be more attractive: 2024

mardi 31 décembre 2024

How to Get a Nice Body

Want to build a body with the look of your dreams, but not sure where to start? Everyone has their own vision of what a nice body looks like, and that’s okay. But no matter what you want to look like, keeping your body healthy, fit, and strong is an important part of living well. If you want to get an awesome body fast that’ll impress others (and yourself!), we’re here to show you how. We’ll walk you through exercising, eating right, and cultivating healthy living habits so you can get the body of your dreams as fast as possible.


[Edit]Do cardio for at least 150 minutes a week.

  1. Aerobic activity burns fat and gives you an athletic appearance. Cardio is an essential part of a healthy body and working towards a nicer body. Through cardio, you’ll gain endurance and energy, making your body feel and look more active. Over time, it can also be both fun and relaxing. Steady-state cardio might look like a 30-60 minute jog or light-to-medium intensity work on a stair or rowing machine.[1]
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    • Cardio supports healthy weight goals, improves blood pressure and blood sugar, decreases your risk for heart disease and stroke, improves sleeping habits, and elevates your mood.[2]
    • Your 150 minutes of aerobic activity might look like walking briskly, an easy bike ride, or just spending time cleaning the house.[3]

[Edit]Practice strength training 2-3 days a week.

  1. Strength training gets you a lean, powerful build. Strength or resistance training with weights isn’t just for bodybuilders: it strengthens your muscles and increases your metabolism, letting you burn more calories at rest. Although hitting the weights can feel intimidating, you’ll get the hang of it soon, and can tone, tighten, and define your muscles.[4]
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    • It's typically recommended to do anywhere from 2-3 days of strength training each week. Do exercises that workout each major muscle group in your body, like your arms, legs, core, and back.[5]
    • Try doing bicep curls to target your arms.
    • Perform weighted squats to work your legs and glutes.
    • Try renegade rows to strengthen your core and abs.

[Edit]Do bodyweight exercises when you can’t hit the gym.

  1. Bodyweight exercises sculpt your body without requiring fancy equipment. To meet your 2-3 time a week strength training guideline, you never have to leave the house. Some of the best exercises you can do to get a toned or shredded body fast can be done with just your own body weight. By increasing the amount of repetitions you do for each exercise, you build up greater strength. Get into the habit of doing some of these extremely effective exercises a few times a week, especially when you can’t make it to the gym:[6]
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[Edit]Vary your exercise routine with HIIT workouts.

  1. HIIT workouts keep your body transformation journey exciting. HIIT workouts, or high-intensity interval training, have become praised as an especially efficient workout. They’re best done in combination with traditional cardio and strength training. HIIT workouts are interval training exercises that alternate between very high-intensity exercises and moderate-intensity exercises, strengthening muscles and burning fat.[7]
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    • These types of workouts burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time, especially calories from fat, and have been shown to keep your metabolism raised long after the workout was completed.[8]
    • Although HIIT workout classes are popular, you can also do HIIT at home.

[Edit]Stay motivated by taking a fitness class.

  1. Fitness classes let you push yourself harder and get results faster. Studies have shown that people who take fitness classes tend to see better results that individuals who work out exclusively by themselves. Taking a fitness class—whether it’s yoga, pilates, boxing, or circuit training—can introduce you to exercises that are new to you, which keeps things exciting and stimulates your muscles in a new way.[9]
    • Your local gym likely has fitness classes on offer, but you can also take a class at a fitness studio. There are normally great deals for new members, so you can try out your new class before spending too much money on it.

[Edit]Take a rest day at least once a week.

  1. Rest days are crucial if you want to see any progress. If you want your hard work in the gym to pay off, you’ll need to give your muscles a chance to relax and recover. It’s during this recovery time that your muscles will become stronger after a workout. You can either take a complete rest day, which means no exercise at all, or an active rest day, which might include a light jog or some stretching.[10]
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    • The amount of rest days you should take depends on your training regimen. If you’re looking to bulk up with big muscles, you’ll probably need to take more rest days each week to give your muscles time to grow.

[Edit]Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.

  1. Your diet is the foundation that keeps you healthy and strong. Maintain a balanced diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and protein sources like fish, poultry, beans, eggs, and nuts. This sort of diet gives you an excellent balance of food types that will keep you well-energized, healthy, and strong. Best of all, this kind of food lends itself to all kinds of tasty meals.[11]
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    • While you don’t need to avoid them completely, processed foods like pastries, candy, processed meats, and chips tend to get in the way of your body goals.[12]
    • If you’re trying to build muscle, be sure that you’re getting plenty of lean protein from sources like chicken, eggs, fish, or tofu.[13]
    • This is a great way to boost protein intake between meals!

[Edit]Drink plenty of fluids each day.

  1. Staying hydrated keeps you looking younger and healthier. Drinking fluids is a key component of helping your body run at its best. Additionally, your body may confuse thirst with hunger, so keeping hydrated can actually make it easier for you to lose weight. Drinking more water is an easy way to improve your appearance.[14]
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    • Most health professionals recommend consuming at least 8 glasses of water daily.[15]
    • Stick to clear, no-calorie fluids. If you’re looking for more flavor than regular water, try adding a slice of fruit to a glass of water for a refreshing drink. Unsweetened tea is also a great option.

[Edit]Keep track of your calories.

  1. Your calorie intake determines your weight. As part of your journey to getting a nicer body, you may decide to gain or lose weight. Weight gain and loss are based on how many calories you consume—although you can have a nice body at any weight, if your goals include getting bigger or smaller, try keeping track of your calories in a journal or app. You can find out how many calories you need to maintain your weight with an [1][16]
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    • Underweight individuals are at increased risk for infection, osteoporosis, hair loss, and loss of lean muscle mass.[17] Being overweight can lead to increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.[18]
    • Obsessing over the number of calories you take in can hurt your mental health—if you feel like you’re constantly thinking about calories, take a break from counting them, and just focus on eating nutritious food.[19]

[Edit]Sleep 7-9 hours every night.

  1. Being well-rested keeps you attractive and strong. Sleep is an essential restorative process for your body. It's the key to good health and maintaining your body. Without enough sleep, you'll have several physical side effects, like difficulty concentrating, increased hunger, and mental fogginess. These side effects may make it harder to stick to your diet or exercise plan.[20]
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    • In addition, you might notice you have dark circles or bags underneath your eyes or just look tired and fatigued. This won't fit in with your goal to have a great-looking body.
    • If you're struggling to sleep, shut off all the lights and anything that makes distracting sounds. An eye mask or earbuds might be helpful.

[Edit]Quit smoking and limit your alcohol consumption.

  1. Avoiding nicotine and excessive alcohol use makes you look and feel better. Both smoking (or other forms of tobacco use) and alcohol can cause a variety of side effects including damaging healthy skin and teeth. While no amount of smoking is okay for your health, men can drink up to 2 alcoholic drinks a day, and women can drink 1. [21]
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    • Smoking is known to cause a variety of adverse health problems (including cancer), but some more visible effects include wrinkly skin, yellow teeth, tooth decay, and gum disease.
    • Continued alcohol use can lead to a variety of mouth problems including loose teeth. It can also cause issues with your skin.[22]

[Edit]Keep yourself stress-free and relaxed.

  1. Taking time to destress keeps your body healthy. Chronic stress is never a good thing. If you do not manage stress, you may start to notice some physical symptoms which may work against your desire for a nicer body. For example, you could get itchy red rashes, break out in hives, acne, or experience mild hair loss.[23]
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    • In addition, stress may lead to overeating or craving higher calorie "comfort foods." This can work against your fitness goals.
    • Try to destress and relax by listening to music, reading a book, going for a walk, or talking to a friend or family member.
    • If you cannot control your stress alone, seek the help of a therapist or a life coach.

[Edit]Track your progress with a fitness journal.

  1. A journal gives you the motivation to keep pursuing your goals. A journal is a great place to keep track of your goals, plans, and progress. By taking a look at how far you’ve come through your journal, you can find the motivation to keep yourself on track for getting body of your dreams. You’ll be surprised by how quickly you see positive changes.[24]
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    • Keep track of your goals in your journal. As you lose weight, get more fit or ditch bad lifestyle habits, jot down notes about these so you can see your progress.
    • Considering downloading a fitness tracking app on your smartphone. You can track your food, nutrition, calories, and fitness goals.

[Edit]Maintain a healthy body image.

  1. Keep your self-worth high so that you can appreciate your body. Any body can be a nice one if you love the way you look. While working on your physical health and fitness is always good, try not to let your goals hurt your current self-esteem. If you’re struggling with your mental health and hyper-fixated on “flaws” that you see in your body, consider talking to a therapist.[25]
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    • Changing your body image can feel tough, but it’s possible.
    • Don’t let social media or celebrity culture make you feel bad about yourself—your body works hard to take care of you, so always be grateful for the one you have.


[Edit]Expert Advice

Try this sample HIIT routine for an effective at-home workout.

  • Get an HIIT timer. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. You can purchase a timer, or you can download one as an app. You design the workout with 5 exercises, then you set your timer for, say, a minute and 15 seconds of exercise, then 30 seconds of rest, and you do that for each of the exercises. Aim to do about 15 sets altogether. Here's an example of the exercises you might do:
  • Exercise 1—Walking Lunges: Bring your rear knee down to the ground, but don't hit the ground, and go back up. It's very important with this move that your rear knee is the one powering the exercise, not the front knee. Repeat this for the whole minute and 15 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat for about 15 sets.
  • Exercise 2—Jump Shuffle: Jump about 3 feet in front of you, shuffle backwards, then repeat for another minute and 15 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat for 15 sets.
  • Exercise 3—Burpee: Jump up in the air, go flat into a push-up position, push up off the ground, and jump up in the air again. Do this for a minute and 15 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and continue until you've completed 15 sets.
  • Exercise 4—Squat: Stand with your feet 2 1/2 to 3 feet apart. Squat down with your back towards the rear wall with your knees behind your toes. Then, move your butt up and down 3-4 inches toward the ground and back up several times before standing up straight again. Keep doing squats for 1:15, rest for :30, and continue for 15 sets.
  • Exercise 5—Ab Workout: Find a chair and lean back so your butt is on the edge of the chair. Bring one elbow down toward the opposite knee, and exhale for 3 seconds as you do it. Inhale for 3 seconds, then do the same with the opposite elbow and opposite knee. Continue doing this exercise for about 1 minute 15 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat for 15 sets.


  • A session with a personal trainer at a gym can really make a difference when figuring out a workout plan that meets your goals.
  • Try to set some specific goals for yourself, like “I want to run a 5k by the end of the year” or “I want to lose 5 pounds in a month.” Setting goals will make it much more likely that you actually meet your desire for a nicer, healthier body long-term.
  • Always talk to your doctor prior to making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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[Edit]Quick Summary


source How to of the Day

How to Introvert or Extrovert Quiz

Personality. You’ve got one; your friends have one—everyone has one! But what does it say about you and your social tendencies? In the early 1900s, Carl Jung coined the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” to describe personality traits and behaviors. Introverts tend to be more reserved, whereas extroverts thrive on social interaction.

So, where do you fall? Are you an introvert, extrovert, or something in between? Answer these questions about what you would do in any given situation to find out.

On a word spelled with alphabet dice, a hand pushes two of the cubes over, changing the word from "introvert" to "extrovert."

[Edit]Questions Overview

Am I Introverted or Extroverted?
Take this quiz to find out!

Quizzes Are More Fun With Friends

Share this quiz with your friends and compare results.

1. It’s Friday night—woohoo! What are your weekend plans?
  1. To chill at home, read, and/or watch a movie.
  2. To go out with my friends. I can’t spend a weekend without them!
  3. I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll catch up on homework or chill with the fam.
  4. To party or study until I collapse, whatever fits the schedule.
2. You like it best when people:
  1. Text. I like not feeling rushed to reply.
  2. Call. The longer the chat, the better.
  3. Contact me, in general. It’s nice to hear from friends.
  4. Call or text. Whatever I’m in the mood to answer.
3. Which group of words best describes you?
  1. Shy, quiet, and creative.
  2. Outgoing, loud, and ambitious.
  3. Reliable, loyal, and laid-back.
  4. Energetic, emotional, and unpredictable.
4. It’s late afternoon. What are you probably doing?
  1. Listening to music or chilling in the library alone.
  2. Grabbing lunch with a group of friends.
  3. Observing my surroundings.
  4. Socializing if I’m happy, or watching TV alone if I’m sad.
5. It’s the first day of school. You go into class and:
  1. Grab a seat in the back. I don’t want to be called on.
  2. Start chatting with whoever I see. Friends don’t make themselves!
  3. Look for a friend. I like to be with familiar faces.
  4. Do what I want. I always go with the flow.
6. Which quote do you resonate with the most?
  1. “Quiet people have the loudest minds.”
  2. “Don’t be silent. Be fierce.”
  3. “There is peaceful. There is wild. I am both at the same time.”
  4. “What goes up must come down.”
7. What role do you play in your friend group?
  1. The Listener. I’m the shoulder to cry on.
  2. The Leader. I like to think I’m the trend setter.
  3. The Peacemaker. I want to make sure everyone is happy.
  4. The Crier. I have a lot of emotions, okay?
8. You’re alone at a party. What do you do?
  1. Look for an exit. This is not my scene.
  2. Wiggle my way into a nearby group. I can make friends with anyone.
  3. Scan the crowd for someone I know, or I’ll bounce.
  4. See if I’m in the mood to party or call it quits.
9. Out of these options, what’s your biggest fear?
  1. Public speaking
  2. Dying alone
  3. Confrontation
  4. Commitment
10. You feel the most like yourself when you’re with __.
  1. Yourself. I like being alone with my thoughts.
  2. Anyone. Strangers are just friends waiting to be made.
  3. Friends and family. They know me inside and out.
  4. Friends or yourself. It really depends on my mood.
11. Where are you the most productive?
  1. In a quiet space with no distractions.
  2. A busy cafe.
  3. At home alone or in a library surrounded by friends.
  4. Anywhere, really, as long as I have my work.
12. How do you like to recharge after a long day?
  1. Locking myself in my room and reading or crafting.
  2. Calling a friend to chat about whatever.
  3. Chilling with family and friends, if I’m in the mood.
  4. It depends. I might want to be alone or with company.

More Quizzes

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[Edit]Introvert vs. Extrovert: What’s the Difference?

Think of personality as a spectrum or sliding scale. On one end of the scale, you have “introvert,” and on the other end, “extrovert.” No personality is exactly the same. You may have more extroverted tendencies, while a friend is more introverted. You’re both on different ends of the spectrum, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re entirely extroverted or introverted. Believe it or not, there’s a middle ground: “ambivert.” So, what do all of these terms mean, and how do they differ? Here’s a quick breakdown:

Introverts have reserved, patient, and thoughtful personality traits. These people gain the most energy from being alone. In other words, they prefer their own company over others. They get the most pleasure from solo activities like reading, writing, or crafting. When choosing between going to a party or staying home, they’d rather stay home and chill.

Extroverts are the complete opposite of introverts. These people are more outgoing, friendly, and spontaneous. They’re energized by social interaction and feel the most comfortable around other people. To put it simply, extroverts are the life of the party. They’d rather spend time with friends (or even strangers) than have alone time.

Ambiverts are a combination of introverts and extroverts. These people are in the middle of the personality spectrum and may lean more toward one end over another. Basically, they have both reserved and outgoing traits. Ambiverts tend to be comfortable in social situations but don’t mind spending time alone. It all depends on the individual and the situation. For instance, they may be introverted around strangers but extroverted with friends and family.

No matter where you land on the scale, your personality is beautiful and unique. The theory and spectrum of introversion and extraversion are meant to help you better understand yourself in social situations, not define you. All in all, knowing if you’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert can help you be the best version of yourself.

[Edit]Want to learn more?

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source How to of the Day

lundi 30 décembre 2024

How to Get a Flatter Stomach in a Week

Expert advice to slim down your stomach and reduce belly fat

Getting a flat stomach in just a week is an ambitious goal, but if you commit to a diet and exercise routine, you can see a difference after just 7 days. Keep reading to learn the best exercises, foods, and drinks to incorporate into your routine for a flatter stomach fast.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Do cardio exercises, like running, swimming, or jogging throughout the week.
  • Target your ab muscles with exercises like crunches and planks.
  • Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours to stay full for longer.
  • Reduce bloating with potassium-rich foods, like mangoes, cantaloupe, and papaya.



  1. Do crunches to strengthen your abdominal muscles. There may never be agreement among trainers as to whether or not crunches are the best way to flatten your abs, but there's no disputing the fact that they work the muscles on the front and side of your abdomen.[1] Check out some crunch variations below, and incorporate them into your exercise routine.
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    • Curl Up: Lie flat on a mat with your knees bent and your heels pressed into the mat to stabilize your body. Tilt your torso so your lower back stays pressed into the mat as well. Put your arms behind your head and keep your elbows pressed back, then curl your torso upward, being sure your lower back stays against the mat the whole time.[2]
    • Pelvic Tilt Crunch: Lie face-up on a stability ball with your back and head pressed into the ball, your feet together on the floor and a dumbbell or medicine ball in your hands positioned against your chest. Tighten your abs and crunch up until your shoulders are off the ball. Then use both hands to reach the dumbbell or the medicine ball up toward the ceiling. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps resting for 30 seconds between each set.
    • Arms Over Straight-Leg Crunch: Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back with your arms behind you and your legs extended and raised to a 45-degree angle. Bring your arms up over your chest and lift your shoulders off the mat while raising your legs until they're perpendicular to the floor. Return to your starting position without letting your legs touch the floor. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions with a 30-second rest period between sets.
  2. Work your core to strengthen your abs. Your core is made up of your abdominal muscles plus the muscles of your lower back, pelvic floor and hips—more than 15 muscles in all. To work toward a flat stomach, do core exercises that target all of these muscles.[3]
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    • Side Plank: Lie on your left side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and your legs stacked one on top of the other. Place your right hand on your left shoulder or on your right hip. Tighten your abs and lift your hips off the floor until you're balancing on your forearm and feet so that your body forms a diagonal line. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.
      • If you can’t hold the pose for 30 to 45 seconds, stay up as long as you can and work your way up.
    • Push-up Walkout: Get on the floor in a push-up position and place your hands so they're two inches wider than your shoulders. Keeping your feet in place, walk your hands out as far as possible, then walk back. Do 10-12 reps.
      • For more of a challenge, lift one leg before you walk your hands out and back.
    • Climbing Rope: Sit down with your legs extended out in front of you and your feet turned out in a V position. Point your toes. Contract your core muscles and roll your spine into a C-curve. Lift your arms up and move them as if you were climbing a rope twisting slightly with each reach. Do 20 reaches with each arm.
  3. Practice cardio throughout the week. Nothing beats aerobic exercise in the battle against belly fat. A study by Duke University found that aerobic exercise was the most effective way to burn deep, visceral belly fat and that aerobic workouts burn 67% more calories than resistance training or a regimen that combines cardio and resistance.
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    • Try to get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity (like brisk walking or swimming), or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity (like running or jogging). To lose weight faster, increase the intensity or the duration of your workouts.
    • You can't spot-reduce fat away from a certain area, so you don't have to worry about only doing exercises that tone your stomach. Instead, pay close attention to your diet and follow a balanced workout plan that targets your overall body.[4]


  1. Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours. Instead of 3 large meals that can fill your belly and tax your digestive system, eat small, frequent meals or snacks. Eat your meals about 2 to 3 hours apart; they'll take up less space in your stomach, cause less expansion, keep your metabolism up and keep you feeling full.[5]
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    • Try to avoid snacking while you’re bored or eating without thinking about it. The more you can eat mindfully, the faster you’ll reach your weight loss goals.
  2. Eat high-fiber foods to feel full longer. Many high fiber foods, such as broccoli, beans, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower will fill your stomach and keep you feeling full. Try to incorporate 25 to 38 grams of fiber into your diet every day for healthy, balanced meals.[6]
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    • High-fiber foods tend to make some people feel bloated or gassy. Fight back against gas-producing foods by using Beano, which contains an enzyme that helps to break down complex sugars found in beans and cruciferous vegetables so that they can be digested more easily.
  3. Eat small portions of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. While raw vegetables and fruits are great choices for overall health, they cause your stomach to stretch, so it's best to eat them in 80-gram (1/3 cup) portions spread throughout the day.[7] Or, stick to cooked vegetables to reduce bloating.
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    • Aim for 5 portions of fruits and veggies per day that are around 80 grams each.[8]
  4. Test for lactose intolerance if dairy makes you bloat. If dairy products cause uncomfortable gas and bloating, you may have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in dairy.[9] Try eating low-lactose foods such as yogurt, consume only small amounts of milk products at one time, and eat milk products with other foods. Or, buy lactose-free products or take a digestive aid like Lactaid to help break down the lactose in your digestive tract.
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    • Watch out for dairy that is hidden in the ingredients list. Sausages, deli meat, protein bars, chips, and salad dressings often contain dairy.[10]
    • If you’re eating yogurt for probiotics, swap it out with a different probiotic food, like miso soup or sauerkraut.
  5. Choose potassium-rich foods to reduce bloating. Eat high potassium foods including avocado, mini bananas, papaya, mango, cantaloupe and nonfat yogurt (made without artificial sweeteners).[11] Potassium is a natural diuretic, so it will help reduce water retention and puffiness.
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    • Eat mango on its own or with other probiotic foods, like yogurt.
  6. Limit the amount of refined carbs you eat. Following a low-carb diet can help you lose weight, especially in the short-term. Focus on eating lean protein (like turkey, chicken, and fish) and starchy vegetables. Try to avoid refined carbs, like white bread, pizza dough, pastries, and most breakfast cereals.[12]
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    • Your body needs carbs to aid in digestion and give you energy. Choose natural carbs, like whole grains, legumes, and seeds to help you lose weight while staying healthy.


  1. Drink around 8 glasses of water per day. You always need to drink water, but it can be especially important if you're trying to flatten your stomach. When you drink water, you help your body maintain proper fluid balance, stop water retention (a major cause of bloated bellies), and feel full so you're inclined to eat less overall. Water also breaks down fat for energy and moves nutrients to your muscles to maintain your metabolism.[13]
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    • Add lemon, orange or cucumber slices to your water to give it a little flavor boost. Or, try herbs and flowers such as mint or lemon verbena.
  2. Drink green tea to get more antioxidants. Among its many benefits, green tea can also help reduce belly fat thanks to antioxidants called catechins that it contains. For extra fat-burning power, sip green tea before a workout.[14]
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    • Studies show that green tea works best in conjunction with an exercise routine.
  3. Blend up a smoothie to stay hydrated and get your fruits and veggies. Smoothies are a great way to stay hydrated and can contribute to a flatter stomach. Watermelon smoothies in particular contain arginine, which decreases body fat and increases muscle mass.[15] A smoothie made with pineapple gives you the benefit of bromelain, an enzyme in pineapple that helps break down protein, ease digestion and banish bloat.[16]
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    • Watermelon smoothie recipe: Chop up 2 cups (400 g) of watermelon and put it into a blender. Add of fat-free milk, and blend for about 15 seconds or until smooth. Add 2 cups (400 g) of ice and blend for 20 seconds, or until you get the consistency you like. This recipe makes 2 smoothies.
    • Pineapple smoothie recipe: Measure of skim milk and put it in a blender along with 4 ounces (113 g) of fresh or canned pineapple chunks. Set the blender to "whip" and blend for 1 minute. Pour the smoothie into a glass and add 1 tbsp (15 g) of cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil. This recipe makes 1 smoothie.
  4. Add ginger to drinks to reduce bloating. Ginger helps calm your GI tract and can help reduce bloating.[17] Add some freshly grated ginger to your green tea or boil some chopped pieces of the root to make ginger tea.
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    • Avoid drinking ginger ale, as this drink tends to have a lot of added sugar in it.
  5. Drink peppermint tea to aid in digestion. It's no accident that many restaurants offer diners peppermint candies after their meals—peppermint is a digestive aid.[18] Brew a peppermint tea or add peppermint leaves to water or green tea to reduce bloating.
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  6. Stay away from alcohol. When it comes to flattening your stomach, alcohol is not your friend. It makes your body store more of the fat you eat and burn up to 36% less fat than you normally would. It can also inhibit your body's production of fat-burning hormones.[19]
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  7. Avoid carbonated and fermented beverages. These drinks have gas in them, and when you consume them, you end up with gas in your intestinal system, which leads to a swollen and bloated belly.[20] Stay away from seltzers, sparkling water, or kombucha to keep your stomach flat.
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  8. Avoid sorbitol in diet sodas. Sorbitol is an artificial sweetener found in some diet sodas. While it adds sweetness without adding calories, the problem is that our bodies have trouble digesting the substance. And it's not just some sodas that contain sorbitol: look for it in yogurts, reduced-calorie foods, chewing gums, and hard candies.[21]
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[Edit]Creating an Illusion of a Flatter Stomach

  1. Improve your posture to flatten your stomach. Standing up taller can make you look 5 pounds lighter, so why wouldn't you do it? Stand in such a way that your pelvis is relaxed and downward with the belt line slanting forward and your backside angled back and behind (not under) you. Line your rib cage up with your stomach. Roll your shoulders back and let them drop down gently. Center your head over your spine and elongate the back of the neck by imagining a string tied to and gently lifting the crown of your head.[22]
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    • Good posture can take some getting used to, but practicing it more and more over time will make it much easier.
  2. Choose clothes that flatten and flatter your belly. There are a lot of ways to put your wardrobe to work for you in the battle against the belly. By choosing the right fabrics and styles, you can create the illusion of a smaller tummy.[23]
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    • Pick fabrics that skim the body. These include woven cotton, silk or rayon blends, and lightweight wool blends. Stay away from fabrics that cling, such as Lycra and lightweight knits; they tend to emphasize every bulge.
    • Divert the eye. Look for garments with features that draw the eye away from your midsection. For example, tops with detailing around the neckline or a ruffle down the center give the eye something else to focus on rather than your stomach. Wrap tops and dresses are also good choices, as long as they're not made from the kind of clingy fabric you're looking to avoid.
    • Add a belt. Use a wide belt in a dark color to cinch your waist, separating the hips and bust and creating a waistline.
    • Play around with patterns. Geometric and floral patterns can be a good way to disguise a bit of a belly.
    • Put color to work for you. Yes, black is the most slimming color, but it's not your only choice. Experts recommend purple, navy, burgundy, eggplant, charcoal gray and deep emerald for a slim look. Go monochromatic and dress head-to-toe in just one color—another way to look long and lean.
  3. Use shapewear. Shapewear can give you the more fashionable figure that you're looking for. It comes in many different styles, but a high-waisted bike short is the best for keeping a tummy (as well as hips and thighs) looking slimmer. Choose a control level—light, medium or firm—that gives you the look you want without causing you great discomfort or outright pain.[24]
    Get a Flatter Stomach in a Week Step 20.jpg

[Edit]Foods and Exercises to Help Get a Flat Stomach


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  • Try to become more active during the day. Even taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a start!
  • Reduce your stress levels with relaxing activities throughout the week. The less stressed you are, the easier it is to lose weight.[25]

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  2. [v161156_b01]. 18 October 2020.
  4. [v161156_b01]. 18 October 2020.
  5. [v161332_b01]. 3 March 2020.
  10. [v161332_b01]. 3 March 2020.

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