be more attractive: mars 2025

samedi 8 mars 2025

How to Strengthen Character

There are many ways to describe being a “strong” person. Some common traits include honesty, loyalty, and a good work ethic. You can follow some common guidelines to strengthen multiple aspects of your character. You’ll want to work on improving your best qualities--this will allow you to fully develop into your best self. It is also helpful to work on practicing more empathy and expressing gratitude. Finally, you can build a strong character by taking on leadership roles and facing challenges head on.


[Edit]Focusing on Your Best Qualities

  1. Be more honest. Honesty is a key component of your character. Show others that you are honest by making your actions match your words. For example, if you tell your partner that you will be more supportive of their career, show them you mean it. You could make a point to ask them about a big project they're on or you could offer to take over dinner duty during a particularly busy time.[1]
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    • You can also become more honest by acting sincere. Don't feel that you always have to act a certain way. Give honest reactions.
    • For example, you can say to your partner, "I'm sorry I wasn't more supportive earlier. I think it was because I just miss you when you're at work."
  2. Build your self-awareness. Self-awareness means paying getting to know yourself on a deeper level. By being self-aware, you can understand how your ideas and reactions are shaped. Getting a better sense of who you are can help you build your character. Set aside time to self-reflect each day. You can ask yourself questions such as, "Why did I react like that when Sue said that?" and "How could I improve my reaction the next time there is a conflict?"[2]
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    • Meditation is also a great way to gain self-awareness. You can learn to meditate by downloading an app, taking a class, or reading a book on meditation. You can also just sit quietly and see where your thoughts take you!
  3. Gain more self-control. You can develop your self-control by making small changes to your daily life. For example, you could work on controlling impulse eating. When you're about to reach for a late night snack, stop and ask yourself if you're actually hungry. Then drink a big glass of water instead. You can consciously think about controlling your impulses.[3]
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    • Making your bed daily is a great habit to commit to. It will help you develop discipline, which you can then use in other parts of your life.
  4. Practice integrity. Living with integrity means that you're being true to the person you are inside. If your actions don't match your beliefs, then you will always feel unsettled inside. Know and honor your personal values and morals in your everyday life. Make your decisions based on these values, and don't bend to peer pressure.[4]
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    • Join a cause that fits with your values.
    • Think about how your decisions fall in line with your beliefs.
    • Change habits that are out of line with your beliefs.
    • Be honest.
  5. Take responsibility for your mistakes and make things right. Everyone makes mistakes, but how you handle them shows your character. Be honest when you've messed up, and do what you can to make amends for your actions. Depending on the situation, you may need to apologize. Other times, you may need to change your behavior or take action to make up for what you did.
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    • Work with the person you harmed to come up with a solution.
    • Consider ways that you could balance the situation.
    • If you make a mistake or do harm to someone else, admit your mistake and make it right. You could say, "I'm sorry that I took credit for your idea. I'm going to tell everyone that you're the one who thought of it."
  6. Take calculated risks. There are lots of reasons to take risks, such as increasing your confidence and finding new ways to pursue success. A calculated risk is when you have weighed the risks and the benefits. Don't dive headfirst into something that you haven't thought about.[5]
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    • For example, maybe you've dreamed of starting your own photography business. It probably doesn't make sense to suddenly quit your job and depend on a brand new business. A better strategy would be to start small. Try booking photography gigs on the weekend. As your business develops, you could think more seriously about pursuing your passion full time.
  7. Practice patience. It's normal to find yourself feeling impatient at times. Maybe you've had to bite your tongue when a co-worker didn't immediately grasp a concept. You can build your patience with some work. Start by trying to view the situation through the lens of the other person. You could think, "Oh, maybe Mary doesn't understand what I'm saying because she doesn't have the same background in technology as I do. I could use less jargon in explaining it."
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    • You can also ask questions and listen carefully. Start with, "Mary, I'd love to help you understand. What points are unclear?" Then listen to Mary's response and try a new approach.[6]
  8. Ask someone you trust for feedback. Sometimes it can be hard to be objective about yourself. If you’re serious about making some improvements, consider asking someone else to give you some feedback. Make sure to choose someone who can be honest and constructive at the same time.[7]
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    • Your best friend might be a good choice for this exercise. You could say, “Tom, I’m really looking for ways to be a stronger person. What do you think are some strengths and weaknesses of my character?”
    • Accept their feedback with gratitude, and take steps to implement some of the recommended changes.

[Edit]Practicing Empathy and Gratitude

  1. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If you can become more empathetic, you’ll be able to better understand other people. You can strengthen your character by being able to relate to others and helping them. Try to imagine what someone else is going through. For example, maybe your friend recently lost a sibling. Think about how that might feel and how you would react. Try to think about what you could do to make your friend feel better.[8]
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    • You can also take this further and actually experience what the other person is dealing with. For example, maybe your partner is frustrated because they do all of the cooking. Try taking over dinner duty for the week so that you can understand why they feel stress.
  2. Challenge prejudices in yourself and others. Most people have assumptions or even prejudices against others. These might be conscious or unconscious. For example, maybe you think that people who haven’t graduated from college are not intelligent. Try to train your brain to be more open minded and accepting of others.[9]
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    • Take note of your prejudices. When you find yourself making assumptions, make a mental note. Being aware of bias is the first part in addressing it.
    • Next time you have these thoughts, work to actively change your mindset. Instead of thinking, “That person must not be smart,” think, “Wow, they managed to get a good job despite not have a college degree. That’s pretty impressive.”
  3. Start a gratitude practice. Gratitude is an important part of character strength because it demonstrates an awareness of the people and things around you. You can develop gratitude by intentionally making it part of your everyday life. For example, you can end each day by thinking of 3 things that you are grateful for.[10]
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    • You can also try keeping a gratitude journal where you write down things that you are grateful for. You could make notes throughout the day or devote 10 minutes each evening to journaling.
    • You could write, “Today I was given an opportunity to volunteer at the animal shelter. I’m grateful that I was able to do something constructive on this Saturday morning.”
  4. Express your gratitude towards others. You can also turn your gratitude outwards. Make it a point to say “thank you” every time someone does something for you. You can also make it a point to show appreciation for things that don’t directly affect you.[11]
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    • For example, you could say to a co-worker, “Thank you for landing that new client. An increase in business is good for all of us.”
    • You can make your comments specific. You could try, “I really appreciate that you brought me some chicken soup when I was sick. You’re really thoughtful.”

[Edit]Taking on Leadership Roles

  1. Speak up if you are shy. You can build your character by taking on more responsibility. It will help expand your knowledge base and give you a new perspective. Begin by looking at how you communicate with others. If you are typically afraid to speak up, make an effort to let your voice be heard.[12]
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    • Maybe you are on the music committee at your church. If you feel strongly that a piece of music should be used in an upcoming service, speak up and make your point clearly.
    • At work, try to participate more in meetings. People will be responsive if you state your ideas clearly and confidently.
  2. Let others speak first if you are typically vocal. You can also show leadership by showing restraint. If you are generally very talkative, try letting someone else be heard. Then you can think before you speak and thoughtfully respond.[13]
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    • If you generally set the agenda for the weekend, ask your partner if there are some specific things that they would like to do.
    • It’s great to actively participate in class discussions. But you’ll learn something by listening to others, too.
  3. Be open to learning new things. Being open-minded allows you to gain new knowledge and perspective. Each time you learn something new, you are building on your knowledge base and becoming a stronger person. Don't just be open to learning new things, seek out opportunities to do so.
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    • You could apply this at work. Say to your boss, “I’d love to learn more about the accounting side of our operation. Could I sit in on your meeting this afternoon?”[14]
  4. Make and pursue attainable goals. Setting clear goals can help you define your priorities. You'll become a stronger person as you work towards making your goals a reality. Choose something that you want to work on and make that your focus. You can do this in your personal life as well as at work or school.
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    • For example, maybe you set a goal of learning to speak Spanish. Identify the best way to make that happen and get to work.
    • You could find a class to take at a community college or look for an online course. You could also purchase a product like Rosetta Stone.
    • Make a schedule for how you will spend your time. Track your progress.
    • Working towards clear goals can help you develop discipline, which is part of developing strength of character.
  5. Ask for help when you need it. Some people consider asking for help a sign of weakness. Actually, it shows a strength of character by illustrating that you can identify and articulate your needs. Make your requests specific and clear.
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    • Instead of saying to your partner, "I need more help around the house!" try, "It would be great if you could be in charge of the laundry and walking the dog from now on."
  6. Highlight the strengths of others. Empowering others is a great way to raise everyone, including yourself. Good leaders know that building people up is better for you than trying to tear them down. Make sure that you are communicating with your team, and making everyone's contributions matter.[15]
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    • Point out people's strengths and help them build upon them. You could say, "You really have a talent for making presentations. Would you like to speak on behalf of the group?"
    • Focus on the success of the team instead of just yourself. Approach leadership as a "we" instead of a "me."
  7. Face challenges head on. Instead of turning away from a problem, find a way to deal with it. You'll need to evaluate the situation objectively and avoid an emotional response. Then you can work on finding and implementing a solution.[16]
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    • For example, say you are managing a team at work and one of your key players resigns without notice. Instead of getting angry, focus on the situation. You'll probably need to redistribute the work. Call a team meeting, explain the situation, and ask for ideas. Then you can reassign the work and keep moving forward.


  • Determine specific parts of you character that you want to strengthen.
  • Remember that your definition of strong does not have to be the same as someone else’s.

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source How to of the Day

How to Win at Connect 4

Build your strategic thinking skills by cracking this popular 2-person game

Connect 4 is a popular game with an unbeatable winning strategy. Learn that strategy and you'll win every game of Connect 4 you ever play—provided you make no mistakes. But nobody's perfect, and that's why people keep playing this deceptively challenging game. Read on to learn how to shock (or frustrate) your friends by becoming the master of Connect 4 strategy.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Make the first move to start the game on the attack and more easily control the board.
  • Maximize your possibilities of getting 4 in a row by making most of your moves in the center of the board.
  • Anticipate how your opponent will react to your moves so you can plan your strategy.
  • Connect 3 checkers with an open space on both ends so your opponent can't block you.


[Edit]Starting the Game

  1. Put your checker in the center column if you're first. Your Connect 4 board has 7 columns, which means there's one exactly in the center. Because a checker in the center column allows you to make a Connect 4 in all possible directions, this is the best possible first move.[1]
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    • When you're playing a little kid or someone who's never played before, be nice and let them make the first move. You'll probably still win, but this gives them a bit of an edge.
  2. Play your checker on top of your opponent's if you're second. The first player definitely has an advantage in Connect 4, but that doesn't mean you automatically lose if you're second. By putting your checker on top of your opponent's checker in the same column, you can guarantee at least a draw.
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    • This strategy works best if your opponent drops their first checker in the center column. If they put it somewhere else, take the center column to gain the upper hand.
  3. Focus on controlling the center column. Any horizontal or diagonal series of 4 checkers must include a checker in the center column. Put as many of your checkers as possible in the center column and you have a much greater chance of winning.[2]
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    • For example, if you put your first checker in the center column and your opponent puts their first checker on top of yours, put your second checker in the center column as well.
    • If you're the second player and you can't control the center column, gain control of one of the columns on either side of it and you'll guarantee at least a draw.
  4. Play offensively rather than defensively whenever you can. Focus on making connections by placing your checkers close together in the center of the board. Block your opponent when you have to, but try not to get too caught up in defense.[3]
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    • As the second player, it's going to be tough for you to build much of an offense. But you still have a chance if the first player misses that key first move or makes some other mistake.
    • If you're having trouble building up much of an offense, you could also try distracting your opponent or making comments to try to get in their head and get them flustered so they make a mistake.

[Edit]Reading Your Opponent

  1. Anticipate your opponent's reaction to any potential move. When you're contemplating where to put your checker, look at your opponent's checkers. If you put your checker where you're thinking, what will they do? How will that affect your options for your next move?[4]
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    • Because Connect 4 requires this sort of thinking, it helps build your strategy skills for more complicated games, such as chess.
    • This is one of the things that makes this a great game to play with little kids. If you're older and want to help them, talk them through their moves or ask them questions, such as, "What do you think I'm going to do if you put your checker there?"
  2. Figure out your opponent's options after every move they make. Why did your opponent put their checker where they did? Were they blocking you or working on an offensive strategy? How does their move potentially help them? Asking these questions helps you get into your opponent's mind and understand their strategy.[5]
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    • For example, you might place your checker in the center column as the first move. Then, your opponent drops their checker directly on top of yours. This means they're trying to get as many checkers in the center column as possible.
    • It also helps to put yourself in your opponent's position. If their checkers were yours, what would your strategy be? What would you do to win the game?
  3. Force your opponent to respond to 3-checker threats to take momentum. Any Connect 4 strategy requires multiple moves to build. Try to get 3 checkers in a row anywhere—even if they're not building up to anything else. They'll have to block you immediately, which will pull them out of offense mode. Then you have the opportunity to strike.[6]
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    • For example, you might drop a checker next to 2 you've already got to put 3 in a row horizontally. If it's cut off on one side, it's easy for your opponent to block you—but having to do that takes them away from their offensive strategy for at least one move.
  4. Block your opponent's checkers when they have 2 in a row. Putting one of your checkers next to your opponent's series of 2 means now they can only make a series of 4 in one direction. If you cut them off, they can't get 3 in a row and potentially trap you.[7]
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    • For example, if your opponent has 2 checkers lined up on the bottom row, go ahead and drop a checker on either end to close off at least one of their opportunities to build a threat. Then, if they put a third checker on the other side, you can easily block it.

[Edit]Building Traps

  1. Try to get 3 checkers in a row with open spaces on either end. This is pretty hard to do if you're playing against a good player. But if you can pull it off, you've won the game! Controlling the center column is really important for building these kinds of opportunities.[8]
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    • For example, if you drop a checker down one of the end columns, you're cutting off any opportunity to use this strategy. This is the main reason the end columns are the worst places to drop your checkers.
  2. Force your opponent to put a checker under a game-winning space. As your game progresses, be on the lookout for a spot where both you and your opponent have a 3-checker line ending up at the same space. Whoever puts a checker in that space wins the game, which means you don't want to put a checker directly under it. But if you build up another threat that uses the space directly under the game-winning space, your opponent has no choice but to block you.[9]
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    • For example, you might build up a diagonal 3 that would use the space under the game-winning space to give you 4 in a row. Diagonals are great because they're really versatile and not as easy to see as horizontals or verticals.
  3. Create a "7" with your checkers for an unbeatable Connect 4 strategy. This is a strategy that you have to play out over multiple moves—while also watching your opponent's moves and blocking them where you need to. It's not at all easy to get this in place, but once you do, you've essentially won.[10]
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    • So, for example, you might have 3 checkers going up in a diagonal, and then at the top of the diagonal, you have 3 checkers horizontally. That gives you a diagonal and horizontal threat.
    • With a 7 anywhere on the board (and turned in any direction), it's only a matter of time before your opponent is trapped in a situation where you have two game-winning spaces and they can only block one of them.



  • Take your time when placing tokens! You have complete, open information on the board. If you do make a mistake, don't verbalize it, as your opponent might not realize the pattern you're seeing.[11]

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source How to of the Day

How to Reality Check Quiz

We all have blind spots, especially when it comes to the ways we treat others (and ourselves). Unfortunately, it can be pretty tough to take a really objective look at what your own weak points are.

We’re here to help. Hit “Start Quiz” to rip off the Band-aid and see what your blind spots really are. Keep in mind, though—this quiz is just for fun!

A road sign stands out in front of a blue sky, reading, "Welcome to Reality."

[Edit]Questions Overview

What Kind of Reality Check Do I Need?
Take this quiz to find out!

Quizzes Are More Fun With Friends

Share this quiz with your friends and compare results.

1. Pick a sea creature:
  1. Sea turtle
  2. Dolphin
  3. Crab
  4. Cuttlefish
2. Would you redo the past 10 years of your life if you were given the chance?
  1. Yes, without hesitation.
  2. Maybe—that doesn’t sound so bad.
  3. I’d have to think about it. It could be a great chance to help others more!
  4. No. That sounds like way too much work.
3. Which of the seven deadly sins do you most relate to?
  1. Wrath or greed
  2. Sloth
  3. Lust or gluttony
  4. Pride or envy
4. Which of these holidays do you like the most?
  1. Valentine’s Day
  2. St. Patrick’s Day
  3. April Fool’s Day
  4. Labor Day
5. Which unflattering yearbook superlative are you winning?
  1. Most Likely to Win the Lottery after Going Broke
  2. Most Likely to Waste Money on a Yacht
  3. Most Likely to Be Forgotten
  4. Most Likely to Take Their Parking Ticket to Court
6. Your boss just gave you 0. What are you doing with the money?
  1. Treating myself to something super nice. I deserve it!
  2. Nothing. I’ll probably just save it.
  3. Ask if they’re sure. I feel guilty taking it!
  4. Ask for a little bit more.
7. Choose a foreign word that doesn’t have an exact English translation:
  1. Schadenfreude: taking pleasure from others’ misery
  2. Fernweh: a feeling of longing or nostalgia for somewhere you’ve never visited
  3. Tsundoku: buying several books and then never reading them
  4. Greng jai: A deep sense of thoughtfulness and consideration for another person’s feelings
8. What are your plans for the weekend?
  1. Helping out my friend with a project.
  2. Forcing my friends to see a movie with me.
  3. Taking a nap and lounging around.
  4. Waiting in dread as Monday quickly approaches.
9. Which of the four elements do you resonate with the most?
  1. Water
  2. Earth
  3. Fire
  4. Air
10. Why did you steal a cookie from the cookie jar?
  1. It was there.
  2. I deserved it.
  3. I was stealing it for a friend.
  4. I was hoping no one would notice.
11. You’re not going to school today. What’s your excuse?
  1. My brain is all over the place today.
  2. I just don’t feel like it.
  3. I’m helping my parent/guardian with something important.
  4. I dunno. I’ll make something up the morning of.
12. Time for a self-roast! Which pair of words best describes you?
  1. Overwhelmed and exploited.
  2. Insecure and rash.
  3. Unmotivated and apathetic.
  4. Self-centered and anxious.

More Quizzes

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[Edit]Tips & Tricks to Be Your Best Self

With each new day comes a new chance to learn, grow, and become the very best version of yourself. While everyone’s life journey is a little different, here are a few tips that can help just about anyone put their best foot forward in the future.

  • Practice mindful meditation. Mindful meditation is all about focusing on the present moment with a clear and carefree mind. Take a few minutes each day to focus on the immediate moment, like how you’re breathing and what you’re sensing. Just a little bit of mindfulness can go a long way in how you think and feel!
  • Practice self reflection. Each day, take a little bit of time to better understand yourself by asking open-ended questions, like What made me happy today? or What could I have done better? Let your mind wander as you reflect on these questions and search for the answers.
  • Adopt a growth mindset. It can be tough living up to your potential when you don’t think that it’s possible to change or improve—this is known as a “fixed” mindset. Adopting a growth mindset is all about believing in your ability to grow and improve, even if those changes don’t happen all at once.
  • Practice gratitude daily. Set aside a little bit of time each day to really think about what you’re thankful for—it might be a roof over your head, or a friendly interaction you had with someone at the store. To really get in the habit of practicing gratitude, try keeping a journal where you jot down a few good things that you noticed/experienced throughout the day.
  • Hone your reappraisal skills. Reappraisal revolves around looking at negative situations and scenarios in ways that are a little more positive. For instance, instead of thinking I can’t believe I did so poorly on that test, you might think Now I know where my weak spots are so I can study more effectively next time.
  • Do at least 1 act of kindness every day. Doing something nice for someone else won’t just make them feel happy—it’ll make you feel happy, too! Look for opportunities to make someone’s life just a little bit easier, whether that’s holding a door for a stranger or spotting your friend for coffee.
  • Take a break from social media. Let’s face it: while social media can be a helpful way to stay connected, it makes it all too easy to compare yourself with others. Give yourself a break by logging out of your socials for a couple of days (or even deleting the apps from your phone).
  • Practice self-care. Self-care centers on activities that help boost your health overall. Simple things, like getting 30 minutes of daily exercise, drinking water, getting enough sleep, and taking time to relax each day are all important ways to stay healthy and be your best self.

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source How to of the Day

How to Strengthen Character

There are many ways to describe being a “strong” person. Some common traits include honesty, loyalty, and a good work ethic. You can follow...