat and cough. Licorice root tea soothes your airways, helps ease inflammation, and loosens mucus up so you can stop coughing. Either purchase licorice root tea bags, or place some dried licorice root in a mug and pour boiling water on top.[4]
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    • Don't drink licorice root tea if you are on steroids or have kidney problems.
    • Thyme tea may also be good for your cough, although there’s less medical research on thyme specifically.
  5. Suck on a piece of hard candy to inhibit the urge to cough. If you do not have any cough drops on hand or would prefer to stay away from medicated lozenges, you can usually soothe and stop a cough by sucking on a piece of hard candy. Any candy that’s sweet, minty, or spicy will help to prevent the urge to cough.[5]
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    • A dry cough that produces no phlegm can be halted by nearly any piece of hard candy. Hard candy causes you to produce more saliva and to swallow more, thereby suppressing your cough.
    • If you want to get rid of a wet cough where you have a ton of phlegm, try citrus candies, like lemon drops.
    • Hard candy is an effective cough remedy for children ages 6 and older.[6] Don't give hard candy or lozenges to children under 3, as they might choke.
  6. Add some ground turmeric to tea or warm water. Turmeric is a traditional cough remedy that many people have found effective for coughs. Try mixing a dash of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk or tea.[7] You can also try turmeric powder and a teaspoon of honey for dry cough. To make turmeric tea, add a spoonful of turmeric powder to boiling water. Let it steep, then strain. Mix with some lemon and honey for additional cough-relieving properties.[8]
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  7. Try inhaling essential oils and steam to soothe your lungs. Boil some water and add 2-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to the water. Inhale the steam to soothe any chest irritation and minimize the odds you cough. Tea tree oil, eucalyptus, anise, fennel, peppermint, and any citrus oil can all help to treat your cough fast.[9]
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    • Do not take essential oils internally.
    • You can also take a sniff directly from the undiluted bottle for a quick boost of comfort.
  8. Try a traditional Korean folk remedy with pear and jujubes. If you have a cough caused by the cold or flu, you could try making a batch of this traditional Korean cold remedy. It combines dried jujubes with spices, honey, and several other beneficial ingredients.[10]
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    • Combine 25 dried jujubes (sliced), 1 large Asian pear (quartered and seeded), a 3-inch (7.6-cm) piece of ginger (sliced), 2 to 3 cinnamon sticks, and 3 quart (2.8 L) of water in a large saucepan. Cover and heat on medium-high until it begins to boil.
    • Reduce the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 1 hour.
    • Strain the juice and discard the other ingredients.
    • Add 1 to 2 tablespoon (15 to 30 ml) of honey to sweeten the tea if you find it too bitter.


  1. Take a decongestant to open your airways. Decongestants help relieve coughing by reducing nasal congestion and drying up mucus in the lungs and expanding airways. You can take decongestants in a variety of ways, including as pills, liquids, and nasal sprays.[11]
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    • Look for pills and liquids with phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine as the active ingredients.
    • Always follow the dosage instructions on the label.
    • Mucinex and Sudafed are probably the two most popular decongestants on the market.
  2. Suck on a medicated throat lozenge for fast relief. Try menthol cough drops since they tend to be the most effective for most people. These lozenges numb and soothe the back of your throat, restricting the cough reflex and putting an end to your coughing fit sooner.[12]
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    • For moist coughs, horehound lozenges often prove helpful. Horehound is a bittersweet herb with expectorant properties, so it brings up more phlegm faster, allowing your cough to be over with sooner. Pregnant women cannot safely take horehound.[13]
  3. Swallow a cough suppressant to treat a chronic cough. An over-the-counter cough suppressant is best used for moist coughs and coughs that won’t go away. These medications will minimize the urge to cough for a period of time so you can sleep or get some reprieve.[14]
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    • Just keep in mind, it isn’t ideal to take cough suppressants for an extended period of time. Coughing is your body’s way of getting rid of irritants, so it’s not good to suppress a cough for too long.
    • Look for a cough suppressant containing dextromethorphan, pholcodine, or antihistamines.
    • Do not give cough medicine to children under 4 years of age.
    • Robitussin, Delsym, and Theraflu are the most popular cough suppressants on the market.
  4. Use an expectorant to soothe a hacking, wet cough. Expectorants thin out the mucus so you can cough it out without hurting your throat or chest. While expectorants won’t technically get rid of a cough, they will help you get the coughing out of the way faster so that you can finally get some relief.[15]
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    • Do not give cough medicine to children under 4 years of age since they can cause serious side effects.[16]
    • The most popular expectorants out there include Mucinex, Air-Power, and Mucus Relief.

[Edit]Behavioral Changes

  1. Stay hydrated to get healthy fast and soothe your throat. Hydration is important for wet and dry coughs alike, since coughing irritates the throat. Drinking plenty of water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water will also ensure you get the fluids you need to bounce back from whatever is causing your cough in the first place.[17]
    Get Rid of a Cough Fast Step 13 Version 5.jpg
    • Aim for the equivalent of at least eight 8 oz (250 ml) glasses of water per day while you suffer from your cough.
    • To treat a cough in children 3 months-1 year old: give the child 1 to 3 tsp (5 to 15 ml) of warm, clear liquid such as apple juice up to four times per day to soothe a cough.[18]
  2. Take a hot shower or run a humidifier and inhale the steam. Warm water vapor helps loosen congestion, which can drip down into your chest and cause you to cough. It also helps moisturize dry air, which can also cause coughing. At night, run a humidifier and breathe in the warm vapor.[19]
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    • This method is helpful for coughs caused by colds, allergies, and asthma.
    • Humidifiers need to be cleaned out regularly. Otherwise, they may cause more harm than good. Mold, other fungi, and bacteria can build up inside the machine and get transferred into the air alongside the steam.
  3. Stop smoking and use an air purifier to remove airborne irritants. Chronic coughs are often caused or worsened by airborne irritants. If you smoke, the coughing might be a sign it’s time to quit. Minimize your use of incense or candles, and use an air purifier to remove dander and other irritants from the air.[20]
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    • Perfumes and scented bathroom sprays are also known to trigger chronic coughs, Avoid these until your cough goes away.
  4. Try swapping out big coughs for a series of shorter coughs. You may instinctively start with large, hearty coughs as soon as a coughing fit comes on, but building up to these large coughs slowly can actually help you get rid of a coughing fit faster. This is especially helpful if you have a moist cough. When a coughing fit begins, start by taking a series of small, light coughs. These coughs will not produce much mucus. At the end of your series of small coughs, do one big cough. The small coughs move the mucus toward the top of your air passage and the large cough has enough force to bring the mucus out.[21]
    Get Rid of a Cough Fast Step 16 Version 4.jpg
    • Coughing in this method will prevent your throat from becoming more irritated. Since an irritated throat is more likely to cause continued coughing, making your throat less irritated helps get rid of your cough faster.


  • If your cough persists past two to four weeks, though, you should call the doctor. You should also call if you cough up blood, thick phlegm that makes it hard to breathe.[22]
  • See a doctor ASAP if your cough is accompanied by sharp chest pains, severe fatigue, dramatic weight loss, chills, or a fever.[23]


[Edit]Quick Summary

  7. [v161975_b01]. 5 October 2021.

source How to of the Day

How to Pause Airpods

Quickly pause and resume your media with your Apple AirPods

With your AirPods, AirPods Pro, AirPods Max, you can easily pause your music or audio without needing to tap your connected device. By default, most generations of AirPods will let you pause music by simply pressing the stem or Touch control. If not, you can quickly adjust this function in your iPhone or iPad's Bluetooth settings. This wikiHow will show you how to pause songs using your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Apple AirPods or AirPods Pro.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • On AirPods Pro, press the Force Sensor on the stem of an AirPod to pause a song.
  • For AirPods 1st or 2nd generation, change your settings to pause after double-tapping.
  • To change your settings, wear your AirPods and go to "Settings" → "Bluetooth" → "AirPods". Tap "left" or "right", then select the action.


[Edit]Removing an AirPod

  1. Wear your AirPods or AirPods Pro. You'll need them synced to your device and active.
    Pause Airpods Step 1 Version 2.jpg
  2. Open the Settings app. This is the grey cog icon.
    Pause Airpods Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    • On newer versions of iOS, you can directly click your AirPods underneath your Apple ID.
  3. Toggle on "Automatic Ear Detection". If this is already enabled, skip to the next step.
    Pause Airpods Step 3 Version 2.jpg
  4. Play media. You can use a music streaming service such as Apple Music, Spotify, or even watch a video on YouTube. This will work for most medias that contain audio and enable pausing.
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  5. Take out your AirPod. By removing one or both AirPods from your ear, audio will automatically pause.
    Pause Airpods Step 5 Version 2.jpg

[Edit]Using Touch Control (AirPods Pro)

  1. Wear your AirPods Pro. There will be a built-in Force Sensor in the stem of the AirPods.[1]
    Pause Airpods Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    • Make sure your AirPods are connected to your device and fully charged.
    • By default, you'll be able to play and pause without changing any settings.
  2. Play media. You can use a music streaming service such as Apple Music, Spotify, or watch a video on YouTube. This will work for most medias that contain audio and enable pausing.
    Pause Airpods Step 7 Version 2.jpg
  3. Press the Touch control. This is found in the stem of the AirPods. You can use the left or right sensor.
    Pause Airpods Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • Your AirPods Pro will pause your audio.
    • To resume playback, press the Touch control again.
    • To adjust the volume, place your thumb on the stem of the AirPod. Swipe your index finger up on the Touch control to raise the volume or down to lower the volume.
  4. Press and hold the Touch control to use Siri. You can use Siri to control your music. You must have Siri set up and active to use this method.[2]
    Pause Airpods Step 9 Version 2.jpg
    • Say, "Hey Siri, pause this song." Siri will pause the track.
    • You can also ask Siri to skip songs, repeat, and turn up the volume.

[Edit]Using Double-Tap (1st & 2nd Generation)

  1. Wear your AirPods. There will be a built-in Force Sensor in the stem of the AirPods.
    Pause Airpods Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    • Make sure your AirPods are paired to your device and fully charged.
    • For 1st and 2nd Generation AirPods, double-tapping the Force Sensor will skip songs. To pause, you'll need to change your settings.
  2. Open the Settings app. This is the grey cog icon.
    Pause Airpods Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    • Make sure your AirPods are paired to your device and fully charged.
    • On newer versions of iOS, you can directly click your AirPods underneath your Apple ID.
  3. Tap . This can be found underneath Wi-Fi.
    Pause Airpods Step 12 Version 2.jpg
  4. Tap next to your AirPods name. Your AirPods should be listened underneath My Devices.
    Pause Airpods Step 13 Version 2.jpg
  5. Tap or . Select the AirPod you want to customize.
    Pause Airpods Step 14 Version 2.jpg
    • This will be underneath Double-Tap on Airpod.
    • A new page will open.
    • If your AirPods are not connected, you won't see the options to change your settings.
  6. Tap . A blue check mark will appear next to the option.
    Pause Airpods Step 15 Version 2.jpg
    • You can also select Siri, Next Track, Previous Track, or Off.
    • Your AirPods will be ready to pause using double-tap.
  7. Play media. You can use a music streaming service such as Apple Music, listen to a podcast on Spotify, or a video on YouTube. This will work for most medias that contain audio and enable pausing.
    Pause Airpods Step 16.jpg
  8. Double-tap the AirPod. Use the AirPod you customized in the previous steps.
    Pause Airpods Step 17.jpg
    • Your AirPod will pause the song.

[Edit]Using the Digital Crown (AirPods Max)

  1. Wear your AirPods Max. Make sure your AirPods Max headset is paired to your device and fully charged.[3]
    Pause Airpods Step 18.jpg
  2. Play a song. You can use a music streaming service such as Apple Music, Spotify, or even YouTube.
    Pause Airpods Step 19.jpg
  3. Press the Digital Crown. This is the circular button at the top of the left ear.
    Pause Airpods Step 20.jpg
    • Your AirPods Max will pause your audio. To resume playback, press again.
    • To skip a song, press the Digital Crown twice. To skip back, press the Digital Crown three times.


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