be more attractive: octobre 2024

jeudi 31 octobre 2024

How to Intuition Test

What number am I thinking of? Intuition is that funny, indescribable feeling where you just know the answer to something without putting any serious brainpower into it. But just how good is your intuition, anyway?

There’s one way to find out—if you’re up to the challenge. Hit “Start Quiz” to put your intuition to the ultimate test. (P.S.: The answer was 7.)

A woman in a hijab looks contemplatively in the distance.

[Edit]Questions Overview

How Intuitive Am I?
Take this quiz to find out!

Quizzes Are More Fun With Friends

Share this quiz with your friends and compare results.

1. I'm holding one card in each hand. Which holds has the Ace of Spades?
  1. The left.
  2. The right.
2. What color are my eyes?
  1. Bright grey blue
  2. Warm hazel
3. There's a red velvet box. It's closed. Which crystal sits inside?
  1. Obsidian
  2. Rose Quartz
4. Which Tarot card am I holding? (if you're unfamiliar with tarot, just go with your gut).
  1. The Empress
  2. Six of Swords
5. Let's play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. What am I using?
  1. Paper
  2. Rock

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[Edit]All About Intuition

What exactly is intuition? It depends on who you ask:

  • From a psychological perspective, intuition is simply information that appears in our brains without much serious thought.
  • From certain philosophical perspectives, intuition is just a belief we carry.
  • From a casual perspective, intuition is simply another word for a “hunch” or “gut feeling.”

Scientifically speaking, intuition taps into the brain’s innate ability to match patterns across a person’s memories and experiences, which, in turn, leads to an instantaneous feeling/judgment. Spiritually speaking, however, intuition can be intertwined with a person’s faith or belief system.

So, which interpretation is “correct”? The answer is up to you.

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source How to of the Day

How to Big Eyes on People

Everything you need to know about people with big peepers

Have you ever seen a beautiful pair of big eyes and wondered what they might say about the person? People with larger eyes are often perceived as more attractive or youthful, but there’s more to having big eyes than being attractive. This article lists 11 traits of big-eyed people to help you understand this mesmerizing portion of the population.

[Edit]Most Common Traits of People with Big Eyes

  1. People with big eyes have big personalities.
  2. They’re good listeners who easily empathize with others
  3. Big eyes are associated with ambition.
  4. People with large eyes are cheerful and open.
  5. They often have vivid imaginations.
  6. Large-eyed people are passionate.
  7. They are curious and have many interests.


[Edit]Personality Traits of People with Big Eyes

  1. People with big eyes are perceived as having expressive personalities. Eyes convey enthusiasm, energy, and emotion. Those who have larger eyes tend to draw more attention, making it seem like they are more expressive than smaller eyes. Their big eyes just seem to make everything about their personality seem larger, too. This has been true throughout history. A physiognomy (study of how psychological characteristics correspond to facial features) pamphlet from 1700 stated that large eyes “...denote the Party bold…”[1]
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    • The ability to communicate their passions through a more intense gaze makes them seem like they have a more dynamic presence.
    • Their expressive eyes can also make interactions with others more engaging.
    • Reading faces, including the shapes and sizes of eyes, is an ancient method of divination in China and India.
  2. People with large eyes are empathetic and easy to talk to. Large eyes make people seem like better listeners. Big eyes also make their owners seem warmer and more open and approachable. This helps them be better listeners by showing they genuinely care about the feelings and experiences of others. Because of this natural empathy, they can be very easy to talk to. They make others feel valued and understood, which allows them to connect on a deeper, more personal level.
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    • Making eye contact is one of the most important aspects of being a good listener, giving people with big eyes a natural advantage.[2]
    • The ideal amount of eye contact is about 3.3 seconds, or things get uncomfortable.[3]
  3. Large-eyed people are highly ambitious and driven to succeed. Being perceived as more passionate and expressive makes people with big eyes seem confident and determined. Both are traits of highly ambitious and successful people.[4] They are seen as having a clearer vision of what they want and the drive to work hard and make it happen.
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  4. Big eyes are associated with a positive attitude. A positive outlook on life opens up people with large eyes to embracing new experiences and ideas.[5] This makes them more adaptable and willing to listen to and learn from other perspectives – which ties back to their ability to be a great listener.
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    • Their cheerful, open natures also make them healthier and less stressed.[6]
    • Being open-minded also makes their relationships more flexible and inclusive.
  5. A vivid imagination is often linked to people with large eyes. Whether they go into creative fields or simply enjoy talking about movies, music, or art, they usually have an instinctive understanding of the creative process. Their ability to see the world from different perspectives allows them to solve problems creatively by thinking up original ideas and solutions.[7]
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    • Their imaginative nature also gives them the tools to be great storytellers who captivate their audiences.
  6. People with big eyes are deeply devoted and passionate. Expressively large eyes can communicate affection and a strong sense of loyalty, making their partners feel loved and cherished. These individuals create deep, meaningful connections with the help of long and intense gazes.[8] Their innate passion and devotion can also lead to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
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  7. A person with large eyes is curious about the world around them. The same open-mindedness that makes them interested in others also gives them a strong desire to learn new things. As committed life-long learners, they’re always curious and thirsty for knowledge. This enthusiasm for learning new things makes them excellent conversationalists who continuously seek new information and experiences.[9]
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    • This thirst for knowledge is also part of what makes them good listeners. They are genuinely interested in learning more about other people and their experiences.
    • They often pursue personal and professional growth, making them well-rounded individuals with much to offer employers, family, friends, and romantic partners.
  8. Large-eyed people can be easily distracted by their many interests. Unfortunately, having so many interests means people with big eyes can be easily distracted by the next interesting person or idea they run into. They may find it challenging to focus on one thing when there are so many other things to do and people to meet. This trait can make it difficult for someone with large eyes to complete a project.
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    • Using visualization – something people with big eyes are great at – often helps them get back on track. Simply visualizing themselves completing the task can help them get a handle on the steps they need to take to get it done.[10]
  9. Brutal honesty is often associated with big eyes. Because they value transparency and authenticity, they tend to speak their minds instead of sugarcoating the truth. Being open and expressive can often make it difficult for large-eyed people to hide what they’re feeling, leading to a reputation for brutal honesty.
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    • While this honesty can be refreshing and build trust with others, it can also cause hurt feelings and might damage relationships.[11]
    • In many cases, these people may not be aware their words are hurting others.
  10. The large-eyed person’s open nature can make them easy to fool. Their openness and empathy for others make people with big eyes seem gullible. They’re honest and trust that others will be honest with them in return, but that’s not always the case. Some people will exploit their good nature because they don’t suspect deceit or manipulation.
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    • The flip side is that people with large eyes have a trusting nature that makes them kind-hearted and generous.
    • People with large eyes can learn to avoid manipulation by relying on a few of their natural skills. They already like to ask questions and look at situations from a different perspective. They can use these skills to get more information by asking probing questions or going to a trusted friend for their opinion.[12]
  11. Large-eyed people love to be the center of attention. Big, beautiful eyes bring them lots of attention…and they love it. People with large eyes love social situations where they can interact with more people who will broaden their horizons. Having expressive eyes helps to draw people to them naturally. Their creativity and storytelling skills give them a flair for drama that often makes them the life of the party.
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    • This personality type can help them become charismatic leaders who can make meaningful connections and inspire large groups of people.[13]

[Edit]Are big eyes attractive?

  1. Many consider large eyes to be a sign of beauty. In evolutionary psychology, some scientists believe we are more attracted to people with large eyes because they remind us of a baby’s eyes. When we see large eyes in adults, we associate them with youth and vitality. We’re drawn to people with large, round eyes because we instinctively want to care for and bond with them.[14]
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    • Don’t worry if you have smaller eyes. Research has also shown that overall attractiveness is more complex and based on multiple features combined with your personality.[15]


source How to of the Day

How to What to Talk About on a First Date

Plus, which topics you should definitely avoid on your date

While first dates are supposed to be fun, figuring out what to talk about can be a little stressful. On one hand, you want to be yourself and have a good time, but on the other, you want to make sure your date feels comfortable. To help you out, we spoke to dating and relationship experts for tips on how to have great first date conversations—from everything you should talk about, to the topics that are best to avoid.

[Edit]Great Topics to Talk About on a First Date

  1. Where you grew up.
  2. Your hobbies.
  3. Your favorite movie/music/book.
  4. What your dream vacation looks like.
  5. Your ideal job.
  6. Your favorite meal.
  7. Something you've always wanted to try.


[Edit]The Basics

  1. Ask your date questions about their daily life as a way to break the ice. Although talking about work, family life, and daily routines aren’t exactly the most exciting topics of conversation, these subjects are a great way to get a glimpse into the life of your date. Once you are able to paint a picture of who this person is, it will help you move the conversation forward.[1]
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    • “What does your typical day look like at work?”
    • "What's the first thing you do when you get home after a long day?"
    • "Have you always lived in this city?"
    • ”Where did you grow up?”
    • ”Do you have any pets?”
    • ”What’s one thing you can’t leave home without?”
    • ”How many siblings do you have?”
    • According to dating coach Lisa Shield, sticking to one of these topics at a time is better than jumping from subject to subject. "Really great conversation happens when you take one topic, and then you go deeper," she says. "So somebody might say, 'Where did you grow up?' And they may say, 'I grew up in Detroit.' And you might say, 'Wow, tell me about Detroit.'[2]


  1. Ask about your date’s friends to learn more about their social life. When you ask someone about their friend group, it reveals a lot about who they are as a person. If you’re more of an introverted homebody and your date says that they like to go out every single weekend with a huge group of friends, this can be very useful to gauge your compatibility.[3]
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    • “What do you typically do for fun with your friends?”
    • "My best friend and I have this annual tradition of going strawberry picking every summer. Do you and your friends have any traditions?"
    • "Would you prefer to hang out with one or two friends at a time or with a large group?"
    • ”How often do you and your friends get together?”
    • ”Which friend have you had the longest?”

[Edit]Hobbies and Interests

  1. Discuss hobbies, interests, and passions to find common ground. Learning more about what your date likes is huge. It’s also the perfect way to uncover shared interests and plan future dates. For example, if you find out that your date is obsessed with hiking (and so are you!), ask them if they’d be interested in going together one day.[4].
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    • “I’ve recently been really getting into cross-stitching. Have you ever tried it?”
    • "I love that photo on your dating profile of you jamming out on the mandolin! How long have you been interested in music?"
    • "You mentioned before that you enjoy cooking. I'd love to hear more about your favorite dishes to prepare."
    • ”My Saturday mornings usually include stopping by the market downtown to support local businesses. Have you ever been?”
    • ”I see you’re wearing a Cowboys shirt! They’re my favorite team; would you want to catch a game sometime?”
    • ”What’s one hobby you’ve always wanted to try?”


  1. Play a fun game of “this or that” to learn their likes and dislikes. Asking your date which option they’d choose out of two choices is an awesome way to keep the tone of the date fun and flirty. At the same time, you’re still learning more about them as a person and determining just how compatible the two of you are.
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    • “Would you rather have Beyoncé’s talent or Jay-Z’s business mindset?”
    • "A day at the beach or in the mountains?"
    • "Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? I tend to like both!"
    • ”Are you an early bird or a night owl?”
    • ”Is vanilla or chocolate the better flavor?”
    • ”Team Edward or team Jacob and why?”


  1. Ask your person about their favorite things to reveal more about their personality. Whether your date loves Game of Thrones or The Office, there’s sure to be a discussion when favorites are brought up. Ask them about their favorite shows, podcasts, movies, or books to really get a grasp on their taste—which can reveal a lot about a person![5]
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    • “I just finished my favorite show and need a new binge-worthy series. Have you watched anything good lately that you'd suggest?”
    • "I can't stop thinking about this book that I read recently, and I feel like you'd really enjoy it, too. Maybe check it out and we can talk about it?"
    • "What's one movie you could watch over and over again without ever getting tired of?"
    • ”What’s the best TV series of the last decade?”
    • ”What genre of movies do you tend to like?”
    • ”Celebrity crush?”
    • ”You said you enjoy Harry Potter. Which book was the best?”
    • ”I know you mentioned you like sports podcasts. Which one is your favorite?”


  1. Talk about travel to share experiences and future plans. Travel is a great date conversation because it’s the perfect way to learn about your date’s past and future. Asking them where they’ve been, where they’re going, and where they’d like to go gives you a better idea as to whether or not you guys will hit it off.
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    • “If you could fly anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?”
    • "I noticed pictures on your Instagram from your trip to Bali last month. I'd love to hear more about it!"
    • "One of my dreams is to travel to Africa one day. Do you have any dream trips?"
    • ”Would you prefer to take a Caribbean beach cruise or backpack through Europe?”
    • ”I’ll tell you my embarrassing travel story if you tell me yours!”
    • ”Would you have more fun somewhere cold or warm?”

[Edit]Goals and Pursuits

  1. Talk about the future to figure out where they’re going in life. Asking questions about their career is great, but goals and pursuits aren’t limited to employment. You can ask your date questions about personal goals, too, such as any hobbies they’d ever like to take up, where they see themselves living in the future, or how they’d like to improve or change their life.[6]
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    • “Do you see yourself at the same job you’re at now in 5 years?”
    • "I'm currently studying Spanish and it's a goal of mine to become fluent. Do you study any languages"
    • "I don't see myself living in this city for the rest of my life. Have you ever thought about relocating?"
    • ”I saw on your profile that your goal is to run a 5K this year. I’d love to hear more about that!”
    • ”What is your dream job?”
    • ”What would you say is one thing you’re most proud of?”


  1. Talk about food as a doorway to a second date. Whether or not your first date involves any type of food, sharing more about the foods you and your date enjoy is a great “in” for a second date. For example, your date might mention that they love Italian food and your favorite restaurant is a cozy little Italian spot—this is the perfect opportunity to invite them along.
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    • ”What’s the best restaurant you’ve tried since moving here?”
    • ”Cooking or takeout?”
    • ”What is your perfect meal?”
    • ”Do you like to cook?”
    • ”What’s your specialty when you cook?”


  1. Assess their music taste to compare favorites as well as learn about new music. Music is one thing that can bring people together so naturally, it’s a great date conversation. You may find out that you and your person have all the exact same favorite groups, or you may learn about a few cool artists you’ve never heard about before. Either way, it’s a win!
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    • ”How many playlists would you say you have in your library?”
    • ”Who is the most unknown artist you listen to?”
    • ”Which artist do you have on repeat all day long?”
    • ”What’s your most played song of the year?”
    • ”Any new albums you’d recommend?”

[Edit]What to Avoid Talking About on a First Date

  1. Complaints{endbold} Whether the coffee you ordered on the date was lukewarm or your mom called you earlier that day trying to pick a fight, it’s best to keep those irritations to yourself at this stage. Complaining can give off some major negative energy, and while your date totally might not care, you don’t know them well enough yet to know how they’re going to react. Instead, keep the conversation focused on them and learning more about them.[7]
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  2. Previous relationships{endbold} Talking about exes may allow your date to believe that these relationships are still on your mind or that you’re still carrying the weight and baggage of the past. Remember to live in the present on a first date and keep the new person as your main focus.[8]
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  3. Religion{endbold} Religion is a big deal to many people, so it’s only natural that some of us want to make sure we’re partnering up with someone who’s beliefs align with our own. While it’s okay to mention that you practice a certain religion, grilling your date about their religious beliefs may make them super uncomfortable.[9]
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  4. Sex{endbold} Not everyone is comfortable discussing sex, especially when you’re first getting to know a person. Avoid talking about past sexual encounters, partners, and viewpoints (unless they ask you and you feel totally fine and open to sharing).[10]
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  5. Politics{endbold} For many people, politics is a touchy subject and can turn very heavy very fast. While a lot of us are passionate about what we believe in, politics can also be very triggering, so it’s best to avoid it all together and save that conversation for when you know your date a little better.[11]
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  6. Talking too much about yourself{endbold} Dates are nerve wracking! So, it can be easy to allow those nervous feelings to get the best of us wind up talking way too much about ourselves, but aim to focus on your date as much as you can. Ask them questions, listen attentively, and take genuine interest in what they’re saying.[12]
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[Edit]Tips for a Great First Date

  1. Keep a list of questions handy. Before heading out on a date, you might feel totally confident and empowered, but as soon as you get there, you may get nervous. Combat this by having a list of questions prepared—this way, you won’t have to fry your brain trying to remember what you planned to ask. Keep a little piece of paper in your pocket, or have a list on your phone ready to go over when you excuse yourself to the bathroom.
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  2. Keep your tone casual and natural. As noted by dating coach Cher Gopman, "Make sure you don't take the date like it's a business interview, but you enjoy the date, you smile and you laugh, and you really get that person you're with to have fun—because the last thing someone wants at the end of the day, after working hard, is to go on a date and to feel like there's no laughter, there's no fun."[13]
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  3. Practice active listening. There’s listening, and then there’s active listening. Active listening is when you are listening to someone and giving them physical signals that you’re invested in the conversation. This can include head nods, leaning in towards them, and following up with questions in specific regard to what they’re saying.
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  4. Focus on getting to know who they are. To genuinely get to know someone, figure out who they are as a person and don’t allow the way they look to distract you. Even if you find them very physically attractive, bringing that up too much can give off the impression that you’re only interested in looks or sex. Instead, keep the energy centered around them, their life, and their interests.
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  5. Present yourself with confidence. While you still want to make a good first impression, remember that this person needs to impress you before you go out of your way to impress them. "First and foremost, you can't fake confidence," says relationship expert Joshua Pompey. "So you're never going to be able to act confident unless you feel confident. No matter who you are in life, there's always room for improvement. Whether you're a guy or a girl, just something as simple as getting some new clothes, looking a little bit more stylish, getting the right haircut, doing what it takes to feel your most physically attractive, that's really important."[14]
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  6. Go in with no expectations. Whether you met your date in person or online, you may go into this meeting with an image in mind of who you think they are or what you think this could lead to. But when we put too many expectations on how we want it to go, it adds pressure not only on the date, but on ourselves. Take the date for what it is, go with the flow, and most importantly, have fun![15]
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source How to of the Day

mercredi 30 octobre 2024

How to Goodnight Paragraphs for Him

Long, heartfelt messages to send to your guy

Getting a good night text from someone you love can fill your stomach with butterflies and make you feel like the whole world is suddenly brighter. Whether you’re apart for a few days or in a long-distance relationship, a good night text can be a wonderful way to let your partner know you’re thinking about them and miss them. Keep reading for a list of all the best good night paragraphs to send to your boyfriend or husband.


[Edit]Goodnight Paragraphs to Melt His Heart

  1. Share your affection for him with a sweet goodnight text. Showing gratitude for your partner can make him feel more appreciated and loved.[1] To build a stronger connection between you and your boyfriend or husband, tell him what you appreciate most about him and compliment him in your good night text.[2]
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    • “They say that love can happen in a single moment, but I never really believed them until I saw you on the day we met. I will forever fight for you and with you. I’ll be watching over you while you sleep, my love. Good night!”
    • “Your smile is the most beautiful in the world. I’m grateful for another day spent loving you. Good night and sweet dreams, my handsome prince!”
    • “Thank you for putting so much effort into growing our relationship. I feel like I can be myself around you, and you’re always there to listen when I need advice. I really appreciate you. I hope you sleep well!”
    • “Words cannot express how much I adore you. I feel so comfortable around you, and no one can make me laugh as much as you do. I hope you have a great day tomorrow, I love you!”
    • “You’re so easy to talk to. I feel like I can talk to you for hours about everything and anything. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing guy like you. I love you, my darling. Good night!”
    • “I can’t stop telling my friends how wonderful you are. I think you’re my soulmate. No one else makes me feel as complete as you do. Thank you for being mine. Good night, dear!”
    • “There’s nothing I love more than seeing you smile. You really are an amazing person. My life has gotten so much better ever since we met. I love you, sweet dreams!”
    • “Good night, my love. Just talking to you fills my heart with so much joy. You’re my forever person. I love you more than you could ever know. Sleep tight!”
    • “I didn’t believe in love until I found you. You really are my soulmate. I love you forever. I hope you have a great night and an even more amazing day, darling.”
    • “I still remember the day that we met—it was the same day that my entire life changed. You’re the reason for all of my happiness. I love that you can make me laugh even when the world is ending. I hope you sleep well, my dear.”
    • “I wouldn’t trade your love for all the money in the world. You’re such a hard worker and I feel so protected around you. I’m so blessed that you’re mine. Have a great night!”
    • “You’re the piece I’ve been missing my entire life, and I’m so lucky that I found you. You’re a true gentleman, and I love being by your side. I truly have the best boyfriend and life partner. Sweet dreams!”

[Edit]Goodnight Messages to Express Your Love for Him

  1. Send a goodnight text to your man to let him know how much you love him. Texting your partner throughout the day can be a great way to let him know that you’re thinking about him.[3] Good night texts are the same way—use this as an opportunity to let your SO know how much you love and appreciate him.
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    • “As the moon shines through your window, know that my love for you shines just as bright. Know that I’m always there for you, even when we’re apart. I love you. Sleep well.”
    • “You make me feel alive, you make me feel loved, and you make me feel beautiful. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I can’t imagine a day without seeing your face, hearing your voice, and tasting your kiss. I love you. Sleep tight.”
    • “Good night, the love of my life. Every time I think about you, I can’t help but smile. You have completely taken over my mind, body, and soul. I can’t imagine myself with anyone else. Talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams!”
    • “Good night, babe. You mean the world to me. I love you so much, and I hope you never forget that. Sleep well, and I can’t wait to talk to you when you wake up tomorrow.”
    • “I fall asleep every night with a smile on my face knowing that you’re mine. May your dreams be as wonderful, creative, and joyful as you are. Sleep well, my sweet angel.”
    • “Before I go to sleep, I just wanted to tell you that you’re the most important thing in my life. You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my priority. I found love with the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met, and I’m so grateful. Good night, baby.”
    • “Every time I say good night to you, it’s like saying goodbye to a piece of my heart. But I know tomorrow when we meet, I’ll have even more opportunities to love you more. Good night, my dear.”
    • “You’re the most amazing man that I’ve ever met, and every moment I spend with you is a blessing. Even though we’re apart, every good night to you is a gift I’ll always cherish. Sweet dreams, handsome man.”
    • “You’re always in my thoughts and in my heart, even when we’re apart. Your presence lights up my life every day, even when you’re miles away. Have the most peaceful sleep, my love. Goodnight!”
    • “You’re the only one who can satisfy my desires, fulfill my needs, match my standards, and exceed my dreams. I want to be there for you like you have always been there for me. I love you so much. Good night, pookie.”
    • “Good night, my love. I just wanted to let you know that you are the most gorgeous star in the sky. You are my guiding light and the reason I wake up every day. I love you.”
    • “When I close my eyes, all I see is your handsome face. You’re the reason I smile. Thank you for being mine. Good night, my sweet love. We’ll see each other again soon.”

[Edit]Goodnight Paragraphs to Make Him Feel Special

  1. Say goodnight to your significant other with a sweet, loving message. Creating rituals can be a great way to make your partner feel loved—and what better ritual than sending a goodnight text?[4] To make your messages feel more special, try to send a long goodnight text only once or twice a week, and send shorter texts every other night.
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    • “You make life look as special and fun as a warm spring day. You mean so much to me, and I’m proud to be yours. You are the love of my life. Have beautiful dreams, baby.”
    • “I just saw an elderly couple walking by my apartment, and I can’t stop thinking about how much I can’t wait to grow old with you. I can’t wait to hold your hand on the porch of our home and talk about all the things we did together. Sleep well, my love.”
    • “All day at work, all I could think about was you. You’re my love, my light, and my everything. I can’t wait to get married and have a long future together. But for now, I guess this good night will do. Good night, honey.”
    • “Even though you’re not with me right now, I want you to know that I carry you with me wherever I go. I think every day about how incredibly amazing life is to give me someone as special as you. I will love you until the end of time. Good night.”
    • “A song came on today that reminded me of you. I wish I could have danced with you right then and there. You’ll have to make it up to me the next time we meet. Sleep well, my darling, and I hope you have a good day tomorrow.”
    • “I was looking at houses online today, and I couldn’t stop imagining how our first house would look. I can’t wait to decorate a place with all of our things and make a home together. I miss you so much, and I hope you have a great night.”
    • “I’m looking at the moon right now, and I can’t stop thinking about the first night that we kissed. Right away, I knew you were the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I’m so lucky to have you by my side. Good night, my forever love.”
    • “It’s hard to fall asleep without your warmth by my side. Tonight, I’ll be counting the minutes until I can see your face and touch you again. You’re everything I ever wanted and more. Sleep tight, my darling.”
    • “I saw a movie I think you’d like, I’ll have to show it to you when you come over next. But for now, I want to tell you how much I miss you and wish you could be snuggled up next to me. Good night, my beloved.”
    • “When the sun sets and the moon takes its place, all I can think about is your face. I miss you so much, and I can’t wait to hold your hand again. Good night, my prince charming.”
    • “I love spending the day with you because that means I get to play it all over in my head again when I lie in bed. The only thing that would make it better is if you were here in real life, too. Sleep tight, my love.”

[Edit]Loving Goodnight Paragraphs for Him to Wake Up To

  1. Craft a swoon-worthy message for your guy to read the next morning. If you’re a night owl who tends to stay up later than your partner, one of these messages might be the best for you. That way, he can wake up to a heart-touching, sweet message that’s guaranteed to make him smile.[5]
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    • “I know you’re probably asleep right now, but I just heard our song and it made me smile. I can’t wait to dance with you all night again. I love you! I hope you sleep well, my darling.”
    • “Hey, love. I know you’re sleeping right now, but I need to tell you how much I love you. Nothing in this world makes me sad because I know that I have you in my life. I love the way you smile, I love when you’re being silly, and I love that you know how to make me laugh. Good night, babe.”
    • “I can’t stop thinking about how I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be there for you through thick and thin and inspire you as much as you inspire me every day. You make me want to be a better person. I love you so much. Good night.”
    • “You are my dream come true, and everything I ever wanted in a man. You make me feel complete. I love every moment spent with you and I dream about the years we’re going to spend together. Sweet dreams, honey.”
    • “As you sleep, I want you to know that you’re the only person in my heart and my mind. Not a single day passes when I don’t thank the universe for sending you to me. You’re my other half and the love of my life. Good night!”
    • “I feel silly writing to you while you’re asleep, but I feel like I’m in a rom-com when I’m with you. I want to write you cheesy love notes and live happily ever after with you. I hope you have the sweetest dreams.”
    • “I couldn’t sleep, so I started counting all the reasons why I love you. There were too many, and all it did was make me miss you more. I hope we always laugh, smile, and stay happy together. I hope you sleep well and have a great morning!”
    • “I just want you to know that you’re the sweetest, most perfect man for me. You’re so good to me, that all I do is daydream about the next time I’ll see you again. Until then, I’ll see you in your dreams. Good night.”
    • “I know you had a long day today, so I’m sure you’re sleeping already. I just want to say thank you for choosing me. I feel happy and confident, and it’s all because of you. You make me feel like I’m on top of the world. I love you, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
    • “Good night, handsome. I hope you have amazing dreams tonight. I’ll be thinking about you every second before I go to sleep, and I’ll think of you the moment I wake. I love you so much.”
    • “I think you’re asleep right now, so I want this message to be the first thing you see when you wake up. I love you so much, and I hope you have the most amazing day. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
    • “I know you’re probably asleep right now, but I needed to tell you that you make me and my life so much better. I want to be with you forever. I love you. Sleep well.”
    • “Hello, my love. I know you’re asleep, but I wanted to let you know that you’re the most gorgeous, amazing person. I would do anything for you. You give me the world and I want to give you the universe. I love you with all my heart. Good night!”
    • “I hope you have the sweetest dreams. You make my heart smile, and I appreciate everything you’ve done to support me. Every day my love for you only grows stronger. Good night, babe!”
    • “I’m so in love with you, I can’t sleep. My heart is beating out of my chest just thinking about you. Have a good day at work tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see you later. I love you with all my heart.”

[Edit]Romantic Goodnight Messages to Make Him Swoon

  1. Shoot him a super romantic message to read before he goes to sleep. If you’re texting your long-term boyfriend or husband, try substituting one of the names below with your favorite pet name to make him feel even more special.[6]
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    • “You’re always the last thing I think about before I fall asleep and the first thought in my mind when I wake up. Come to my dreams if you can—I’ll kiss you there. Goodnight, my love. I hope you sleep well.”
    • “Good night, babe. Just like it’s impossible to count all the stars in the sky, it’s impossible to measure my love for you. I love you so much. Wishing you sweet dreams and a wonderful day tomorrow!”
    • “The most beautiful thing in the world is your eyes when you look at me. Every night when I’m looking up at the stars, all I can think about is you. I hope you sleep well, honey. Good night!”
    • “You’re the most special person in my life. You’re so amazing, I’d choose you over and over and over again. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!”
    • “Even though I’m not sure about most things in life, I am certain that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, and I’ll continue to love you forever. Good night, my darling!”
    • “Good night, cutie pie! I wish I could see your smile once more before I sleep. That's all I think about night and day. Sweet dreams, my love.”
    • “Every day I spend with you is the best day of my life. Sleeping is impossible when all I can think about is you. I can’t wait to do it all over again tomorrow. Sleep well, my love.”
    • “I’m so grateful to have such a sweet guy like you. I wish I had the power to stop time so that my day with you never ends. I’ll see you in your dreams. Good night!”
    • “Whenever I close my eyes, I just see you. You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met, and I’m so happy to be with you. Good night. I love you!”
    • “You’re the reason I wake up every day with a smile on my face. I’m counting down the hours until I see you again. I hope you have an incredible day. Good night!”
    • “Because of you, I go to bed every night feeling like I won the lottery. You’re the best prize anyone could have. I’m so lucky you’re in my life. Sweet dreams!”
    • “You’re my favorite person to fall asleep with, even if it’s over the phone. I was thinking about you all day and I’ll be dreaming about you all night. Sending you love and tons of kisses! Good night, honey!”

[Edit]Heartfelt Goodnight Messages to Make Him Cry

  1. Let him know how much he means to you with a long, loving text. A super romantic, deep good night message could be the perfect way to make your guy feel so moved that he might even cry. To make your text more personalized, describe your favorite memory with him or something sweet that he’s said to you that you’ve never forgotten.[7]
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 6.jpg
    • “Goodnight, my love. You’re my true love and my soulmate. You’re my strength, protector, and my hero. You’re everything I could want and more. Good night, darling.”
    • “I love the way you look at me. It makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world. You’re everything I could ever want in a partner, and I miss your handsome face already. Have a wonderful night. Sweet dreams!”
    • “No matter who’s around, you’ll always be my favorite person in the room. You’ve brought so much love and light into my life, that I don’t know how I could repay you. I love you, honey. I hope you have a great night.”
    • “The more years that go by, the more I learn new things to love about you. You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever known, inside and out. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband. I love you, my dear. I hope you have a great day tomorrow!”
    • “I’m so completely in love with you. Every day has been a blessing since I met you. I feel so lucky to have you in my life and I can’t wait to see you. Have a good night, my love.”
    • “I love that you’re my biggest cheerleader and fan. I want to be there with you always so I can do the same. My heart will always be yours, my love. Sweet dreams!”
    • “You are the only person I want to come home to, and my favorite person to spend time with. Loving you is the best thing I’ve ever done, and I want to do it for the rest of my life. I’ll never regret being with you. I hope you sleep well, my love. I’ll see you soon.”
    • “No matter how dull my days are, you are the one person who makes everything colorful again. I wake up every day excited that I get to see you again. I’m absolutely obsessed with you, my dear. Sleep well!”
    • “With each passing day, I realize more and more how lucky I am to have you in my life. You’re more than my boyfriend—you’re my best friend. You make me better. I hope you have a great night, honey.”
    • “Good night, honey. You’ve been working so hard. You really are an incredible person and I’m so proud of you. I’m so beyond lucky to have fallen in love with you. I hope you get a good night’s sleep!”
    • “Good night, my everything. I miss you so much that it hurts, and I can’t wait to be back in your arms again. You make my life so much better. Sending you all my love as you drift off to sleep.”
    • “Good night, handsome. Every day I choose you, and that choice only gets easier and easier. Thank you for always being the best part of my day. You are my happily ever after. I love you, I hope you sleep well.”
    • “In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you. I’m so lucky to have fallen in love with my best friend. Just the thought of you makes my heart soar. I can’t wait to come home to your beautiful face. Get tons of sleep, my dear!”

[Edit]Flirty Goodnight Paragraphs to Make Him Blush

  1. Tease your partner a little before you both hit the hay. Looking to spice things up a little? Send one of these flirty texts to make your partner wish that he was right there beside you. Try adding flirty emojis like a winking face or a couple of hearts to really flirt with him.[8]
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 7.jpg
    • “Tonight was the most fun I’ve ever had. I’m going to be thinking about it all day and night until I see you again. 😍 Good night to the hottest guy on Earth. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
    • “I could text you all night, but then we’d be too tired to text all day tomorrow. I hope you sleep well, baby. You’re so amazing and handsome. I’ll dream of you all night.”
    • “Sleeping naked feels like such a waste when you’re not here with me. I’ll just have to think about you until we see each other again. 🙈 I hope you sleep well, my darling. Have an amazing night and an even better day.”
    • “I wish you were here right now, my love. I plan on having very dirty dreams about you tonight. 😉 I hope you dream about me, too. Text me when you wake up and let me know if you do.”
    • “I wish we were in the same bed right now. I can’t wait until I can lay my head on your chest again. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Sweet dreams!”
    • “I’ve been missing you all day, but I especially miss you now. I wish that we could cuddle right now, but I know that it’ll be worth the wait. Sweet dreams, babe. You deserve them.”
    • “I can’t stop smiling thinking about last night. You’re so hot, and I can’t wait until I can kiss your gorgeous face again. Talk to you later, lover. I hope you have a great night.”

[Edit]Cute Goodnight Paragraphs to Make Him Smile

  1. Write an adorable message that will make him feel lucky to be with you. When crafting your good night text, dating expert Kristina Mirgorodskaya recommends “mentioning a nice moment on the date you just had” or “hint[ing] at something fun or interesting to do for the next date so they have something to look forward to.”[9]
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 8.jpg
    • “Forget butterflies, you give me the entire zoo when I’m with you! You’re my dream come true, and I hope I never wake up. I love you, my dear. Good night!”
    • “There’s no one as witty, kind, smart, and handsome as you. Just like bacon, you make everything better. Thanks for being such an amazing person. ‘Night, sweetheart!”
    • “You make me feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world. I’m gonna dream about our next adventure together. Sweet dreams, my love!”
    • “Before I fall asleep, I just wanted to tell you one more time how much you mean to me. You’re truly my soulmate and my partner in crime. Hope all of your dreams are as sweet as you are!”
    • “I couldn’t let you go to sleep without reminding you how much I love you. So here it is: good night, baby. I love you to the moon and back. Until morning, my darling.”
    • “Everything you do makes me fall more and more in love with you. You’re my knight in shining armor, and you have no idea how much I miss you. I hope you sleep well, my love.”
    • “I know that sometimes I can be stubborn, but I just want you to know that I’m forever grateful that you’re by my side. You’re the best partner I could ever have. I love you. Have a great night!”
    • “Good night my love. I hope all your dreams come true because you definitely made mine. I’ll think about you all night long. I can’t wait for our date tomorrow!”
    • “Just thinking about you makes me blush. I feel so safe around you, and I absolutely adore you. You amaze me every day. I love and miss you. Good night!”
    • “The sunset tonight was incredible, but not as stunning as you are. I literally don’t think anything could be as amazing as you. I’ll miss you as I drift off to sleep. Good night, sweetheart.”
    • “I wish we could run away and start a life together right now! I can’t imagine walking through the rest of my life without you. You’re the most incredible boyfriend I’ve ever had. Sweet dreams!”
    • “Now I know what all the love songs were talking about! I can’t think straight when I’m not with you. You were what I must have been missing my whole life. I’ll dream about you all night, and text you as soon as I wake up!”
    • “I wish we didn’t have work tomorrow so we could spend the entire day together. I miss you so much, I hope you get a great night of sleep and that you spend the whole day tomorrow thinking about me.”

[Edit]Goodnight Messages for Long-Distance Couples

  1. Pour your heart out to your long-distance partner before you go to sleep. Dating long-distance can be hard, but texting can be a great way to make the distance seem smaller. Some studies even found that couples who use texts to cope have greater happiness and higher-quality relationships.[10] Let your partner know how much you love them with a sweet good night message.
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 9 Version 2.jpg
    • “Whenever I check the time during work, all I see is your picture on my phone wallpaper, and it makes me miss you. Not a day passes when I don’t think about you. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms. Good night, love.”
    • “Every night I’m so grateful that you’re in my life. Being with you is like a dream I never want to end. I can’t wait to see you soon. Sleep tight, my dear.”
    • “You’re the reason I believe in fairytales and happy endings. I can’t wait to ride off into the sunset together. When we finally meet, I’m going to hug you and never let you go. Good night, my sweet.”
    • “Good night, my soulmate. Distance means nothing, because you are my everything. I can’t imagine my life without you. I love you and I can’t wait to come home to you.”
    • “Loving you has been the best decision I’ve made in life because you bring so much happiness and joy to my life. If I had a penny for every time I thought of you, I’d be on the next flight to see you. I love you. I hope you sleep well!”
    • “During our video calls, I can’t help but stop and stare. You’re just so handsome, cute, and incredibly kind. I can’t wait to jump into your arms when we meet again. I love you so much. Good night, darling.”
    • “Sleeping without you by my side is hard, but the time will come when we don’t have to text goodnight anymore. Until then, let’s meet in our dreams. Good night, my love.”
    • “Today was crazy and long, but talking to you earlier made everything better again. I never want to know what life is like without you in it. Sweet dreams, my king.”
    • “Falling in love with you was the easiest thing on earth, and being apart from you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. If I could teleport, I’d be in your arms now. Dream of me tonight and always, my love. Good night.”
    • “No matter how much time passes, how much distance there is between us, I will always find my way back to you. I love you in every universe. I hope you sleep well. Sweet dreams, my love.”
    • “As long as you’re in my heart and I’m in yours, there’s no distance that our love can’t travel. Every moment without you is just another moment I have to wait for you. Thank you for never giving up on me. Good night.”
    • “Nights like tonight are when I miss you next to me. I can’t wait to hug you, kiss you, and hold you in my arms. You truly are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, baby. Have a great night.”
    • “Good night, my darling! Just wanted to let you know that I woke up with you on my mind. I wish I could be right there, snuggled up next to you. Having you in my life is a gift I treasure every single day. I love you.”
    • “Distance gives us a reason to love harder (and to rack up those frequent flier miles). I hope I’ll be in your dreams tonight—you’ll definitely be in mine. I love you and miss you, baby. Sleep well.”

[Edit]Funny Goodnight Paragraphs to Make Him Laugh

  1. Make your SO forget about his bad day with a sweet but silly text. Using humor can be a great way to add a little spice to your good night text and make him smile. If your guy likes corny one-liners, try adding a joke you know he’d like right before you wish him good night.[11]
    Goodnight Paragraphs for Him Step 10.jpg
    • “I think we really have to move in together at this point. “Good night” texts just aren’t cutting it. Sleep well and dream of your favorite person (I mean me, of course). I love you, dear.”
    • “You’re the cheese to my pepperoni, and just like pizza, I choose you every time. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to have a piece of you when you come over. Sleep tight, my love!”
    • “I’m not patient enough for a long, romantic letter, so I hope you’ll settle for this text. Good night, my love. You’re the most important person in my life. Thank you for loving such an awkward, silly mess. You’re the best. Good night!”
    • “All my friends are jealous that we have such a good relationship. One of them told me today that we look really good together. Part of it is because of you, but mostly because of me. 😉 Thank you for loving me. See you tomorrow!”
    • “Good night, my partner in crime! I can’t wait to send you a thousand memes and funny videos tomorrow. I love you. I hope you have a great day.”
    • “I don’t need a heater, because the warmth of your love warms me every night. That, and the 5 blankets I sleep with. Sleep tight, my love, and dream of our life together forever.”
    • “Don’t wish me a good night, because no night is good without you here with me. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to see you again. Sleep well, my sweetheart.”
    • “You’re my guardian angel, my best friend, and the object of all my desires. Nothing can take your place, except maybe a good night’s sleep. That’s where I’m off to next. Good night, my dear!”
    • “I wish you were here to steal my blankets… and the rest of the bed. Even though you’re totally a bed hog, I love you so much. Sleep well and know that I miss you so much!”


  • To make your significant other feel even more loved, try turning a good night text into a good night call at least once a week.[12]


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