be more attractive: How to Roku Secret Menu

mardi 7 janvier 2025

How to Roku Secret Menu

Uncover the menus Roku doesn't want you to find

Want to dig deep into your Roku streaming device or TV's settings? Once you know all the Roku secret menu codes, you can! By entering certain key combinations on your Roku remote, you can access hidden screens and menus that let you view and edit preferences that aren't available in the traditional Settings menu. This wikiHow article will show you how to access every secret menu and screen on your Roku.


[Edit]Developer Settings Menu

  1. The developer menu lets Roku app developers test their apps. You can use the menu to enable the developer installer and sideload apps on your Roku and manage the "rokudev" user account.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 1.jpg
    • Developer menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 3 times, press Up 2 times, then Right > Left > Right > Left > Right.[1]
    • Only one app can be sideloaded onto your Roku at a time.

[Edit]Network Menu

  1. The secret Roku Network menu lets you view and edit network settings. On this menu, you can view your Wi-Fi or ethernet details, check your connection, set up a new connection, and enable (or disable) bandwidth saver mode.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 2.jpg
    • Secret Network menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Right > Left > Right > Left > Right.

[Edit]Wireless Menu

  1. Roku's secret Wi-Fi menu provides details about your wireless connection. This menu, called "Wireless Secret Screen," lets you view signal strength, antenna information, glitch rate, and logs, perform a speed test, and reset the network.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 3.jpg
    • Secret Wi-Fi menu code: Press the Home button on your Roku remote 5 times, then press Up > Down > Up > Down > Up.

[Edit]Reset and Update Menu (Secret Screen 1)

  1. This secret menu lets you update, reset, and view hidden information. This menu, which is known as "Secret Screen 1," lets you clear all of your Roku settings and start from scratch, check for and install firmware and software updates, perform USB tests, and view your Roku's IP and MAC addresses, find your serial and model number, and more.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 4.jpg
    • Secret Reset and Update menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Fast Forward > Fast Forward > Fast Forward > Rewind > Rewind.

[Edit]Ads and Screenshots Menu (Secret Screen 2)

  1. The "Secret Screen 2" menu adjusts screenshots, ads, and images. You can use this menu to change the way ads are displayed on your Roku's screensaver, change the image format, and even disable screensaver ads entirely—though some users have reported that Roku no longer allows you to turn off ads completely.[2]
    Roku Secret Menu Step 5.jpg
    • Secret Screen 2 code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Up > Right > Down > Left > Up.
    • You may have to restart your Roku for the changes to take effect.

[Edit]HDMI Menu

  1. The HDMI menu displays HDMI support information. This secret menu displays your Roku's HDMI settings, including a list of supported resolutions.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 6.jpg
    • Secret HDMI menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Down > Left > Up > Up > Up.

[Edit]Platform Menu

  1. View your Roku's system specs and find other secret menus. The secret Platform menu on your Roku not only provides specs like the system's CPU temperature, speed, IP address, and connected remotes, it's also a gateway to other secret menus, including the System Operations menu, RF Remote menu, Wireless menu, IPv6 menu, and View Remote Button Presses menu.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 7.jpg
    • Secret Platform menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Fast forward > Play > Rewind > Play > Fast Forward.

[Edit]TCL TV Menu

  1. If you have a TCL Roku TV, you can access a TV-specific secret menu. The menu, which is called "TV Secret Screen," lets you adjust HDR-specific settings on your TCL Roku TV. The HDR settings are in the regular Settings menu on most other Roku devices, but you'll need this special code on TCL models.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 8.jpg
    • Secret TV menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Rewind > Down > Fast Forward > Down > Rewind.

[Edit]Channel Info Menu

  1. The secret Channel Info menu displays version and build info for your Roku channels. This menu can be helpful if you need to know which app version you're using to troubleshoot a specific Roku channel/app.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 9.jpg
    • Secret Channel Info menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 3 times, Press Up 2 times, then press Left > Right > Left > Right > Left.

[Edit]Bitrate Override Menu

  1. If your Roku is older, you may still be able to use this menu. It used to be possible to use this menu to set a specific bitrate for Roku channels, but the feature didn't work too well. While you won't be able actually to make these changes anymore, you can still view the old settings on some older Roku models.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 10.jpg
    • Secret Bitrate Override menu code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, press Rewind 3 times, then press Fast Forward 2 times.

[Edit]Secret Reboot Code

  1. You can also use a secret code to restart your Roku. If you don’t want to navigate through menus to restart your Roku device, you can use a secret shortcut from your Roku remote. Once you enter this code, your remote will freeze, and your Roku will reboot.
    Roku Secret Menu Step 11.jpg
    • Secret Reboot code: Press the Home button on your remote 5 times, then press Up > Rewind > Rewind > Fast Forward > Fast Forward.


  • Enter the secret menu codes on your Roku's Home screen, not when an app is open.
  • Roku is always updating their software, so some secret menus may disappear at any time.
  • While it used to be possible to add secret channels to your Roku, Roku has since removed all private channels.[3]


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