be more attractive: How to Overcome Laziness

samedi 6 juillet 2024

How to Overcome Laziness

A step-by-step guide for combating laziness and stopping procrastination

Everyone feels lazy from time-to-time, but sometimes you get stuck in a funk. What you’re experiencing is totally normal, and you have the power to change your habits for the better. We’re here to help you break out of your pattern of laziness so you can start tackling the things that are important to you. With our help, you’ll be able to beat procrastination and regain your motivation.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Clean and organize your space. Having clutter around you can negatively affect your ability to get motivated.
  • Tell yourself that you can break this habit of laziness. Negative self-talk only holds you back, so monitor your thoughts and put a positive spin on them.
  • Break large goals into smaller, more achievable goals. Accomplishing a goal, even a small one, will motivate you to keep moving forward.


[Edit]Improving Your Mindset

  1. Get organized. Having clutter around us—even when it's just visual—can be a huge downer. To start organizing, go through your space and remove any items you don’t need. Then, put the rest of your items away. Chances are, you’ll feel more motivated in a clean, organized space.[1]
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    • Keeping a daily schedule also helps you stay organized.
  2. Practice positive self-talk. You spend all day with yourself, so it’s time you start treating yourself like a best friend. When you catch negative thoughts, counter them with something positive or neutral. Do your best to talk yourself up because it’ll help you feel a lot more motivated.[2]
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    • Replace thoughts like, “I’m so lazy,” with, “I needed this rest. Now, I can tackle a new task.”
    • Tell yourself things like, “I can do this,” “Progress adds up over time, so I’m doing great,” and “I’m proud of how far I’ve come.”
  3. Figure out the real issue. Every time you start being lazy, stand back and do a little assessment of what's really happening. Laziness is generally a symptom and not the problem itself.[3] Ask yourself why you’re not feeling motivated. Most likely, the sticking issue is smaller than you think, and you can get past it more easily than you realize.
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    • Are you doing something you don’t like?
    • Are you tired or overwhelmed?
    • Are you feeling depressed or anxious?
    • Are you afraid of failure? Success?
  4. Focus on the actual problem. Breaking old habits can be difficult, so take small steps. Make a list of short tasks that will help you get to your long-term goal. Take your list one step at a time so you start feeling productive.[4]
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    • If you're tired, start devoting some time to relaxing. Everyone needs down time, so schedule breaks for yourself
    • If you're overwhelmed, try to simplify your routine. Break up what you need to do into smaller parts and prioritize.
    • If you're afraid, take a small step toward facing your fear.
    • If you're hurting, maybe the only answer is time. Grief and sadness will fade in time, and you can’t rush the process.
    • If you're uninspired, what can you change about your routine? Can you put yourself in a different environment? How can you vamp up everyday life?
  5. Practice mindfulness. Being mindful means focusing on the present moment.[5] So many of us don't take time to stop and smell the roses. We're always thinking about the next great thing instead of living in this wonderful moment that is right now. Instead of dwelling in the past or future, focus on the here and now. This will help you feel less overwhelmed, which helps you get started.
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    • Really engage your 5 senses to focus on the present. Look at the scene around you, listen to music, smell a lovely scent. Just enjoy being rooted to the earth.
  6. Picture yourself being successful. Alright, so we got you focused on the present. Now let's focus on a better present. Imagine what would happen if you did something important to you right now. Then, visualize yourself in 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years. Let that be a source of motivation with you.[6]
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    • Future you might be healthier or more successful.
    • You might be living your ideal life.

[Edit]Taking Action

  1. Start right now. Everything begins somewhere, and small steps add up quickly. Once you get started, it’s much easier to keep going. Plus, you’ll get a boost of motivation from taking that first step.[7]
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    • Try using the 5-second rule. When you start to feel stressed or get the urge to procrastinate, give yourself 5 seconds to start the activity.[8]
  2. Take your time. When you try to rush, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed—which leads to laziness. Give yourself enough time to complete each step toward your goal. Pretty soon, your progress will add up to something big.[9]
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    • For some tasks, like a big project, you might need to start earlier so you have enough time to get it all done.
    • It’s okay to switch between tasks and work on more than one goal at a time. Just make sure you’re not rushing yourself.
    • Try to focus on one task at a time rather than multitasking. You actually get more done if you focus solely on the task at hand.
  3. Give yourself pep talks. You are your own coach and your own source of inspiration. Encourage yourself to take action using positive affirmations. You’ll have yourself feeling up to any challenge that comes your way. Tell yourself things like:[10]
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    • “I can do this.”
    • “I’ve worked so hard for this, and I deserve to succeed.”
    • “I’m creating the life I want.”
    • “Every step makes a difference.”
  4. Ask for help when you need it. Many people carry around an unwarranted fear that it's wrong to ask for help. We all need help sometimes, and you don’t have to do things alone. Start relying on family and friends when you need a helping hand. Additionally, ask for advice from people who are more experienced than you are.[11]
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    • Having an accountability partner can be a big help when you’re working toward a goal. Ask a friend to check in with you regularly to see what kind of progress you’re making.
    • Make sure to surround yourself with people that support and drive you.
  5. Set yourself up for success. Be honest about what motivates you, and what distracts you. Set up your environment and your schedule so that you can easily stick to your goals. Additionally, do your best to strike a balance between working hard and getting proper rest.[12]
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    • Set deadlines for yourself, but be flexible. Sometimes you have to adjust your expectations because you underestimated a task.
  6. Compliment yourself every step of the way. You deserve a big kudos for everything you achieve, no matter how small. Whenever you finish a step, a small goal, or a signpost along the way, find ways to cheer yourself on. Making progress will feel remarkably good each time.[13]
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    • “I’m doing a great job.”
    • “I’m proud of myself for making it this far.”
    • “I knew I could do it.”
    • “I’m so talented.”

[Edit]Energizing Yourself

  1. Jump out of bed. You might crave a few extra minutes of sleep, but snoozing actually makes you feel drowsier.[14] As soon as your alarm goes off, get out of bed and start your morning routine. Keep a consistent morning routine, even on your days off.[15] Your mind will follow the cues your body is giving it, which helps you get going
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    • Try placing your alarm clock on the other side of the room so that you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off. This makes pressing the snooze button or falling back asleep much more difficult.
    • Literally jump to get your blood circulating. It may be the last thing you want to do, but if you can make yourself, you'll be all that more alive after.
  2. Set achievable goals. Having goals gives you something to work toward. To help you stay motivated, pick goals which really inspire you and that make the most of your talents and skills.[16] Once you identify your goals, break them down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.
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    • Let’s say your goal is to write a research paper. Your smaller steps might include: choose a topic, conduct research, develop a thesis, write an outline, write a first draft, revise the paper, and finalize the paper.
    • Try keeping a journal or planner so you can track what you plan to do and what you achieve.
    • Create a vision board to inspire you to pursue your goals.
  3. Make a checklist so you can check off small tasks. Every bit of progress that you make is worthy of a celebration. Keep track of all you’re accomplishing so you can pat yourself on the back. Place your checklist somewhere you’ll see it, like on your desk or refrigerator.[17]
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    • Once those checks start accumulating, you won't want to stop. You'll literally see what you've been working towards and what you're capable of and that momentum will feel so good you'll have to keep going. You'd be disappointed and feel worse if you didn't.
    • Make daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plans so you have smaller, more achievable goals.[18]
  4. Remind yourself why your goals are important to you. Focusing on your “why” helps you stay motivated to keep going. When things get tough, it’s easy to forget why you want to achieve a goal. Make a point to reflect on your goals and how they’ll help you live your best life. Ask yourself:
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    • How will this shape my future?
    • Where will I be in a year?
    • How will this make me happy?
    • What can I do better?
  5. Tell yourself you can do something. Action changes everything, so let go of your feelings of laziness. You are not defined by what went on before––you’re always in a position to reinvent yourself and make change happen. You just gotta think it and believe it.[19]
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    • Tell yourself, “I’ll do my best and celebrate my progress,” and “I’ll keep going no matter what.”
  6. Exercise most days. Exercise gives you more energy and improves your mental health.[20] If you can, exercise in the morning so you start your day off with a burst of energy. As another option, exercise in the afternoon to give yourself a second wind.
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    • It’s okay to break up your exercise into several small blocks. For instance, you might exercise for 10 minutes 3 times a day.
    • Did we mention exercise is also a huge part of being healthy? When we're healthy, we feel better on the whole. In general, most people need 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week.[21]
  7. Eat a healthy diet. Good nutrition gives you the energy to live your best life, so choose healthy meals. Opt for foods like lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. On the other hand, limit pre-packaged snacks and sugary foods because they're lacking in nutrition.[22]
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    • Vitamins and supplements can also help boost your nutrition.
    • If you're worried you have a nutritional deficiency, talk to your doctor.
  8. Dress for the life you want. What you wear has a big impact on your mental health. Wearing clothes that make you feel fabulous can actually motivate you to go after your goals. Change up your wardrobe so it reflects what you really want for yourself.[23] When you dress differently, you change your actions, as well.
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    • When in doubt, wear outfits that make you look and feel your best.

[Edit]Staying Motivated

  1. Reward yourself for every achievement. Giving yourself small rewards goes a long way toward keeping you motivated. You deserve a little pick me up! Pick rewards that make you feel good but are easy to do.[24] Here are some ideas you could try:
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    • Watch a movie.
    • Take a long break.
    • Eat your favorite dessert.
    • Purchase something you’ve been wanting.
  2. Write down your goals each week. A list of weekly goals will help you stay focused and motivated. As you go, it's inevitable that your goals will change. You'll also pinpoint the ways that are most effective for achieving them. As they morph, so should your list.[25]
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    • Post the list somewhere you can see it, like in your workspace or on your phone’s lock screen.
  3. Remind yourself that hard work is worth it. Success is typically 99% work and only 1% talent. If you stick with it, you can achieve your goals. When you hit an obstacle, picture yourself in the future once you’ve reached your goal so you can remember why you need to keep going.[26]
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    • You won't be a great businessman, a great runner, a great cook, or even great at your job overnight. It’s normal to experience failures on the road to success, so keep going.
  4. Declutter your schedule. Having too many activities or distractions in your daily life can make it easy to avoid the things you need to do. Start trimming your schedule by eliminating tasks you don’t really need to do. Additionally, see if there’s anything you can delegate. Finally, schedule in time to focus on your goals.[27]
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    • For instance, you might be able to ask family members or roommates to help with some of your chores.
    • Similarly, you might decide to drop a hobby so you have more time to work on the goal that’s most important to you.
  5. Stay on track. There will be times when it gets harder and post-reward you can sometimes feel a bit flat about returning to the task at hand. In such times, draw on your inner reserves to remind yourself of the goal or solution sought to stay focused. Make the most of feeling that you're on a roll and use that feeling to leap to another task or goal as soon as you're done rewarding yourself.[28]
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    • Remember to just get started. You can do this!
  6. Don't give up. Everyone encounters setbacks, so don’t get discouraged when you fall behind. Just take that next step and keep going. As you work through challenges, you’ll get better and better at bouncing back. Soon, you’ll be unstoppable.[29]
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  • Surround yourself with people who uplift you, whether it is through media, technology or otherwise. The love, support and encouragement of others can boost your inner strength.
  • Drink cold water when you feel lazy because water stimulates your brain.
  • Try using the 20/10 technique. A 20/10 is 20 minutes of completing a task followed by a 10-minute break.
  • Meditating can reduce laziness by improving your alertness and awareness of the present moment as you pay attention to your breathing, posture and five senses.


  • It’s normal to feel demotivated at times, especially if you’re going through a rough time. If you’re struggling to regain your motivation, talk to a therapist.

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[Edit]Quick Summary

  4. [v161214_b01]. 25 November 2019.
  5. [v161214_b01]. 25 November 2019.
  15. [v161214_b01]. 25 November 2019.
  16. [v161214_b01]. 25 November 2019.
  18. [v161214_b01]. 25 November 2019.

source How to of the Day

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