be more attractive: avril 2017

dimanche 30 avril 2017

How to Apply for Section 8 Housing in California

Section 8 is a federal program that helps people pay their rent. If approved, you receive a voucher that the state’s housing authority pays directly to your landlord. You then pay the difference in the rent.[1] To apply, visit your local housing authority and complete an application. Because demand for vouchers is heavy in California, you should also consider applying for public housing.


EditQualifying for Section 8

  1. Calculate your income. Section 8 is an income-based program. Accordingly, you need to have an income lower than your area’s median income for a family of your size. Add up all sources of income, including the following:[2]
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    • wages
    • tips
    • overtime
    • commissions
    • retirement income
    • pension
    • Social Security benefits
    • workers’ compensation benefits
    • unemployment benefits
    • child support
    • alimony
    • welfare assistance
  2. Compare your income to your area’s median. The median is the midpoint—half of all people will have income above this point and half will have income below. You can find your median here: Based on your income, you’ll be placed into one of three categories:[3]
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    • Low income. You earn 80% or less of your area’s median income.
    • Very low income. You earn 50% or less of the area’s median income.
    • Extremely low income. You earn 30% or less of the area’s median income. By law, 75% of all vouchers are given to people in the extremely low income category.[4]
  3. Meet other requirements. To qualify for Section 8, you must meet additional requirements. You can check all requirements with your local housing authority:
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    • Immigration status. The Section 8 program is limited to U.S. citizens and certain categories of non-citizens with eligible immigration status.[5] If your family has ineligible immigrants, then your benefit amount will be reduced provided you qualify.
    • Disqualifying evictions. To qualify for a Section 8 voucher, you cannot have been evicted from any Section 8 program (or public housing) for drug-related criminal activity within the past three years. The clock starts from the date of the eviction.[6]
    • Other requirements. Your housing authority may have other requirements.

EditApplying to the Section 8 Program

  1. Find the correct housing authority. You’ll apply for Section 8 at the housing authority for the area where you want to live. For example, you might live in Alameda right now but want to move to San Diego. In that situation, you’ll apply to the San Diego housing authority.
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    • You can find contact information for all state housing authority offices here:
    • Make sure that the words “Both” or “Section 8” appear under the “Type” column.
    • A phone number and email address are provided.
  2. Complete an application. Your housing authority can tell you how to apply. There may be a paper application, or you may need to apply online. You will need to provide information about your family and your income.
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    • Demand for Section 8 is high in many California cities and counties. Accordingly, the housing authority may only accept Section 8 applications during certain times of the year. You should read the local newspaper to find out when the application period has opened.[7]
  3. Check if you qualify for a local preference. Because waiting lists are so long, the housing authority sometimes moves people up the list because they are especially needy. Contact the housing authority and ask. For example, a family might be moved up the list in the following situations:[8]
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    • the family is homeless or currently living in substandard housing
    • the family pays more than 50% of its income in rent
    • the family has been displaced involuntarily
  4. Await your results. After receiving your application, the housing authority will verify the information with your employer, bank, and other local agencies. Based on these results, they will then determine your eligibility and how much assistance you qualify for.[9]
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    • If eligible, your name will go on a waiting list. However, if the waiting list is too long, the housing authority can close the list and not put you on it.
    • When your name is finally reached on the list, the housing authority will contact you. Because you might be waiting a long time, you should always give your housing authority any updated address and contact information.
    • Once a voucher is available, the housing authority must re-confirm that you qualify.
  5. Calculate the amount of your voucher. Your housing authority should let you know how much your voucher is for and what sized unit you can rent. Generally, you must pay 30% of your monthly adjusted gross income for utilities and rent.[10]
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    • For example, if your monthly income is $1,000, you will need to pay $300 in rent and utilities.
    • However, you might have to pay more, depending on your circumstances.[11]
  6. Find a landlord who will accept your voucher. As a recipient, you can rent any home on the market so long as it meets certain safety conditions. The landlord also must agree to rent to you. A landlord is not required to rent to someone with a Section 8 voucher.
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    • Your housing authority might have a list of apartment buildings that regularly rent to section 8 recipients and which have passed the inspection. Ask if any list is available.
    • You can also use HUD’s affordable apartment search engine, available here:
    • When you find a place, you must reach an agreement to rent with the landlord and then contact the local housing authority to inspect the home.[12]

EditApplying for Public Housing Instead

  1. Distinguish public housing from Section 8. HUD also runs some public housing. With a voucher, you rent from a private landlord who is paid by HUD. By contrast, with public housing, you rent directly from your local housing authority.[13]
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    • Public housing might be an option if your Section 8 waiting list is too long.
  2. Check if you are eligible. Your eligibility will be based on a variety of factors, such as income and family size, as well as criminal background. Talk to your housing authority about whether you qualify.
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    • Find your nearest housing authority here: Make sure the words “Both” or “Low-rent” appear in the "Type" column.
    • If you can’t reach the housing authority, then contact your local HUD Field Office.[14] They should be able to help.
  3. Submit an application and documentation. Your housing authority representative will need to collect information from you during the application process. For example, you must provide the following:[15]
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    • Names of everyone who will live in the unit, including their date of birth, sex, and relationship to the head of household. You should have birth certificates.
    • Your current address and telephone number.
    • Names and addresses of your current and prior landlords.
    • Your expected family income for the next 12 months. You may need to show a recent tax return.
    • Names of employers, banks, and others the housing authority can contact as references. They need to verify your income and other information.
    • Any circumstances that might qualify you to leapfrog others on the waiting list. For example, you might be a veteran, homeless, or living in substandard housing.
  4. Check if you qualify for a preference. Because each housing authority has a limited budget, they can move people up the waiting list. You should ask the housing authority if they have preferences. For example, Los Angeles awards preference to families with a head of household who is:[16]
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    • Working at least 20 hours a week at the state minimum wage.
    • Attending an accredited college or trade/vocational school full-time, and is expected to find employment after graduation.
    • Working and attending school for at least 20 hours a week combined.
    • Otherwise economically self-sufficient.
    • Disabled or 62 years older.
  5. Receive notification. You’ll receive written notification of the results. If you are denied, you can request an informal hearing as an appeal.[17]
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    • If you’re eligible, then your name will go on a waiting list unless the housing authority has a spot available for you.
  6. Calculate your rent. HUD will calculate your rent by taking your gross annual income less certain deductions. Annual income is all income you and your family receive from all sources. If you have undocumented migrants in your household, you will pay more (since they are ineligible). You will need to pay the highest of any of the following amounts:[18]
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    • 30% of your adjusted monthly income (minus allowed deductions)
    • 10% of your monthly income
    • minimum rent, of $25-50
    • welfare rent, if applicable


  • To increase your likelihood of getting a voucher, you can apply to as many housing authorities as you want. You are not limited to the housing authority for the city or county where you currently live. However, you must rent in the area where you get a housing voucher. Accordingly, don’t apply for Section 8 unless you can live in the area.

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

source How to of the Day

How to Dye Your Beard

Having a beard can be an excellent fashion statement that can totally change your look. However, there may be times that you want to change your beard's color but aren't sure how to do it. If you've ever wanted to cover up gray hairs or change your beard's color, doing it is easier than it looks, even with no experience. By preparing your beard correctly and following the right methods for your dye, you can color your beard and enhance the look of your facial hair.


EditPreparing Your Beard For Dyeing

  1. Choose a chemical-based dye or henna dye. There are a variety of different beard dye brands that exist on the market. Some dyes like Redken For Men are salon quality, while other dyes like Just For Men, are marketed towards the casual consumer for use at home. Henna dyes are made from natural ingredients and are often softer on the skin than other chemical-based dyes. Determine your budget and what kind of dye you are looking for before purchasing it.[1]
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    • Look at dye reviews online to help you make your decision.
    • You can find beard dye in the beauty & cosmetics aisle at most shops.
  2. Select the color. There are two traditional methods when choosing a color for your beard dye. One method is to purchase a dye that's a few shades lighter than your natural hair color and dye your beard multiple times. If you don't want to dye your beard several times, you can purchase a darker hair dye and leave it in for less time. Just make sure you don't choose a color that's a lot darker than your natural hair color, or it will stand out and look unnatural.[2]
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    • If you want a unique look, consider getting a fluorescent green or pink colored beard dye.
  3. Pre-treat your beard before you dye it. Gray hairs on your beard are more coarse and cause your beard to be less absorbent to the dye. Pre-treating your beard will soften it and promote absorption. Rub 20 volume developer lotion into your beard. Let the lotion absorb into your beard for 10 minutes before rinsing it out with lukewarm water. After your beard has been rinsed, pat it dry with a towel.[3]
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    • You can purchase 20 volume developer lotion at a salon, beauty store, or online.
    • Do not wash your beard with shampoo or conditioner before dyeing it.
  4. Perform a patch test. Some dyes will contain chemicals that could cause your skin to have a negative allergic reaction. To determine if the dye you plan on using will do this, apply a small portion of the mixed dye to a patch of your skin on your inner arm or behind your ear. If you experience burning or develop a rash, consider using a milder beard dye.[4]
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  5. Wear latex gloves and apply vaseline to your neck and cheeks. Beard dye will dye your skin easily, so it's important that you keep other parts of your face free from the effects of the dye. Applying vaseline to your cheeks and neck will keep the dye from staining those areas of your face. Wearing latex gloves will protect your hands from getting dyed as you go through with the process.[5]
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EditUsing Semi-permanent or Permanent Dye on Your Beard

  1. Mix the base color and color developer together. With many semi-permanent beard dyes, you'll have two separate tubes that you must mix before applying the dye. If this is the case, mix both of the ingredients together in a small tray using a Q-Tip or applicator brush. Once you're done mixing them, put the caps back on the dye and set it aside.[6]
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  2. Apply the dye to your beard using a brush. Use the brush that was provided with the dye kit. Dip the bristles into your mixed dye and quickly go over your beard with stroking motions, avoiding coloring your underlying skin. Try to get full coverage over your beard. If you are spot dyeing, you can try to cover up the gray patches of hair on your beard.
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  3. Let your dye dry. Once you’re satisfied with the coverage, allow the dye to dry for the specified time that's on the box or in the instructions. If you are using a darker tone for your dye, let it dry for two to three minutes before washing it out.[7]
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    • If you are using a permanent hair dye on your beard do not let it dry for the recommended 20-40 minutes. Instead, let it dry for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse your beard with water. Rinse your beard with water until the water runs clear and there isn't anymore coloring coming off your beard. If your beard is lighter than you want, rinse your beard with water and reapply the dye to make it darker. Semi-permanent dyes will last anywhere from 4-6 weeks, while permanent hair dyes will retain its color until your hair grows out.[8]
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EditDyeing Your Beard with Henna

  1. Wash your beard thoroughly. Before applying your henna dye, you need to make sure that your beard is washed thoroughly. Lather your beard with shampoo and wash the area before rinsing it with warm water. Do this twice before applying the henna dye to your beard.[9]
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  2. Mix your henna powder with warm water. Mixing the henna powder with warm water will create a paste that will act as your dye. Mix your henna paste and warm water in a 2:1 powder to water ratio in a small painting palette. Continue to mix it together until it's well incorporated and forms a paste.[10]
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    • For a mustache, use 1 tbsp (14.7 ml) of henna powder.
    • For a goatee use 2 tbsp (29.5 ml) of henna powder.
    • For a full beard, use 2 to 4 tbsp (29.5 ml to 59.1 ml) of henna powder.
  3. Coat your beard with a thick layer of the henna mixture. Start from your mustache and move towards the sides and bottom of your beard. Wear gloves and use a toothbrush to smear a heavy layer of the paste over the entirety of your beard.[11]
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  4. Let the henna dry for one hour. Allow the thick layer of henna to sit on your beard for one hour and soak in. There should be a thick, caked-on layer of henna paste on your beard.
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  5. Rinse your beard with warm water. Rinse your beard with water and get all of the henna paste out of it. Don't be worried if your henna dye job came out darker than you wanted because it will fade in a couple of days.[12]
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  6. Avoid washing your hair for 24 hours. Your henna dye should last for 4-8 weeks. To make the color last longer, avoid shampooing or conditioning your beard. Instead of washing it with soap, rinse your beard with warm water. [13]
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EditThings You'll Need

  • Latex gloves
  • A towel
  • Vaseline
  • A mirror

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

source How to of the Day

How to Know if Someone Is Online on Snapchat

This wikiHow teaches you how to check if someone is online on Snapchat by looking for chat, message delivery, and typing indicators.


EditChecking For The Blue Dot

  1. Open Snapchat. Snapchat's icon is yellow with a white ghost on it.
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  2. Swipe right on the screen. Doing so will reveal the Chat screen.
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  3. Tap on a user. Doing so will open up a chat window with them.
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  4. Look for a blue dot. If both you and the other user have a chat window open at the same time, a blue dot appears above the left corner of the text box.
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    • Alternatively, if you get a notification on your device's home screen that a user is typing, they are using Snapchat at the time of the notification.

EditChecking A Snap's Delivery Status

  1. Open Snapchat. If you've recently sent a Snap to a person, you can check to see if they've opened it, which can be a good indicator as to whether they've been online.
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  2. Swipe right on the screen. Doing so reveals the Chat screen.
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  3. Review your Snap's delivery status. It's located just underneath the recipient's username.
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    • If the user has opened the Snap, it will read as Opened.
    • If the user hasn't opened it yet, it will read as Delivered.

source How to of the Day

samedi 29 avril 2017

How to Have a Healthy Conversation About Exes with Your Current Partner

Talking about past relationships with your current partner can be tricky. If you’ve just started dating someone, you should keep conversations about former partners to a minimum and instead allow your relationship to develop. Once you’re in an established relationship, you can have a healthy conversation about exes by being aware of your motivations, establishing ground rules, and maintaining open and honest communication.


EditDiscussing Exes During the First Three Dates

  1. Be clear about your relationship status. When you first begin dating someone, you should both be clear about whether you are single, separated, divorced, or in the process of getting a divorce. These details are important to know as you begin moving from first date to potential partner.[1]
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    • Try saying, “I’m currently single. What’s your status?”
    • Keep this conversation casual, and try to avoid asking for details about past relationships.
  2. Disclose critical sexual details. When you first start dating someone, it is important to disclose any critical elements of your sexual past before engaging in sexual activity. For example, if you should discuss whether either of you is currently having sex with an ex or other partner, if you had unprotected sex with past partners, and if either one of you has a sexually transmitted disease.[2]
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    • You should always discuss these issues before making the decision to have sex with a new partner.
  3. Keep conversations about exes to a minimum. When you first start dating someone, you should keep any unnecessary details or talk about past relationships to a minimum. Avoid over sharing at this stage in the dating cycle. Instead, opt for a process of gradually sharing once the person you are dating becomes your partner.[3]
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  4. Give your new relationship time to develop. While talking about exes can be an important part of open communication with your partner, you should allow your relationship time to develop on its own before adding in the ex. You should avoid in-depth conversations about exes for at least the first three dates so that you and your new partner can develop your own set of relationship goals and experiences.[4]
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EditTalking about Exes In An Established Relationship

  1. Think about your motivations. Being clear with one another about why you want to discuss exes is an important part of having a healthy conversation. If you are talking about past relationships to coerce your partner into a specific behavior, you should reevaluate why you are sharing that element of your past.[5]
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  2. Set ground rules. Before you and your partner begin a conversation about exes, you should agree on some common ground rules. These rules will vary from couple to couple, but having rules in place will allow both partners to be open and honest while remaining comfortable.[6]
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  3. Agree upon appropriate questions. Once you decide on some basic ground rules, you can work together to agree what types of questions are appropriate to ask. For example, you might agree that it is okay to ask why you broke up with an ex or what you learned from the relationship. You might also decide that it is inappropriate to ask about an ex’s sexual performance or preferences
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  4. Keep the conversation focused. Having a focused, candid conversation with your partner about past relationships can help build trust and encourage communication. Once you set ground rules about what, precisely, you will be discussing, make an effort to stick to the issues at hand.
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    • For example, if you agree to discuss general overviews of past relationships, avoid going into details about your former mother-in-law.
  5. Be judicious with details. While it is important to be open and honest with your current partner while discussing exes, you should minimize the details. Providing your significant other with detailed accounts of past sex lives and relationship woes is unnecessary. Give details when necessary, but avoid lengthy narratives that might spark insecurity in your current partner.[7]
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    • For example, you should avoid providing or asking about intimate details of your sex life with exes.
  6. Tell the truth. When you’re discussing past relationships with your significant other, it’s important that you are honest with them. If you lie to your partner, you are missing a critical opportunity to build trust and practice open communication. While a detailed account of your past isn’t necessary, it’s important that you are honest and open.[8]
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    • If your current partner asks why you broke up with your ex, you should provide them with an honest answer. You can say, for example, “He did not support my goal of returning to nursing school.”
    • If you feel uncomfortable answering a question, try saying, “Jim, I do not feel comfortable answering that question about my relationship with my ex, I would prefer to leave it in the past.”
  7. Think about your partner’s feelings. When you decide to have a conversation with your significant other about past relationships, it’s important to take the other person’s feelings into account. Talking about exes can make both parties feel vulnerable and it’s important to take this into consideration when you decide what you will or won’t be sharing.
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    • For example, you should avoid discussing intimate details of past sex lives that might make your partner insecure.
  8. Concentrate on positive outcomes. When talking about your ex, try and stay focused on what you learned from the relationship and how those lessons made you a better person. Breakups often fuel self-growth, and relaying this to your current partner can help them understand why you are the person you are today.[9]
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    • For example, you could say, “While our breakup was messy, I really benefitted and grew from becoming financially independent and being able to pursue my own interests without constraint.”
    • Keep in mind that complaining about your ex may give people the impression that you are not over them. It can also take away the focus from your new developing relationship.
  9. Know that talking about exes can help you know each other better. When you talk with your partner about past relationships, both of you can gain insight into how the other person grew into who they are today. Relationships are learning experiences that test your needs and boundaries, and talking about them will help both of you better understand each other’s character, history, and behavior.[10]
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    • For example, you might learn that your current partner was really hurt by his ex lying to him. This will help you understand that he values honesty in a relationship.
    • Or, your new partner might learn that your ex did not take your opinions into account. This could enhance his communication with you in this new relationship.

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

source How to of the Day

How to Introvert or Extrovert Quiz

Personality. You’ve got one; your friends have one—everyone has one! But what does it say about you and your social tendencies? In the earl...