be more attractive: août 2023

jeudi 31 août 2023

How to Play Tambola

Tambola is a popular version of Bingo and Housie which is played widely across India and Pakistan. The caller reads out the numbers that are randomly drawn to the audience. The players cross the number off their ticket if they have it after each number is called out. If you think that you have a winning point, announce it quickly to make sure that you can claim the prize!


[Edit]Organizing Tambola

  1. Decide on the winning point for the game. The winning point of the game is the rule that determines how a player can win. The caller will let everyone know before playing the game what the winning point is. A popular winning point for tambola games is full house, which means that the ticket with all of the numbers struck first wins.[1]
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    • Early 5 is another common winning point option. The player who first strikes 5 numbers in any row wins. This is best if you only want to play a short game.
    • First row is another winning point alternative. This means that the player who is first to strike all of the numbers along the top row wins.
    • Corners is another winning point option if you want to play a short game. The player who can strike each number in the 4 corners of the ticket first, wins. This means that the first and last numbers of the top and bottom rows will be crossed out.
    • There are many variations on what the winning point can be for the game. If you are organizing the game, feel free to make up your own winning point, or explore the many ideas available either online or with other tambola players.
  2. Designate a tambola caller. Choose a person who is confident and can speak loudly and clearly. They will be responsible for drawing out the numbers and calling them to the audience.[2]
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    • This person will also be responsible for verifying any potential winning tickets to make sure that the numbers are correct.
    • The caller doesn’t have to be the caller for all of the rounds. If you are playing multiple rounds of tambola, pick a different caller for each round so that everyone have have a turn to play.
  3. Give each player a tambola ticket, and a pen or a pencil. Each player will need a new ticket for each round. If you are playing informally with family or friends, hand a ticket out to each person. If you are playing a commercial game, each player will purchase their own ticket before the game begins.[3]
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    • Tambola tickets have 3 horizontal rows and 9 vertical columns, which makes 27 boxes in total. There are 5 numbers in each horizontal row, with the remaining 4 boxes randomly blocked out. The first column has numbers from 1-9, the second from 10-19, and so on, up to the number 90.[4]
    • You can purchase tambola tickets online, or you can make your own using a random number generator.
    • Make sure that each person has a pen or pencil before the game begins so that they can cross off the numbers as they are called.[5]
  4. Set up the box or container that holds the numbers. Place all of the numbers from 1-90 into the container. Make sure that the sides of the box aren’t transparent so that the caller can’t see what number they are drawing. Fit the lid to the box so that the caller can shake the box before calling each number.[6]
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    • If you are playing at a big, commercial game, there will usually be a machine that will draw the numbers for the caller.[7]

[Edit]Playing the Game

  1. Draw a number and call it out to the audience if you are the caller. Shake the box containing the numbers, and choose 1 without looking at it. Read the number loudly and clearly to everyone playing, so that they can strike it off their ticket if necessary.[8]
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    • Some experienced callers like to use nicknames for the numbers that they read out to make the game more fun. However, they will always say the actual name for the number too.[9]
    • Some nicknames for the numbers include “Lone ranger” for the number 1, “Colors of the rainbow” for the number 7, and “Valentine’s Day” for the number 14.[10]
    • If you play tambola regularly with family or friends, come up with your own nickname for each number to make the game more interesting.
  2. Strike the numbers off as they are called if you are playing the game. As the caller reads out each number, check the appropriate column to see if you can strike a number off. If you don’t have the number that has been called out on your ticket, wait for the next number to be called.[11]
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  3. Claim for the winning point if you think you have one. Be ready to stand up and shout if you think that you have won the game! Often you can only win the game if you announce that you have won immediately, rather than waiting until after the next number has been called.
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    • If you miss your chance to announce that you have won, you will usually miss out on your entitlement to the prize.
    • More than 1 person may realize that they have the winning point after a number is called. In this case, the first person to announce it goes to the caller to have their ticket verified.
  4. Verify the winning point if you are the caller. Check the tambola ticket to see if the winning point has been awarded by the last number called. Announce to the group playing if that particular player has won or not.[12]
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    • If the player has won, this often ends the game. However you can decide to keep playing if you want to draw for second and third prizes.
    • If the player doesn’t have a winning point, keep calling numbers and playing the game until someone wins.
  5. Award the prize to the winner. If there are prizes for the winning ticket or tickets, give these out to the players. The prizes are usually cash.
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    • For an informal game with family or friends, you can be more creative with the prizes. Try a voucher to a local restaurant, a delicious treat, a flower bouquet, or a certificate with the winners name on it.



  • Tambola game kits including tickets, numbers, and the number box can be purchased online.[13]


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Use Rose Water on Your Face

Rosewater is anti-inflammatory, as well as antibacterial, making it a great addition to your skincare routine. Typically, you'll find rosewater in sprays, though you can also find small bottles without spray nozzles if that's your preference.[1] Try using rosewater in the morning after washing your face to awaken your skin, or spritz or dab it on during the day to refresh your skin and calm irritation.[2]


[Edit]Adding Rosewater to Your Morning Routine

  1. Clean your face with a gentle cleanser. You don't want to strip your skin of its natural oils, so use a moisturizing cleanser that's forgiving on your skin. Wet your face with warm water, then apply your cleanser with soft circular motions using your clean fingertips. Rinse the cleanser off thoroughly.[3]
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    • You may not even need to wash your face in the morning if you cleansed it thoroughly the night before.[4]
  2. Hold the spray about from your face. You don't want to be too close, as that won't give you an even covering. Instead, hold the spray out from your face a little bit so that you can easily spritz all of your skin with a few sprays.
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  3. Mist your whole face with the spray. Close your eyes, and then press the nozzle on the spray a few times, moving it around your face as you do. Try to get your whole face evenly with the spray until it feels slightly damp with the rosewater.[5]
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    • Let the rosewater dry on your face and move on with your day! Add makeup after you use rosewater, not before.

[Edit]Using Rosewater throughout the Day

  1. Spritz your face with rose water to refresh yourself later in the day. Anytime you're feeling hot or run-down, spray your face down again with rosewater. It will reawaken your skin and leave you feeling renewed, as well as adding a light, fresh scent to your face.[6]
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    • Keep a small, travel-sized bottle on you to use throughout the day.
  2. Apply rosewater when your skin is red or inflamed. Rosewater is great for irritation because it is anti-inflammatory. It helps with both acne and rosacea. If your skin is looking irritated, try using your spray more often to help calm down that irritation.[7]
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    • If you prefer, you don't have to use a spray. Get a bottle of rosewater and dab a little on a cotton pad, then pat it all over your face.
  3. Dab rosewater on at the end of the day to gently remove makeup. Apply a light misting over your face or dab rosewater on with a cotton pad. Let it sit for a minute or 2, then use a cotton pad with rosewater on it to wipe the makeup off. This process will leave your skin feeling clean while keeping it hydrated.[8]
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    • You can also look for facial wipes with rosewater in them.
  4. Use rosewater as a toner after you wash your face.[9] Even if you don't want to remove your makeup with rosewater, you can still use it as part of your routine at the end of the day. Wash your face with your normal cleanser, then dab your face with rosewater.[10]
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    • Rosewater will help remove the last of the oils and debris from your pores and calm your skin before bed.
  5. Make a calming and hydrating facial mask with rosewater. Mix equal parts of chickpea flour, turmeric, and sandalwood powder in a bowl. Add just enough rosewater to the mixture to make a thick paste and apply it to your face. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse it off.[11]
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    • You can mix the turmeric, chickpea flour, and sandalwood up and put in a small jar. Take out just what you need for 1 mask at a time and mix it with the rosewater to create your mask.
    • Make this into an astringent by replacing half of the rosewater with apple cider vinegar.


source How to of the Day

How to Clean Your Room

Cleaning your room can feel like an overwhelming task, but it is likely a quicker and easier process than you imagine! Play music, write a list, give yourself rewards, and make it into a game to keep yourself motivated. Tackle the big tasks first and then move onto deep-cleaning your room by dusting, wiping, and vacuuming all of the surfaces. Before you know it, your room will be sparkling clean.


[Edit]Tackling the Major Tasks

  1. Move everything off your bed and make it. Making your bed helps to make your room look much cleaner and will give you a feeling of achievement to kickstart your cleaning. Move anything from on your bed into a pile in one section of your room. Pull up your sheets and blankets, tuck them in, straighten your comforter, and place your pillows at the top of your bed.[1]
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    • If you haven’t changed your sheets recently, place them in the washing basket and put new ones on your bed. This will help your bed to feel and smell extra fresh.
  2. Organize all of the clothes that are on your floor. Pick up each piece of clothing and decide whether it is dirty or not. If in doubt, treat it as if it is dirty! If the item is clean, fold it and place it in your dresser or hang it up in your wardrobe. If the item is dirty, place it in the washing basket.
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    • It's always better to wash a clean item twice than to wear a dirty item. Treat items on your floor as dirty unless you are certain that they are clean. [2]
  3. Take any dirty dishes to the kitchen. This helps to prevent bad smells from forming and helps to stop ants and other pests from gathering in your room. Take all the cups, plates, cutlery, and mugs back to the kitchen. Also, throw away any takeout packages that are still in your room.[3]
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    • Check under your bed, on your dresser and desk, and in your bedside drawers for dirty dishes and takeout packages.
  4. Toss out anything you don't want anymore.[4] This is a great way to clear space in your room and get rid of clutter. Sort through all the objects on the surfaces in your room and on your floor and decide if anything needs to be thrown away.[5] Look out for food wrappers, apple cores, random bits of paper, broken items, and things you don't use anymore.[6]
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    • Donate any good-quality items that you don’t want anymore to a second-hand charity store.
    • Put unwanted paper and cardboard into a separate bag for recycling.

[Edit]Organizing the Items in Your Room

  1. Place objects back in their rightful places if they already have a home. Put everything that's on the floor away first. That way, you'll be able to move around your room without tripping over anything. Start with the bigger things, like books and pillows, then move onto smaller things, like pencils and other stationery. Find a home for all the items on your dresser, desk, floor, and bedside tables.[7]
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    • Try not to get distracted by the items you are putting away, as this can make your cleaning process take a lot longer.
  2. Store similar items that don’t have a home in boxes. This is a simple way to organize your room and make it easier to find things. Place all your stationery in one box, your photos in another box, your beauty products in another box, craft supplies in another box, and so on. Make sure to label the boxes and store them in an accessible place so that they are easy to find and access.[8]
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    • Place the boxes on your shelves, under your bed, in your wardrobe, or on your desk.
    • Don't go on a shopping spree buying boxes and bins before you organize your stuff. Otherwise, you run the risk of having even more clutter after finishing organizing everything.[9]
  3. Display a few items that are special to you. This is a great way to personalize your room. If you find a pretty ornament or cool toy while you are cleaning, consider placing it on your desk, dresser, or bedside table as a feature. Try to only place a few items on each surface so that space doesn't look cluttered.[10]
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    • Using your space as a display area will help you keep the room tidier since objects that don’t belong will look out of place and you’ll be encouraged to put them away. Additionally, when surfaces have less clutter on them, they’re easier to clean and dust.
  4. Give away any books, clothes, or toys that you don’t want anymore. This is a great way to declutter your room and will give you more space for the items that you treasure. Look at each object and consider whether you have used it in the last year. If you haven’t used it recently and it doesn’t have sentimental value, think about giving it away to a second-hand charity shop.[11]
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    • Make sure to check with your parents first.

[Edit]Cleaning the Surfaces

  1. Dust all of the surfaces in your room. Use a duster to remove all the dust from your desk, dresser, bookshelf, slatted blinds, fans, light fixtures, lamps, and any other surfaces you may have in your room. Always start high and work your way down, so that you don’t knock dust and dirt onto surfaces you’ve already cleaned. Dust before you vacuum or sweep because dust will often become displaced and then settle back on your floor.[12]
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    • If you don’t have a duster, use a microfiber cloth to remove the dust.
    • Make sure to dust objects on your desk, dresser, etc. Picture-frames, travel souvenirs, and trophies will look much nicer when they are dust-free.
    • Ensure that your fan and lights are turned off before you dust them.
  2. Wipe the surfaces to remove marks, dust, and stickiness. Stickiness can attract ants and can damage your furniture. Spray a little surface cleaner onto the surfaces and wipe them with a cloth. Microfiber cloths are a great option, as they easily remove a variety of different marks. Wipe your desk, dresser, bedside table, window sills, baseboards, trims, and any other surfaces in your room at least once a week.[13]
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    • Disinfectant wipes also work well, as they help to kill any bacteria that may have grown on your room’s surfaces.
  3. Vacuum or sweep the floor, especially under your bed and desk. These areas are often missed during quick cleans, so make sure to vacuum them thoroughly. If necessary, move furniture so that you can vacuum under it more easily. Push your vacuum back and forth over the entire floor until the carpet looks sparkling clean.[14]
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    • If the vacuum isn’t sucking well, check if the vacuum bag or canister is full and change it if necessary.
    • Vacuum your floor at least once a week. If you wear shoes inside, consider vacuuming more often.
  4. Sweep and mop the floors if applicable. Use the broom to push all the dirt and dust into 1 pile and then use a dustpan and brush to scoop it up. After this, dip your mop into a bucket of soapy water and wipe it over the floors to remove any marks and dust. Rinse the mop every few minutes to ensure that it doesn’t spread dirt around the floors.[15]
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    • This will leave your floors feeling and looking nice and clean.
    • Sweep and mop your floors at least once a week.
  5. Wipe the light switches and door handles with a disinfectant spray. These points are some of the most touched spots in your room. This means that over time they collect a lot of bacteria. Spray the switches and handles with a household disinfectant spray and then use a cloth or paper towel to wipe it off.[16]
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    • Disinfect your handles and switches once a week to keep them fresh and clean.
    • Wipe off any outlet covers, too. Since they’re not as frequently touched, they don’t build up grime as fast as light switches, but keeping them clean and bright can help the overall look of the room.
  6. Use glass cleaner to wipe the mirrors and windows. Liberally spray the glass cleaner over all your mirrors and windows and then use a cloth to wipe them clean. Continue to rub until there are no marks or streaks left on the glass. This will leave your windows and mirrors looking sparkly clean.[17]
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    • Clean your windows and mirrors each time that they get marked to make the job as quick and easy as possible.
    • Microfiber cloths work well for cleaning glass.
    • Don’t forget to clean the window tracks as well. Vacuum up loose debris in the tracks with a crevice attachment or a handheld vacuum cleaner. You can use an old toothbrush and some all-purpose cleaning solution to scrub away caked-on dirt and dust.

[Edit]Keeping Motivated

  1. Play music to keep your spirits high. Before you start, put on an album or playlist that makes you feel energetic.[18] Music with a faster beat will help to get you motivated for your cleaning project. Stay away from more slow, dreary music, as this can make you feel tired and bored.[19]
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  2. Create a reward for yourself to give you an incentive to get the job done. This extra motivation can help you to get the job done faster. Decide what you will do to treat yourself once you have finished cleaning. Maybe you will go hang out with your friends, watch a movie with your family, eat a big bowl of ice cream, or read your favorite book.[20]
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    • Make sure not to rush your cleaning in order to get your reward!
  3. Make cleaning your room into a game if you need extra motivation. If you're having trouble motivating yourself to clean your room, make the process interesting by playing a game. See how many things you can put away for 10 minutes and then try to beat your high score. Alternatively, pretend that you are a robot while you are cleaning and only make robot movements and noises. Another option is to set a timer and see how fast you can clean your room. [21]
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    • Be creative and create your own games!
  4. Create a checklist of all the different tasks to keep your cleaning on track. Checklists are a great way to give yourself a sense of achievement and progress when you are cleaning up a big mess. Decide what you want to organize and clean, and then prioritize them from the highest priority to the lowest priority. Try to be as detailed as you can so that nothing gets forgotten.[22]
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    • Tick off each task once you have done it so that you can easily keep track of what you still need to do.
  5. Schedule the tasks throughout the week to make it more manageable. This is a great option if there is a lot to clean. Write down when you will complete each task so that you can stay on track with your cleaning schedule. Try to be as disciplined as possible and stick to the schedule.[23]
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[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

  4. [v161224_b01]. 18 December 2019.
  5. [v161215_b01]. 30 August 2019.
  9. [v161224_b01]. 18 December 2019.
  18. [v161215_b01]. 30 August 2019.

source How to of the Day

mercredi 30 août 2023

How to Clear a Drain with Baking Soda

The best DIY drain cleaners made from everyday household products

Whether you've got a clogged sink, garbage disposal, tub, or shower, baking soda and vinegar can clear it quickly. Simply pour hot water down the drain, add equal parts baking soda and vinegar, let the mixture fizz and break up the gunk, and flush the blockage away with hot water—it’s really that easy! In this article, we’ll explain exactly how to mix and use this all-natural solution, plus show you some other baking soda-based DIY drain cleaners to try. It’s time to say goodbye to smelly, slow drains for good!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Pour a large pot of scalding hot water down the drain to loosen the gunk, then pour about ½ cup (136 g) of baking soda down the drain.
  • Then, add about ½ cup (118 mL) of white vinegar to the drain and cover it with a damp cloth or a stopper. Let the mixture sit and fizz for about an hour.
  • Remove the cloth or stopper and flush the drain with more hot water to clear it out.


[Edit]Clearing Clogs with Baking Soda & Vinegar

  1. Fill a large pot with very hot water and pour it down the drain. Heat a pot or tea kettle full of water on your stovetop until it’s scalding (not quite boiling). Then, remove the drain cover (if there is one) and pour the hot water down the drain to dissolve and wash away grease, grime, and loose debris particles. If the clog is very minor, the water alone might be enough to clear the drain.[1]
    • Do not pour boiling water down the drain since it may damage the seals between PVC pipes.
    • If you can see any solid objects that are obstructing the drain (like a hair clump or a chunk of food), use a wire coat hanger to remove them before pouring the hot water.
    • If your sink or tub isn’t draining at all, add enough water to cover the bottom of a plunger and give the drain a few pumps until you notice the water start to trickle down.
  2. Pour about ½ cup (136 g) of baking soda down the drain. Measure out ½ cup (136 g) of baking soda (it doesn’t have to be exact—anywhere from ⅓ of a cup (91 g) to a half a box should do the trick). Then, carefully empty the baking soda into your clogged drain. If your sink has a stopper, use a cotton swab to push all of the baking soda into the drain.[2]
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    • To keep the baking soda from sticking as you pour it, dry off the inside of your sink or tub with a rag beforehand.
    • For extra tough clogs, add ½ cup (136 g) of salt in addition to the baking soda.[3]
    • Tip: A baking soda and vinegar mixture will also safely clean your garbage disposal. Follow the same instructions (just make extra sure that the disposal is unplugged or turned off while you clean it).
  3. Pour about ½ cup (118 mL) of white vinegar down the drain next. Again, the measurement doesn’t have to be exact as long as you use about the same amount of vinegar as baking soda. Pour the vinegar into the drain slowly over the baking soda. This will cause an instant, fizzy reaction between the two ingredients that will begin to unclog your drain. [4]
    • This reaction may not have a large effect if your drain is clogged by lots of hair. If baking soda and vinegar doesn’t work, try using a drain snake instead.
  4. Cover the drain with a damp cloth for 1 hour. Place a damp or wet cloth over the opening of the drain to seal in the baking soda and vinegar (this makes them more potent). Let the ingredients sit in the drain for at least a full hour (or longer for a severe clog). If you leave them for a briefer period of time, they are unlikely to unclog your drain. [5]
    • Alternatively, just close the drain’s stopper (if it has one).
  5. Flush the drain with another full pot of hot water. Toward the end of 1 hour, begin heating more water on your stove top. Once an hour is up, remove your cloth or stopper from the drain and slowly pour the scalding water down the drain to wash away the baking soda, vinegar, and the remaining traces of the clog.[6]
    • Pour the water slowly so it doesn’t splash back and burn you.
    • Alternatively, turn on the faucet to the hottest temperature and let the water run for several minutes to flush the drain.
  6. Repeat the process if necessary until the drain empties freely.[7] If baking soda and vinegar do not successfully unclog your drain the first time you use them, try again. These natural ingredients won't harm your sinks or drains.[8] It may take 2 or 3 tries for the reaction to successfully remove all of the buildup clogging your drains.
    • To prevent future drain buildups, pour equal parts baking soda and vinegar down the drain, let them sit for 10 minutes, then flush with hot water every few weeks or months.[9]

[Edit]Other Baking Soda Mixtures

  1. Swap lemon juice for vinegar for an alternate all-natural drain cleaner. First, loosen the gunk in your drain by running hot water from the faucet for a few minutes or pouring scalding hot water from the stove down the drain. Then pour about 1 cup (272 g) of baking soda down the drain little by little so it doesn’t all sit at the top, followed by 1 cup (237 mL) of lemon juice.[10]
    • Cover the drain with a stopper or damp cloth and let the mixture sit and fizz for at least 30 minutes.
    • Flush the drain with hot water from the faucet or stove. If the drain isn’t fully unclogged, repeat the baking soda and lemon juice treatment until it is.
    • The acid in lemon juice works similarly to vinegar and covers any smells in the drain with a fresh, citrus scent.
  2. Try a baking soda, salt, and cream of tartar mixture for tough clogs. First, clean up as much gunk in and around the drain as you can with a wire coat hanger or paper towels. Then, combine ½ cup (136 g) of baking soda, ½ cup (136 g) of salt, and ⅛ cup (20 g) of cream of tartar in a jar, put on the lid, and shake the mixture to evenly mix the ingredients.[11]
    • Pour half the mixture down the drain (saving the other half for your next clog), then add 2 cups (473 mL) of scalding hot water. Let the mixture sit for about 1 hour.
    • After an hour, run hot water from the faucet for a few minutes or pour a pot of hot water from the stove down the drain to flush it out.
    • The salt and baking soda will break up the clog, and the cream of tartar will clean the metal in and around the drain.
    • Out of cream of tartar? No problem! Pour equal parts baking soda and salt down the drain and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before flushing with hot water.

[Edit]Doing a Routine Cleaning With Baking Soda

  1. Pour about ¼ cup (68 g) of baking soda down the drain weekly. Baking soda is mildly abrasive and can help keep your drains clear with regular applications. For a routine cleaning, measure out ¼ cup (68 g) of baking soda and sprinkle it into the drain. [12]
    • Dry out the inside of your sinks or tub first to prevent the baking soda from sticking to them.
  2. Drizzle about ⅛ cup (30 mL) of warm water over the baking soda. Moisten the baking soda so it sticks to the inside of the drain. Drip the water slowly and gently to avoid washing the baking soda down the sink.
    • Alternatively, moisten the baking soda with a fine mist of warm water from a spray bottle.
  3. Let the moist baking soda sit for 1-2 hours. To clean your drains effectively, baking soda will have to sit for at least 60 minutes to permeate dirt and other buildup. Set a timer for an hour to keep track of the time. Avoid using the sink or tub before then.[13]
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    • In addition to cleaning debris, baking soda is also a natural deodorizer that will keep your drains or garbage disposals from stinking.
  4. Run warm water from the tap to flush the baking soda away. After an hour or two, turn on the tap. Run warm to hot water down the drain for several minutes. This should be enough to flush away the baking soda and any debris it loosened from your drain. [14]
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    • Repeat this cleaning process on your drains once a week to avoid clogs.
    • If you used baking soda to refresh your garbage disposal, turn on the disposal while you flush the baking soda away.



  • Baking soda is a deodorizer that will also remove unpleasant odors from your drains.
  • Use a mesh sink strainer to catch hair, food, and other gunk before it gets lodged in your drain.


  • Do not pour boiling water down the drain since it may damage the seals between PVC pipes.
  • Never pour oil or grease down the drain, since this can build up and catch more debris. To dispose of grease properly, let it cool, then wipe it away with paper towels and throw it in the trash.[15]


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Remove Deep Ingrown Hairs

If you have an inflamed, itchy spot on your skin right after shaving, you might have an ingrown hair. Ingrown hairs are caused by hair curling up and growing back or sideways into your skin. Deep ingrown hairs can sometimes stick around for weeks or months, and they can cause a lot of pain and irritation. If you’re dealing with a deep ingrown hair, read through this article to see how you can remove it at home and when you might need a doctor’s help.


[Edit]At Home

  1. Wash the area with a washcloth. If you’re going to try to remove the ingrown hair, use a wet washcloth or a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the area with soap and water. Go slowly, and rub in a circular motion to free up the hair and loosen the skin. You don’t need to exfoliate, since that could cause more irritation.[1]
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    • Try to do this for several minutes to gently loosen the ingrown hair and make it easier to remove.
  2. Use a needle to gently lift the hair out of the skin. Sterilize a small needle by dipping it into rubbing alcohol and letting it air dry. If you can see the small loop of hair sticking out of your skin, use the needle to gently pry the hair upwards. Go slowly, and use a warm washcloth to keep your pores open.[2]
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    • The goal is to get the hair out of your skin so it can grow properly. If you can pull the hair out enough that you get it out from underneath your skin, that’s great! Your ingrown hair is solved, and you don’t need to do anything else.
    • If you can’t see the small loop of hair, just leave the ingrown hair alone. Over time, the hair may rise to the surface, and you can try to lift it out with a needle.
  3. Avoid shaving, tweezing, or waxing the area. Ingrown hairs can get worse if you continue to shave or remove your hair. If you want to let the ingrown hair work out on its own, try leaving the area alone. In some cases, even deep ingrown hairs will work themselves out in 1 to 6 months.[3]
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    • When you first notice an ingrown hair, try just leaving it alone for a while to see if it works itself out. After a few weeks or months, you can move onto trying to remove it yourself at home.
  4. Avoid picking at or scratching the ingrown hair. Although it might be tempting to pop or burst your ingrown hair, doing so can actually make it worse. Plus, opening up the skin like that can leave you vulnerable to bacteria, which can lead to an infection. When in doubt, leave your ingrown hair alone.[4]
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[Edit]Medical Treatment

  1. See a doctor if your ingrown hairs are chronic or infected. Most of the time, ingrown hairs aren’t a cause for alarm. If you have multiple ingrown hairs a month or you think your ingrown hair is infected, it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor. Signs of infection include pain, swelling, hot skin, and fever.[5]
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  2. Use a retinoid prescribed by your doctor. Retinoid creams can help remove dead skin cells from your skin, which can unclog your pores and release ingrown hairs. If your ingrown hair is causing continuous irritation, head to the doctor and ask about a retinoid cream like tretinoin. Your doctor can tell you how often to apply it and how much cream to use.[6]
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    • Retinoid creams are prescription only, so you’ll have to get one from your doctor.
  3. Apply a steroid cream to reduce inflammation. Ingrown hairs can sometimes swell up and get uncomfortable. If your skin is red or inflamed, head to the doctor and ask about a steroid cream to soothe your skin. You can usually use a steroid cream once a day to reduce swelling and inflammation.[7]
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    • This is a great option if your ingrown hair is painful or causes you discomfort.
  4. Use an antibiotic cream to treat or prevent infections. Deep ingrown hairs that stick around for a while can sometimes get infected. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic cream to reduce the chance of an infection, especially if the skin is broken. If your ingrown hair is already infected, you may need to take oral antibiotics.[8]
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    • Signs of an infection include swelling, itching, redness, irritation, and warmth. If you think your ingrown hair is infected, make an appointment with your doctor right away.


  1. Exfoliate your skin before you shave. Dead skin cells can clog your razor and lead to more irritation, which can cause ingrown hairs. Before you shave, use a chemical or physical exfoliation all over the area to prep your skin. Use a washcloth and warm water to gently scrub your skin in slow, circular motions to prevent any irritation.[9]
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    • Chemical exfoliants are great for sensitive areas, like your face or bikini line. Physical exfoliants work better on tougher skin, like your legs or arms.
  2. Use a brand new razor. Dull razors tend to pull or tug on the skin, which can cause ingrown hairs. Before you shave, load your shaving razor with a new blade, or clean off your old one well if it’s not disposable. If you’re using an electric razor, add a #1 shave guard to avoid shaving too close to the skin.[10]
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    • If you’re using a disposable razor, try to change the blade every 5 to 7 shaves, or more if you’re prone to ingrown hairs.
    • If you’re using an electric razor, clean the blade every 3 to 4 shaves.
  3. Soak your skin in warm water before shaving. Warm water opens up your pores and reduces the chance of ingrown hairs. You can either take a warm shower before you shave, or you can soak a washcloth in warm water and then press it against your skin for a few minutes.[11]
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  4. Shave in the direction your hair grows. Going against the grain can cause the hair to grow backwards into the skin, causing ingrown hairs. Instead, point your razor in the direction your hair grows, and try to stick to that direction the entire time. Your shave will be much smoother, and your skin will thank you![12]
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    • You might not get quite as close of a shave this way, but you’ll be much less likely to get razor bumps or ingrown hairs.
  5. Consider laser treatment as a last resort. If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, shaving, waxing, and tweezing might not be great options for you. Instead, consider laser hair removal, a process that uses lasers to penetrate deep into the hair follicle and inhibits regrowth.[13] Laser hair removal can last for months or even years, and the hair that grows back usually isn’t as thick as it was before. Keep in mind, though, that laser hair removal usually isn’t covered by insurance since it’s considered a cosmetic procedure.[14]
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    • Depending on the area you get done, laser hair removal can cause blisters or darkening of the skin.
    • Usually, laser hair removal is $350 to $400 per session. If your hair is very thick or you’re lasering a large area, you may need multiple sessions.
    • Bear in mind that laser hair removal only works on dark hair—with white, blonde, or gray hair, there's no target for the laser energy.[15]
    • Electrolysis is a better solution for people with lighter hair.[16]


  • If the skin around your ingrown hair is very painful, hot, or swollen, or you feel hot, shivery, or feverish, see your doctor right away, as your ingrown hair might be infected.[17]


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