be more attractive: How to Funny Compliments

jeudi 27 février 2025

How to Funny Compliments

Plus, how to give a funny compliment that makes them smile

Have you ever had the urge to pay someone a compliment that brightened their day and made them laugh? If so, this article is for you. We put together a complete list of funny compliments to help you give the people in your life an ego boost with a side of laughter. We’ll also cover how to deliver your funny compliments so they get the reaction you’re going for every time!


[Edit]Funny Compliments for a Girl

  1. Charm her with a compliment that tickles her funny bone. Keep the tone playful and sweet instead of sarcastic. Remember, the goal is to make her laugh and feel appreciated, so it’s super important to balance your silliness with sincerity. Here are a few funny compliments for girls to get you started:
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    • “You’re so inspiring! You make me want to actually put my dirty laundry into the hamper instead of in a pile next to it.”
    • “You’re so smart. I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink.”
    • “Even if you were cloned, you'd still be the better-looking one.”
    • “I’d choose you over pizza any day.”
    • “You’re so beautiful I’d steal your photos and make a fake account to catfish people.”
    • “Your hair smells nice. Not that I’m standing here smelling your hair. That would be weird.”
    • “You're so hot! The primary reason for global warming is either you or cow farts.”
    • “I can't take my eyes off of you. Unless you notice me, then I'll quickly look away and act like it never happened.”
    • “I’d love to spend every minute of every day with you, but they kind of expect me to do stuff at work.”
    • “I trust you so much I’d give you my favorite hoodie and not even ask for it back right away.”

[Edit]Funny Compliments for Him

  1. Win his heart with a compliment that makes him chuckle. Lean into a little playful exaggeration or compare him to legendary figures, but in a way that pokes fun at him a little. That way, you build him up a little and impress him with your keen sense of humor. Try one of these compliments:
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    • “I like you so much. If you called, I’d actually answer my phone instead of just texting you back.”
    • “I bet you make babies smile.”
    • “Tell your parents I said, ‘well done.’”
    • “Except for sleeping and eating, you’re the best part of my day.”
    • “You know what I'm thankful for? You…and Nutella.”
    • “You smell so good; they should make you into a candle.”
    • “You make other guys realize they need to work out more.”
    • “You’re nerdy but in a really cute way – like a comic convention with deodorant.”
    • “You’re so charming you could be the leader of a cult. Wait. Are you the leader of a cult?”
    • “You have the beard of a lumberjack combined with a Greek god.”

[Edit]Funny Compliments for Friends

  1. Tell your friends you admire them…while making them laugh. You know all your friends’ quirks and inside jokes, so use that information to give them a side-splitting compliment. Use your memories together or shared experiences to say something nice. Just make sure you reference specific things only a true friend would understand and appreciate.
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    • “Truth be told, you have really good taste in friends.”
    • “You make me laugh so hard I need to get some of those adult diapers.”
    • “Your hair is so bouncy and shiny it belongs in a shampoo commercial.”
    • “You’re the only person in the world I don’t want to punch in the throat.”
    • “You know…you have a perfectly shaped head.”
    • “Looking like a complete idiot isn’t fun unless we do it together.”
    • “You know, you’re almost as awesome as cake. Almost.”
    • “I will always be there for you…even if you haven’t showered for days.”
    • “I’m always amazed by the things you don’t find embarrassing about me.”
    • “You’re my favorite drunken karaoke duet partner.”
    • “Hanging out with you is like finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag.”

[Edit]Funny Compliments for Kids

  1. Pay little ones a compliment that makes them giggle with delight. Bring out your silly side when you compliment kids. Remember to keep the humor age-appropriate so they understand what you’re saying. Be playful and use your imagination, but make your compliments specific enough that the kid understands that you’re not only saying something silly.
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    • “Puppies and kittens probably share photos of you with each other on their social media.”
    • “You’re smarter than Google.”
    • “I tell everyone how amazing you are. Especially that one time you coughed and farted simultaneously.”
    • “You’re the one person I can count on to tell me when I have a booger sticking out of my nose.”
    • “If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the big box with the cool built-in sharpener.”
    • “You’re so fun and cute; I bet you poop glitter.”
    • “You’re more fun than bubble wrap.”
    • “I don’t really like kids, but you’re the exception.”
    • “If you were a booger, I’d pick you first.”
    • “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”

[Edit]Funny Compliments for Co-Workers

  1. Keep your co-workers in stitches with funny flattery. Make compliments at work professional and appropriate. That doesn’t mean you can’t be funny, though. Say something creative and unexpected. Just make sure the humor focuses on what they do and say at work…but with a humorous twist.
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    • “Your humor is like a dog whistle. It mostly goes undetected. But to those that get it, they really get it.”
    • “When you say, ‘I meant to do that,’ I actually believe you.”
    • “You’re the only reason I didn’t riot when they made working in the office mandatory again.”
    • “Work is better when you’re here. Not great. Just better."
    • “I love your confidence. Can you send some of it my way?”
    • “You’re cool because you don’t judge me when I get excited about something lame.”
    • “When it comes to getting work done, I know I can count on you to not let me finish it.”
    • “I have days when I think, ‘Yeah, I’m not getting anything done today.’ And on those days, I know I can trust you to get nothing done with me.”
    • “Thanks for your help on that big project. I can’t pay you, but I hid all the best snacks in the break room for you.”
    • “When I leave this company, can I get you in the divorce?”

[Edit]Funny Compliments for Strangers

  1. Make a stranger snicker with zany praise. Keep things light by focusing on their personal style or what they’re doing at that moment. Be careful, though. Strangers don’t know you – or your sense of humor – like the people you know and love. Try to pay close attention to how they react so your compliment doesn’t make them uncomfortable.
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    • “In high school, I bet you were voted “most likely to be awesome.”
    • “You have Disney princess/prince hair.”
    • “If you were a superhero, your power would be stealing the spotlight.”
    • “If you were any more amazing, you’d be twins.”
    • “I really like that you understand my sarcasm. It’s in an advanced form, and not everyone gets it.”
    • “You’re so efficient; you could cook Minute rice in 30 seconds.”
    • “You’re so coordinated that you could tie your shoes with your feet.”
    • “You’re so talented, I bet you sneeze with your eyes open.”
    • “I don’t know if sarcasm is a skill, but you’ve certainly mastered it.”
    • “Please stop hogging all the charisma, the rest of us would like a chance.”

[Edit]Romantic Funny Compliments

  1. Show your appreciation for your sweetheart with a little humor. Keep your comments sweet and silly to make them feel special…and laugh out loud. Make the compliments personal and heartfelt. Try being a little more adventurous with humorous exaggeration to show them how over-the-top your appreciation for them is.
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    • “If there’s one thing I like about you, it’s that I like more than just one thing about you.”
    • “From this day forward, all my birthday and Christmas wishes will be about you.”
    • “You’re the ‘nothing’ I’m referring to when people ask me what I’m thinking about.”
    • “You're like when one of my favorite socks disappears in the dryer. I don't know how I lost you, but I really want you back.”
    • “You may not be ridiculously good-looking, but you’re pretty damn close.”
    • “You’re so damn sexy that children below 18 shouldn’t be allowed to look at you without parental supervision.”
    • “I’m so lucky you’re not a drug. If you were, I’d be an addict, and then I’d have to go to rehab.”
    • “You’re astonishingly gorgeous, and that’s the least interesting thing about you.”
    • “It sucks that you don’t see what I see in you. Because if you did, you’d just stare and keep smiling.”
    • “I bet cartoon birds help you get ready every morning.”

[Edit]Funny Backhanded Compliments

  1. Take on your rival with a funny compliment that’s actually an insult. Be very, very careful paying funny backhanded compliments. They aren’t actually compliments at all and could really hurt someone’s feelings. But when they work, they’re downright hilarious. Try these out with close friends who know you well and share your sense of humor…or your nemesis!
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    • “Your vibe is so chill people fall asleep around you.”
    • “I don’t believe half the bad things they say about you.”
    • “You’re the first person that comes to mind whenever I need money.”
    • “You'd make a great truck driver.”
    • “You look pretty good for someone who plays table tennis.”
    • “Your new hairstyle makes you look so much younger!”
    • “You could be a part-time model!”
    • “You’re not clumsy. The floor and the walls are just really friendly to you.”
    • “You have a unique set of skills that can somehow turn any situation into an awkward one.”
    • “When you make a mistake, you always fix it...just not right away.”

[Edit]Short Funny Compliments

  1. Keep your compliments short, sweet…and hilarious. Master the art of quick wit with a few words. It helps to choose snappy yet memorable compliments that don’t need a lot of setup. Try to focus on wordplay and puns that get to the point – and the laugh – quickly.
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    • “If you were a fruit, you’d be a FINE-apple.”
    • “Are you a beaver? Because damn!”
    • “In a world full of bagels, you’re a doughnut.”
    • “You’re cooler than a secret handshake.”
    • “No one understands me like you do – not even me.”
    • “I think you’re as awesome as I think I am.”
    • “You’re the only one I let control the music when I drive.”
    • “I love you like waffles love Nutella.”
    • “You make me laugh so hard I pee a little.”
    • “I brag to all my friends about you.”

[Edit]Funny One-Word Compliments

  1. Use 1 word to show appreciation and make them laugh. Really take your funny compliment game to the next level by making one word do double duty. Use your expression and tone to make the work more complimentary and funnier. Try using current slang to make the compliment even funnier, especially if you don’t normally say it.
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    • “DAY-UM!”
    • “Slay”
    • “Ate”
    • “Dope”
    • “Gucci”
    • “DYN-O-MITE!”
    • “Snatched”
    • “Savage”
    • “GOAT!”
    • “Fire”

[Edit]Funny Pop Culture Compliments

  1. Add a reference to your compliment for an extra dash of humor. Use current shows, movies, songs, and memes in your compliments to punch up the humor. Stick with current pop culture or the other person’s favorites to make the funny compliment pack the most punch. Just remember, pop culture references get old pretty quickly, so make sure you keep your material fresh.
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    • “You’re cuter than Baby Yoda with a soup cup.”
    • “You are Kenough.”
    • “This ain’t the moon of Endor, but you Ewok my world.”
    • “Looking at you is like hearing the Beatles for the first time.”
    • “You embody all the best qualities of each Hogwarts house rolled into one.”
    • “You’re the only person I know who could definitely win Survivor.”
    • “If you’re the Incredible Hulk, I’m your pants: No matter what changes you’re going through, we always magically end up together.”
    • “Your extreme mental and physical appeal makes me want to live long and prosper with you.”
    • “You’re cooler than two lone wolves howling at the moon while “Don’t Stop Believin'” plays in the background.”
    • “You’ve got what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse.”

[Edit]Funniest Compliments

  1. Save these compliments for when you want to bring the house down. The most hysterical compliments are more than just funny flattery. Choose your timing wisely so they’re surprising and they reference the current situation. Remember, the funniest compliments come from noticing something about the other person and coming up with something creative and unexpected.
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    • “Your dance moves are so smooth; butter is taking notes.”
    • “If I were a serial killer, I’d kill you last.”
    • “I don’t care what they say. I’d put your oxygen mask on first.”
    • “I’m so comfortable with you. You’re like human sweatpants.”
    • “You make me laugh so hard I snort like a pig.”
    • “You make my stupid ideas sound smart.”
    • “When I’m upset, you’re the first person I want to talk to…which sucks for you, but you take it like a champ!”
    • “You’re just my kind of weird.”
    • “Thank you for not thinking I’m weird. I mean, we both know I’m weird, but you accept it, and that makes me happy.”
    • “Being friends with you is like peeing my pants: warm, a relief and something the whole world will eventually see.”

[Edit]How to Give Funny Compliments

  1. Make the compliment sincere and personal. The key to paying any type of compliment is to mean what you say. It’s also important to compliment the person on something more than just surface things like looks. Though it’s perfectly fine to compliment a person’s looks, try to be more unique by complimenting non-physical attributes, like their personality, values, or actions.[1]
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    • Add humor to the compliment, not the other way around. When you pay a funny compliment, the compliment is always the most important part.
    • Make the person feel genuinely appreciated and valued with a sincere compliment. Then, treat the humor as icing on the cake.
  2. Try using the “Rule of 3” to be funny and complimentary. In comedy, the “Rule of 3” says to pair 2 ideas that go together to set up the joke. Then, use a third idea to break the pattern in a surprising – and funny – way. This method is easy to remember and works whether you’re writing or telling someone how much you admire them.[2]
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    • For example, say something like, “You’re handsome, witty, and tall enough to reach the top shelf at a grocery store.
    • When you use the “Rule of 3,” don’t get too flowery with your compliments. This method works best when you keep things short and snappy.
  3. Practice by giving more compliments and injecting them with humor. When it comes to comedy and compliments, practicing is the best way to get better and develop your skills. If you feel like you don’t have a sense of humor, practicing can help you build confidence and develop comedic timing.[3]
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    • Start small by challenging yourself to give 5 random compliments every day. Then, inject a little humor with the help of the “Rule of 3.”
    • The best part is that even if your jokes don’t hit, you’ll still be making the other person feel good with a genuine compliment or two.


source How to of the Day

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