How to live your best life as an old soul
People have said you’re an “old soul” before, but what did they really mean by that? What is an old soul, and what qualities define them? We’re here to explain everything. Being called an old soul could be considered quite the compliment! As an old soul, you have a unique and profound way of looking at the world, which likely tends to impress the people you meet. Keep reading to discover all the signs of an old soul so you can figure out if you truly are one, plus tips on how to flourish in life as an old soul.
[Edit]Things You Should Know
- Old souls are people who feel wise beyond their years and mature for their age group. If you’re an old soul, you’re highly sensitive and insightful.
- As an old soul, you may be curious and thirsty for knowledge. You’re also likely introverted and enjoy lots of alone time to recharge your social battery.
- You’re likely patient, empathetic, and rebellious if you're an old soul. People tend to go to you for advice because they sense your wisdom and maturity.
[Edit]What is an old soul?
- An old soul feels older and wiser than their age reflects. The concept of old souls originates in the spiritual idea that bodies are vessels for souls, and if you’re an old soul, your soul continues to reincarnate.[1] However, today, old souls aren’t necessarily a spiritual thing. Rather, being an old soul can simply mean you have lots of empathy, mental acuity, intuition, and insight into yourself and the world around you.
- Generally, old souls are seen as understanding, thoughtful, patient, and extremely wise.
- You may feel like an old soul from the moment you’re born, or you may develop the characteristics of an old soul as your reincarnated soul awakens.
[Edit]Signs You’re an Old Soul
- You aren’t materialistic. You rarely find happiness in material possessions or money as an old soul. What you value most are the things that can’t be bought: friends, family, knowledge, peace, and security. You don’t feel the need to follow the latest trends, have a high social status, or boast about having the most expensive technology or fashion. You may be an old soul if you feel like there’s something more important than the material world around you.[2]
- You’re an intellectual who loves knowledge and truth. Old souls are inquisitive and smart, which means you likely consider yourself a student of life, always curious about the world and how it works. You love discovering new facts, wisdom, and truths— to you, everything is a learning opportunity. You may be an old soul if you’re curious about everything, from history to the details of your best friend’s life.[3]
- You’re wise beyond your years. Do many people consider you mature for your age or openly call you “wise beyond your years”? One key aspect of being an old soul is wisdom; you often grow up feeling more mature than others of your age, having a deeper understanding of the world than others, and having interests typical of older generations. You may have the feeling that you’ve already seen it all before.[4]
- You felt like an outsider among other kids your age as a child. As an old soul, you likely don’t have the same interests as other people in your age group and find it harder to make friends with people you can’t relate to. Thus, as a child, you may have been called introverted, precocious, and even rebellious by adults—and you may have felt alienated around other kids because they were at a different maturity level.[5]
- Did you feel like you didn’t quite belong among your classmates at school? Did you often find adults talking to you like you were an adult yourself? If so, you may be an old soul.
- You crave meaningful connections with people. If you’re an old soul, you likely spent your childhood feeling lonely and finding it hard to make new friends—and therefore, today, you look for sturdy, long-lasting friendships built on a genuine connection. You also tend to enjoy deep conversations over small talk! You might be an old soul if you prefer a few close friendships over many acquaintances.[6]
- You feel strong empathy for others. Empaths and old souls often go hand-in-hand. Both feel connected to people and tend to be more considerate of them. However, this can also be a draining experience leading to higher sensitivity and anxiety from consistently worrying about other people’s well-being. You may also be an old soul if you show all the signs of an empath.[7]
- Old souls also tend to care more about world affairs and making a difference. You might be an old soul if you often think about ways to make the world a better place.
- You’re very introspective. Don’t be surprised if you’re constantly contemplating everything and, at times, overthinking. As an old soul, you often get in your own head and ask deep questions about your purpose, life, ethics, and world issues. Developing self-awareness is important to you, so you prioritize reflection and introspection in your daily lives.[8]
- You likely learn from your mistakes and have a deeper understanding of the world around you because you’re always thinking!
- However, that level of introspection can also cause you to overthink and obsess over what you could do better or how to fix your issues.
- You prefer spending time at home alone. As an old soul, you tend to be more introverted and enjoy being alone more than being out in a crowd of people. While you have a close-knit group of friends and like spending time with them, your higher sensitivity means it’s easier for you to get drained by everyday interactions. You may find that you have to take time to recharge sooner and more frequently than others.[9]
- You're often asked for your advice. Old souls are often perceived as wise, mature, and level-headed by peers, which is why friends and family likely flock to you for advice and trust your opinions. Knowing all your friends’ problems and being their counselor may be overwhelming, but you usually don’t mind. You enjoy being able to guide others and make them feel supported.[10]
- You find ways to challenge the status quo. As an old soul, you think outside the box and have a rebellious streak because of your wisdom and maturity. You tend to be skeptical of established norms and rules because you understand that just because someone tells you there’s a right way to do something, doesn’t mean it’s true. You prefer to make your own way in life instead.[11]
- For example, did you often ask “Why?” as a child when someone told you to do something?
- Do you often try to understand the reasoning behind certain conventions rather than mindlessly following them? If so, you may be an old soul.
- You know how to step back and see the bigger picture. If you’re an old soul, you probably don’t get lost in superficial details. You understand that life is short, and it’s important to make the most of it, which means you’re less likely to get upset over things that ultimately don’t matter. You prefer to spend your time as meaningfully as possible, doing things that will bring you happiness or make a difference in the world.[12]
- For example, if you’re an old soul, you might not get what’s so great about being popular in school (or in the workplace). Popularity is fleeting, and you’re more concerned with the bigger picture of where you want to go in life.
- Old souls also want to have a purpose in life. If you’re an old soul, you’re probably not the type to drift aimlessly—you want to make a plan and have something to strive for.
- You recognize fellow old souls when you meet them. Although old souls tend to be loners, it’s usually not hard for you to spot a kindred spirit. Some believe that, as an old soul, you subconsciously look for fellow old souls because you want to find people like you and make a meaningful connection.[13]
- This also connects to the idea that soulmates (or twin flames) can intuitively sense one another.
- If you feel like you have an inexplicably deep connection with someone who also has traits of an old soul, it might be a sign that you're soulmates or twin flames.
- You see the world through a poetic lens. Are you someone who knows how to stop and smell the roses? If you’re an old soul, you tend to appreciate the small, beautiful details in the world that other people might just walk by and ignore. You likely take time to contemplate life and the things you see, whether it’s the sight of a dazzling sunset or the skill and hidden meaning within a piece of art.[14]
- You’re a spiritual person. If you’re an old soul, you likely have a sensitive, spiritual nature. Because old souls are related to reincarnation and spiritual awakenings, you may prioritize things like self-realization, seeking enlightenment, and spreading virtues like love and peace wherever you go. You see life as a spiritual journey and always look for ways to grow spiritually.[15]
- Do spiritual topics like reincarnation, life, and death appeal to you? Do you enjoy learning about spiritual beliefs or practices? You might be an old soul.
- You likely also understand life's fleeting nature and sometimes contemplate mortality. That’s not necessarily a bad thing—it means you know how important it is to live life to the fullest!
- You like the idea of a simple, minimalistic life. As an old soul, you might seem like a complicated person on the outside—but inside, you truly crave simplicity. You likely see the true beauty and purity of a simple life and try to live like a minimalist; you’re most relaxed and peaceful when you can keep things as simple as possible.[16]
- For example, you're probably great at going through your old stuff and discarding items because you know how to tell what really matters and what's unnecessary.
- You prefer spending time with people older than you. Because your old soul is more mature than other people your age, you might decide to hang around people a few years older than you. Their maturity is closer to your own, making it easier for you to relate to them. It may even feel comforting to be around older people because it’s thought that their energy better matches your own internal energy.[17]
- Are multiple people in your friend group older than you—maybe even by several years? Did you get along better with adults than other children as a kid? You might be an old soul.
[Edit]Is having an old soul good or bad?
- Being called an “old soul” is typically a compliment. If you’re an old soul, your unique perspective on life likely makes you wise and more mature than other people your age. You’re thoughtful, considerate, give great advice, and approach life with more experience and understanding, giving you a leg up as you tackle challenges—and those are all good things! Thus, being an old soul is generally positive.[18]
- Conversely, if you’re an old soul, you may have mixed feelings about it. Because old souls are so wise and often perceived as more old-fashioned, you may feel isolated from others.
- Ultimately, having an old soul is good—it’s all about your personal feelings. Luckily, even if you feel isolated, there are always ways to connect with people and build a stronger social circle.
[Edit]Where do old souls come from?
- Your old soul may have awakened through reincarnation. The spiritual explanation for old souls is that you subconsciously carry memories from past lives that give you special insight into the world from a young age. That’s why you may enjoy retro pastimes popular among older generations and be naturally talented at certain things—it’s because of the memories from your past lives.[19]
- Some theorize that everyone is born with a connection to their past selves, but as an old soul, you’re one of the few whose connection hasn’t been stifled throughout childhood by your parents, culture, or society.
- You may have undergone a spiritual awakening during your life. It’s thought that nearly every old soul goes through a process of spiritual awakening, causing your soul to mature. This spiritual awakening is believed to be caused by life-changing events like childhood trauma, marriage, divorce, birth, death, illness, or tragedy. Upon experiencing something so significant, your soul awakens and connects to its past experiences.[20]
- It’s also thought that, in some cases, spiritual awakening can be totally spontaneous. You might experience it naturally as you go through life.
- Ultimately, a spiritual awakening may help you search for true happiness and fulfillment.
- Even if you’re not sure about the spiritual side of old souls, some believe that life-changing events simply force you to grow up faster than your peers, thus giving you traits of an old soul.
- You may have traits of an old soul if you’re highly sensitive. When you have lots of empathy and intuition, you may also naturally be more tuned into the bigger picture and the world around you, giving you traits of an old soul. For example, high sensitivity may help you take in the fine details of your environment and be more aware of when someone or something just doesn’t feel right—making you a wise and intuitive old soul.[21]
- Ultimately, there’s no “proven” way to become an old soul or any concrete way to explain the concept—after all, “old soul” is simply a term used to describe those who seem uncommonly mature for their age.
[Edit]How to Live Well as an Old Soul
- Do inner work to increase your self-awareness. As an old soul, you likely strive for self-awareness and fulfillment—and inner work may help you achieve those things. Inner work is the practice of using self-reflection to connect with your inner self and find a sense of purpose.[22] It’s a combination of cultivating self-love, practicing mindfulness, and confronting issues that might be weighing on you. To do inner work:
- Meditate to be more present and ground yourself. While meditating, check in with yourself; ask yourself how you feel.
- Keep a journal and record your experiences and ideas there. Journaling can be a great way to gain clarity when your mind feels confused or clouded.
- Contemplate issues carefully. If you’re grappling with a problem, reflect on it and how it may connect to your values. Reflection might help you unlock new solutions!
- Surround yourself with like-minded people. Old souls tend to thrive with fellow old souls to spend time around—people with the same awareness and qualities. Start befriending individuals who tend to think the way you do and think of themselves as old souls! A like-minded inner circle can be a supportive, positive influence in your life.[23]
- For example, try meeting people with similar interests to yours. A fellow old soul will probably find joy in the same things you do.
- Look for social and community events that appeal to you, and join online communities related to your interest. Odds are, you’ll meet like-minded people there.
- Strike a balance between wisdom and playfulness. You may be wise beyond your years, but don’t let that stop you from having fun! After all, fun isn’t something limited to a particular age. Focus on maintaining a positive, playful spirit in your daily life, and remember to balance the moments of seriousness and introspection with joy and lightheartedness.[24] For example:
- Try new things! The more you explore brand-new activities and experience the unexpected, the more whimsical life feels.
- Smile and laugh throughout the day, whether that means joking around with friends or watching your favorite comedy show.
- Blast your favorite songs and dance around to them simply because you can.
- Cultivate positivity by expressing gratitude for the tiny, everyday things in life that make you smile.
- Protect your energy and take time to recharge when you need it. As an old soul, your high levels of empathy and sensitivity can likely be pretty draining at times. Therefore, it’s important to protect your energy levels and take care of yourself! If you’re feeling tired or emotionally exhausted, don’t ignore it and overextend yourself. Make time for yourself to relax and recharge that social battery.[25] For example:
- Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and say “no” if making plans is going to cause you anxiety. Don't let other people pressure you into anything!
- Solo hobbies can be a soothing buffer between the time you spend socializing. Plan to spend time each week doing an activity that makes you happy.
- Spending time in nature can be super soothing. Try walking somewhere by yourself, whether it's through your neighborhood, along a hiking trail, or down a sandy beach.
- Being an old soul doesn't limit your ability to be active. Continue living like you always would.
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source How to of the Day
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