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How to Develop Good Study Habits for College

Effective studying is critical to success in college, and many new college students quickly find that their prior study habits need major adjustments. To begin making the change, find a quiet, organized space to study. Study with a positive attitude and specific goals in mind. If you need help, there's no shame in asking. Your professors and peers are there to help you learn. You can develop excellent habits that help you navigate the difficulties of college.


[Edit]Getting Organized to Study

  1. Create a dedicated study space. Find a quiet space in your dorm room or somewhere on campus where you can focus. Studying in the same place every day trains your brain to associate a certain environment with work. This will help you get into the zone when you start studying.[1]
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    • Pick a place that's quiet and distraction free. The basement of your dorm may not be a good choice if it's a common place for socializing, but you could instead study at your desk in your dorm room.
  2. Find a regular time for studying. If you study at the same time each day, your brain will be prepped for learning when you sit down. Review your schedule and see when you have free time. Schedule an hour or two for studying during those times each day.[2]
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    • You can study during gaps between classes or in the evening after your classes are done for the day.
    • In addition to finding times that work, find times when you're naturally more energetic. If you tend to get sleepy in the afternoon, do something relaxing for yourself around two o'clock and schedule study time sometime after dinner.
  3. Organize your materials. Make sure you have everything you need to study at your study space. If you're studying in a place in your home, keep things like your books, pencils, pens, and scrap paper in that area. If you go out to study, invest in a book bag with a lot of compartments and keep all your study supplies stored there.[3]
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    • It can help to stop by a local office supplies store to get things like notebooks, pencil boxes, and other storage contraptions to keep yourself organized.
  4. Eliminate distractions. When readying your study space, it's important to keep it distraction free. Remove any technologies that will take your mind off your work, like your smartphone. You can even use apps to block distracting websites like Facebook while you're studying, forcing you to focus on academic websites instead.[4]
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    • Keep other distracting material, such as outside reading, away from your study area.
    • If you go out of your dorm or apartment to study, do not take anything potentially distracting. Stick to your school supplies only and leave things like your iPod at home. However, if you are studying in a noisy place, you may want to bring your headphones if music helps you focus.
  5. Figure out your needs via trial and error. College is all about experimentation. It can take awhile to find your groove when it comes to studying. For a few weeks at the beginning of the semester, experiment with studying at different times and places until you figure out when and where you're more productive.[5]
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    • For example, study in your dorm one day and a coffee shop the next day. Take note of which place you feel the most relaxed and engaged and make a habit of studying there regularly.

[Edit]Using Good Study Techniques

  1. Create one goal for each session. Your study sessions are most effective if they have some direction. Just blindly studying can be overwhelming and you may waste time fumbling to figure out where to start. Before each study session, figure out what topics are most pressing and set goals.[6]
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    • For example, if you're studying for a math final, focus on one concept each day. You can study multiplication one day and things like division the next.
    • You can also set goals based on days of the week. Focus on your math and science courses on Mondays and Wednesdays and your humanities courses on Thursdays and Fridays, for example.
  2. Start with difficult material first. You'll be most energetic at the beginning of your study period. Therefore, it makes sense to begin by studying the most challenging materials. Tackle the most difficult subjects and topics first before targeting your strong points.[7]
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    • For example, if you're really struggling understanding a concept for a philosophy class, study your notes and reading on that concept first. Then, you can move on to easier topics.
  3. Rewrite your notes. Studying requires a lot of memorization. It can help to simply rewrite your notes and reword them as you go. Read over all your notes for one session and then rewrite them on a separate sheet of paper. This will force you to engage with the material and write it in your own words again, which increases understanding and helps you remember what you've learned.[8]
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  4. Use memory games. Memory games can help you remember tough concepts and terms. You can use visualization techniques or string together words that help you remember concepts. These can be highly useful for an exam.[9]
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    • For example, a well known memory device is Kings Play Cards On Flat Green Stools, used to help you remember the taxonomy order used to classify species (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species).
    • You can also use visualization. For example, you're trying to remember Jeanette Rankin was the first woman to serve in Congress and you have an Aunt Jeanette. Picture your Aunt Jeanette talking on the floor of Congress to help you remember.
  5. Take breaks. No one can study for hours on end without getting frustrated and burnt out. Breaks help you relax, recharge, and approach a situation with new eyes. Make a habit of studying for one hour and then taking a five minute break to do something you enjoy, like go on social media or text a friend.[10]
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    • Set a timer to make sure you're on task. You don't want to study for too long, leading to frustration, or take a long break, which can ruin your concentration.
  6. Study with a positive attitude. If you see studying as a chore, you're likely to get frustrated and burn out. Instead of seeing studying as something you have to do, look at the positives. Think of this as a way to improve your skills and abilities and get the most out of your education.[11]
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    • Studying can be stressful, and it's important to address and challenge stressful thoughts. For example, don't think, "I'm a mess. I'm never going to understand this." Instead think, "I'm sure if I work a little each day, I can figure out this material."
  7. Give yourself rewards. Studying feels easier if you have something to look forward to when you're done. Develop a reward system for yourself so you're motivated to get through your work.[12]
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    • For example, agree that if you study for three hours, you can go to the cafeteria and have something like ice cream or pizza for a treat.

[Edit]Seeking Outside Resources

  1. Refer to your syllabus as needed. It's important you understand the expectations of your course as you're studying. Use the syllabus as your guide if you feel overwhelmed or lost while studying. The syllabus will outline major concepts, grade breakdowns, and so on.[13]
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    • For example, say you've been getting frustrated memorizing the years of major scientific breakthroughs for a science course. The syllabus says the goals of the course are to help you gain a better understanding of scientific theory. It's more important for you to understand the overarching theories than know the exact dates.
  2. Form a study group. Find peers who are hard workers and do well in the course. Ask them to form a study group. The right study group can really help you stay focused and engaged and gain a better understanding of course material.[14]
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    • Choose the right peers. If your study group is made up of friends, studying may turn into socializing fast. Pick good students who are genuinely engaged in class.
    • Bounce off one another's strengths. If a classmate is confused on a subject you're skilled at, and does well in an area that confuses you, they would make a good partner. The two of you can help one another out.
  3. Go to your professors with questions. There is nothing to be embarrassed about if you have questions. Everyone gets confused sometimes and needs some extra help. If you have questions on a concept or subject, e-mail your professor or go to office hours. They may be able to offer you tips and tricks to better understand the material.[15]
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    • Your professor's office hours should be stated on their green sheet, which they handed out at the beginning of the semester.
    • When e-mailing your professor, state your class day and time in the subject header. Professors often teach more than one class.
  4. Go to review sessions if they are offered. Some teachers have review sessions each week or before an exam. Always make a habit of going if you have time in your schedule. Review sessions can help you gain a better understanding of course materials. They can also be a great place to ask professors or teaching assistants questions.
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    • If your teacher does not offer a review session, ask them if they are willing to do it. If enough students are interested in a review session, they may create one.
  5. Use a tutor. If your campus has tutoring centers, make use of them if you ever need help. You can also look for a private tutor in your area online. A little one-on-one help can go a long way if you're confused about a subject.
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    • Not all tutors advertise in the tutoring center on college campuses. Some tutors post their fliers on the school bulletin board, alongside other fliers for housing and textbook sales.
    • If you cannot find any tutors, ask your classmates. Some of them may be willing to help you before or after class, and not all of them will charge a fee.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

How to Have a Balanced Lifestyle

Living a balanced life can help you be more fulfilled and happy. Finding balance is an art, though, and there’s no one correct balance that will work for everyone. To find the balance that is right for you, focus on developing your physical, mental, and social health. Strive to give each area some attention so that none fall behind. It will take some time and practice, but finding the right balance for you can help you make the most out of life.


[Edit]Physical Health

  1. Eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and proteins. Proper nutrition can impact everything from your how your body functions to how your brain functions. Aim to eat a balanced diet every meal by filling half your plate with vegetables and fruits, getting plenty of lean protein, and avoiding processed sugars.[1]
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    • Try to get at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This can include anything from salads and steamed veggie sides to things like smoothies and the kale in a kale pesto sauce.[2]
    • Go for whole grain and whole wheat bread, pasta, and other starch products whenever possible. These foods contain more fiber, as well as more vitamins and minerals.
    • Eating a balanced diet does not necessarily mean that you are looking to lose weight. Even if you are at a healthy weight, you may still benefit from refining your daily diet. Start by adding just one serving of fresh produce a day to get started. You'll be surprised at how little changes like that can impact your diet.
    • Always talk to your doctor before radically changing your diet. They can help you figure out the healthiest nutritional plan for your personal needs.
  2. Get at least 150 minutes of exercise a week. Try different exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, or playing sports, and find one that you enjoy. Remember, to get the most from your cardio workout your pace should be moderately vigorous. This means that you can hold a conversation at the pace you’re going, but just barely.[3]
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    • Exercise doesn't have to be hard to be effective. Start out by taking a brisk walk, dancing around your house, or doing anything you enjoy that gets your heart pumping. There are even apps made for people who are complete beginners.
    • To get even more from your exercise routine, try to strength train all major muscle groups at least 2 times a week. You can manage this by lifting weights, or by doing bodyweight exercises like squats and push ups.
    • Exercise helps keep your body strong and able, which is why it’s an important part of a balanced life. You want your body to be able to handle the things you want to do.
  3. Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Develop a sleep routine that you stick to every night before bed. Start by picking a consistent bedtime. About an hour before that time, disconnect from all gadgets, take some time to relax your mind and body, put on some comfortable pajamas, and get into bed. This kind of routine will help calm your mind and let it know that you're getting ready to rest for the night.[4]
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    • The exact recommended amount of sleep you need can vary by age. For school-age children, it is recommended they get around 9-11 hours of sleep per night. Teenagers need 8-10 hours, while adults over 65 need at least 7-8 hours of nightly sleep.
    • Avoid bright screens an hour before bed. This includes phones, tablets, computer screens, and televisions. The blue light from the screen can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
  4. Relax your body with meditation, yoga, or self-massage. Mental stress can take a physical toll on your body, so it’s important to find a little time every day to relax. Activities like yoga, meditation, taking a warm bath, or giving yourself a massage may help you relax your body from the stress of the day.[5]
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    • Even if you don’t feel like you have a lot of time to spend on relaxation, try to take just 5 minutes each day to help your body unwind.
    • For a simple relaxing practice, try a progressive muscle relaxation. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and slowly tense the muscles in your feet for a count of 3 breaths. Then, let the muscles relax completely. Continue this pattern up your body, focusing one-by-one on your legs, glutes, core, chest, arms, hands, shoulders, jaw, and face.[6]
    • Use apps like Headspace or Insight Timer to guide you through meditation. These are great resources for beginners.
    • Meditation helps grow the muscle that allows you to better react and respond to the stuff of life.[7]

[Edit]Mental Health

  1. Plan out your daily tasks to keep you motivated. Planning out what you have to do over the course of the day can help keep you on-task and motivated. At the beginning of each day or the night before, take a few minutes to write out your plan for the day. Include work tasks and duties, errands, hobbies, and chores, as well as personal time, family time, and time for relaxation.[8]
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    • Don’t worry if you can’t accomplish everything you plan. Having a schedule helps keep you on task, but there are things like traffic jams and work emergencies for which you can’t easily account. If you don’t get to something the day it is scheduled, reschedule it for later.
    • You can even consider assigning priorities to different tasks. Picking your kids up, for example, would be a high priority, while washing the car might be a low priority. That way, if you have to reschedule items, you can see what absolutely needs to be done and what can wait.
  2. Set achievable goals that you can work toward every day. Setting goals for both the short and long-term can help you plan what you are doing and where you are going. Try writing down one or two large life goals. Then, break that goal down into several smaller goals. After that, break those goals down into actionable steps.[9]
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    • For example, if one of your goals is to be healthy, two of your smaller goals may be to run a 5K and get a 6-pack. You can then break each of those down into individual workout plans to achieve those goals.
    • Try to keep your goals reasonable. It’s okay to dream big, but saying you want to be the richest person on earth is a lofty goal that’s out of reach for the vast majority of people. Instead, try setting a goal like saving enough that you can buy a house or retire comfortably.
    • Use a journal to help you keep track of your goals. Using a journal lets you write them down, reflect on them, and adjust them periodically.
    • Setting and working towards goals can help give you confidence. Goals may even be beneficial for your mental health.[10]
  3. Do something that brings you joy every day. Find some time each day to do at least one thing that makes you happy. This can include practicing a hobby, going out with friends, spending time with your family, or anything else that helps you disconnect from the stress of the day. If you don’t have something you regularly enjoy, try picking up a new hobby like crafting, dancing, playing sports, or collecting something.[11]
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    • If you can, alternate a few different fun activities. That way, if you can’t go out with friends you can still practice your hobby or watch your favorite show.
    • Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself when you're learning new hobbies or just going through life and making mistakes. You're a whole, complete person, and you should feel secure in your inherent self-worth as a flawed but wonderful human being.[12]
  4. Learn a new subject. Mental growth and stimulation is an important part of keeping your mind healthy. Keep your mind engaged by challenging yourself to learn a new subject or expand your knowledge in an area that interest you. Consider things like learning a new language, taking time every day to read, learning to play a new instrument, or learning how to program.[13]
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    • Challenging your mind doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. Spending even 5 minutes a day focusing on learning a new thing can help keep you sharp.
  5. See to your spiritual well-being. If you are a religious person, make time in your schedule to practice your religion. This could include daily prayer or attending weekly religious services. If you are not religious, you may still consider activities like meditation or taking a quiet walk in nature to help keep you grounded and focused on appreciating the moment, rather than worrying about the future.[14]
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    • You do not need to be a religious person to live a balanced life. If religion is important to you, though, part of your personal balance should include making time for your faith.

[Edit]Social Life

  1. Develop a network of friends. Friends are a critical part of a social network, which is why it’s important to maintain a friend group. Make an effort to reach out and connect with your current friends. Stay in touch, and try to see them when you can. If you don’t feel supported by your current friend network or if you’re in a new area, work on making new friends.[15]
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    • There is no set number of friends and acquaintances that you should have. If you’re more introverted, you may choose to keep a small group of close-knit friends. If you’re more extroverted, you may have a couple close friends and many casual friends. Both are okay.
    • Use local meetup sites and message boards to find people in your area with similar interests.
  2. Maintain a healthy relationship with your family. A healthy family dynamic should allow you to spend time with your kids, take time with just your partner, and stay connected to your parents and relatives. If you have children, spend some bonding time with them every day. If you have a partner, schedule a weekly date night with them. Have a standing phone call with your parents once a week. Connecting with your family will help keep your relationships strong.[16]
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    • If your relationship with your biological family isn’t strong, you may choose to focus more on your close personal friends. People who are family by choice instead of blood are just as important.
  3. Practice effective communication. Communicating clearly and effectively helps enhance almost any interpersonal relationship. Improve your communication by practicing clear, concise speaking as well as active listening. Practice these skills with everyone in your daily life from your friends and family to your coworkers to the check-out clerk at the grocery store.[17]
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    • When your actively listening, the speaker has your full attention. Focus on both the words they are saying, as well as their body language and emotion. Offer confirmation that you understand their message with statements like, “I understand that you want us to spend more time together.”
    • If you find you are becoming stressed or overly-emotional in a situation, ask to excuse yourself or put the subject on pause until you are able to clear your head.
  4. Get involved in your community. Civic engagement can help you connect with other members of your community, give back, and foster gratitude. Look for areas where you can volunteer or get involved, such as coaching a local sports team, working at a food pantry, or working with your local community theater.[18]
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    • If you have a particular skill or talent, see if you can use that in your community work. If you knit, for example, consider knitting mittens or scarves for a local shelter.

[Edit]Work-Life Balance

  1. Develop a personal financial plan. Healthy finances are just as important to a balanced life as physical and mental health. Start simple by creating a budget that enables you to cover your current cost of living. Once your budget is in place, think about tackling other financial goals such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or paying off your debt.[19]
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    • Your budget should account for all your cost of living expenses including your rent or mortgage, household bills, groceries, car payments or transit passes, credit card and student loan payments, and any other recurring charges you may have.
    • Even small financial changes can add up. Investing just $5 a week in your debts, for example, can help reduce them by an extra $260 by the end of the year.
    • If you are struggling to get your finances in order, you can consider using a free app like Mint to help you track your spending and develop a budget. You may also look into a class on budgeting or financial planning at your local community center.
  2. Reduce how much work you do at home whenever possible. Having a physical boundary between your work life and your home life can help reinforce a healthy work-life balance. Try to keep your job, including your work computer, documents, and anything else from your office, away from your personal living space.[20]
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    • If you telecommute or work from home, set up distinct work and home spaces. You may designate a bedroom as your office, for example. If that's the case, leave your work computer in your office instead of open on the dining room table.
    • Try to unplug from technology when you are home from work. Avoid taking work-related calls. Spend time doing activities off the computer, like crafting, reading, or cooking.
  3. Set boundaries with both your work and personal social circles. Even if you have a flexible schedule, it's important to communicate when you are and aren't available to handle work-related issues. Let your boss and coworkers know if you cannot or will not respond to a 3 a.m. text asking for a report by 6 a.m.[21]
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    • Your personal social circles should have a similar boundary during your workday. Let them know that between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (or whenever you work), your first duty is your job. Catch up with them during a break or during your lunch if you want to chat during the workday.
    • By the same measure, you can set aside certain times that are specifically for non-work activities. If you run every day, for example, you could make 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. your designated running time. During that time, avoid checking work emails and just enjoy the jog.
  4. Talk to your office about renegotiating your work duties if necessary. If you find your job makes it difficult to have the work-life balance that you want, talk to your supervisor or HR person about new terms. Items you could bring up include things like working from home 1-2 days a week, or adjusting your hours to something that better fits your schedule.[22]
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    • You don't need to provide a lot of detail, but be prepared to provide some context for your request. Most jobs won't give you a new schedule for no reason. They may be more receptive to letting you work a new schedule because you need to pick your child up from daycare, though.
    • If you find that your job is overwhelming or so inflexible that it prevents you from taking care of yourself or your family, it may be time to find a new job. Look for a place that offers the sort of flexibility you need to ensure that you can manage your daily life.
    • If your feelings towards work are less than ideal, thinking about why that is can lead to potential avenues for improvement. For instance, if you want to feel more connected to your coworkers you can go grab coffee with them, or if you want to feel more creative you can ask for more independence in carrying out a project.[23]
    • Delegate tasks to others whenever possible. Trust coworkers and colleagues to help out with large projects. At home, share chores with family members to reduce the burden.


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[Edit]Quick Summary

  7. [v161431_b01]. 30 April 2020.
  12. [v161431_b01]. 30 April 2020.
  23. [v161431_b01]. 30 April 2020.

source How to of the Day

How to Get Ready for School

Getting into a routine of preparing for school the day and night before makes getting up and getting ready in the morning much easier. Getting ready for school doesn't just involve waking up and getting dressed. It also includes getting your assignments done, organizing your school supplies, and having a good attitude as you start the day. By preparing in advance, you'll have more time in the mornings to sleep in or eat breakfast, and you won't be as rushed or stressed so your school days will always be off to a good start!


[Edit]Preparing the Night Before

  1. Pick out your clothes. If you pick out your clothes the night before, you’ll save yourself a lot of time in the morning. Choose clothes that you’ll feel comfortable in throughout the day. If it’s cold out, remember to select layers so that you can put on a jacket or sweater if you need to.[1]
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    • If you wear a uniform to school, you can still lay it out so that you’ll know where it is and can be sure you have a clean uniform ready to go.
    • Make sure your clothes fit within any dress code that your school may have.
    • Lay the clothes out on a chair or dresser so that you can find them easily.
  2. Take a shower. Showering every day is part of good hygiene. By showering at night, you wash away any sweat or dirt that’s accumulated during the day. You’ll wake up feeling fresh and ready to go, and you won’t need to spend time showering in the morning.[2]
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    • If you need to do something to your hair at night, make sure to take care of this, as well. Some people sleep in curlers or tie their hair up in a rag at night.
    • Make sure to also brush your teeth and take care of any other matters of personal hygiene as well.
  3. Pack your backpack. Double check that all of your books and homework are in your backpack. There’s nothing worse than getting to school and realizing that you’ve left a permission slip or an assignment at home. Look through all of your papers and your calendar to make sure you have what you need.[3]
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    • You can ask your parents to double check your backpack and make sure you didn’t forget anything. Sometimes they might be able to help you remember something that you forgot.
  4. Set your alarm clock. Make sure you set your alarm clock to when you want to wake up. Allow 10-15 minutes more than you think you need for your morning routine. This will ensure that you have plenty of time and can get ready without feeling rushed.[4]
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    • If you’re used to pushing the snooze button a lot, you’ll want to set your alarm clock for even earlier, to allow for some snoozing.
    • Check to make sure that your alarm clock works before you rely on it!

[Edit]Getting Ready in the Morning

  1. Wake up. This one is often more easily said than done. Try your best to get up when your alarm first goes off. Get out of bed as soon as you can. This will help your body and mind to wake up and will help you avoid falling back to sleep.
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    • It is better for your level of alertness to wake up after the initial alarm goes off. Using the snooze feature doesn’t help you wake-up.[5]
  2. Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast helps you wake up and feeds your brain with energy for your day of school. Try to eat something packed with protein and some complex carbohydrates to keep your energized until lunch.[6]
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    • Morning protein sources can be eggs, breakfast meats, yogurt, or milk or a milk alternative like soy or almond milk.
    • Reach for whole grain toast or cereal such as oatmeal or muesli. Fruit is packed with fiber, which is important to a healthy diet as well.
    • There are many breakfasts that you can make in large batches at night and freeze for quick reheating in the morning.
  3. Practice good hygiene. Brush your teeth well and floss if that’s part of your routine. You can also wash your face, brush your hair, and do anything else that’s part of getting ready to start your day.[7]
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    • Some people wear makeup or put products in their hair before school.
    • If you wear contacts or a retainer, you may need to have special routines dedicated to cleaning and putting in those items.
  4. Get dressed. Put on the clothes that you laid out the night before. Look in the mirror to make sure that everything looks right. You can make adjustments if you need to, but don’t get caught up creating a whole new outfit. You’ll start to run behind.[8]
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    • Check the weather when you get up. You may need to pack an extra sweater or a raincoat if there’s bad weather that you didn’t plan for.
  5. Take everything you need. Hopefully, you’ve already assembled your backpack full of necessities and either packed a lunch or prepared to buy lunch. Gather what you need and double check that you have everything.[9]
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    • It can be helpful to designate one place in your house where you keep your backpack, lunchbox, coat and shoes. That way, you have everything in one place in the morning.
    • Check with your parents to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
  6. Head out the door. You might be getting a ride, walking, or catching a bus. However you get to school, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get there. You can’t control if the bus is late, but you can control whether you’re on time to catch the bus.[10]
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    • If you woke up 10-15 minutes before you absolutely needed to, you should have a little extra time.

[Edit]Preparing After School

  1. Decompress. After a long day of school, it’s important to spend some time by yourself to decompress. Do something that helps you unwind before diving into conversation or homework.
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    • You can take a walk, play with a pet, listen to music or watch some TV to decompress.
    • It’s okay to say to your parents, “I think I need some time to decompress. I’m pretty tired from my day at school. I’ll be ready to talk about my day a little later.”
    • Taking some time to decompress will help you wind down and rest for the rest of the evening.
  2. Do your homework. One of the most essential parts of preparing for a day of school is doing your homework. You want to get it done the night before so that you’re not trying to get it done on the morning that it’s due.[11]
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    • You may want to get together with friends and do your homework together to help you focus.
    • Ask for help from parents or a tutor if you need it.
    • Some people find it easiest to do homework right after getting home before decompressing. Notice what seems to work for you and when it’s easiest to focus.
    • Study for any tests or potential quizzes that you have the next day.
  3. Spend time with family. This might not seem like it’s related to school, but spending time with family is a great way to unwind and to process what’s going on in your school life. You’ll get to tell your family what you’ve been up to which can help you understand how much you’ve been learning.[12]
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    • Spending quality time with your family is also part of being well rested and ready for the next day.
    • If you and your parents all have busy lives, you might not get to spend much time with them after school. Take advantage of any time that you all have free to connect and talk about how school is going.


  • You can check in with friends and classmates at night to make sure you haven’t forgotten any of the homework assigned that day.
  • Do your best to get enough sleep. This makes everything else much easier.
  • Your parents may or may not help you with things like making lunch or picking out your clothes. It’s good practice to do as many of these things on your own as you can. Ask fo help if you need it, though.
  • Pick out your clothes a day ahead of time.

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source How to of the Day

mardi 30 août 2022

How to Send Gifs on iPhone

Want to send animated GIFs from your iPhone? Thanks to the #images feature in Messages, you can search for the perfect GIF right from your iPhone's keyboard! If you also want to send GIFs in apps like Snapchat and WhatsApp, or you can't find what you're looking for in #images, you can try GIPHY, a free GIF search engine that works with just about any app. We'll show you easy ways to send GIFs from your iPhone, plus tips for troubleshooting when you can't send GIFs.


[Edit]Using the Messages App

  1. Open a message in the Messages app. Your iPhone's Messages app has a built-in tool called #images that makes it super easy to send trending GIFs to your contacts.[1] Start by selecting a message you want to respond to or creating a new message now.
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    • This feature is available in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, India, Singapore, Philippines, and Japan. If you live outside of those regions, try GIPHY instead.
  2. Tap the typing area. This opens your keyboard, along with a carousel of icons above it.
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    • If the GIF you want to send is already saved to your iPhone, you can simply attach it like a regular photo. Just tap the camera icon next to the typing area, tap the two overlapping photos at the top-left, select the GIF, and send!
  3. Tap the #images icon. This is a red icon containing a white magnifying glass with a globe at the middle. This displays some popular trending GIFs along with a search bar.
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    • You may have to swipe across the row of icons to find it.
  4. Search for a GIF. You can search through hundreds of GIFs by keyword—type anything you want to search for, such as "thank you," "lol," "tired," or "Drake" to view matching results.
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  5. Tap the GIF you want to send. This adds the GIF to the message.
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  6. Tap the Send icon. It's the blue circle with a white arrow at the bottom of the message.
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    • The GIF will send to anyone regardless of whether they have an iPhone or not, however, it will only be animated if the recipient is also using the iPhone Messages app.

[Edit]Using GIPHY

  1. Install GIPHY from the App Store . GIPHY is a free GIF search app with thousands of cool GIFs that you can easily send to anyone. You can even send GIPHY GIFs through apps other than Messages, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. If you can't find what you're looking for in #images, you'll definitely find it in GIPHY.
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  2. Open GIPHY on your iPhone. If you're still in the App Store, just tap Open once the app is installed. Otherwise, tap GIPHY's black icon with a rainbow sticker icon in your app list.
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    • The first time you open GIPHY, you'll need to create an account. It's totally free and just takes a moment.
  3. Search for a GIF. You can browse by category using the tabs at the top, such as Trending, Reactions, and Cats, or tap the magnifying glass at the bottom to search for your favorite topics, moods, or keywords.
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  4. Tap the GIF you want to send. Once you select a GIF, you'll see two icons beneath it—a heart and a paper airplane.
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    • You can tap the heart to add the GIF to your favorites, making it easy to come back to when you want to send it again. You can always reach your favorites by tapping the outline of a person at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Tap the paper airplane icon. This opens several options for sending the GIF to your friends.
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  6. Tap the app you want to share with. If you want to send the GIF in a text message, tap the first icon, which is the green-and-white speech bubble icon. Otherwise, tap one of the other app icons in the list to open a new message in that app.
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    • If you want to send the GIF in an app that isn't in the list, tap Copy GIF. You can then paste the copied GIF into a new message by tapping and holding the typing area and selecting Paste.
    • Another option is to tap Copy GIF Link, which allows you to paste a clickable link into a message instead of the GIF itself.
  7. Address and send the message. Now that your GIF is attached to a new message in the selected app, choose a recipient and type a message if you'd like. When you send the message, the recipient will receive your animated GIF!
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    • Once you've installed GIPHY, you can also use the GIPHY keyboard in the Messages app without having to open the GIPHY app to search! Just open or compose a new message in GIPHY, scroll through the icons above the keyboard, and then tap the black GIPHY icon with a rainbow sticker inside.[2]


  1. The #images icon isn't showing in Messages. If you don't see the red icon with a white magnifying glass above your keyboard in Messages (and you live in a participating region), you may need to add it manually. Here's how:
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    • Tap the typing area in a message to open the keyboard.
    • Swipe all the way left across the icons and tap the three horizontal dots •••.
    • Tap Edit at the top-left.
    • Scroll down and tap + next to "#images".
    • Tap Done at the top-left and return to the message—you should have #images now.
  2. GIFs are not appearing in Messages. If you aren't able to search #images or the GIFs you select aren't appearing in the conversation, try removing and re-adding #images. Here's how:
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    • Open a conversation in Messages and scroll all the way to the left of the row of icons above the keyboard.
    • Tap the three horizontal dots •••.
    • Tap Edit at the top-left.
    • Tap the red minus button next to #images.
    • Tap Remove from Favorites.
    • Tap the switch next to #images to turn it off.
    • Tap Done.
    • Tap Edit at the top-left again.
    • Tap the switch next to #images to turn it back on—this automatically adds it to the Favorites section, too.
    • Tap Done to confirm.
  3. Can't search for GIFs. If you're not able to search for keywords or see any results in either Messages or GIPHY, this usually means there's a problem with your internet connection. If you're connected to Wi-Fi, try disconnecting and reconnecting. You can also disabling Wi-Fi temporarily and using mobile data, although if you don't have unlimited data, charges may apply.
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  4. GIPHY or Messages is crashing. Restarting your iPhone will clear up many problems, including app crashes and other quirks. Give your iPhone a reboot and try again.
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    • If this doesn't clear up problems with GIPHY, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.


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source How to of the Day

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