be more attractive: How to Respond to How's It Going

vendredi 24 janvier 2025

How to Respond to How's It Going

Never struggle to quickly come up with a response again

You’re going about your day when someone asks you "How's it going?" A simple question, right? Then why can it feel so tricky to answer? Don't worry—we’ve compiled a list of the best ways to respond to “How’s it going?” from a loved one, friend, stranger, or dating app match. Whether you're looking for a polite, creative, flirty, or funny response, we've got you covered.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Keep your reply short and simple if you don’t know the person well or don’t want to chat.
  • Ask them how their day is going to flip the topic of conversation back to them if you’re not sure what to say.
  • Give your response a bit of flair by putting a positive twist on a sucky situation or bringing up a current event.


[Edit]“I’m doing well!”

  1. Give a positive response if you’re feeling great. You can’t go wrong with a simple yet truthful reply, especially if the day’s been amazing! Let a friend or stranger know that things are going well for a quick but polite response. You might also say:
    Respond to How's It Going Step 1.jpg
    • “Great!”
    • “Brilliant!”
    • “I feel blessed!”

[Edit]“Not great.”

  1. Let them know you’re having a rough day. Unfortunately, not all days can be full of sunshine and rainbows. If you’re feeling a bit blah, consider shrugging and giving one of these quick responses:[1]
    Respond to How's It Going Step 2.jpg
    • “So-so.”
    • “Eh, not the best day.”
    • “I've been better.”[2]

[Edit]“I guess it could be worse.”

  1. Put a positive spin on a bad day to spark a conversation. This is a great response when you’re blue and want to chat but don’t know if the asker is up for it. It sets up a follow-up question or gives plenty of space to end a polite greeting.[3]
    Respond to How's It Going Step 3.jpg
    • “Not awesome, but the day’s still young.”
    • “I’m alive, so that’s good.”
    • “Some days you’re the bug, and some days you’re the windshield. Today, I’m the bug 😅”

[Edit]“Pretty good. You?”

  1. Follow up with a quick reply with the same question. This is the perfect response for someone you don’t know well but want to know a bit better, such as a Tinder match or colleague. Briefly state how you’re doing, and then ask how they are.[4]
    Respond to How's It Going Step 4.jpg
    • “I’m okay. How about you?”
    • “I’m well! How have you been?”
    • “Alright, I supposed. How’s it going with you?”

[Edit]“I’ve been good. Thanks for asking!”

  1. Let them know how glad you are that they asked. Whether you’re chatting with a loved one or a stranger, share just how much their question means to you. You can fill them in on the details or keep things simple with a “good” and “thanks.”
    Respond to How's It Going Step 5.jpg
    • “That’s so nice of you to ask! I’m doing alright.”
    • “It’s been pretty busy here. Thank you for asking.”
    • “How sweet of you 🥺 I’ve been okay, but I could use someone to talk to.”

[Edit]“I’m great, thanks! How are classes going?”

  1. Ask a specific follow-up question if you know them. If you know something important that’s going on in the asker's life, ask them about it to keep the conversation going, especially if you don’t want to go into the nitty-gritty of your life. Your open-ended question may look something like:[5]
    Respond to How's It Going Step 6.jpg
    • “Pretty good. What about you? How’d that inspection go?”
    • “It’s going well! But you must tell me about your date with David! 👀”
    • “I’m doing okay. How was dinner with dad?”

[Edit]“To be honest, I wish it was Friday already.”

  1. Allude to something anyone can relate to. How you’re doing can sometimes be summed up in a single thought. Be a little creative in your response and show off your personality (especially if you’re chatting with a dating app match) with a statement like:
    Respond to How's It Going Step 7.jpg
    • “The sun’s shining, so it can’t be too bad.”
    • “67 days till Christmas!!! That’s where my mind is at 😂”
    • “I had pasta for lunch, and that was the highlight of my week 🙃”

[Edit]“Still recovering from the weekend.”

  1. Bring up something you did together. If you know this person well and did something together recently, use this time to follow up. This is a great way to keep the conversation rolling and reminisce on the fun times you had.[6]
    Respond to How's It Going Step 8.jpg
    • “My ears are still buzzing from the concert, bro!”
    • “Thinking about how I’ll get to snuggle you again in another week ❤️”
    • “Eating your delicious pumpkin pie! How is it so creamy?”

[Edit]“I’d be better if you were by my side.”

  1. Tell your crush or partner how much you miss them. If their “How’s it going?” makes you long for their company, don’t be afraid to say so! Let your romantic interest or dating app match know that thinking and hearing from them makes your day that much better.
    Respond to How's It Going Step 9.jpg
    • “The rain sure is gloomy, but your text brightened my day 🥰”
    • “Just wishing teleportation existed so I could see you this very second.”
    • “It’s going well, but not as well as it could be with you in my arms 😉”

[Edit]“How was the party last night?”

  1. Turn the question around if you don’t feel like answering. There’s never an obligation to talk about your personal life, especially when it comes to people you don’t really know. If you’d rather not talk about how you’re doing, try flipping the question back to them. The more specific you are, the longer the conversation can stay on them.
    Respond to How's It Going Step 10.jpg
    • “Tell me about your date!”
    • “How did the meeting go? Are they giving us more hours?”
    • “Did you make that casserole again last night? I’ve wanted to try it since you first brought it for lunch.”

[Edit]“At the Grammys, or…?”

  1. Bring up a current event for a witty but smart response. This is an excellent way to spark a conversation with a friend, stranger, or dating app match. Not only does it show you’re caught up on the news, but it also shows off your wit. Try getting a conversation started with:
    Respond to How's It Going Step 11.jpg
    • “Well, Alabama lost to Tennessee, so it’s a pretty sad day.”
    • “In general or in the White House?”



[Edit]Quick Summary

source How to of the Day

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